Can you save text files using PascalABC.NET? - game-engine

e.g. have a line be saing "save ('hp=30,x=3,y=74,mode=7')=save.txt"
and after executing it there will be a text file named "save" in the folder with the executable, and will contain "hp=30,x=3,y=74,mode=7", is that possible? And is it possible to "load" it so it will give specified silible its content?


taking an excel file as a input data from user in julia

I want to ask from users to load an excel file as an input data. this process must be done by opening a browsing window to select excel file.
what can I do?
You can use open_dialog_native from Gtk.jl.
julia> open_dialog_native("Choose the input Excel file", GtkNullContainer(), ("*.xlsx",))
It opens the file chooser interface appropriate to the user's OS, and once the file is chosen, returns the chosen file's full path as a string.
The ("*.xlsx",) is a tuple that constrains what type of files are shown by default in the file chooser. (The GtkNullContainer() argument just specifies that you're not running this as part of an existing GTK app.)
Documentation here

How to append one text file to another text file

I need to append 1 text file to another text file.
I've done several keyword searches, and keep coming up with instructions on adding text to an existing file ... which is not the same as appending one text file to another text file.
In a well-designed language, it might look something like the line below, with the contents of source2 added to source1.
Append(path/source1, path/source2, ResultCode)

Find file with specific text in folder

I am trying to loop through all the files in a folder and get the path of one that contains a specific part of text. The text is not always in the same position and the folder is a network folder.
What would be the fastest way to do this in a network folder that contains hundreds of files with more than 30Mb each?
The Dir() solution did not work as it says "Bad file name or number" (Error 52). I am referencing the network path as \\thisisthefolder\anotherfolder\

Append multiple PDF files

I have about 600 PDF files that I want to add a single disclaimer page to the beginning of each of them. So, I need to find a way to merge two PDF documents where one file is always the same and and comes first and the second file is changing.
Please let me know how I can do this.
I found this:
So you could do something like this in a shell script:
for f in {a.pdf b.pdf c.pdf}; do
"/System/Library/Automator/Combine PDF Pages.action/Contents/Resources/" -o "$f" "$page1" "$f"
You can wrap this in an Applescript or automator workflow it you like.
Combine an unknown PDF with a known PDF
Automator can do this. You would save it as an application, so that you can drop the second file onto it. Your steps would be something like:
Get Specified Finder Items: Add the known PDF document here, the one that is “always the same and comes first”.
Combine PDF Pages
Move Finder Items: To: Combined Files. This will create a randomly-named file in the folder “Combined Files” which you will need to create.
If this Automator workflow is saved as an application, you can drop your second, "changing" file onto the application icon. The workflow will combine the two, putting the named file first.
Loop this workflow for each dropped file
In order to do this on multiple files at once, you will need to create a second workflow that loops through each dropped file and calls the above workflow. This second workflow is also created as an application. It has only one step:
Run Workflow: choose the workflow created in the previous step, and process items in batches of 1 at a time using 1 workflow.
Give the files a more usable name
That’s the basics. The obvious drawback is that all of the files have random names. That can be fixed by grabbing the original filename into a variable, and saving the new, combined document using that name in your new folder.
First, add four new steps to the top of the first workflow, in front of “Get Specified Finder Items”:
Run AppleScript
Set Value of Variable: name the variable filepath.
Run AppleScript
Set Value of Variable: name the variable filename.
Get Value of Variable: filepath
The first two steps save the full path to the dropped PDF. The second two steps get just the filename portion. The fifth new step pops the full path back into the workflow so that it can be combined with the known disclaimer.
Set the AppleScript in step 1 to:
on run {input, parameters}
return input
end run
Set the AppleScript in step 3 to:
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "Finder"
set filename to name of file input
end tell
end run
Then, add a step at the end to rename the file. After Move Finder Items add *Rename Finder Items. Choose “Name Single Item”, “Full name to” and then drag the variable filename up to the text box.

VB.NET: How to programatically create a text file in SSIS!

I would like to create a text file with some data i am manipulating in a script component and write it to a text file. i know how to write it to an existing text file, but what i would like to do is create the text file programmatically so i can name it textfile(TodaysDate).txt
How can i do this??
You can call File.CreateText(someString).
This method returns a StreamWriter which can be used to write to the file.
Remember to close the StreamWriter usinga using statement.
If you start with a sample of the text file that you want stored somewhere, you can use a file system task to copy the sample file to the correct name (make sure you copy so that it's still there for tomorrow). Then use an expression to set the file location in the file connection manager.