Output html using a Vue template tag, but without having a nested element - vue.js

My over-arching question is: In Vue, how to output inner html while iterating over a collection but without having to wrap it in an additional div or span.
Specifically: I'm iterating over an array of js objects from within a Vue template. Each object has a "render" method which outputs html.
This works:
`<div id="container">
<template v-for="element in elements">
<span v-html="element.render()"></span>
But I would like to do something like below, because I don't want the output to be wrapped in a div or span. This code produces no error but also produces no output:
`<div id="container">
<template v-for="element in elements" v-html="element.render()">
In a perfect world, I would do something like this, but mustache format can't output html:
<div id="container">
<template v-for="(element, index) in elements">
{{ element.render() }}
The desired output:
<div id="container">
(output of element.render())
(output of element.render())
(output of element.render())
Thank you for any guidance,

Delete the <template> tag completely and use render function in <script> tag. Something like this, but this code is not tested, demonstrational only.
export default {
render (h) {
return h('div', this.elements.map(function (elm) {
return h(elm.render())


Vue.js: Why does $el return a text node

I do have the following code:
export default class Custom extends Vue {
mounted() {
console.log(this.$el); // Returns a text node (with an empty content)
console.log(this.$el.nextElementSibling); // Returns a element representing my custom child
I am quite confused why would I need to use nextElementSibling as I expected $el to return an element directly.
The solution is as follows.
If you do not use a "div" tag just inside the "Template" tag, you will get the same problem.

How to render div/component in other places in vue?

How to render a div/component in other places on my component without make the duplicate content as separate component in vue? or separate the duplicate content from the targets?
for example this is the div I want to duplicate:
<div>blabla {{somecontent}}</div>
and I want to render in those places (all the code should be in one component):
<div> __HERE__ </div>
<div> __HERE__ </div>
I think want I expect is something like this:
<div #blabla>blabla {{somecontent}}</div>
<div> {{blabla}} </div>
<div> {{blabla}} </div>
A good solution is creating a Vue component. I always try to create component. AS question demand I give a solution here.
You can create a computed or a method that will render the component like this
computed: {
renderBlaBla() {
return `<div #blabla>blabla ${this.somecontent}</div>`
and in the template section
<div v-html="renderBlaBla"></div>
<div v-html="renderBlaBla"></div>

vuejs render part of template inside different elements without repeating

I am new to Vuejs. This is what I need to do.
<div v-for="r in records">
<div v-if="r.something">
<div id="x">
{{ r. something}}
more of r here.
<div v-else id="x">
same div as in the block above.
What I want do is not define div with id x two times as it is huge.
Make your 'div' a component and refer to it in both places.
There are many ways to define your component. This is example shows just one. If you are using WebPack, use a single file component. You can then have your script, html, and css all in one file that gets precompiled. That's the best way to manage your 'huge' div. Then you can continue to refactor and break it up into more components.
const myComponent = {
template: "<div :id='id'>HELLO, my id is {{id}}. r.foo is {{r.foo}} </div>",
props: {
id: String
data() {
return {
r: {
foo: 'bar'
<div v-for="r in records">
<div v-if="r.something">
<my-component id='x' />
<div v-else id="x">
<my-component id='x' />

x-template has trouble displaying value on the v-for

I had this issue while trying to render html into a vue component.
I am trying to insert component html through x-template. The issue is when I was trying to display the value {{i.value}} like this it was throwing error on console.
<script type="text/x-template" id="first-template">
<li v-for="i in dataCollection">{{ i.id }}</li>
Vue.component('menu', {
template: '#first-template',
data() {
return {
dataCollection: [{"id":"01"}, {"id":"02"}, {"id":"03"}],
The error on console was:
But when I was giving value as attribute like:
<script type="text/x-template" id="first-template">
<li v-for="i in dataCollection" :id="i.id"></li>
it works perfect.
Anyone know any fix ?
You should not put script/x-template tages inside of the element that you mount to the main instance to. Vue 2.0 will read all of its content and try to use it as a template for the main instance, and Vue's virtualDOM treats script/x-template's like normal DOM, which screws everthing up,
Simply moving the template out of the main element solved the problem.
This is a suggestion, not a answer.
As #DmitriyPanov mentioned, you'd better bind unique key when using v-for.
Another issue is you'd better to use non built-in/resevered html elements.
so change component id from menu to v-menu or else you like.
Then simulate similar codes below which are working fine.
I doubt the error is caused by some elements of dataCollection doesn't have key=id (probably you didn't post out all elements). You can try {{ 'id' in i ? i.id : 'None' }}.
Vue.component('v-menu', { //
template: '#first-template',
data() {
return {
newDataCollection: [{"id":"01"}, {"id":"02"}, {"id":"03"}, {'xx':0}],
dataCollection: [{"id":"01"}, {"id":"02"}, {"id":"03"}]
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {testProperty: {
'test': '1'
test: function() {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.16/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<script type="text/x-template" id="first-template">
<div style="float:left;margin-right:100px;">
<li v-for="(i, index) in dataCollection" :key="index">{{ i.id }}</li>
<li v-for="(i, index) in newDataCollection" :key="index">{{ 'id' in i ? i.id : 'None' }}</li>
I think the problem here lies in the placement of the X-Template code (I had the same issue). According to the documentation:
Your x-template needs to be defined outside the DOM element to which Vue is attached.
If you are using some kind of CMS, you might end up doing just that.
What helped me in that case was (based on your example):
Placing the X-template script outside the #app
passing the collection as a prop to the v-menu component:
<v-menu v-bind:data-collection="dataCollection"></v-menu>
list dataCollection as a prop inside the v-menu component:
Vue.component('v-menu', { //
template: '#first-template',
props: [ "dataCollection" ],
I hope that helps anyone.
In 2.2.0+, when using v-for with a component, a key is now required.
You can read about it here https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/list.html#v-for-with-a-Component

VueJS: Is It Possible to Automatically Include One Component in Another Component

I would like to automatically include the contents of one component in a named slot of another component. I.e., something like this:
Vue.component('comp-one', {
template: `
<div class="comps>
<div class="comp-two">
<slot name="compTwo"></slot>
<div class="comp-one">
Vue.component('comp-two', {
slot: 'compTwo',
template: `
<div class="sub-comp-two">
<!-- content goes here -->
The idea is that if someone uses <comp-two>Some content</comp-two>, it will automatically get added to the slot compTwo in comp-one. Is there a way to do this?
NOTE: I made up slot: 'compTwo'. Just trying to illustrate what I'd like to accomplish.