vue-router's router-link with actual refresh? - vue.js

I'd like to my "SPA" refresh when I click a link, instead of its default behavior where you see the minimal component replacement.
It sounds like I'm killing the best part of SPA, but I feel that the links without refresh cause more troubles than benefits - the worst one I suppose is that the page doesn't apparently respond if you click a link to the current page, which is rather confusing in my opinion:
<!-- You click, then of course nothing happens when you're at HelloWorld -->
<router-link :to="{name: 'HelloWorld'}">link</router-link>

Okay, I didn't know that a normal <a> tag works as my expectation if history mode is used, so I ended up doing this:
<a :href="$router.resolve({name: 'HelloWorld'}).href">link</a>
or maybe just:

Thanks akai, I use your help in the case when I want to use the same component. I have a list of categories and when I click on a certain category page needs to be reloaded.
<a :href="$router.resolve({name:'category', params: {id:}}).href">


How to setup a netlify form in Nuxt

When I navigate to a form using vue-router by adding a link with a <router-link> element, the form does not work. When I hit submit I get a 404 response.
However, if I navigate to it using an <a> tag (triggering a page reload) then it works perfectly.
I suspect that this has to do with the page rendering as a SPA and for some reason not loading an important part of the form for Netlify unless the form page is reloaded? Why is this happening and is there an elegant solution to the problem? I could just replace all links to forms with tags but I'm sure that there is a better solution, I just don't understand the problem well enough to find it.
For context, I am using Nuxt. The forms are recognized by Netlify on the backend and can accept submission with the tag link so that is not the problem.
Since you're using Nuxt, you probably should go SSG/full static with target: 'static' (hostable on Netlify-like platforms) or with target: 'server' (hostable on Heroku-like platforms) but at any point, you should have ssr: true (default value). When you do have this, the biggest part is done.
In Nuxt, you should use <nuxt-link> rather than <router-link>, it works exactly the same (takes the same params etc) but it's more specific to Nuxt and SSR/SSG compatible while <router-link> is not. More details here:
So, with all of this it should already work great. If it's not, I will gladly help you spot the issue if you have a github repo.
An alternative solution can be to use some form without any SSR dependency like Formspree: (works fine with any SPA)
It works great, really simple. But I'd rather invite you to make a proper SSR form since you're using Nuxt.
PS: use <a> tags only for external links aka the ones which do not start with your domain name, nothing else. A follow of this kind of link is like a hard refresh and should be avoided at all costs.
EDIT: how to deploy by cleaning the cache.
EDIT on how to achieve a working form:
<input type="hidden" name="form-name" value="Contact" />
<!-- ... -->
As told in the docs:
[...] inject a hidden input named form-name [...] and the hidden form-name input’s value matches the name attribute of form
Working fine. Could add a honeypot to it to make it even more secure!

Nuxt-link delay transition to new page?

This is a follow up to #1458. I'm looking for some direction on how Nuxt expects this to be handled.
I have a menu. When I click on a nuxt-link in the menu, I want to have time to close the menu before the page transition happens. The thing is, I only want that to happen when you click on the nuxt-link in the menu, not every time I go to a certain route (as the previous issue described using a middlewear on the route).
So there are a few different ways to do this, and I'm curious what the "Nuxt" way is?
The way we currently do this, disable the nuxt-link and capture the click, then do a router.push().
<nuxt-link :to="path" event="disabled" #click.native="delayLoad"/>
// Methods
delayLoad(event) {
}, 2000)
Is this a good idea? I just always have an aversion to hijacking nuxt-link and browser navigation like this. It seems janky.
The other ideas we played with were using a query param on the nuxt-link, and then using that in a middlewear to delay the page transition. That seemed worse to me, because now my URL's have a query param in them that is used for an animation, seems like that is abusing query params. This also triggers the page loading progress bar, which isn't really the intent, it's to have a sequenced animation happen, then page load.
It seems to me that perhaps nuxt-link should have a delay prop, or perhaps the page transition config should allow for a delay (like it does with duration)?
I wanted to do this as well and came up with the following solution. Using the new slots api you can more elegantly customise the nuxt-link behaviour:
<nuxt-link v-slot="{ route, href }" :to="path" custom>
<a :href="href" #click.prevent="$emit('navigate', route)">
This will make the link emit a navigate event with the route as a param. You then listen for this event wherever you include your menu component, like this:
export default {
data: () => ({
menuIsVisible: false,
navigateToOnMainMenuClose: null,
methods: {
navigate(route) {
this.navigateToOnMainMenuClose = route
this.menuIsVisible = false
maybeNavigate() {
if (this.navigateToOnMainMenuClose) {
this.navigateToOnMainMenuClose = null
Whenever you click a nav link in the menu, the route will be stored and the menu will close. After the menu out animation has finished, maybeNavigate() will push the stored route, if there is one. This removes the need for a setTimeout and if you manage to click multiple links in quick succession only the last one will be stored and navigated to.
Since nuxt-link is essentially a wrapped version of vue's router-link, if you look at the documentation for that there is an event property that accepts string or string[], looking at it's source code here:
you can see it will register a listener for disabled in this instance. It may make more sense to pass an empty array so that no event listeners are registered, but that's at the cost of readability.
Otherwise, #click.native is the suggested way to handle custom click handlers for router-link (see:
The only other concerns I can think of are what happens if you click 2 different links in rapid succession and what happens if you click more than once. May just want to add a variable to track if a link has been clicked to prevent firing setTimeout multiple times, which could navigate you from page A to B and then to C as all timeouts will fire if not canceled. Or maybe you want to only navigate to the 'last' link clicked, so if another link is clicked, you would cancel the earlier setTimeout. This is realistically an edge case that probably won't be an issue, but worth exploring.
Otherwise, IMO, looks good to me. This seems like the simplest way to implement this without having to create a custom component / plugin. I'm no expert, but is likely how I would implement this functionality as well. It would be nice to see a delay option though since I can see myself using that functionality as well with vuetify.
Another potential method would be to do your store commit in beforeTransition:
Though I'm not sure that there is access to the store there, so you might have to write a custom plugin for that as well. Again, seems more complicated than it's worth for a simple delayed animation. Simple, working code is sometimes the best solution, even if it's not the most extensible option.
See also: How can I transition between two nuxt pages, while first waiting on a child component transition/animation to finish?
for another way of handling this.

