How to calculate totals for each row in a table (rows*columns) structure in Kotlin? - kotlin

I have a (simplified) table structure that is defined like this:
data class Column<T>(val name: String, val value: T)
data class Row(val data: List<Column<*>>)
data class Grid(val rows: List<Row>)
I now want to calculate the totals for each column in that grid, i.e. the ith element of each row needs to be accumulated.

My solution looks like this. I simply flatMap the data and group the column values by the column's name, which I then fold to the corresponding sums.
private fun calculateTotals(data: Grid) = data.rows
.fold(0.0) { accumulator, (_, value) ->
accumulator + when (value) {
is Number -> value.toDouble()
else -> 0.0

I could not come up with a better solution. I think yours is really good, but I would suggest some syntactic improvements.
Use lambda references
Use destructuring syntax
Don't use when, if you only test for one specific type, use the safe cast operator (as?), the safe call operator (?) and the elvis operator (:?).
private fun calculateTotals(data: GridData) = data.rows
.flatMap(RowData::data) // 1
.groupingBy(ColumnsData<*>::column) // 1
.fold(0.0) { accumulator, (_, value) -> // 2
accumulator + ((value as? Number)?.toDouble() ?: 0.0) // 3


How do I write this for-loop in functional style?

I have a function with a for-loop:
fun List<Int>.customSum(sumFunction: (Int) -> Boolean): Int {
var sum = 0
for (item in this) {
if (sumFunction(item))
sum += item
return sum
I want to know how I can write the above in functional style. I know that I have to use this.reduce(), but don't know exactly how to implement it.
return filter(sumFunction).sum()
Should be self-explanatory.
You can’t use reduce because it doesn’t let you reject the first element.
With fold it would be:
return fold(0) { a, b ->
if(sumFunction(b)) a + b else a
I can think if two ways to achieve that:
The first one is by using sumOf {...}:
fun List<Int>.customSum(sumFunction: (Int) -> Boolean): Int {
return sumOf {
if (sumFunction(it)) it else 0
The second one is by using filter {...} then sum():
fun List<Int>.customSum(sumFunction: (Int) -> Boolean): Int {
return filter(sumFunction).sum()
return this.reduce { sum, n -> if (sumFunction(n)) sum + n else 0}
If you really want to use reduce for some reason you can - but you need to add that 0 to the head of the list as your "start state":
fun List<Int>.customSum(sumFunction: (Int) -> Boolean): Int {
val stuff = listOf(0) + this
return stuff.reduce { a, b -> a + if (sumFunction(b)) b else 0 }
You have to do that because reduce is really there to combine a bunch of items, which is why for the first iteration you get the first two items in the list. You don't get to handle them separately, which is why you need to throw that 0 in there to get past that first step, and get to a point where you can just do your checking on the second parameter and ignore the first one, treating it as an accumulator instead of another item you also need to check.
That behaviour is what fold is for - with that function you pass in an initial state (which can be a completely different type from your items, since you're not just smushing them together to create a new value like with reduce) and then on each iteration you get that state and an item.
You can handle the item as you like, and then make changes to the accumulator state depending on the result. Which is exactly the behaviour of your for loop! fold is just a functional way to write one. Tenfour04's answer is how you'd do it - it's the right tool for the job here!

Kotlin: maxBy{} with optimum-value

Let's say I have the following code in Kotlin:
val min = listOf("hello", "", "teeeeeest").minBy { it.length }
What I understand from the implementation of minBy is that it tracks minValue in a variable and iterates through the whole collection and updates it once it finds an even smaller element.
In the case of Strings though, we know that no element can have a value smaller than 0, therefore the empty String "" is optimal and the iteration can be stopped.
Is there a way I can tell minBy (or maxBy) the optimal value so it can stop once that is reached? If not, how can I implement this most easily?
There's no function in the stdlib that can do this, but you can implement it as an extension function yourself.
By using the non-local return feature of inline lambda functions in Kotlin, you can implement it like this:
fun <T, E : Comparable<E>> Iterable<T>.minBy(theoreticalMinimum: E, keySelector: (T) -> E): T? =
minBy {
val key = keySelector(it)
if (key <= theoreticalMinimum) return it // Non-local return.
else key
Now you can use it like this, and it will never visit "teeeeeest":
val min = listOf("hello", "", "teeeeeest").minBy(theoreticalMinimum = 0) { it.length }

