Storing large amount of data in Redis / NoSQL or Relational db? - redis

I need to store and access financial market candle stick information.
The amount of candles sticks that I will need to store is beginning to looking staggering (huge). There are 1000s of markets and each one has many trading pairs, and each pair has many time frames, and each time frame is an array of candles like the below. The array below could be for hourly price data or daily price data for example.
I need to make this information available to multiple users at any given time, so need to store it and make it available somehow.
The data looks something like this:
time: 1528761600,
openPrice: 100,
closePrice: 20,
highestPrice: 120,
time: 1528761610,
openPrice: 100,
closePrice: 20,
highestPrice: 120,
time: 1528761630,
openPrice: 100,
closePrice: 20,
highestPrice: 120,
Consumers of the data will mostly be a complex Javascript based charting app, but other consumers will be node code, and perhaps other backend code.
My current best idea is to put save the candlesticks in Redis, though I have also considered a noSQL database. I'm not super experienced in either, so I'm not 100% sure Redis is the right choice. It seems to be the most performant option though, but perhaps harder to work with, since I am having to learn a lot, and I'm not convinced that the method of saving and retrieval used by Redis is going to make this very easy since, I will need to continually add candles to each array.
I'm currently thinking something like:
Do an initial fetch from the candle stick api and either:
Create a Redis hash with a suitable label and stingify the whole array of candles into the hash, so that it back be parsed by Javascript etc
Drawbacks of this approach:
Every time a new candle is created, I have to parse the json, add any new candles sticks and stringify and save it.
Pros of this approach:
I can use Javascript to manage the array and make sure it's sorted etc
Create a Redis list of time stamps, which allows me to just push new candles onto the list and trust it to be in the right order. I can then do a Redis SCAN? to return time stamps between the specific dates and then use the time stamps to pull the data out of a Redis hash. After retriveng all of this, then building a json object similar to above to pass to Javascript.
I have to say that both of these approaches feels way more painfull to me putting the data in a relational database. I imagine that a no-SQL database could also be way easier, but I'm not experienced with them, so I can't say for sure.
I'm a bit lost and out of my experience here, as you can tell, and would love any advice anyone can give me.
Thanks :)

Your data is very regular - each candlestick has essentially 1 64 bit long for timestamp, and 4 32 bit numbers for the prices. This makes it very amenable to bitfield.
Storing the data
Here is how I would store it -
stock-symbol:daily_prices = bitfield with 30 * 5 records, assuming you are storing data for past 30 days
stock-symbol:hourly_prices = bitfield with 24 * 5 records
This way, your memory is (30*5 + 24*5) * 16 bytes = 4320 bytes per symbol + constant overhead per key.
You don't need to store the timestamp (see below). Also, I have assumed 4 bytes to store the price. You can store it as a whole number by eliminating the decimal.
Writing the data
To insert hourly prices, find the current hour (say 07:00 hours). If you treat the bitfield as an array of 4 byte integers, you will have to skip 7 * 4 = 28 integers. You then insert the prices at position 28, 29, 30, 31 (0 based indexes).
So, to store price for AAPL at 07:00 hours, you would run the command
bitfield AAPL:hourly_prices set i32 28 <open price> i32 29 <close price> i32 30 <highest price> i32 31 <lowest price>
You would do something similar for daily prices as well.
Reading Data
If you are building a charting library, most likely you would want to return data for multiple symbols for a given time range. Let's say you want to pull out daily prices for past 7 days, your logic will be -
For each symbol:
Get start and end range within the array
Invoke the Get Range command.
If you run this in a pipeline, it will be very fast.
Other tips
Usually, you would to filter by some property of the symbol. For example, "show me graphs of top 10 tech companies for the last 5 days".
A symbol itself is relational data. I would recommend storing that in a relational database. Just get the symbol names as a list from the relational database, and then fetch the stock prices from redis.

Redis has its limits, like anything, but they're pretty high, and if you're clever about it, you can get amazing performance out of redis. If you outgrow one instance you can start thinking about clustering, which should scale relatively linearly to a level where budget is a bigger concern than performance.
Without having a really great grasp of the data you're describing and its relations, sounds like what you're looking for is a sorted set, perhaps sorted by date. You can ZSCAN a sorted set to move through it sequentially, or you can do lots of other great things against one as well. You might have data that requires a few different things - eg a hash for some data and an entry into an index for the hash itself, or even in a few different indexes. A simple redis list might also do the job for you, since it's inherently ordered by insertion order ( this may or may not work for your cases of course; it may depend on whether your input is inherently temporally ordered).
At the end of the day, redis performance is generally dictated by how "well" the data is stored in redis - in other words, how well the native redis capabilities have been mapped into your problem domain. It's pretty easy to use and to program against. I'd highly recommend you look into it.


