Create an SSL certificate for a Shiny server running on CentOS - ssl

I can't figure how to create an SSL certificate for a Shiny server that runs on a CentOS machine.
My end goal is to be able to access my app with HTTPS.
So instead of - HTTP://
To have something like - HTTPS://
Or even better - HTTPS://mydomain/my-app/
I tried my best with numerous tutorials but I'm not an expert in system administration and didn't have a lot of success.
Would really appreciate any help here!
# cat /etc/centos-release
CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)
# shiny-server --version
Shiny Server v1.5.7.907

My answer in one word: letsencrypt.
Letsencrypt provides an executable that will grant you SSL certificates for all the domains your server handles. For this, it validates your machine by mounting a temporary web server and checks if can reach it with the domain names you provided.
There's more info in the official website. Once you have the certs, simply add them to nginx or Apache or whatever web server you are using.
To forward http calls to your shiny web server you have to use Apache web server as a proxy, that means, that every call yo yourdomain:80, will be redirected to locahost:3838.
You have to edit your default conf. In ubuntu you can find it in this path: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
Then, in the conf file:
<VirtualHost *:80>
# These lines configures SSL
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /path/to/your/ssl.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/your/ssl.key
# These lines configure the proxy
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
# This sets the domain name to listen for
Then, restart apache and you're good to go.


Wildfly, Tomcat, Apache and Subdomains

I have an Ubuntu server in AWS that is running multiple application servers -- a Wildfly serving up some pages and two Tomcats running a separate app.
I am trying to get subdomains working.
I have DNS's set up to point, That works fine.
Wildfly is listening on port 80 (I think?), the Tomcats are listening on 8080 and 8090. The goal is to have go to Wildfly, go to Tomcat : 8080 and go to Tomcat : 8090
I've found numerous posts that talk about setting up virtual hosts in Apache that should solve my problem. But I keep getting sent down rabbit holes. Some suggest adding to /opt/bitnami/apache2/bin/httpd.config and some suggest putting it in /opt/bitnami/apache2/sites-available/
My first issue: I don't think that Apache is even running. I was under the impression that Apache was baked into Wildfly, but when I execute:
service apache2 status
I get:
Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory)
Active: inactive (dead)
Running sudo service --status-all also doesn't show it running so I think that it is not. It seems to be installed (Bitnami stack) in /opt/bitnami/apache2
Do I have to turn Apache on as part of Wildfly (and how to turn it on)? If I do, then I would assume that Wildfly is no longer getting traffic.
Second - my research tells me I need i need to enable proxy and proxy_http using a2enmod and a2ensite but I don't have these. Research suggests that all Ubuntu's will have those scripts... do they get created if I turn on Apache?
Sorry for all the noob questions.... I'm a developer without a DevOps guy. This seems like it would so common it would be baked in or there would be a definite solution that I am probably missing.
For those looking for something similar, here is the solution that worked for me.
My server is a Wildfly-Apache2-MySQL AMI image on AWS. I did not need to use a2enmod nor a2ensite as my research suggested. It seems many of those modules are already enabled by the pre-built image.
To have a subdomain point to a simple Apache text site (
Create a directory in ~/stack/apache2/htdocs called yada
Add an entry to the virtual hosts configuration file (sudo nano /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf)
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/opt/bitnami/apache2/htdocs/yada"
ErrorLog "logs/yada-subdomain-error-log"
CustomLog "logs/yada-subdomain-access-log" common
Modify the Apache configuration file to include the virtual hosts. (sudo nano /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/httpd.conf):
# Supplemental configuration
# The configuration files in the conf/extra/ directory can be
# included to add extra features or to modify the default configuration of
# the server, or you may simply copy their contents here and change as
# necessary.
# Virtual hosts
Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Restart Apache (sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart apache)
To make it point to a Tomcat server, add this to the httpd-vhosts.conf:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPreserveHost On
# setup the proxy
<Proxy *>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8090/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8090/
Your port may differ.
FYI, I found this helpful:
Good luck and shout out to #stdunbar for his guidance.