How to partition and typecast a List in Kotlin

In Kotlin I can:
val (specificMembers, regularMembers) = members.partition {it is SpecificMember}
However to my knowledge I can not do something like:
val (specificMembers as List<SpecificMember>, regularMembers) = members.partition {it is SpecificMember}
My question would be - is there's an idiomatic way to partition iterable by class and typecast it those partitioned parts if needed.
If you require that functionality more often, you may just reimplement the actual partition according to your needs, e.g.:
inline fun <reified U : T, T> Iterable<T>.partitionByType(): Pair<List<U>, List<T>> {
val first = ArrayList<U>()
val second = ArrayList<T>()
for (element in this) {
if (element is U) first.add(element)
else second.add(element)
return Pair(first, second)
with a usage similar as to follows:
val (specificMembers, regularMembers) = members.partitionByType<SpecificMember, Member>()
// where specificMembers : List<SpecificMember>
// and regularMembers : List<Member> for this example
Note that this way you can also set the second type to a more generic one. I leave that up to you whether this makes sense. At least this way an unchecked cast isn't necessary.
The alternative is also shown by Simon with the let-usage. You can also directly cast the result of partition (without let and another Pair) to whatever fits, e.g.:
val (specificMembers, regularMembers) = members.partition {it is SpecificMember} as Pair<List<SpecificMember>, List<Member>>
The partition function will return a Pair<List<T>, List<T>> with T being the generic type of your Iterable. You can transform the partitioned values again using e.g. let:
val (specificMembers, regularMembers) = lists
.partition { it is SpecificMember }
.let { Pair(it.first as List<SpecificMember>, it.second) }

What's the point of destructuring declarations in Kotlin?

I have come across the concept called destructuring declarations - when you can return multiple values from a function at once. It seems very convenient, but at the same time it looks like a tricky workaround. Each time when I think about that feature in Java, I understand that it's a hole in my architecture - there should probably be a class then, not just a couple of variables.
What do you think?
The concept allows having classes that clearly identify a few of their primary properties, the components.
Then you can access these components by using a destructuring declaration, without syntactic noise of accessing the properties.
val point = clickEvent.getPointOnScreen()
val x = point.xCoordinate
val y = point.yCoordinate
// Use `x` and `y` in some calculations
and, assuming that the type has component1 and component2, just:
val (x, y) = clickEvent.getPointOnScreen()
Basically, it is not necessary to use this sort of syntactic sugar, and the concept itself does not harm any of the abstractions, it only provides a convenient way to access properties of a class instance in some cases when you don't need the instance itself.
Another example is working with map entries, e.g:
for ((key, value) in myMap) { /* ... */ }
There's still a Map.Entry<K, V> behind the (key, value) destructuring, and you can replace it by for (entry in myMap) ..., but usually it's the two properties that you need. This is where destructuring saves you from a little syntactic noise.
You can also define componentN function as extension for non data classes like this:
operator fun Location.component1() = latitude
operator fun Location.component2() = longitude
and when you want to process on list of locations, you can write this:
for ((lat, lon) in locations) {
What's the point of destructuring declarations in Kotlin?
Structuring, or construction, is creating an object from values in different variables. Destructuring is the opposite, to extract values into variables from within an existing object.
Part of the Kotlin philosophy is to be concise since the simpler and more concise the code is, the faster you’ll understand what’s going on. Destructuring improves readability which is part of being concise. Compare the following two snippets (let's consider the class Triple)
Without using destructuring
fun getFullName() = Triple("Thomas", "Alva", "Edison")
val result = getFullName()
val first = result.first
val middle = result.second
val last = result.third
Using destructuring
fun getFullName() = Triple("Thomas", "Alva", "Edison")
val (first, middle, last) = getFullName()
It is also possible to take advantage of destructuring to extract key and value from Map's entries.
for ((key, value) in aMap) {
/* ... */
Destructuring is the most useful when dealing with built-in data structures. Their fields have names making sense in the context of a data structure (handy when you're writing your own hashmap), but completely cryptic when you're dealing with the data contained there (which is 100% of the time, nobody writes their own hashmaps). Eg. Pair with it's first and second or Map.Entry with key and value.
Consider transforming Map values:
val myMap = mapOf("apples" to 0, "oranges" to 1, "bananas" to 2)
.filter { it.value > 0 }
.sortedBy { it.key.length }
.joinToString(prefix = "We have ", postfix = " in the warehouse") {
"{$it.value} of ${it.key}"
To make it readable, you'd have to define intermediate variables:
.filter {
val count = it.value
count > 0
.sortedBy {
val fruit = it.key
.joinToString(prefix = "We have ", postfix = " in the warehouse") {
val count = it.value
val fruit = it.key
"$count of $fruit"
Now it's readable, but at what cost?!?
Destructuring makes this cost more beareable:
.filter { (fruit, count) -> count > 0 }
.sortedBy { (fruit, count) -> fruit.length }
.joinToString(prefix = "We have ", postfix = " in the warehouse") { (fruit, count) ->
"$count of $fruit"
That's the point.

Difference between fold and reduce in Kotlin, When to use which?

I am pretty confused with both functions fold() and reduce() in Kotlin, can anyone give me a concrete example that distinguishes both of them?
fold takes an initial value, and the first invocation of the lambda you pass to it will receive that initial value and the first element of the collection as parameters.
For example, take the following code that calculates the sum of a list of integers:
listOf(1, 2, 3).fold(0) { sum, element -> sum + element }
The first call to the lambda will be with parameters 0 and 1.
Having the ability to pass in an initial value is useful if you have to provide some sort of default value or parameter for your operation. For example, if you were looking for the maximum value inside a list, but for some reason want to return at least 10, you could do the following:
listOf(1, 6, 4).fold(10) { max, element ->
if (element > max) element else max
reduce doesn't take an initial value, but instead starts with the first element of the collection as the accumulator (called sum in the following example).
For example, let's do a sum of integers again:
listOf(1, 2, 3).reduce { sum, element -> sum + element }
The first call to the lambda here will be with parameters 1 and 2.
You can use reduce when your operation does not depend on any values other than those in the collection you're applying it to.
The major functional difference I would call out (which is mentioned in the comments on the other answer, but may be hard to understand) is that reduce will throw an exception if performed on an empty collection.
listOf<Int>().reduce { x, y -> x + y }
// java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Empty collection can't be reduced.
This is because .reduce doesn't know what value to return in the event of "no data".
Contrast this with .fold, which requires you to provide a "starting value", which will be the default value in the event of an empty collection:
val result = listOf<Int>().fold(0) { x, y -> x + y }
assertEquals(0, result)
So, even if you don't want to aggregate your collection down to a single element of a different (non-related) type (which only .fold will let you do), if your starting collection may be empty then you must either check your collection size first and then .reduce, or just use .fold
val collection: List<Int> = // collection of unknown size
val result1 = if (collection.isEmpty()) 0
else collection.reduce { x, y -> x + y }
val result2 = collection.fold(0) { x, y -> x + y }
assertEquals(result1, result2)
Another difference that none of the other answers mentioned is the following:
The result of a reduce operation will always be of the same type (or a super type) as the data that is being reduced.
We can see that from the definition of the reduce method:
public inline fun <S, T : S> Iterable<T>.reduce(operation: (acc: S, T) -> S): S {
val iterator = this.iterator()
if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw UnsupportedOperationException("Empty collection can't be reduced.")
var accumulator: S =
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
accumulator = operation(accumulator,
return accumulator
On the other hand, the result of a fold operation can be anything, because there are no restrictions when it comes to setting up the initial value.
So, for example, let us say that we have a string that contains letters and digits. We want to calculate the sum of all the digits.
We can easily do that with fold:
val string = "1a2b3"
val result: Int = string.fold(0, { currentSum: Int, char: Char ->
if (char.isDigit())
currentSum + Character.getNumericValue(char)
else currentSum
//result is equal to 6
reduce - The reduce() method transforms a given collection into a single result.
val numbers: List<Int> = listOf(1, 2, 3)
val sum: Int = numbers.reduce { acc, next -> acc + next }
//sum is 6 now.
fold - What would happen in the previous case of an empty list? Actually, there’s no right value to return, so reduce() throws a RuntimeException
In this case, fold is a handy tool. You can put an initial value by it -
val sum: Int = numbers.fold(0, { acc, next -> acc + next })
Here, we’ve provided initial value. In contrast, to reduce(), if the collection is empty, the initial value will be returned which will prevent you from the RuntimeException.
Simple Answer
Result of both reduce and fold is "a list of items will be transformed into a single item".
In case of fold,we provide 1 extra parameter apart from list but in case of reduce,only items in list will be considered.
listOf("AC","Fridge").fold("stabilizer") { freeGift, itemBought -> freeGift + itemBought }
//output: stabilizerACFridge
In above case,think as AC,fridge bought from store & they give stabilizer as gift(this will be the parameter passed in the fold).so,you get all 3 items together.Please note that freeGift will be available only once i.e for the first iteration.
In case of reduce,we get items in list as parameters and can perform required transformations on it.
listOf("AC","Fridge").reduce { itemBought1, itemBought2 -> itemBought1 + itemBought2 }
//output: ACFridge
The difference between the two functions is that fold() takes an initial value and uses it as the accumulated value on the first step, whereas the first step of reduce() uses the first and the second elements as operation arguments on the first step.