How do I reload the web app when current route link is clicked again?

Please take a look at the fiddle
I want to reload the app when the same route (for example /foo) which you are currently on is clicked again because I need to reset the page state (yes, the correct way would be, actually, to reset the state, but the application code is a bit tricky thus I need a quick solution).
But I don't want to reload the app when I'm clicking /foo being on route /bar.
The problem is that VueRouter does nothing when the same link is clicked. Global (like beforeEach) and in-component (like beforeRouterEnter/beforeRouteLeave) hooks are not called. #onclick.native event handling doesn't help because when the handler is executed the route is already updated.
I found this...
<router-view :key="$route.fullPath"></router-view>
Seems like they talk a bit about this issue here
Can refresh the page on click..
Try using <a href="your route here"> I've used this and it's working just fine.

Trouble with routing Vue.js 2 and browser history

Faced such a problem - I send data to the props of the /router-link/ tag, when I click on the link, I go to the article, it gets the data, everything works. Well, if you press the "back" button in the browser and then "forward" there will be no articles, there will be empty fields without data. How can this be avoided?
This is link to the article
<h3 class="database-article__title">
:to="{name : 'article',params: {
id: ,
type:item.type ,
text: item.text,
isFavorite: item.isFavorite
}}"> {{}} </router-link>
Little part of article-template.vue
<div class="content-type marketing">
<h3 class="database-article__title">
<div class="database-article__text">
Once again, the data transfer is good, when you click on the link, everything is displayed. The problem is that when clicking on the buttons in the browser "back" and "forward" - the browser history is not saved.
Does anyone know the solution to the problem, or where i can read how to solve it?
My guess is that your article route does not specify any of those params in its path. When you click the link, vue-router will remember the params object you specified in the <router-link> and will be accessible through $route.params in the article component.
However, when you click the browser back then forward buttons, the transition to the article route did not occur by clicking the <router-link> like it did the first time, and since those params were not included in the route's path, $route.params will be empty.
I'm guessing you're just trying to pass data from one route to another. If you want it to persist across history state changes (i.e. browser back/forward), then either:
The data needs to be included in the URL, either as params (e.g. /article/:id/:type etc, this needs to be specified upfront in the route's path) or in the query string (e.g. /article?id=1&type=foo). This isn't ideal for this situation.
(Recommended) Store the item object in such a way that it can be accessed by any route. Vuex is one way, but this may be overkill.
Realistically your URLs should only need to have the article's ID in it, like this /article/1. All the other stuff like type/name/etc don't belong in the URL. From the ID you should be able to fetch the full article object either from a REST API (XHR request), or obtain it from some in-memory data store abstraction (Vuex or anything else really).

easy durandal please wait while loading spinner

Is there an easy durandal way to clear the view and put a loading or please wait... on the screen so the user gets some feedback to know that it is working until the ajax content loads?
Right now when I click on a something that navigates to a child route and that child route loads a module that has to do a lot of stuff in activate(), it does not switch the nav or clear the screen or give any feedback to the user that it is working and I see them clicking many times over and over and getting frustrated, then just about when they want to give up, the page loads in fine.
I would like to make this default functionality for my app and not have to do something special in every module or on every page, is that possible?
Have you tried to use router.isNavigating? Original Durandal template contains a spinner like this:
<div class="loader pull-right" data-bind="css: { active: router.isNavigating }">
<i class="icon-spinner icon-2x icon-spin"></i>
A large percentage of the time, what you're looking for can be obtained very simply via:
<div data-bind="compose:ActiveVm">
<div class="text-center" style="margin : 75px">
<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>
The inner div can be any arbitrary markup which will display while the viewmodel is going through activation.
Note that this currently only displays the placeholder content the first time this dom section is composed. If you have a section of your application which is being updated via an observable viewmodel + compose approach, you could use the approach here:
Durandal: Showing a 'LOADING...' during composition
For anyone visiting from the future, this issue might be worth checking out in case native support for this is desired: