Celery with RabbitMQ creating too many queues - rabbitmq

When running Django/Celery/RabbitMQ on production server, some tasks are sent and consumed correctly. However, RabbitMQ starts using up all the CPU after processing is done. I believe this is related to the following report.
RabbitMQ on EC2 Consuming Tons of CPU
In that thread, it is suggested to set these config values:
I forked and customized the celery-haystack package to set both those values when calling appl_async(), however it seems to have had no effect.
I think Celery is creating a large number (one per task) of uid-named queues automatically to store results. But I don't seem to be able to stop it.
Any ideas?

I just got a day of digging into this problem myself. I think the two options you meantioned can be explained like this:
CELERY_IGNORE_RESULT: if True then the results of tasks will be ignored, hence they won't return anything where you call them with delay or apply_async.
CELERY_AMQP_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES: the expiration time for a result stored in the result backend. You can set this option to a reasonable value so RabbitMQ can delete expired results.
The many queues generated are for storing results only. So in case you don't want to store any results, you can remove CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND option from your config file.
Have a ncie day!


Are delayed messages in Redis reliable?

I have an architecture solution that relies on the delayed messages.
In short:
There are many clients (mostly mobile devices running android or ios) that can process a given job.
I am creating a job delegation (in RDBMS) for a given client expecting it to be picked up within a certain period of time and the "chosen" client receives a push notification that there is something for it to process. IMO the details about the algorithm of choosing single client out of many is irrelevant to the problem so skipping this part.
When the client pulls a job delegation then the status of it is changed from pending to processing.
As mentioned clients are mobile devices and are often carried by people in move and thus can, due to many reasons, be unable to pull the job delegation from the server and process it.
That's why during the creation of the job delegation, there is also a delayed message dispatched in Redis which is supposed to check in now() + 40 seconds if the job was pulled or not (so if the status is pending or not).
If the delegation hasn't been pulled by the client (status = pending) server times it out and creates a new job delegation with status = pending for a different client. As so on as so for.
It works pretty well except the fact that I've noticed the "check if should timeout" jobs do not ALWAYS run at the time I would expect them to be run. The average is 7 seconds later and the max is 29 seconds later for the analyzed sample of few thousands of jobs. Redis is used as a queue but also as a key-value cache store and in general heavily utilized by the system. May it become that much impacted by the load? I've sort of "reproduced" the issue also on my local environment with a containerized setup with much less load so I doubt it's entirely due to the Redis being busy.
The delay in execution (vs expected) is quite a problem here because it may happen that, especially in case of trying few clients from the list, the total time since creation of the job till it's successfully processed can increase a lot.
So back to the original question. Is the delayed messaging functionality in Redis reliable?
Are there any good recommended docs about it?
Are there any more reliable solutions designed to solve that issue?
Expecting that messages set to be executed in a given timestamp is executed no later than 2-3 seconds from that timestamp.

Monitoring long lasting tasks in Airflow

I've seen people using Airflow to schedule hundreds of scraping jobs through Scrapyd daemons. However, one thing they miss in Airflow is monitoring long-lasting jobs like scraping: getting number of pages and items scraped so far, number of URL that failed so far or were retried without success.
What are my options to monitor current status of long lasting jobs? Is there something already available or I need to resort to external solutions like Prometheus, Grafana and instrument Scrapy spiders myself?
We've had better luck keeping our airflow jobs short and sweet.
With long-running tasks, you risk running into queue back-ups. And we've found the parallelism limits are not quite intuitive. Check out this post for a good breakdown.
In a case kind of like yours, when there's a lot of work to orchestrate and potentially retry, we reach for Kafka. The airflow dags pull messages off of a Kafka topic and then report success/failure via a Kafka wrapper.
We end up with several overlapping airflow tasks running in "micro-batches" reading a tune-able number of messages off Kafka, with the goal of keeping each airflow task under a certain run time.
By keeping the work small in each airflow task, we can easily scale the number of messages up or down to tune the overall task run time with the overall parallelism of the airflow workers.
Seems like you could explore something similar here?
Hope that helps!

server-to-server multicast messaging with Google Cloud PubSub?