Mutual TLS with Apache proxy to Tomcat

The setup I am working with involves an Apache server acting as a proxy to a tomcat server which serves several web applications. I have enabled mutual TLS on apache and I can successfully connect to one of my tomcat web applications and verify the client certificate. However, I want to take this one step further... At the moment in my ssl.conf I have a default HTTPS VirtualHost configuration which looks like this:
<VirtualHost *:443>
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /path/to/www_yoursite_com.crt
#other SSL options...
In my modproxy.conf I have a configuration as follows:
ProxyPass /webApp1 https://localhost:1234/webApp1
ProxyPassReverse /webApp1 https://localhost:1234/webApp1
ProxyPass /webApp2 https://localhost:1234/webApp2
ProxyPassReverse /webApp2 https://localhost:1234/webApp2
where 1234 is the https port configured on a connector element on tomcat's server.xml file.
Let's assume that I only want mTLS for webApp1, the problem with this configuration is that I need a client cert on my browser even if I am accessing webApp2 so in other words I want to enable mTLS only for one web application. Even better, I would like to enable mTLS for a specific URL within my web application (is this even possible??), so for example I want mTLS required when someone hits but not on
Is it possible to achieve this with another VirtualHost config for SSL on my ssl.conf ? I am going to test this tomorrow (trying to achieve this with another VirtualHost config that will proxy mTLS to my webApp1) but thought I should ask here as well to avoid trial and error and reinventing the wheel maybe this is easier than I am thinking ?
Yes, you just need separate SSL directives for webApp1 and webApp2. SSL directives can be configured in Apache right down to the directory level.

no let's encrypt renewal with reverse-proxy in ispconfig3

I am running an ISPConfig 3 server with apache. To get HTTPS i use the certbot of let's encrypt. ISPConfig supports cert generation which is working for various cites.
One site runs locally on a different port (as it is a complex system).
To reach it, i added a new site in ISPConfig and configured apache as a reverse proxy as shown below.
The site is up an running, but unable to renew the certificates via certbot (does not work only for this site).
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyVia Off
<Proxy *>
Require all granted
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
I guess the problem is the unreachability of the challenge folder (/acme/.well-known/acme-challenge)
How to configure apache as reverse proxy that it is able to renew its certificate?
I have the same problem here: the proxy endpoint doesn't have the same webroot and cannot serve the .well-known directory correctly, which means Let's Encrypt fails to find it.
The trick is to skip the proxying for the well-known URL, using something like this answer. In my case, it was simply a matter of adding this line:
ProxyPass /.well-known/ !
which will disable the proxying for the certbot directory.
Good luck!

SSL issue with Apache httpd reverse proxy scheme

Apologies this question is a mix of Chef and Apache-httpd, but ultimately I believe it's an Apache-httpd configuration issue.
I have a Chef client/node happily hitting a Chef Server w/ SSL.
Chef client/node - /etc/chef/client.rb
chef_server_url 'https://chefserverhostname/organizations/myOrg'
ssl_verify_mode :verify_peer
I'm trying to put a proxy in front of the Chef Server so I can re-point down the road if needed. Apache-httpd is installed fine (on the same box as Chef Server), all firewall and iptables are consistent with my below configuration.
Chef Server - /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Listen 8443
<VirtualHost *:8443>
ServerAdmin me#email
ServerName chefserverhostname
ServerAlias CDS-PROXY
ProxyPass / https://chefserverhostname:443/
ProxyPassReverse / https://chefserverhostname:443/
RewriteEngine On
I reconfigure the Chef client/node's client.rb to point to https://chefserverhostname:8443/organizations/myOrg, and hope to have the request pass through the proxy. ChefServer/nginx is listening on 443 and I'm assuming that it's taking care of the SSL decrypt, and 8443 is just the 'pass-through'. But when I fire up my Chef client/node I'm getting an SSL error message:
ERROR: SSL Validation failure connecting to host: chefserverhostname - SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv2/v3 read server hello A: unknown protocol
You are using HTTPS but your vhost does not have any configuration to enable mod_ssl or another TLS option. As such, you should be using http://hostname:8443 but this very not recommended.
Chef Server is an appliance at heart and this kind of extra proxy layer is possible but not how things are intended to operate. You should just use the default setup which already includes a fronting nginx proxy for Erchef and friends.
You can check this recipe and configure properly apache ssl and additional modules.
To me is also not ok to drop SSL connection on chef server - base on your current setup.
Since you have nginx on your machine you can extend the configuration there to support reverse proxy. Later on if you remove chefserver/nginx from this machine and you want only to leave proxy, install new nginx and apply the same conf for proxy configuration.
I rather drop apache from your setup.

