Subsection of grid as input to cnn - tensorflow

I have two huge grids (input and output) representing some spatial data of the same area. I want to be able to generate the output pixel-by-pixel by feeding a neural network a small part of the input grid, around the pixel of interest.
The naive way of training and evaluating on the CNN would be to extract sections separately, and giving those to the fit() function. But if the sub-grid the CNN operates on is e.g. a 256×256 area of the input, then I would copy each data point 65536 (!!!) times per epoch.
So is there any way to have karas just use subsections of a bigger data structure as training?
To me, this sounds a bit like training RNN's on sequencial sections of a data series, instead of copying each section separately.
The performance consideration is mainly in the case of evaluating the model. I want to use this model to generate output grid of a huge geographical area (denmark) with a resolution of 12,5 cm

It seems to me that you are looking for a fully convolutional network (FCN).
By using only layers that scale in size with their inputs (banishing the use of dense layers specifically), an FCN is able to produce an output with a spatial range that grows proportionally with that of the input — typically, the ouput has the same resolution as the input, as in your case.
If your inputs are very large, you can still train an FCN on subimages. Then for inference, you can
run the network on your entire image: indeed, sometimes the inputs are too big to be batched together during training, but can be feed alone for inference.
or split your input into subimages and tile the results back. In that case, I would probably use overlapping tiles to avoid potential border effects.

You can probably go well with a Sequence generator.
You will still have to create slices for each batch, but taking slices isn't slow at all compared with the CNN operations.
And by using a keras.utils.Sequence, the generation of the batches is parallel with the model's execution, so no penalty:
class GridGenerator(keras.utils.Sequence):
def __init__(self, originalGrid_maybeFileName, outputGrid, subGridSize):
self.originalGrid = originalGrid_maybeFileName
self.outputGrid = outputGrid
self.subgridSize = subgridSize
def __len__(self):
#naive implementation, if grids are squares and the sizes are multiples of each other
self.divs = self.originalGrid.shape[:,:,1] // self.subgridSize
return self.divs * self.divs
def __getitem__(self,i):
row, column = divmod(i, self.divs)
#using channels_last
x= self.originalGrid[:,row:row+self.subgridSize, column:column+self.subgridSize]
y= self.outputGrid[:,row:row+self.subgridSize, column:column+self.subgridSize]
return x,y
If the full grid doesn't fit your PC's memory, then you should find ways of loading parts of the grid at a time. (Use the generator to load these parts)
Create the generator and train with fit_generator:
generator = GridGenerator(xGrid, yGrid, subSize)
#you can create additional generators to take a part of that as training and another part as validation
model.fit_generator(generator, len(generator), ...., workers = 4)
The workers argument determines how many batches will be loaded in parallel before sent to the model.


Multiple BERT binary classifications on a single graph to save on inference time

I have five classes and I want to compare four of them against one and the same class. This isn't a One vs Rest classifier, as for each output I want to score them against one base class.
The four outputs should be: base class vs classA, base class vs classB, etc.
I could do this by having multiple binary classification tasks, but that's wasting computation time if the first layers are BERT preprocessing + pretrained BERT layers, and the only differences between the four classifiers are the last few layers of BERT (finetuned ones) and the Dense layer.
So why not merge the graphs for more performance?
My inputs are four different datasets, each annotated with true/false for each class.
As I understand it, I can re-use most of the pipeline (BERT preprocessing and the first layers of BERT), as those have shared weights. I should then be able to train the last few layers of BERT and the Dense layer on top differently depending on the branch of the classifier (maybe using something like keras.switch?).
I have tried many alternative options including multi-class and multi-label classifiers, with actual and generated (eg, machine-annotated) labels in the case of multiple input labels, different activation and loss functions, but none of the results were acceptable to me (none were as good as the four separate models).
Is there a solution for merging the four different models for more performance, or am I stuck with using 4x binary classifiers?
When you train DNN for specific task it will be (in vast majority of cases) be better than the more general model that can handle several task simultaneously. Saying that, based on my experience the properly trained general model produces very similar results to the original binary ones. Anyways, here couple of suggestions for training strategies (assuming your training datasets for each task are completely different):
Weak supervision approach
Train your binary classifiers, and label your datasets using them (i.e. label with binary classifier trained on dataset 2 datasets [1,3,4]). Then train your joint model as multilabel task using all the newly labeled datasets (don't forget to randomize samples before feeding them to trainer ;) ). Here you will need to experiment if you will use threshold and set a label to 0/1 or use the scores of the binary classifiers.
Create custom loss function that will not penalize if no information provided for certain class. So when your will introduce sample from (say) dataset 2, your loss will be calculated only for the 2nd class.
Of course you can apply both simultaneously. For example, if you know that binary classifier produces scores that are polarized (most results are near 0 or 1), you can use weak labels, and automatically label your data with scores. Now during the second stage penalize loss such that for score x' = 4(x-0.5)^2 (note that you get logits from the model, so you will need to apply sigmoid function). This way you will increase contribution of the samples binary classifier is confident about, and reduce that of less certain ones.
As for releasing last layers of BERT, usually unfreezing upper 3-6 layers is enough. Releasing more layers improves results very little and increases time and memory requirements.

