How to run TensorFlow on multiple nodes with several CPUs each - tensorflow

I want to run linear regression with TensorFlow on very large datasets. I have a cluster with 9 nodes and 36 CPUs each. What is the best way to distribute the computations across all the resources available?
According to this course, the best way to use TensorFlow on distributed setting is to use Estimators. So I wrote my code as suggested there and followed the instructions at for the parallelisation. I then tried to run my script (on a "small" dataset with 120 million data points and 2 feature columns to test the code) on nodes 2 and 3 as follows:
python \
--ps_hosts=node1:2222 \
where i is the number of the node (either 2 or 3); whereas on node 1 I do the same but with --job_name=ps and --task_index=0. However this way it seems that only one CPU per node is used. Do I need to specify each CPU individually?
Thank you in advance.

As far as I understand, the best thing to do is to use all the CPUs on the same node together as a single worker, in order to make the most of the shared memory. So for example in the case above, one would have to specify manually only 9 workers and make sure that each of them corresponds to one node where all the 36 CPUs are used. The commands to do this depend on the specific cluster used.


Optimize batch transform inference on sagemaker

With current batch transform inference I see a lot of bottlenecks,
Each input file can only have close to 1000 records
Currently it is processing 2000/min records on 1 instance of ml.g4dn.12xlarge
GPU instance are not necessarily giving any advantage over cpu instance.
I wonder if this is the existing limitation of the currently available tensorflow serving container v2.8. If thats the case config should I play with to increase the performance
i tried changing max_concurrent_transforms but doesn't seem to really help
my current config
transformer = tensorflow_serving_model.transformer(
job_name = job_name +"%m-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S"),
Generally speaking, you should first have a performing model (steps 1+2 below) yielding a satisfactory TPS, before you move over to batch transform parallelization techniques to push your overall TPS higher with parallization nobs.
GPU enabling - Run manual test to see that your model can utilize GPU instances to begin with (this isn't related to batch transform).
picking instance - Use SageMaker Inference recommender to find the the most cost/effective instance type to run inference on.
Batch transform inputs - Sounds like you have multiple input files which is needed if you'll want to speed up the job by adding more instances.
Batch Transform Job single instance noobs - If you are using the CreateTransformJob API, you can reduce the time it takes to complete batch transform jobs by using optimal values for parameters such as MaxPayloadInMB, MaxConcurrentTransforms, or BatchStrategy. The ideal value for MaxConcurrentTransforms is equal to the number of compute workers in the batch transform job. If you are using the SageMaker console, you can specify these optimal parameter values in the Additional configuration section of the Batch transform job configuration page. SageMaker automatically finds the optimal parameter settings for built-in algorithms. For custom algorithms, provide these values through an execution-parameters endpoint.
Batch transform cluster size - Increase the instance_count to more than 1, using the cost/effective instance you found in (1)+(2).

How to get multi GPUs same type on slurm?

How can I create a job with a multi GPU of the same type but not specific that type directly? My experiment has a constraint that all GPUs have the same type but this type can be whatever we want.
Currently I am able only to create a experiment with multi GPUs with telling exactly what type I want:
If I don't specify gres_type, then sometimes I get mixed GPUs packs (let say 2x titan V and 2x titan X).
If you are fortunate enough that the cluster is consistent in the types of nodes that host the GPUs, and that the features of the nodes a properly specified and allow distinguishing between the nodes that host the different GPU types, you can use the --constraint parameter.
For the sake of the argument, let's assume that the nodes that host the titanV have haswell CPUs, and those that host the titanX have skylake CPUs and that those are defined as features. Then, you can request
If the above does not apply to your use case, you can submit two jobs and keep only the one that starts the earliest. For that, give your jobs an identical name, and use the singleton dependency.
Write a submission script like this one
#SBATCH --dependency=singleton
#SBATCH --job-name=gpujob
# Other options
scancel --state=PENDING --jobname=gpujob
# etc.
and submit it twice with
$ sbatch --gres=gpu:titanX:2
$ sbatch --gres=gpu:titanV:2
Each job will be assigned only one type of GPU, and the first one that starts will cancel the other one. This approach can scale up with more than two GPU types.

What is gradient repacking in Tensorflow?

