"Spawn unknown" error while using npm's OpenFin - npm

I installed OpenFin-cli using npm on windows 10. After OpenFin was installed, I tried to test it using the command
openfin -l -u https://apple.com
on cmd. I get the following error:
I have:
Node version 6.11.2
Link to OpenFin documentation that I referred: https://openfin.co/documentation/getting-started/

Can you try deleting the %LOCALAPPDATA%/OpenFin directory & re-running or downloading the OpenFinRVM.exe as suggested in this github issue
You can also try just manually launching the RVM by invoking the .exe with --config=http://yourappjsonurl.json
I believe the asset wasn't fully retrieved


zsh: command not found: heroku, after installing through npm

I am trying to install the heroku-cli
I am on mac and I am using npm to install it.
npm install -g heroku
After installing I run the command heroku and the response I receive is:
zsh: command not found: heroku
I have been searching the internet for an answer for way too long now and can not seem to resolve this issue..
I have also downloaded the macOs tarbells and when I open the file, navigate to the bin folder and open the file "heroku" it opens my terminal and display this message.
Even after what looks like it has successfully been installed, when I type heroku --version I still get the command not found.
I am not the most experienced in this field. The reason I am trying to download heroku is because I am doing Fullstack Open.
I just hope it is an easy fix and someone more experienced than me can guide me in the right direction.
I should add I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times.
SOLUTION FOUND: The solution that helped me was installing homebrew and after installing I ran the command:
brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku
heroku command not
npm i -g heroku
zsh: command not found npm:
export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh
zsh: command not
export PATH

Environment variables (zsh terminal) installed through npm on MacOS 12.4 Monterey - SOLVED

Dear Stackoverflow community. I recently switched from Windows to MacOS and am at a loss how to configure environment variables. Many of the previous questions asked here are about bash instead of zsh.
I am trying to install an npm package globally. For instance:
npm install -g vercel
or any other package, and use it in my Visual Studio Code terminal (also zsh). If I want to deploy code I have to use 'npx vercel deploy' every time. I want to be able to use "vercel deploy" but instead I get:
zsh: command not found: vercel
What I tried so far:
Installing the package in zsh and visual studio code terminals (didn't work)
Setting the path equal on both VS and terminal: export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
I learned that you need to add environment variabels to a .zshrc file. I don't seem to have a zshrc file. When I do:
sudo ~/.zshrc
Password: XXXXXX
sudo: /Users/vincent/.zshrc: command not found
I am getting another error.
I read in the zsh man file that you should use $HOME/.zshrc instead. Again I am getting the same errors:
vincent#Vincents-MacBook-Air-2 ~ % $HOME/.zshrc
zsh: permission denied: /Users/vincent/.zshrc
vincent#Vincents-MacBook-Air-2 ~ % sudo $HOME/.zshrc
sudo: /Users/vincent/.zshrc: command not found
Update 1:
#slebetman Thank you for your explanation. When I open the terminal I go to home via "cd $HOME" which puts me in in the home directory. However there is no way for me to create a .zshrc file in that directory. Neither via touch or vs code. I am getting the following error: "Unable to write file '/home/.zshrc' (Unknown (FileSystemError): Error: ENOTSUP: operation not supported on socket, open '/home/.zshrc')"
Update 2:
I did manage to find the .zshrc file in visual studio code under /etc. I hope this will work. I was able to overwrite the file with Sudo and add environment variables to it.
Add this to the file .zshrc file under /etc and force overwrite it:
export vercel=/Users/vincent/.npm-global/bin/vercel
Screenshots below for those who will try in the future:
Image with .zshrc file layout
Final remarks:
I don't understand how it is so difficult to add environment variables on Mac while everything else is so easy.
I have read many different questions on stackoverflow, and I can't seem to solve it. Also since I am a newbie I am not allowed to comment on there so I post here in the hope that anyone can help me :)
Note that when you do:
npx vercel deploy
Npm will execute vercel for you without installing it. It does that by temporarily downloading vercel. If you want to run vercel directly without using npx then simply don't use npx. Install it instead:
npm install -g vercel
The -g flag installs the module globally and if the module has a CLI it will be available globally as well (note that depending on your setup you may need admin/sudo privileges to use the -g flag). Now you can run vercel by simply typing:
vercel deploy
This works in all operating systems supported by node.js and npm. That means you can even do this in Windows. In fact I use npm to distribute my tools in a simple cross-platform way so I don't have to support multiple package managers like chocolatey (Windows), homebrew (Mac OS), deb (Debian based distros), rpm (Redhat based distros) etc. (npm does not require your software to be written in node.js - I have published packages on npm written in tcl and bash).

html-minifier fails with "ERROR: The specified config file doesn’t exist or is unreadable"

I'm using the npm package "html-minifier" (v1.0.0) and am trying to run the command (from Linux Mint, on the command line):
html-minifier -c html-minifier.cfg -o lib/welcome.html client/welcome.html
However it fails with the error:
ERROR: The specified config file doesn’t exist or is unreadable:
Despite the existence and readability of that file.
Why might that be happening?
I installed v0.8.0:
sudo npm install -g html-minifier#0.8.0
and then the command given in the question worked. Looks like it's a bug specific to v1.0.0. I've logged an issue against the project to get it resolved.

apidocjs not returning anything in response

I have installed 'apidoc' after installing 'npm' and 'node' for my API documentation by the help of following command:
npm install apidoc -g
After installing apidoc globally, I simply ran below command on my project directory (assuming apidoc will consider its default template file):
In result no errors and no documentation generated.
Similarly, I have tried:
apidoc -i ~/PROJECTS/jruby/project/webservice/ -o ~/PROJECTS/apidocs/apidoc/ -t ~/PROJECTS/apidocs/mytemplate/
But nothing happens, in that case I had nothing on 'mytemplate' directory.
Can you guys please tell me what I've missed to install/consider? and why nothing is appearing on command execution?
Note: I'm using this for my ruby application, but unable to install its gem as we're running our application on ruby 1.9 and it requires ruby 2.0. I need an independent solution that should works for other projects as well.
Thank you.
I got the solution; copied 'package.json' file from https://github.com/apidoc/apidoc and ran below command for npm
npm install
after getting success install nodejs properly by following steps:
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs
then went to the project directory and ran the following command:
after success of above command got html document in doc/ directory inside project. Cheers !

Urturn API ur: command not found

I am trying to install urturn api and write my own expression for urturn.com
following http://webdoc.github.com/urturn-expression-api/#!guides/start
npm install urturn-toolbelt -g
I am trying to run sandbox with:
ur sandbox
and got error:
-bash: ur: command not found
Please help
P.S. I am on Mac Os
It is likely your nodeJS npm/bin folder that is not included in your PATH.
Can you check your PATH variable?
Node NPM package bin files are all symlinked in the same ./bin folder. If you installed NodeJS using Homebrew (brew install node), it should be /usr/local/share/npm/bin.
You can echo your current path using:
echo $PATH
If the folder above does not appear in the list, check your .bashrc or .bash_profile files and fix any problem.
A fix that is likely to work is to add the following line in ~/.bash_profile