What is the significance of normalization of data before feeding it to a ML/DL model?

I just started learning Deep Learning and was working with the Fashion MNIST data-set.
As a part of pre-processing the X-labels, the training and test images, dividing the pixel values by 255 is included as a part of normalization of the input data.
training_images = training_images/255.0
test_images = test_images/255.0
I understand that this is to scale down the values to [0,1] because neural networks are more efficient while handling such values. However, if I try to skip these two lines, my model predicts something entire different for a particular test_image.
Why does this happen?
Let's see both the scenarios with the below details.
1. With Unnormaized data:
Since your network is tasked with learning how to combine inputs through a series of linear combinations and nonlinear activations, the parameters associated with each input will exist on different scales.
Unfortunately, this can lead toward an awkward loss function topology which places more emphasis on certain parameter gradients.
Or in a simple definition as Shubham Panchal mentioned in comment.
If the images are not normalized, the input pixels will range from [ 0 , 255 ]. These will produce huge activation values ( if you're using ReLU ). After the forward pass, you'll end up with a huge loss value and gradients.
2. With Normalized data:
By normalizing our inputs to a standard scale, we're allowing the network to more quickly learn the optimal parameters for each input node.
Additionally, it's useful to ensure that our inputs are roughly in the range of -1 to 1 to avoid weird mathematical artifacts associated with floating-point number precision. In short, computers lose accuracy when performing math operations on really large or really small numbers. Moreover, if your inputs and target outputs are on a completely different scale than the typical -1 to 1 range, the default parameters for your neural network (ie. learning rates) will likely be ill-suited for your data. In the case of image the pixel intensity range is bound by 0 and 1(mean =0 and variance =1).

Large trainable embedding layer slows down training

I am training a network to classify text with a LSTM. I use a randomly initialized and trainable embedding layer for the word inputs. The network is trained with the Adam Optimizer and the words are fed into the network with a one-hot-encoding.
I noticed that the number of words which are represented in the embedding layer influences heavily the training time, but I don't understand why. Increasing the number of words in the network from 200'000 to 2'000'000 almost doubled the time for a training epoch.
Shouldn't the training only update weights which where used during the prediction of the current data point. Thus if my input sequence has always the same length, there should always happen the same number of updates, regardless of the size of the embedding layer.
The number of updates needed would be reflected in the number of epochs it takes to reach a certain precision.
If your observation is that convergence takes the same number of epochs, but each epoch takes twice as much wall clock time, then it's an indication that simply performing the embedding lookup (and writing the update of embedding table) now takes a significant part of your training time.
Which could easily be the case. 2'000'000 words times 4 bytes per float32 times the length of your embedding vector (what is it? let's assume 200) is something like 1.6 gigabytes of data that needs to be touched every minibatch. You're also not saying how you're training this (CPU, GPU, what GPU) which has a meaningful impact on how this should turn out because of e.g. cache effects, as for CPU doing the exact same number of reads/writes in a slightly less cache-friendly manner (more sparsity) can easily double the execution time.
Also, your premise is a bit unusual. How much labeled data do you have that would have enough examples of the #2000000th rarest word to calculate a meaningful embedding directly? It's probably possible, but would be unusual, in pretty much all datasets, including very large ones, the #2000000th word would be a nonce and thus it'd be harmful to include it in trainable embeddings. The usual scenario would be to calculate large embeddings separately from large unlabeled data and use that as a fixed untrainable layer, and possibly concatenate them with small trainable embeddings from labeled data to capture things like domain-specific terminology.
If I understand correctly, your network takes one-hot vectors representing words to embeddings of some size embedding_size. Then the embeddings are fed as input to an LSTM. The trainable variables of the network are both those of the embedding layer and the LSTM itself.
You are correct regarding the update of the weights in the embedding layer. However, the number of weights in one LSTM cell depends on the size of the embedding. If you look for example at the equation for the forget gate of the t-th cell,
you can see that the matrix of weights W_f is multiplied by the input x_t, meaning that one of the dimensions of W_f must be exactly embedding_size. So as embedding_size grows, so does the network size, so it takes longer to train.

