Proper way to work with migrations during development -

How to properly work with migrations during development when the model is not in its final form or there are still some inconsistencies in relations?
Should migrations be treated more as commits in version control system like git and represent even the smallest change, or what?
Should I add new migration for each small change in my model, or should I just re-create the database and initial migration until I'm satisfied with how my model looks? I can still remove all those migrations in the end and create initial one to clean those small migrations up.
How to properly name migrations? Most often I can't come up with a good name and I give them some meaningless names like X1, X2, X3
Similar questions:
How to deal with database changes during development with EF Core?

1: I personally would keep it as a history. Of course you could always delete all migrations and create one that contains everything but imagine that migration after you have added 100++ tables (entity-types) and you cannot make sure your production database for instance is being updated, when you only have one migration with same name that you just always recreate.
2: Yes, you should indeed make small migrations. You can undo a migration by updating your database to a specific migration and then removing all the others before step by step. This at least works with the package-manager-console tool (maybe also with dotnet tool).
For instance you have already added a migration with models that have changed you go back to the old migration by using this command:
Update-Database -Migration MyMigrationBeforeBadModelMigration
Be aware that this might drop tables if some were added in the migration that you want to undo.
Then remove bad migrations step by step
Remove-Migration // will always remove the latest migration so repeat that if you have many to remove
Then just create the new and proper migration and update your db.
3: Yes, give them proper names. For instance CustomerEntityAdded or CustomerUniqueNameIndexAdded.


Django - Transferring data to a new database

I am using Django as my web framework with Django REST API. Time and time again, when I try to migrate the table on production, I get a litany of errors. I believe my migrations on development are out of sync with production, and as a result, chaos. Thus each time I attempt major migrations on production I end up needing to use the nuclear option - delete all migrations, and if that fails, nuke the database. (Are migrations even supposed to be committed?)
This time however, I have too much data to lose. I would like to preserve the data. I would like to construct a new database with the new schema, and then manually transfer the old database to the new one. I am not exactly sure how to go about this. Does anyone have any suggestions? Additionally, how can I prevent this from occurring in the future?
From what you're saying, it sounds like you have migration files that are out of wack and you're constantly running into issues relating to database migrations. I would recommend you just remove all of your migration files and start with a new initial migration after you make all the necessary model changes and restructuring of the schema.
When it comes time to make the migration on your production server, it might make the most sense to --fake-initial and manually making the database changes outside of Django so it matches your schema.
I might get a lot of backlash about this and obviously use your best judgement, but from my experience it was much easier to go about this problem this way and not wasting time making custom migration files that try to fix all of your problems.
Addressing your other questions
Time and time again, when I try to migrate the table on production, I get a litany of errors.
I highly recommend you take the time to get acquainted with how to make migrations by reading the official Django docs, you will save yourself a LOT of headache.
... each time I attempt major migrations on production I end up needing to use the nuclear option - delete all migrations
You shouldn't be deleting your migration files every time there's an issue.
Are migrations even supposed to be committed?
You should definitely be committing your migrations. If you're working on a team, they would be using the migration files you created to make the necessary changes on their local DB as well as any dev/prod server you may have.

How to run Sequelize down migration for single file

I'm working on a migration using Sequelize. If the migration up method throws an error, the migration is not logged in the database as having completed. So, if I run db:migrate:undo, it instead runs down on the previous (and working) migration. As a result, I have a half executed migration where the schema for it remains in the database because the corresponding down method is never run by Sequelize. So, I need to either somehow force a single down method to run (which I'm not seeing an option for). Or, I need to manually clean up my database every time I run a failing migration, which can be a real pain for complicated migrations where I'm constantly going through trial and error. Is there an easier way to doing this?
sequelize db:migrate:undo --name 20200409091823-example_table.js
Use this command to undo any particular migration
manually insert the migration into your migrations table so that sequelize will think it has completed.
To verify check the status of your migrations before and after you edit the table.
Everything listed as "up" is something that can go "down" and vice versa.
There is no way to do it as of now... There is an open issue for this in Sequelize cli repo
I tried something and it worked for me:
rename your migration file and make sure it comes first alphabetically (make it the first one in migration files)
comment code in the second migration file
run sequelize db:migrate
This will run only the first migration file.
Don't forget to uncomment the migration file you commented before

How to add the missed or overridden migration changes to Snapshot in EF Core 2.0?

I have made some changes to an Entity, added migration and run Update-Database. Then I pull the code and by mistake didn't take my changes in Snapshot. Now, what is the best way to get my changes for this particular migration?
I'm thinking to run Update-Database <One Previous Migration> and then run Add-Migration and then again Update-Database.
Is there any drawback or disadvantage in this approach? Or is there any better approach for this particular case?

Do I use Snapshot file, migration file or data annotations in my EF Core to update database?

I'm trying to understand the different types of migration paths we can choose when developing an ASP.NET Core 1.0 application with EF Core. When I created my first Core application I noticed it generated a ApplicationDbContextModelSnapshot class that uses a ModelBuilder to build the model.
Then I read that if I need to add a table to the database, I need to create the new model and run the command line to generate the migration file and update the database. Ok, I get it up to this point.
But when I do that, I notice that the ApplicationDbContextModelSnapshot class gets updated too.
1) Does that mean I cannot modify this ApplicationDbContextModelSnapshot class since it looks like it gets regenerated each time?
2) Should I use Data Annotations to build my model or should I use Fluent API which tells me to build my model in the ApplicationDbContext class? Huh? another file that builds the model?
I'm seeing three different ways of working with the database here, the snapshot class, data annotations, and fluent API. I'm confused because today, I made a mistake in my last migration file so I deleted the file, dropped the database and reran the database update.
But by doing that I got errors similar to:
The index 'IX_Transaction_GiftCardId' is dependent on column 'GiftCardId'.
ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN GiftCardId failed because one or more objects access this column.
So naturally I was wondering if I had to modify the ApplicationDbContextModelSnapshot class.
What is the path I should be taking when it comes to migrations or database updates because these three paths are confusing me.
I have run into this issue before when I create migrations, make model changes, create new migrations, and try to update the database. The root cause is when keys are being changed and relationships are not dropped and are not added back or do not exist.
You have two options
Easy Method
The easiest way is also the most destructive way and only possible in a dev environment.
Delete all migrations, drop the database, create new migrations and run 'update-database'.
Hard/Safest Method
This is the most time consuming method. I recommend do this in a local integration branch first, pushing it to a remote integration, and then production.
Open the migration file, ie 20160914173357_MyNewMigration.cs.
Drop all indexes in order
Drop/Add/Edit table schemas
Add all indexes back.
For either method, just be sure to test and test again.
Do not modify ApplicationDbContextModelSnapshot. It is a design-time artifact, and should only be modified in the case of a merge conflict.
To update the model, always use data annotations or the fluent API.
For more information on the EF Migrations workflow, see Code First Migrations. It's for EF6, but most of the information is still relevant.

Rails, Git and adding migrations

sometimes when working in rails, I work on several things at once using git branches
sometimes, I'd like to test new ideas by implementing them and testing how and if they work accordingly. This involves sometimes adding models and migrations.
When switching branches, however, the migrations were already migrated to the DB and they stay, causing problems later on..
Is there a way to work with several branches and each to have different migration files, and before starting to work on a branch to "soft reset" the db only to the current migration files without losing data?
Normally, in development, I need some sample data that I keep in seed.rb which enables me to recreate the db, its structure and the sample data with a rake task.
Another thing I did was to keep more than one database. I would then just manually change the entry in database.yml according to the current git branch.