How do databases store live second data?

So what I mean by live second data is something like the stock market where every second the data is getting inputted to the exact area of the specific stock item.
How would the data look in the database? Does it have a timestamp of each second? If so, wouldn't that cause the database to quickly fill up? Are there specific Databases that manage this type of stuff?
Thank you!
Given the sheer amount of money that gets thrown around in fintech, I'd be surprised if trading platforms even use traditional RDMBS databases to store their trading data, but I digress...
How would the data look in the database?
(Again, assuming they're even using a relation-based model in the first place) then something like this in SQL:
CREATE TABLE SymbolPrices (
Symbol char(4) NOT NULL, -- 4 bytes, or even 3 bytes given a symbol char only needs 32 bits-per-char.
Utc datetime NOT NULL, -- 8 byte timestamp (nanosececond precision)
Price int NOT NULL -- Assuming integer cents (not 4 digits), that's 4 bytes
...which has a fixed row length of 16 bytes.
Does it have a timestamp of each second?
It can do, but not per second - you'd need far greater granularity than that: I wouldn't be surprised if they were using at least 100-nanosecond resolution, which is a common unit for computer system clock "ticks" (e.g. .NET's DateTime.Ticks is a 64-bit integer value of 100-nanosecond units). Java and JavaScript both use milliseconds, though this resolution might be too coarse.
Storage space requirements for changing numeric values can always be significantly optimized if you instead store the deltas instead of absolute values: I reckon it could come down to 8 bytes per record:
I reason that 3 bytes is sufficient to store trade timestamp deltas at ~1.5ms resolution assuming 100,000 trades per day per stock: that's 16.7m values to represent a 7 hour (25,200s) trading window,
Price deltas also likely be reduced to a 2 byte value (-$327.68 to +$327.67).
And assuming symbols never exceed 4 uppercase Latin characters (A-Z), then that can be represented in 3 bytes.
Giving an improved fixed row length of 8 bytes (3 + 3 + 2).
Though you would now need to store "keyframe" data every few thousand rows to prevent needing to re-play every trade from the very beginning to get the current price.
If data is physically partitioned by symbol (i.e.. using a separate file on disk for each symbol) then you don't need to include the symbol in the record at all, bringing the row length down to merely 5 bytes.
If so, wouldn't that cause the database to quickly fill up?
No, not really (at least assuming you're using HDDs made since the early 2000s); consider that:
Major stock-exchanges really don't have that many stocks, e.g. NASDAQ only has a few thousand stocks (5,015 apparently).
While high-profile stocks (APPL, AMD, MSFT, etc) typically have 30-day sales volumes on the order of 20-130m, that's only the most popular ~50 stocks, most stocks have 30-day volumes far below that.
Let's just assume all 5,000 stocks all have a 30-day volume of 3m.
That's ~100,000 trades per day, per stock on average.
That would require 100,000 * 16 bytes per day per stock.
That's 1,600,000 bytes per day per stock.
Or 1.5MiB per day per stock.
556MiB per year per stock.
For the entire exchange (of 5,000 stocks) that's 7.5GiB/day.
Or 2.7TB/year.
When using deltas instead of absolute values, then the storage space requirements are halved to ~278MiB/year per stock, or 1.39TB/year for the entire exchange.
In practice, historical information would be likely be archived and compressed (likely using a column-major approach to make them more amenable to good compression with general purpose compression schemes, and if data is grouped by symbol then that shaves off another 4 bytes).
Even without compression, partitioning by symbol and using deltas means needing around only 870GB/year for the entire exchange.
That's small enough to fit into a $40 HDD drive from Amazon.
Are there specific Databases that manage this type of stuff?
Undoubtedly, but I don't think they'd need to optimize for storage-space specifically - more likely write-performance and security.
They use different big data architectures like Kappa and Lambda where data is processed in both near real-time and batch pipelines, in this case live second data is "stored" in a messaging engine like Apache Kafka and then it's retrieved, processed and ingested to databases with streaming processing engines like Apache Spark Streaming
They often don't use RDMBS databases like MySQL, SQL Server and so forth to store the data and instead they use NoSQL data storage or formats like Apache Avro or Apache Parquet stored in buckets like AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage properly partitioned to improve performance.
A full example can be found here: Streaming Architecture with Apache Spark and Kafka