Error during SSL Handshake with remote server

I have Apache2 (listening on 443) and a web app running on Tomcat7 (listening on 8443) on Ubuntu.
I set apache2 as reverse proxy so that I access the web app through port 443 instead of 8443. Besides, I need to have SSL communication not only between browser and apache2 but also between apache2 and tomcat7, thus I set SSL on both apache2 and tomcat7.
If I try to access the web app by directly contacting tomcat7, everything is fine.
The problem is that when I try to access the tomcat's web app through apache2 (reverse proxy), on the browser appears the error:
Proxy Error
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /web_app.
Reason: Error during SSL Handshake with remote server
The comment by MK pointed me in the right direction.
In the case of Apache 2.4 and up, there are different defaults and a new directive.
I am running Apache 2.4.6, and I had to add the following directives to get it working:
SSLProxyEngine on
SSLProxyVerify none
SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
SSLProxyCheckPeerName off
SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off
I have 2 servers setup on docker, reverse proxy & web server.
This error started happening for all my websites all of a sudden after 1 year.
When setting up earlier, I generated a self signed certificate on the web server.
So, I had to generate the SSL certificate again and it started working...
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ssl.key -out ssl.crt
On a remote OEL (Oracle Enterprise Linux) 7.8 server, i have a backend web application running with HTTPS/8009. As its a third party app, I did not have choice to disable SSL or change port.
As i needed to access the web app from my local machine's browser, i thought of setting up a reverse proxy (HTTP to HTTPS mapping) using Apache httpd. Now i can access the web app from my local browser through below URL:
FYI, CURL commands working inside the Linux Machine were below ones:
curl -k https://localhost:8009/
Here is my reverse proxy setup :
Listen 1234
<VirtualHost *:1234>
SSLProxyEngine On
SSLProxyVerify none
SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
SSLProxyCheckPeerName off
SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass / https://localhost:8009/
ProxyPassReverse / https://localhost:8009/
One aspect i struggled a lot, earlier i was trying with url pattern (/sample) in ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse but that was causing HTTP 404 (not found) for css/js files as web-app's welcome page contains indirect css/js paths (sample code below). So replacing url pattern (/sample) with (/) solved that problem too.
previous Not working config:
ProxyPass /sample https://localhost:8009/
ProxyPassReverse /sample https://localhost:8009/
<script defer src="abc.js"></script><link href="xyz.css" rel="stylesheet"></head>
Faced the same problem as OP:
Tomcat returned response when accessing directly via SOAP UI
Didn't load html files
When used Apache properties mentioned by the previous answer, web-page appeared but AngularJS couldn't get HTTP response
Tomcat SSL certificate was expired while a browser showed it as secure - Apache certificate was far from expiration. Updating Tomcat KeyStore file solved the problem.
Here is my variation on this theme, inspired by this Git gist. The server is a Docker container with an internal self-signed SSL certificate, reachable at https://localhost:8443. Proxied to Relevant config details:
<VirtualHost AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD:443>
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
# These settings are definitely needed
SSLEngine On
SSLProxyEngine On
ProxyRequests Off
SSLProxyVerify none
SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
SSLProxyCheckPeerName off
SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off
# These may not be needed, depending on proxied application
ProxyPreserveHost on
RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto https
ProxyPass "/" "https://localhost:8443/"
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} websocket [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Connection} upgrade [NC]
RewriteRule ^/?(.*) "wss://localhost:8443/$1" [P,L]
ProxyPassReverse "/" "https://localhost:8443/"
The section between SSLEngine On and RequestHeader... I put together via Googling and trial and error. Maybe some of these settings are not needed, YMMV.
Note: the RewriteRule with "wss" was needed because the server uses secure websockets.
Platform: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS, Apache 2.4.41.
My problem was having one Apache server behind another and having mismatched certificates on each server.
It took me a while to realise that
were pointing to files with the same names on each server, but that the first first server had an updated certificate and private key compared with the second one, so the content of the files was different.
Note that the error might also occur when your system have TLSv1 disabled. Like e.g Ubuntu 20.x have TLSv1.0 disabled by default. For example if you have something like this:
Apache 2.4.41 on Ubutntu20 (proxy) --[https]--> old Apache serving TLS v1.0
SSLProxyVerify etc will not help you.
What you need to do is to enable TLS 1.0 in openssl.conf. At least until you can update the old server 🙊...
Enabling old TLS on Ubuntu
So in Ubuntu 20.04.3 TLS to effectively enable TLSv1 change /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf. At the top of the file (before any sections) add:
# Added to enable TLS1.0
openssl_conf = default_conf
And on the very end of the file
# Added to enable TLS1.0
ssl_conf = ssl_sect
system_default = system_default_sect
Comments are obviously not required 😉, but will help when you want to disable TLS1 again.
Once you restart / reboot everything should work fine.
Note that this is a global (system-wide) change. So it is not ideal, but it just works. See also: more notes about Ubuntu and default TLS versions.
If the host of your apache proxy
is different from the host
of the proxy target (or its sni name),
set -
ProxyPreserveHost Off