Open share dialog in both web and mobile using angular 4-5-6 - angular5

I want to share my jokes status etc using angular 5 web.
When I click on share button from particular jokes it will shows me share dialog if user open website from mobile .


Vue based Telegram Web App opens page outside of Vue path in Browser

I have a Vue-based Telegram Web App (API 6.x), which opens in Telegram App, clicking on the for Bot defined Button.
Now inside of the (one page, no router) Vue app I need to bring user to another, non-vue-based page.
Vue App >
Link to >
// inside vue component
<button #click="participate()">Participate Winning Game</button>
Participate Winning Game
As soon the User clicks on the link (or I do in participate() window.location.href/replace), Telegram asks the user to open /gam/win in Browser.
Is there a way to avoid this behavior and load /game/win inside the Telegram App?
Earlier I faced the same problem. Telegram Web App for Bot suggests opening any links in an external browser. I did not find documentation on the work of links in the application.
In my application on JS, I implemented a page redraw with new data received from the backend.
P.S. links to phones or other messengers like
do not work at all.

Track user from web page to app install & open

I have a requirement where there is a promotional mobile web page where the user can click to download and install the app via AppGallery. When the user opens the app it should display custom content and record that back to our API based on the tracking ID (coming from the web page).
If the user installed the app normally (eg. didn't go through the promo page) then no custom content displayed.
How can the app know that it was installed and opened via a promo web page?
I'm using react-native.
You can embed the AppLinking hyperlink in the promotion page to implement this function.
For Detail,pls kindly refer:
Hope this could help with your issue. :)

HTML IMA SDK - Custom click through

Show the Visit Website link for the VAST clickThrough. By default in we desktop, whole ima3 container is clickable and redirecting to clickThrough url. Is there anyway to show the clickThrough url like youtube?
I have tried with custom click element. But it will only for web mobile. In the web desktop it won't work.
Demo Link:
Just an update on this ticket, the user seem to contact goolgle ima sdk, and they say that is just not possible

Cannot find under-development app under My Apps

I have created a trial store and a new app. I am trying to install the app for my store but I cannot find it listed under My Apps....
What do I need to test my app?
When you go to My Apps in your store's control panel you should see a tab for My Draft Apps as pictured here.
Store Control Panel Screenshot
Any apps with a status of "Draft" that are shown in the My Apps section of the developer portal should show up under that My Draft Apps tab in the store control panel.
Developer Portal Screenshot

How to do FB feed share post without leaving my hybrid app?

I am making mobile app using Sencha touch which will be bundled as native app and installed on devices. In my app on certain pages I want to add "share" functionality which is supposed to post some data to user's feed. While testing on browser I can to do that by opening a window with FB sharing url like "" or "" and passing all related params as explained in
But when this app is bundled and I share with this, user is moved to browser and cannot return to app because redirect_uri cannot point to app which is why I wanted to open this dialog within my app, probably in an iFrame. This is also not possible because these dialogs are not allowed to be embedded in iframe by META tags and in order to surpass it I have to do user login which again is another dialog which I cannot open in my app's iFrame.
I also looked at sample sencha app but it also takes user to separate login page instead of opening in-app dialog.
So my questions is how does hybrid apps connect with FB without moving out user to browser?
if you decide to use PhoneGap you can try the following two options. You will have to check for the iOS version before you switch your Phonegap call to. . .
Option 1 : for iOS before 6.0
Phonegap has a pretty nifty ChildBrowser plugin that you can use to load the FB share page without leaving the app for iOS 5.0 and below.
Option 2 : for iOS 6.0+
Facebook Share functionality has now been added to iOS. So all you have to do, is call a custom plugin class that you create, and call the standard FB share code using a basic Phonegap plugin call. You won't leave the app, the ChildBrowser doesn't have to show up, instead, you'll get the stock iOS-FB share sheet that will show up, you can add pictures, text, and so on, and post to facebook.