When running tensorflow benchmarks from terminal, there are a couple of parameters we can specify. There is a parameter called gradient_repacking. What does it represent and how would one think about setting it?
python --data_format=NCHW --batch_size=256 \
--model=resnet50 --optimizer=momentum --variable_update=replicated \
--nodistortions --gradient_repacking=8 --num_gpus=8 \
--num_epochs=90 --weight_decay=1e-4 --data_dir=${DATA_DIR} --use_fp16 \
For those searching in the future, gradient_repacking affects all-reduce in replicated mode. From the flags definition:
flags.DEFINE_integer('gradient_repacking', 0, 'Use gradient repacking. It'
'currently only works with replicated mode. At the end of'
'of each step, it repacks the gradients for more efficient'
'cross-device transportation. A non-zero value specifies'
'the number of split packs that will be formed.',
As for the optimal, I've seen gradient_repacking=8 as you have and gradient_repacking=2.
My best guess is the parameter refers to the number of shards the gradients get broken down into for sharing among other workers. Eight in this case would seem to mean each GPU shares with each other GPU (i.e. all-to-all) (for your num_gpus=8) while 2 would mean sharing only with neighbors in a ring fashion.
Given that Horovod uses its own all reduce algorithm, it makes sense that setting gradient_repacking has no effect when --variable_update=horovod.

Understanding tensorflow inter/intra parallelism threads

I would like to understand a little more about these two parameters: intra and inter op parallelism threads
session_conf = tf.ConfigProto(
I read this post which has a pretty good explanation: TensorFlow: inter- and intra-op parallelism configuration
But I am seeking confirmations and also asking new questions below. And I am running my task in keras 2.0.9, tensorflow 1.3.0:
when both are set to 1, does it mean that, on a computer with 4 cores for example, there will be only 1 thread shared by the four cores?
why using 1 thread does not seem to affect my task very much in terms of speed? My network has the following structure: dropout, conv1d, maxpooling, lstm, globalmaxpooling,dropout, dense. The post cited above says that if there are a lot of matrix multiplication and subtraction operations, using a multiple thread setting can help. I do not know much about the math underneath but I'd imagine there are quite a lot of such matrix operations in my model? However, setting both params from 0 to 1 only sees a 1 minute slowdown over a 10 minute task.
why multi-thread could be a source of non-reproducible results? See Results not reproducible with Keras and TensorFlow in Python. This is the main reason I need to use single threads as I am doing scientific experiments. And surely tensorflow has been improving over the time, why this is not addressed in the release?
Many thanks in advance
When both parameters are set to 1, there will be 1 thread running on 1 of the 4 cores. The core on which it runs might change but it will always be 1 at a time.
When running something in parallel there is always a trade-off between lost time on communication and gained time through parallelization. Depending on the used hardware and the specific task (like the size of the matrices) the speedup will change. Sometimes running something in parallel will be even slower than using one core.
For example when using floats on a cpu, (a + b) + c will not be equal to a + (b + c) because of the floating point precision. Using multiple parallel threads means that operations like a + b + c will not always be computed in the same order, leading to different results on each run. However those differences are extremely small and will not effect the overall result in most cases. Completely reproducible results are usually only needed for debugging. Enforcing complete reproducibility would slow down multi-threading a lot.
Answer to question 1 is "No".
Setting both the parameters to 1 (intra_op_parallelism_threads=1, inter_op_parallelism_threads=1) will generate N threads, where N is the count of cores. I've tested it multiple times on different versions of TensorFlow. This is true even for latest version of TensorFlow. There are multiple questions on how to reduce the number of threads to 1 but with no clear answer. Some examples are
How to stop TensorFlow from multi-threading
Changing the number of threads in TensorFlow on Cifar10
Importing TensorFlow spawns threads

Tensorflow: what's the SplitByWorker exactly done in distributed version?

In Tensorflow, there's a placement algorithm (which named as in master branch) used for mapping node (op) to devices.
Supposed that in distributed TF, there's
1 client graph and 2 workers(or maybe more)
Without specifying node operations to specified workers or devices on workers such as with tf.device("/job:worker/task:7"):
Without using tf.train.replica_device_setter() for model replication on workers.
What's the SplitByWorker actually done?
I've read the SplitByDevice and it seems to retrive by node->device_name() if user explicitly specified a device and placement algo places the whole worker0 subgraph to /job:worker0/gpu:0
Is there any API or tf source code that actually make partition of client graph to different subgraphs, and send to different workers?
I know that tf.train.replica_device_setter() is used to create replicas on workers and for place parameters to ps. But without using this, can tensorflow partition model for me if there's more than 1 workers? (Obviously 1 worker get the whole client graph as its "subgraph")
What's the default option for tensorflow if the client doesn't partition the graph all all?
If the ans of 2 is NO, then I must partition by myself through explicit specifying. But how would tf do to if the client doesn't partition the graph all? Like placement algorithms default option is put all nodes on GPU:0, would it place the whole client graph to worker0 without partition and let worker1 be idle?
Please give me some insight for this, any answers or source code references are appriciated (: