Component destructuring with fewer than expected components - kotlin

Let's say I want to do the following:
val (k, v) = pair.split("=".toRegex(), 2)
This code is fine if I always get 2 components from the split - however, if the delimiter is not present in the string, this code throws an exception, because the second element in the array isn't present.
The answer is almost certainly "no", but is there some way to coerce destructure to assign null values to missing components?

When destructuring objects, Kotlin calls componentN() for that object. For arrays, component1() is equal to get(0), component2() is equal to get(1), and so on.
So if the index is out of bounds, it'll throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, instead of returning null.
But you can make your operator function like this:
operator fun <T> Array<out T>.component1(): T? = if (size > 0) get(0) else null
operator fun <T> Array<out T>.component2(): T? = if (size > 1) get(1) else null
so if I run
val (k, v) = arrayOf(1)
the output will be
Destructuring Declarations

You could add your own extension to List that adds the required number of null values to the end:
val (k, v) = pair.split("=".toRegex(), 2).padWithNulls(limit = 2)
Implementation can be done a couple of ways, here's just one:
private inline fun <reified E> List<E>.padWithNulls(limit: Int): List<E?> {
if (this.size >= limit) {
return this
val result: MutableList<E?> = this.toMutableList()
result.addAll(arrayOfNulls(limit - this.size))
return result
Here's a simpler one as well:
private fun <E> List<E>.padWithNulls(limit: Int): List<E?> {
val result: MutableList<E?> = this.toMutableList()
while (result.size < limit) {
return result
Or wrapping this functionality even further:
val (k, v) = pair.splitAndPadWithNulls("=".toRegex(), 2)
private fun String.splitAndPadWithNulls(regex: Regex, limit: Int): List<String?> {
return this.split(regex, limit).padWithNulls(limit)

Its working for me
val pair="your string"
if(pair.isNotEmpty()&&pair.contains("=")) {
val (k, v) = pair.split("=".toRegex(), 2)

It doesn't cover as many cases as other answers (also might not be as obvious what's happening) but you can always force there to be at least the correct number of values to destructure (extra values will be ignored). Using your example you can just add null to increase the size of the list returned by split:
val (k, v) = "foo=bar".split("=".toRegex(), 2) + null
> k=foo, v=bar
val (k, v) = "foo".split("=".toRegex(), 2) + null
> k=foo, v=null
Playground example


Type mismatch error when adding a map value to a variable (Kotlin)

I want to add a value from a MutableMap to the total, but I keep getting Type mismatch: inferred type is Int? but Int was expected error and I don't know how to fix this issue
I tried calling the value as Int menu[item].toInt() and setting logic in the if statement that checks that the item is indeed Int, but nothing helped.
Please, see the code below
fun main() {
val order = Order()
val menu: MutableMap<String, Int> = mutableMapOf("Noodles" to 10,
"Vegetables Chef's Choice" to 5,
class Order {
var total = 0
fun placeOrder(vararg orderedItems: String) {
for (item in orderedItems) {
if (item in menu) {
total += menu[item]
Your call to menu[item] is a shorthand for menu.get(item) which is defined as Map<K, out V>.get(key: K): V?.
In case no element with the specified key is found in the map, null is returned.
You may fix this by providing a default value, in case the returned value is null, e.g.:
total += menu[item] ?: 0
Map<K, out V> also provides alternatives, which provide Int instead of Int?.
You may use getValue(key: K): V, which throws an NoSuchElementException, when there is no element with the given key.
Alternatively, you can utilize getOrElse(key: K, defaultValue: () -> V): V or getOrDefault(key: K, defaultValue: V): V which both provide a fallback value instead of null.
Examples for the different alternatives below:
total += menu.getValue(item)
total += menu.getOrElse(item) { 0 }
total += menu.getOrDefault(item, 0)

Operator overloading on += for set and get calls wrong setter

I have made an extension functions for BigIntegers, allowing me to add Ints to them.
operator fun Int): BigInteger = this + other.toBigInteger()
// Allowing me to do
val c = myBigInt + 3
I have also made a Counter class, holding bigintegers for various keys, for easy counting. Since doing counter["1"] += myBigInt isn't allowed on standard maps (it's nullable), I have added a custom getter that returns a default value, making this possible.
class Counter<K>(val map: MutableMap<K, BigInteger>) : MutableMap<K, BigInteger> by map {
constructor() : this(mutableMapOf())
override operator fun get(key: K): BigInteger {
return map.getOrDefault(key, BigInteger.ZERO)
I can then use it like this
val counter = Counter<String>()
c["ones"] += 5.toBigInteger()
Problem is that I cannot use it like this:
c["ones"] += 5 // doesn't work, "Kotlin: No set method providing array access"
but this should be equivalent to this, which works, since it should use my extension operator on the bigint:
c["ones"] = c["ones"] + 5 // works
Why doesn't this work?
I've tried adding a set method for Ints, but then I see a very weird behavior. Kotlin will do the calculation correct, but then convert the BigInteger to an Int before passing it to my class! Example:
inline operator fun Int): BigInteger {
val bigInteger = this + other.toBigInteger()
println("calculated bigint to $bigInteger")
return bigInteger
class Counter<K>(val map: MutableMap<K, BigInteger>) : MutableMap<K, BigInteger> by map {
constructor() : this(mutableMapOf())
override operator fun get(key: K): BigInteger {
return map.getOrDefault(key, BigInteger.ZERO)
operator fun set(key: K, value: Int) {
println("setting int $value")
map[key] = value.toBigInteger()
val c = Counter<String>()
c["1"] = "2192039569601".toBigInteger()
c["1"] += 5
println("result: ${c["1"]}")
c["1"] = "2192039569601".toBigInteger()
c["1"] = c["1"] + 5
println("result: ${c["1"]}")
Which prints
calculated bigint to 2192039569606
setting int 1606248646 <--- why does it call the int setter here?
result: 1606248646
calculated bigint to 2192039569606
result: 2192039569606
Why does Kotlin do the BigInt summation, but converts it back to an Int before sending to my setter?
Since a comment suggest this is a compiler issue, any other ideas?
My ultimate goal here, was to have a counter of big integers, but to be able to easily add ints to it.
Adding this as a set function, makes it being called for both ints and bigints, so I can do the proper assignment myself. However, it will also then allow someone to add floats that will crash at runtime.
operator fun set(key: K, value: Number) {
map[key] = when (value) {
is BigInteger -> value
is Int -> value.toBigInteger()
else -> throw RuntimeException("only ints")
Any tips?
Notice that c["ones"] += 5 can be translated into calls in two ways:
c.set("ones", c.get("ones").plus(5))
The first way is what your code currently translates to, because you don't have a plusAssign operator defined. As I said in the comments, there is a bug in the compiler that prevents the operators from resolved correctly. When resolving c["ones"] += 5, It seems to be trying to find a set operator that takes an Int instead (possibly because 5 is an Int), which is unexpected. If you modify the code in the bug report a little, you can even make it throw an exception when executed!
class Foo {
operator fun get(i: Int) : A = A()
operator fun set(i: Int, a: A) {}
operator fun set(i: Int, a: Int) {}
class A {
operator fun plus(b: Int) = A()
class B
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val foo = Foo()
foo[0] = foo[0] + 1
foo[0] += 1 // this compiles now, since there is a set(Int, Int) method
// but A can't be casted to Int, so ClassCastException!
It is rather coincidental (and lucky) in your case, that the compiler knows how to convert from BigInteger (or any other Number type actually) to Int, using Number#intValue. Otherwise the program would have crashed too.
A natural alternative way is to define the plusAssign operator, so that the assignment gets translated the second way. However, we can't do it on BigInteger, because plusAssign would need to mutate this, but BigInteger is immutable. This means that we need to create our own mutable wrapper. This does mean that you lose the nice immutability, but this is all I can think of.
fun main() {
val c = Counter<String>()
c.set("1", "2192039569601".toMutableBigInteger())
println("result: ${c["1"]}")
data class MutableBigInteger(var bigInt: BigInteger) {
operator fun plusAssign(other: Int) {
bigInt += other.toBigInteger()
fun String.toMutableBigInteger() = MutableBigInteger(toBigInteger())
class Counter<K>(val map: MutableMap<K, MutableBigInteger>) : MutableMap<K, MutableBigInteger> by map{
constructor() : this(mutableMapOf())
override operator fun get(key: K): MutableBigInteger {
return map.getOrPut(key) { MutableBigInteger(BigInteger.ZERO) }
operator fun set(key: K, value: Int) {
println("setting int $value")
map[key] = MutableBigInteger(value.toBigInteger())
Notably, getOrDefault is changed to getOrPut - when a value is not found, we want to put the zero we return into the map, rather than just returning a zero that is not in the map. Our changes to that instance wouldn't be visible through the map otherwise.

