DAX Moving Average Based on 4 Level Index - indexing

I have trouble calculating MA for products' prices. Data is in the following format:
Region has municipalities, products are sold there falling into certain categories by dates on a weekly basis, and not all weeks are filled due to seasonality.
I found a ranking formula and adjusted based on these 4 criteria. Here is the DAX expression for ranking (calculated column):
index2 =
EARLIER ( _2017[RegionName] ) = _2017[RegionName] &&
EARLIER ( _2017[MunicipalityName] ) = _2017[MunicipalityName] &&
EARLIER (_2017[ProductCategoryName] )= _2017[ProductCategoryName] &&
EARLIER ( _2017[ProductName] ) = _2017[ProductName]
After a change in product name, the index resets. All is good till here. But when I try to add any kind of running total according to this index, it seems to calculate prices' sum for all products, giving the same result at index reset and so on for every product.
Here are some measures I've tried:
cummulatives =
VAR ind = MAX(_2017[index2])-3
VAR m1=
VAR m2=
Attached is an image of the table. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

If you want the cumulative sum to reset with a new ProductName, then that has to be part of your filter context. You've removed that context using the ALL() function.
You can either put it back into the filter context or else not remove it in the first place. I would suggest the latter by using ALLEXCEPT(_2017, _2017[ProductName]) instead of ALL(_2017)


Need a dynamic range/bucket in SSAS and would like to use it as a column in the power bi matrix

In a SSAS cube, I have a table called Workload with ID and CATG as columns.
and another table Hierarchy with ID and Name
I need output in the following way
*Range = number of DISTINCT CATG from Workload table.
I need the count of IDs from Workload based on the Range.
Can you please help me with this?
I tried to create Range as a column in the Workload table. But as it is a column and not a metric, we cant apply any other filters from other tables. If I create it as a metric, I cant use it as a column in pbi matrix.
You can do this with an additional unconnected SupportTable, where you need to store range Label, Min and Max value per range:
CountOfIDs = var _rangeMin = SELECTEDVALUE(SupportLabel[MinVal]) var
_rangeMax = SELECTEDVALUE(SupportLabel[MaxVal]) return COUNTROWS( FILTER( SUMMARIZE('Workload','Workload'[ID],"distvalperid", calculate(DISTINCTCOUNT(Workload[CTRG]) )), [distvalperid] <=
_rangeMax && [distvalperid] >= _rangeMin) )

Calculate measure using [field1] - [field2] > x as filter

I have a fact table containing columns OriginalPrice and PaidPrice for customer transactions. I would like to know how many transactions befenit from a discount OriginalPrice - PaidPrice between 10 and 20 dollars. I already have a measure #Customer that describes the number of customers.
This is for a PowerBI report using a Live connection to SSAS. New columns and some DAX functions are not available in this connection mode.
DiscountTier1 = CALCULATE([#Customer],(FactTable[OriginalPrice]-FactTable[PaidPrice]) >= 10, FactTable[OriginalPrice]-FactTable[PaidPrice]) < 20)
By doing this I want to know the number of customers that had a discount between 10 and 20 dollars.
Currently I have an error as follows:
CALCULATE has been used in a True/False expression that is used as a table filter expression. This is not allowed
Any suggestions of how to achieve this or what I am doing wrong?
Thank you!
Add the FILTER function as the second parameter of CALCULATE, and in this you can filter the fact table for records satisfying your criteria. I'd also recommend using the AND function for better readability and long term maintenance.
DiscountTier1 =
FactTable[OriginalPrice] - FactTable[PaidPrice]
>= 10,
FactTable[OriginalPrice] - FactTable[PaidPrice]
<= 20
You are searching for a measure like this:
DiscountTier1 =
CALCULATE(SUM(FactTable[OriginalPrice])) - CALCULATE(SUM(FactTable[PaidPrice]))
[DISCOUNT] <= 20 && [DISCOUNT] >= 10
This query calculates the discount of all rows, and filter the rows with a discount between 10 and 20