I have a cluster of backend servers on GCP, and they need to send messages to each other. All the servers need to receive every message, but I can tolerate a low error rate. I can deal with receiving the message more than once on a given server. Packet ordering doesn't matter.
I don't need much of a persistence layer. A message becomes stale within a couple of seconds after sending it.
I wired up Google Cloud PubSub and pretty quickly realized that for a given subscription, you can have any number of subscribers but only one of them is guaranteed to get the message. I considered making the subscribers all fail to ack it, but that seems like a gross hack that probably won't work well.
My server cluster is sized dynamically by an autoscaler. It spins up VM instances as needed, with dynamic hostnames and IP addresses. There is no convenient way to map the dynamic hosts to static subscriptions, but it feels like that's my only real option: Create more subscriptions than my max server pool size, and then use some sort of paxos system (runtime config, zookeeper, whatever) to allocate servers to subscriptions.
I'm starting to feel that even though my use case feels really simple ("Every server can multicast a message to every other server in my group"), it may not be a good fit for Cloud PubSub.
Should I be using GCM/FCM? Or some other technology?
Cloud Pub/Sub may or may not be a fit for you, depending on the size of your server cluster. Failing to ack the messages certainly won't work because you can't be sure each instance will get the message; it could just be redelivered to the same instance over and over again.
You could use multiple subscriptions and have each instance create a new subscription when it starts up. This only works if you don't plan to scale beyond 10,000 instances in your cluster, as that is the maximum number of subscriptions per topic allowed. The difficulty here is in cleaning up subscriptions for instances that go down. Ones that cleanly shut down could probably delete their own subscriptions, but there will always be some that don't get cleaned up. You'd need some kind of external process that can determine if the instance for each subscription is still up and running and if not, delete the subscription. You could use GCE shutdown scripts to catch this most of the time, though there will still be edge cases where deletes would have to be done manually.

Celery Queue Hanging

I've got one specific job that seems to hang my celery workers every so often. I'm using rabbitmq as a broker. I've tried a couple things to fix this, to no avail:
Autoscaling the workers to allow the hung ones plenty of time to finish execution
Setting a global timeout
So I've come up a little short on what's causing this problem, and how I can fix it. Can anyone give me any pointers? The task in question is simply inserting a record into the database (MongoDB in this case.)
Update: I've added CELERYD_FORCE_EXECV. We'll see if that fixes it.
Update 2: nope!
A specific job making the child processes hang is often a symptom of IO that never completes, e.g. a web request or socket read without a timeout.
Most libraries supports setting a timeout, but if not you can always use socket.setdefaulttimeout:
import socket
def http_get(url, timeout=1.0, retry_after=3.0, max_retries=None):
prev_timeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout()
return requests.get(url)
except socket.timeout:
raise http_get.retry(exc=exc, countdown=retry_after, max_retries=max_retries)
You are most likely hitting a infinite loop bug in Celery / Kombu (see https://github.com/celery/celery/issues/3712) that only got fixed very recently. It has not gotten into a release yet. See commit https://github.com/celery/kombu/pull/760 for details. If you cannot use a repo build for your installation a work around is to either switch to Redis or set CELERY_WORKER_PREFETCH_MULTIPLIER=0 and -P solo for now.

Temporary queue made in Celery

I am using Celery with RabbitMQ. Lately, I have noticed that a large number of temporary queues are getting made.
So, I experimented and found that when a task fails (that is a tasks raises an Exception), then a temporary queue with a random name (like c76861943b0a4f3aaa6a99a6db06952c) is formed and the queue remains.
Some properties of the temporary queue as found in rabbitmqadmin are as follows -
auto_delete : True
consumers : 0
durable : False
messages : 1
messages_ready : 1
And one such temporary queue is made everytime a task fails (that is, raises an Exception). How to avoid this situation? Because in my production environment a large number of such queues get formed.
It sounds like you're using the amqp as the results backend. From the docs here are the pitfalls of using that particular setup:
Every new task creates a new queue on the server, with thousands of
tasks the broker may be overloaded with queues and this will affect
performance in negative ways. If you’re using RabbitMQ then each
queue will be a separate Erlang process, so if you’re planning to
keep many results simultaneously you may have to increase the Erlang
process limit, and the maximum number of file descriptors your OS
Old results will not be cleaned automatically, so you must make
sure to consume the results or else the number of queues will
eventually go out of control. If you’re running RabbitMQ 2.1.1 or
higher you can take advantage of the x-expires argument to queues,
which will expire queues after a certain time limit after they are
unused. The queue expiry can be set (in seconds) by the
CELERY_AMQP_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES setting (not enabled by default).
From what I've read in the changelog, this is no longer the default backend in versions >=2.3.0 because users were getting bit in the rear end by this behavior. I'd suggest changing the results backend if this not the functionality you need.
Well, Philip is right there. The following is a description of how I solved it. It is a configuration in celeryconfig.py.
I am still using CELERY_BACKEND = "amqp" as Philip had said. But in addition to that, I am now using CELERY_IGNORE_RESULT = True. This configuration will ensure that the extra queues are not formed for every task.
I was already using this configuration but still when a task fails, the extra queue was formed. Then I noticed that I was using another configuration which needed to be removed which was CELERY_STORE_ERRORS_EVEN_IF_IGNORED = True. What this did that it did not store the results for all tasks but did only for errors (tasks which failed) and hence one extra queue for a task which failed.
The CELERY_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES dictates the time to live of the temp queues. The default is 1 day. You can modify this value.
The reason this is happening is because celery workers remote control is enabled (it is enabled by default).
You can disable it by setting the CELERY_ENABLE_REMOTE_CONTROL setting to False
However, note that you will lose the ability to do things like add_consumer, cancel_consumer etc using the celery command
amqp backend creates a new queue for each task. If you want to avoid it, you can use rpc backend which keeps results in a single queue.
In your config, set
You can read more about this on celery docs.