Oracle 12c - other database sessions long running during SQL-LOADER session running - sql

When a session is loading the table on a different partition using the SQLLDR to spool one flat file , we see other sessions on the same table starts long running and are failing after a long time with the error
"ORA-08103: object no longer exists"
We did some initial check for this.
Our table is partitioned and we are using partition key to load from the flat file.
Table's Object id is not changing during that period. Only the partition's Id is changing because we are doing a truncate partition before loading.
We have no global index on it,all indexes are local.
Some flat files are too huge and sometime the AWR report shows complete I/O system consumed.


databricks error IllegalStateException: The transaction log has failed integrity checks

I have a table that I need drop, delete transaction log and recreate, but while I am trying to drop I get following error.
I have ran repair table statement on this one and could be responsible for error but not sure.
IllegalStateException: The transaction log has failed integrity checks. We recommend you contact Databricks support for assistance. To disable this check, set to false. Failed verification of:
Table size (bytes) - Expected: 0 Computed: 63233
Number of files - Expected: 0 Computed: 1
We think this may just be related to s3 eventual consistency. Please try waiting a few extra minutes after deleting the Delta directory before writing new data to it. Also, normal MSCK REPAIR TABLE doesn't do anything for Delta, as Delta doesn't use the Hive Metastore to store the partitions. There is an FSCK REPAIR TABLE, but that is for removing the file entries from the transaction log of a Databricks Delta table that can no longer be found in the underlying file system.
We don't recommend overwriting a Delta table in place, like you might with a normal Spark table. Delta is not like a normal table - it's a table, plus a transaction log, and many versions of your data (unless fully vacuumed). If you want to overwrite parts of the table, or even the whole table, you should use Delta's delete functionality. If you want to completely change the table, consider writing to an entirely new directory, such as /table/v2/... and separately deleting the other table.
To skip the issue from occurring can use below command (PySpark notebook):
spark.conf.set("", False)

Hive Add partition to external table slow

So I need to create a external table for some data stored on S3 and add partitions explicitly (unfortunately, the directory hierarchy does not fit the dynamic partition functionality due to the name mismatch)
for example:
add partition for region:euwest1, year:2018, month:01, day:18, hour:18 at:s3://mybucket/mydata/euwest1/YYYY=2018/MM=01/dd=18/HH=18/
I ran this on an EMR cluster with Hive 2.3.2 and instance type r4.2xarge, which has 8 vCores and 61GB ram.
It takes about 4 seconds to finish adding one partition, it's not too bad but if we need to process multiple days of data then adding partitions would take a long time.
Is there anyway to make this process faster?

Hive insert vs Hive Load: What are the trade offs?

I'm learning Hadoop/Big data technologies. I would like to ingest data in bulk into hive. I started working with a simple CSV file and when I tried to use INSERT command to load each record by record, one record insertion itself took around 1 minute. When I put the file into HDFS and then used the LOAD command, it was instantaneous since it just copies the file into hive's warehouse. I just want to know what are the trade offs that one have to face when they opt in towards LOAD instead of INSERT.
Load- Hive does not do any transformation while loading data into tables. Load operations are currently pure copy/move operations that move datafiles into locations corresponding to Hive tables.
Insert-Query Results can be inserted into tables by using the insert clause and which in turn runs the map reduce jobs.So it takes some time to execute.
In case if you want to optimize/tune the insert statements.Below are some techniques:
1.Setting the execution Engine in hive-site.xml to Tez(if its already installed)
set hive.execution.engine=tez;
customerID int, name string, age int, address string
) STORED AS ORC tblproperties (“orc.compress" = “SNAPPY”);
3. Concurrent job runs in hive can save the overall job running time .To achieve that hive-default.xml,below config needs to be changed:
set hive.exec.parallel=true;
set hive.exec.parallel.thread.number=<your value>;
For more info,you can visit
Hope this helps.

Bigquery load job said successful but data did not get loaded into table

I submitted a Bigquery load job, it ran and returned with the status successful. But the data didn't make into the destintation table.
Here was the command that was run:
/usr/local/bin/bq load --nosynchronous_mode --project_id=ardent-course-601 --job_id=logsToBq_load_impressions_20140816_1674a956_6c39_4859_bc45_eb09db7ef99a --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON dw_logs_impressions.impressions_20140816 gs://sm-uk-hadoop/queries/logsToBq_transformLogs/impressions/20140816/9307f6e3-0b3a-44ca-8571-7107c399998c/part* /opt/sm-analytics/projects/logsTobqMR/jsonschema/impressionsSchema.txt
I checked the job status of the job logsToBq_load_impressions_20140816_1674a956_6c39_4859_bc45_eb09db7ef99a. The input file count and size showed the correct number of input files and total size.
Does anyone know why the data didn't make into the table but yet the job is reported as successful?
Just in case this is not a mistake on our side, I ran the load job again but to a different destination table and this time the data made into the destination table fine.
Thank you.
I experienced this recently with BigQuery in sandbox mode without a billing account.
In this mode the partition expiration is automatically set to 60 days. If you load data into the table where the partitioned column(e.g. date) is older than 60 days it won't show up in the table. The load job still succeeds with the correct number of output rows.
This is very surprising, but I've confirmed via the logs that this is indeed the case.
Unfortunately, the detailed logs for this job, which ran on August 16, are no longer available. We're investigating whether this may have affected other jobs more recently. Please ping this thread if you see this issue again.
we had this issue in our system and the reason was like table was set with partition expiry for 30 days and table was partitioned on timestamp column.. Hence when someone was ingesting data which is older than partition expiry date bigquery load jobs were successfully completed in Spark but we see no data in ingestion tables.. since it was getting deleted moment after it was ingested.. due to partition expiry set on.
Please check your bigquery table partition expiry parameters and see the partition column value of incoming data. If it value will be lower than partition expiry.. you wont see data in bigquery tables.. it will get deleted just after the ingestion.

HSQLDB clear table data after restart

I want to save some temporary data in memory, which should be removed after server shuts down.
There is a temporary table in HSQLDB, but the data is removed immediately after transaction committed, which is too short for me. On the other side, the memory table keeps a script log file and resume the data when server new starts. It takes time and place to maintain such script logs, which are useless for my situation.
what I need is just a type of table, only the table structure is persistent in hard disk, the data and the data operations should only be performed in memory. Otherwise why do I need a in-memory DB instead of mysql?
Is there such type of table in HSQLDB?
Create the file: database, then create the tables. Perform SHUTDOWN. Edit the .properties file for the database, add the setting below and save.
When you perform your tests with this database, no data is written to disk.
Alternatively, with the latest versions of HSQLDB 2.2.x, you can can specify this property on the connection URL during the tests. For example