If Statements For Power Pivot

I'm trying to figure out how to calculate my compliance % measures based on if statements.
If [alias]=company A, then the percentage should equal 100%. If it does not, then it should calculate the total complying spend/total overall spend.
However, when I tried to set up the if statement it gives me an error and says that the single value for "alias" column cannot be determined.
I have tried If(Values) statements, but I need it to return more than one value.
Measures always aggregate. The question is what you want the compliance calculation to be when you're looking at 2 companies? 3 companies? Right now, neither your question nor your formula accounts for this possibility at all, hence the error.
If you're thinking "Compliance % doesn't make sense if you're looking at more than one company", then you can write your formula to show BLANK() if there's more than one company:
IF (
HASONEVALUE ( 'Waste Hauling Extract'[Alias] ),
IF (
VALUES ( 'Waste Hauling Extract'[Alias] ) = "company A",
[PCT Non-compliant]
If you want something else to happen when there's more than one company, then DAX functions like CALCULATE, SUMX or AVERAGEX would allow you to do what you want to do.
The trick with DAX generally is that the formula has to make sense not just on individual rows of a table (where Alias has a unique value), but also on subtotals and grand totals (where Alias does not have a unique value).
Based on your comment that any inclusion of company A results in 100%, you could do something such as:
IF (
COUNTROWS ( 'Waste Hauling Extract' ),
FILTER ( 'Waste Hauling Extract', 'Waste Hauling Extract'[Alias] = "company A" )
[PCT Non-compliant],
The new CALCULATE statement filters the Waste Hauling Extract table to just company A rows, and then counts those rows. If there are no company A rows, then after the filter it will be an empty table and the row count will be blank (rather than 0). I check for this with ISBLANK() and then display either the Non-Compliant or Compliant number accordingly.
Note: the FILTER to just company A only applies to the CALCULATE statement; it doesn't impact the PCT measures at all.

DAX formula for - MAX of COUNT

I have the below dataset:
using the measure:
BalanceCount := COUNT(Balances[Balance])
which gives me the result:
However, I want the Grand Total to show the maximum amount of the BalanceCount, which is 2.
SUMMARIZE() groups by the columns specified, and MAXX() iterates through the table specified, returning the maximum of the expression in the second argument evaluated for each row in its input table.
Since the filter context will limit the rows of the fact table, we'll only have the appropriate subsets in each column/row grand total.
I found a solution that works for this particular case. It will not work if columns other than Account and MonthEnd are included in the filter context.

Counting items with multiple criteria

I have a table (getECRs) in PowerPivot.
Right now, I've been able to create a calculated column that counts how many times the row's customer ID (BAN) occurs in the BAN column with the following formula:
What I'm having difficulty with is adding multiple criteria to the CALCULATE formula in PowerPivot.
Each row has a column that gives the date the request was generated _CreateDateKey. I'm trying to include criteria that would only include multiple BANs if they fall within 7 days (before or after) the _CreateDateKey for the row.
For example for one BAN, there are the following dates and their expected counts:
_CreateDateKey Count Explanation
6/13/2014 3 Does not include 6/23
6/13/2014 3 Does not include 6/23
6/16/2014 4 Includes all
6/23/2014 2 Does not include the 2 items from 6/13
In Excel I would use a COUNTIFS statement, like below to get the desired result (using table structure naming)
But I can't seem to figure out the relative criteria needed for the dates. I tried the following as a criteria to the CALCULATE function, but it resulted in an error:
Error: Column '_CreateDateKey' cannot be found or may not be used in this expression.
This formula answers your specific question. It's a good pattern to get down as it's highly re-usable - the EARLIER() is referencing the value of the current row (slightly more complex than this but that is the end result):
getECRs[BAN] = EARLIER ( getECRs[BAN] )
&& getECRs[_CreateDateKey]
>= EARLIER ( getECRs[_CreateDateKey] ) - 7
&& getECRs[_CreateDateKey]
<= EARLIER ( getECRs[_CreateDateKey] ) + 7
Fundamentally you should probably be looking to get away from the 'Excel mindset' of using a calculated column and deal with this using a measure.
An adaptation of the above would look like this - it would use the filter context of the PIVOT in which you were using it (e.g. if BAN was rows then you would get the count for that BAN).
You may need to adjust the ALL() if is too 'open' for your real world context and you might have to deal with totals using HASONEVALUE():
getECRs[_CreateDateKey] >= MAX ( getECRs[_CreateDateKey] ) - 7 &&
getECRs[_CreateDateKey] <= MAX ( getECRs[_CreateDateKey] ) + 7