Best data structure to store temperature readings over time

I used to work with SQL like MySQL, Postgres or MSSQL.
Now I want to play with Redis. I'm working on a little home project, that I think is the best choice for starting using Redis.
I have a machine that reads temperature (indoor and outdoor) and humidity. I need to store the readings into Redis. Can you help me to understand the best data structure to do so?
Other than this data I need to store the time (ex. unix timestamp) of the temperature reading for use plotting a graphic.
I installed Redis read the documentation, so I understand the commands and data types.
Since this is your first Redis project and it's a home project, I'd be careful about being to careful. Here's a couple ways to consider designing it (NOTE: I only dug deep into REDIS this past weekend so hopefully others will weigh in).
Four ordered sets
KEY for sets are "indoor_temps", "outdoor_temps", "indoor_humidity", "outdoor_humidity"
VALUES are the temperatures / humidities
SCORE is the date stored as EPOCH
Four types of keys (best shown by example)
datetime_key = /year:2014/month:07/day:12/hour:07/minute:32/second:54
type_keys = [indoor_temps, outdoor_temps, indoor_humidity, outdoor_humidity]
keys are of form type + "/" + datetime_key
values are the temp and humidity itself
You probably want to implement some initial design and then work with the data immediately - graph it, do stats, etc. Whatever you plan to do with it. That will expose flaws and if they are major, flush the database and try again. These designs should really only take ~1 hour to implement since the only thing you're really changing is a few Redis commands and some string manipulation to convert the data to keys.
I like Tony's suggestions, but I'll also throw out another possibility.
4 lists
keys are "indoor_temps", "outdoor_temps", "indoor_humidity", "outdoor_humidity"
values are of the form < timestamp >_< reading > ie.( "1403197981_27.2" )
Push items onto the front of the list using LPUSH. Get a set of readings using LRANGE. The list will always be ordered by the time of the reading. Obviously split the value on "_" to get your time and reading...
In all honesty, this will give the same properties as Tony's first example, with slightly worse lookup performance, but better memory usage. I'm guessing for this project you'll be neither memory, nor CPU constrained, so the choice is probably not an issue. That said, if you expect to be saving 100's of thousands or more readings, I would suggest the list unless you want to consume a large portion of your system's memory.
Also, it's a good idea to call EXPIRE on your entries with some reasonable TTL that encompasses the length of time you want to save the readings for. If your plan is to have them live in perpetuity then you may want to look at backing them up to a disk DB over time, and just use Redis as a quick lookup cache for recent readings.
Thank to all answer, I choose this strucure:
4 lists: tempIN, tempOut, humidIN and humidOUT
values are: [value]:[timestamp]. For example: "25.4:1403615247"
As suggested from wallacer i want to backup old entries out from Redis.
For main frontend i need only last two days of sample.
For example i can create Redis RDB file snapshot and "trim" the live lists. This solution is not convenient in the event that, in the future you want to recover old values​​.
Do you have any tips on what kind of procedure to adopt to store the data? Maybe use of SQLIte DB?

Storing trillions of document similarities

I wrote a program to compute similarities among a set of 2 million documents. The program works, but I'm having trouble storing the results. I won't need to access the results often, but will occasionally need to query them and pull out subsets for analysis. The output basically looks like this:
Columns 1 and 2 are document ids, and column 3 is the similarity score. Since the similarity scores are symmetric I don't need to compute them all, but that still leaves me with 2000000*(2000000-1)/2 ≈ 2,000,000,000,000 lines of records.
A text file with 1 million lines of records is already 9MB. Extrapolating, that means I'd need 17 TB to store the results like this (in flat text files).
Are there more efficient ways to store these sorts of data? I could have one row for each document and get rid of the repeated document ids in the first column. But that'd only go so far. What about file formats, or special database systems? This must be a common problem in "big data"; I've seen papers/blogs reporting similar analyses, but none discuss practical dimensions like storage.
DISCLAIMER: I don't have any practical experience with this, but it's a fun exercise and after some thinking this is what I came up with:
Since you have 2.000.000 documents you're kind of stuck with an integer for the document id's; that makes 4 bytes + 4 bytes; the comparison seems to be between 0.00 and 1.00, I guess a byte would do by encoding the 0.00-1.00 as 0..100.
So your table would be : id1, id2, relationship_value
That brings it to exactly 9 bytes per record. Thus (without any overhead) ((2 * 10^6)^2)*9/2bytes are needed, that's about 17Tb.
Off course that's if you have just a basic table. Since you don't plan on querying it very often I guess performance isn't that much of an issue. So you could go 'creative' by storing the values 'horizontally'.
Simplifying things, you would store the values in a 2 million by 2 million square and each 'intersection' would be a byte representing the relationship between their coordinates. This would "only" require about 3.6Tb, but it would be a pain to maintain, and it also doesn't make use of the fact that the relations are symmetrical.
So I'd suggest to use a hybrid approach, a table with 2 columns. First column would hold the 'left' document-id (4 bytes), 2nd column would hold a string of all values of documents starting with an id above the id in the first column using a varbinary. Since a varbinary only takes the space that it needs, this helps us win back some space offered by the symmetry of the relationship.
In other words,
record 1 would have a string of (2.000.000-1) bytes as value for the 2nd column
record 2 would have a string of (2.000.000-2) bytes as value for the 2nd column
record 3 would have a string of (2.000.000-3) bytes as value for the 2nd column
That way you should be able to get away with something like 2Tb (inc overhead) to store the information. Add compression to it and I'm pretty sure you can store it on a modern disk.
Off course the system is far from optimal. In fact, querying the information will require some patience as you can't approach things set-based and you'll pretty much have to scan things byte by byte. A nice 'benefit' of this approach would be that you can easily add new documents by adding a new byte to the string of EACH record + 1 extra record in the end. Operations like that will be costly though as it will result in page-splits; but at least it will be possible without having to completely rewrite the table. But it will cause quite bit of fragmentation over time and you might want to rebuild the table once in a while to make it more 'aligned' again. Ah.. technicalities.
Selecting and Updating will require some creative use of SubString() operations, but nothing too complex..
PS: Strictly speaking, for 0..100 you only need 7 bytes, so if you really want to squeeze the last bit out of it you could actually store 8 values in 7 bytes and save another ca 300Mb, but it would make things quite a bit more complex... then again, it's not like the data is going to be human-readable anyway =)
PS: this line of thinking is completely geared towards reducing the amount of space needed while remaining practical in terms of updating the data. I'm not saying it's going to be fast; in fact, if you'd go searching for all documents that have a relation-value of 0.89 or above the system will have to scan the entire table and even with modern disks that IS going to take a while.
Mind you that all of this is the result of half an hour brainstorming; I'm actually hoping that someone might chime in with a neater approach =)

