Currently if we init our project using ReactNative, default we using 0.56 version.
This version isn't a stable and every single new project after create I need to install 0.55.4
Is it possible to create instant project with 0.55.4 version of ReactNative ?
You can use the below mentioned command to create the react native project with the specific react native version.
react-native init ProjectName --version react-native#0.55.4
I have tried to install app using
npx react-native init ProjectName
But it has just created package and node module files and not created Platform-specific folders like android and ios.
Try rerunning this command in another folder.
Check if there any errors in terminal where you ran that command
I'm working on a react-native project of version 0.60.4. a third party module(react-native-webrtc) is not supported for that version so I trying to downgrade the react-native version.
I tried that by simply changing the package on react-native in package.json.then getting an error given below.
Build input file cannot be found: 'XXXXXX/node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/jsi/jsi/jsi.cpp'
I am recently installing npm and react native
I heard from a 2years old tutorial that new npm versions don't support react native
has this issue been fixed or is npm#5 still incompatible with react native?
Try latest node modules and react-native package.It is better to use Node Version 10 or above for better development environment.
I need to initialize a new react native project. Recommended method to create a react native project is by using a tool called create-react-app.
But this tool comes with built in 'expo' tool-chain which omit creating ./android directory within my application root directory.
Is there a way to tell while create-react-app command to create the app without integrating "Expo" ?
Why I need this is that i want to use some external native Java libraries integrated with my react-native app.
If you want to use the new archictecure with Hermes (RN version 0.70 or later), you can run:
npx react-native#latest init AwesomeProject
Where the name of your project can replace AwesomeProject.
As they note, first make sure to remove react-native-cli if you have it installed globally.
npm uninstall -g react-native-cli #react-native-community/cli
Read more from the official docs here.
How to find the current/latest available version and subversion of react native from the web? 0.41.0, 0.41.1, 0.41.2 etc
Not this react-native --version, as this finds the version of the current project.
You can try: npm show react-native version. The current result is