Predict all probable trajectories in a grid structure using Keras

I'm trying to predict sequences of 2D coordinates. But I don't want only the most probable future path but all the most probable paths to visualize it in a grid map.
For this I have traning data consisting of 40000 sequences. Each sequence consists of 10 2D coordinate pairs as input and 6 2D coordinate pairs as labels.
All the coordinates are in a fixed value range.
What would be my first step to predict all the probable paths? To get all probable paths I have to apply a softmax in the end, where each cell in the grid is one class right? But how to process the data to reflect this grid like structure? Any ideas?
A softmax activation won't do the trick I'm afraid; if you have an infinite number of combinations, or even a finite number of combinations that do not already appear in your data, there is no way to turn this into a multi-class classification problem (or if you do, you'll have loss of generality).
The only way forward I can think of is a recurrent model employing variational encoding. To begin with, you have a lot of annotated data, which is good news; a recurrent network fed with a sequence X (10,2,) will definitely be able to predict a sequence Y (6,2,). But since you want not just one but rather all probable sequences, this won't suffice. Your implicit assumption here is that there is some probability space hidden behind your sequences, which affects how they play out over time; so to model the sequences properly, you need to model that latent probability space. A Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) does just that; it learns the latent space, so that during inference the output prediction depends on sampling over that latent space. Multiple predictions over the same input can then result in different outputs, meaning that you can finally sample your predictions to empirically approximate the distribution of potential outputs.
Unfortunately, VAEs can't really be explained within a single paragraph over stackoverflow, and even if they could I wouldn't be the most qualified person to attempt it. Try searching the web for LSTM-VAE and arm yourself with patience; you'll probably need to do some studying but it's definitely worth it. It might also be a good idea to look into Pyro or Edward, which are probabilistic network libraries for python, better suited to the task at hand than Keras.

tensorflow: batches of variable-sized images

When one passes to tf.train.batch, it looks like the shape of the element has to be strictly defined, else it would complain that All shapes must be fully defined if there exist Tensors with shape Dimension(None). How, then, does one train on images of different sizes?
You could set dynamic_pad=True in the argument of tf.train.batch.
dynamic_pad: Boolean. Allow variable dimensions in input shapes. The given dimensions are padded upon dequeue so that tensors within a batch have the same shapes.
Usually, images are resized to a certain number of pixels.
Depending on your task you might be able to use other techniques in order to process images of varying sizes. For example, for face recognition and OCR, a fix sized window is used, that is then moved over the image. On other tasks, convolutional neural networks with pooling layers or recurrent neural networks can be helpful.
I see that this is quite old question, but in case someone will be searching how variable-size images can be still used in batches, I can tell what I did for Image-to-Image convolutional network (inference), which was trained for variable image size and batch 1. Why: when I tried to process images in batches using padding, the results become much worse, because signal was "spreading" inside of the network and started to influence its convolution pyramids.
So what I did is possible when you have source code and can load weights manually into convolutional layers. I modified the network in the following way: along with a batch of zero-padded images, I added additional placeholder which received a batch of binary masks with 1 where actual data was on the patch, and 0 where padding was applied. Then I multiplied signal by these masks after each convolutional layer inside the network, fighting "spreading". Multiplication isn't expensive operation, so it did not affect performance much.
The result was not deformed already, but still had some border artifacts, so I modified this approach further by adding small (2px) symmetric padding around input images (kernel size of all the layers of my CNN was 3), and kept it during propagation by using slightly bigger (+[2px,2px]) mask.
One can apply the same approach for training as well. Then some sort of "masked" loss is needed, where only the ROI on each patch is used to calculate loss. For example, for L1/L2 loss you can calculate the difference image between generated and label images and apply masks before summing up. More complicated losses might involve unstacking or iterating batch, and extracting ROI using tf.where or tf.boolean_mask.
Such training can be indeed beneficial in some cases, because you can combine small and big inputs for the network without small inputs being affected by the loss of big padded surroundings.