Suggestions/Opinions for implementing a fast and efficient way to search a list of items in a very large dataset

Please comment and critique the approach.
Scenario: I have a large dataset(200 million entries) in a flat file. Data is of the form - a 10 digit phone number followed by 5-6 binary fields.
Every week I will be getting a Delta files which will only contain changes to the data.
Problem : Given a list of items i need to figure out whether each item(which will be the 10 digit number) is present in the dataset.
The approach I have planned :
Will parse the dataset and put it a DB(To be done at the start of the
week) like MySQL or Postgres. The reason i want to have RDBMS in the
first step is I want to have full time series data.
Then generate some kind of Key Value store out of this database with
the latest valid data which supports operation to find out whether
each item is present in the dataset or not(Thinking some kind of a
NOSQL db, like Redis here optimised for search. Should have
persistence and be distributed). This datastructure will be read-only.
Query this key value store to find out whether each item is present
(if possible match a list of values all at once instead of matching
one item at a time). Want this to be blazing fast. Will be using this functionality as the back-end to a REST API
Sidenote: Language of my preference is Python.
A few considerations for the fast lookup:
If you want to check a set of numbers at a time, you could use the Redis SINTER which performs set intersection.
You might benefit from using a grid structure by distributing number ranges over some hash function such as the first digit of the phone number (there are probably better ones, you have to experiment), this would e.g. reduce the size per node, when using an optimal hash, to near 20 million entries when using 10 nodes.
If you expect duplicate requests, which is quite likely, you could cache the last n requested phone numbers in a smaller set and query that one first.

Trending 100 million+ rows

I have a system which records some measured values every second. What is the best way to store trend data which are values corresponding to a specific second?
1 day = 86.400 seconds
1 month = 2.592.000 seconds
Around 1000 values to keep track of every seconds.
Currently there are 50 tables grouping the trend data for 20 columns each. These tables contain more than 100 million rows.
TREND_TIME datetime (clustered_index)
Have you considered RRDTool - it provides a round robin database, or circular buffer, for time series data. You can store data at whatever interval you like, then define consolidation points and a consolidation function, for example (sum, min, max, avg) for a given period, 1 second, 5 seconds, 2 days, etc. Because it knows what consolidation points you want, it doesn't need to store all the data points once they've been agregated.
Ganglia and Cacti use this under the covers and it's quite easy to use from many languages.
If you do need all the datapoints, consider using it just for the aggregation.
I would change the data saving approach and instead of saving 'raw' data as values I would save 5-20 minutes of data in an array (Memory, BL side), compress that array using LZ based algorithm and then store the data in the database as binary data. Also, it would be nice to save Max/Min/Avg/etc.. info for that binary chunk.
When you want to process the data you can process the data chunk after chunk and by that you keep a low memory profile for your application. this approach is a little more complex but very scalable in terms of memory/processing.
hope this helps.
Is the problem the database schema?
1 second to many trends obviously first shows you a separate table with a seconds-table foreign key. Alternatively, if the "many trend values" is represented by the columns and not rows you can always append the columns to the seconds table and incur null values.
Have you tried that? Was performance poor?