DHIS2-live is not working properly in windows - dhis-2

I am new to use DHIS for giving a try to see what I can do with DHIS and its applications. I have installed PostgreSQL and DHIS2-Live and updated its configuration. When it starts after taking sometimes, it displays on the browser:
Problem accessing /. Reason:
Service Unavailable
If anyone can help with on how to install and use DHIS 2 or DHIS2-Live on windows 7?

dhis2 live is not very stable , infact , doesnt work in all environments.
instead its better to go for manual installation , which is explained in dhis2 official site


"A fatal error occurred while creating a TLS client credential. The internal error state is 10013." every 10 seconds

This has been asked before, but I've been through all the answers provided elsewhere so far, i.e. checking permissions on c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys, adjusting protocols using IISCrypto and turning use of FIPS algorithms on (and off) and I'm still getting batches of 4 events every 10 seconds which swamps the System event log.
I'm running Windows Insider Preview 10 Build 19592.rs_prerelease.200321-1719 (64-bit) so this could be a preview specific issue, however, is there anything else I can try to correct this error?
same issues here, same error code, same pattern , same windows build, tried ISS CRYPTO BEST PRACTICES fix attempt. Did not resolve.
This is not a server, its a standalone client in a home network with no other computers active. Office is not installed, no Exchange, no IIS, no server applications of any kind, just stock windows services. Install is fresh.
Active Browser is Chrome Portable with some basic security plugins such as UBLOCK,Tampermonkey and Adblock. The only webpage opened is this one.
The answer I finally got from a comment on anothersite was that this was a known issue in the Insider Preview and it's now been fixed in the latest releases.
I've gotten this error on an ASP.NET Core 6.0 service that used to work fine previously. The problem turned out to be faulty deployment, that removed all files from the virtual directory.

ColdFusion 2016 stopped rendering website after Mac software update

ColdFusion 2016 stopped rendering website files in browser after I updated my Mac software to latest one, Mojave 10.14.1. Instead of seeing the rendered page in the browser I can see my repository files only.
I noticed that some previous settings regarding local server and Apache were removed after update. I did restore missing settings back how they were before and even reinstalled ColdFusion 2016, but still have that problem with rendering websites on the ColdFusion platform.
After running /Applications/ColdFusion2016/cfusion/runtime/bin and sudo ./wsconfig, I the get Web Server Configuration Window with content inside
[ localhost ] Apache : /private/etc/apache2.
Is there anyone who can help to resolve this issue please?
Change the directory to
sudo ./wsconfig
The documentation does not mention sudo, but I am suggesting it to be safe.
Source: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/configuring-administering/web-server-management.html
After testing ColdFusion 2016 platform using port :8500 I found out that CF server uses Tomcat path (wrong path) instead of Apache one (for Mac virtual directory file: httpd-vhost.conf) and both of them are running at the same time.

How to run Php Pages in Netbeans

I have just successfully deployed Quercus on Glassfish 4.1. I tested in the browser
http://localhost:8080/quercus-4.0.39/ and saw this:
Congratulations! Quercus™ Open Source 4.0.39 is interpreting PHP
pages. Have fun!
Then ran Netbeans Tools > Options > PHP > Activate PHP Support
It worked. I now see this:
So I made 3 tests:
I ran a php page in an html application but instead of displaying the page it prompts a download box to open in Notepad
I created a new PHP project with below configuration:
But when I run the app with above configuration I receive this error:
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost.
So I tried with a third test with other configuration:
When I run this third test I get a HTTP Status 404 - Not Found error on GlassFish server.
What am I doing wrong? Thank you!
The problems with your tests are:
PHP needs to be interpreted by a web server. Your browser doesn't know what to do with a PHP file, so it just treats it like a file rather than a page to render. Apache is the most common and easiest server to do that with, GlassFish is unnecessary and probably not the best choice for PHP.
In this test, you are trying to visit a web server which doesn't exist. You don't have any server that listens on port 80.
Here, GlassFish is reporting that it can't find the resource you requested. Have you made sure to put your PHP project in the right directory for Quercus (like in step 4 of your documentation link) and made sure you're visiting a valid URL?
I think the best thing for you to do is move away from Quercus. The latest version of it is very old and implements an old version of PHP (version 5, whereas the latest is 5.6). Looking at the official website, the project appears to be dead, with broken links and very old documentation.
I would suggest you investigate installing a WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP) or LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack. There are lots of very easy installers for this approach which will help you get up to speed and a lot of helpful tutorials and documentation.
For those who using tomcat, below are the steps :-
Right click your project --> properties --> Run Configuration --> For Run As, select PHP Built-in Web Server
Go to Tools --> Options --> PHP tab --> in Php 5 interpreter, browse the correct location for php
Then it should works !
In my case , my php is in /usr/bin/php7.0, so I put the path in Php 5 interpreter.

Heroku error when attempting to deploy app from dropbox

I am trying to deploy a node app on heroku via the web GUI for dropbox, and I get the error:
Item could not be modified:
"Content-Type" request header must be set to "application/json".
Any clues as to what that might mean?
Disclaimer: I was not the one who wrote the app, just made two mods for heroku.
In case you haven't found an answer... I have the same problem.
You probably need to update your runtime stack.
Here's Heroku's message on their website:
"The legacy Cedar-10 stack has been deprecated and reached its end-of-life on November 4, 2015. Applications may continue running, however you will not be able to push to your application without upgrading to Cedar-14 first."
How to update informations are available here:
I have the same problem. I raised a ticket at Heroku. They replied,
"Are you using Firefox? We seen this recently with Firefox and we are currently working on a fix. In the meantime, you can use another browser like Google Chrome for deploying your app."
And using Google Chrome fixes the problem.

Not Installed Error in Osclass

Please Note : I have well searched the Problem on official forums of Osclass and there is no appropriate problem.
The website name is http://www.eventspanda.com
OsClass has a serious bug, my website is fully developed and working most of times, but sometimes it says this error page in middle of nowhere :-
OsClass Error >> OSClass isn't installed. Need more help?
and after sometime, the website starts working normally. It is very frustrating.Please help.
Which version of Osclass are you running?
That could be that your MySQL server isn't available at the moment, but IIRC, in newer version it display a message about not being able to connect to the MySQL server. Could you please check the error log?
The error above is due to a failed connection to your MySQL server, without connection to the MySQL server, the Osclass pages, can't be rendered.
On shared server environment MySQL servers are restarted automatically after critical security patches and upgrades.
Solution: Notify your web hosting company about the error they will sort you out.