Idiomatic way to map single object

Is this the idiomatic way to perform a short-circuiting search and map the result to a Boolean?
val foos = mutableListOf<Foo>()
fun fooBar(bar: Bar) = if (null != foos.find { == bar }) true else false
Basically, I was looking for something along the lines of
fun Any?.exists() = null != this
fun fooBar(bar: Bar) = foos.find { == bar }.exists()
which seems like a useful pattern for anything that might return null.
I settled on writing a simple extension function similar to filterIsInstance():
inline fun <reified R> Iterable<*>.findIsInstance(): R? {
for (element in this) if (element is R) return element
return null
Example usage:
val str = list.findIsInstance<String>() ?: return
I believe you are looking for any, which returns true if any of the elements match the given predicate, and is short-circuiting
fun fooBar(bar: Bar) = foos.any { == bar }

How can I take varying chunks out of a Kotlin Sequence?

If I have a Kotlin sequence, every invocation of take(n) restarts the sequence.
val items = generateSequence(0) {
if (it > 9) null else it + 1
#Test fun `take doesn't remember position`() {
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1), items.take(2).toList())
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1, 2), items.take(3).toList())
Is there an easy way of write say, another(n) such that
#Test fun `another does remember position`() {
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1), items.another(2).toList())
assertEquals(listOf(2, 3, 4), items.another(3).toList())
I suppose that I have to have something that isn't the Sequence to keep the state, so maybe what I'm actually asking for is a nice definition of fun Iterator<T>.another(count: Int): List<T>
Sequence does not remember its position, but its iterator does remember:
val iterator : Iterator<Int> = items.iterator()
Now all you need is something like take(n) but for Iterator<T>:
public fun <T> Iterator<T>.another(n: Int): List<T> {
require(n >= 0) { "Requested element count $n is less than zero." }
if (n == 0) return emptyList()
var count = 0
val list = ArrayList<T>(n)
for (item in this) {
if (++count == n)
return list
What about this:
fun `another does remember position`() {
val items: Sequence<Int> = generateSequence(0) {
if (it > 9) null else it + 1
val (first, rest) = items.another(2)
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1), first.toList())
assertEquals(listOf(2, 3, 4), rest.another(3).first.toList())
fun <T> Sequence<T>.another(n: Int): Pair<Sequence<T>, Sequence<T>> {
return this.take(n) to this.drop(n)
To answer the last part of your question:
I suppose that I have to have something that isn't the Sequence to keep the state, so maybe what I'm actually asking for is a nice definition of fun Iterator.another(count: Int): List
One such implementation would be:
fun <T> Iterator<T>.another(count: Int): List<T> {
val collectingList = mutableListOf<T>()
while (hasNext() && collectingList.size < count) {
return collectingList.toList()
This passes your test if you use the iterator produced by the sequence:
fun `another does remember position`() {
val items = generateSequence(0) {
if (it > 9) null else it + 1
}.iterator() //Use the iterator of this sequence.
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1), items.another(2))
assertEquals(listOf(2, 3, 4), items.another(3))
To me what you've described is an iterator, since it's something that allows you to go over a collection or sequence etc. but also remember its last position.
NB the implementation above wasn't written to take into consideration what should happen for non-positive counts passed in, and if the count is larger than what's left to iterate over you'll be returned a list which has smaller size than n. I suppose you could consider this an exercise for yourself :-)
Sequence does not remember its position, but its iterator does remember:
val iterator : Iterator<Int> = items.iterator()
Unfortunately there is no take(n) for an iterator, so to use the one from stdlib you need to wrap iter into an Iterable:
val iterable : Iterable<Int> = items.iterator().asIterable()
fun <T> Iterator<T>.asIterable() : Iterable<T> = object : Iterable<T> {
private val iter = this#asIterable
override fun iterator() = iter
That makes itareble.take(n) remember its position, but unfortunately there is a of-by-one error because the standard .take(n) asks for one element too many:
public fun <T> Iterable<T>.take(n: Int): List<T> {
require(n >= 0) { "Requested element count $n is less than zero." }
if (n == 0) return emptyList()
if (this is Collection<T>) {
if (n >= size) return toList()
if (n == 1) return listOf(first())
var count = 0
val list = ArrayList<T>(n)
for (item in this) {
if (count++ == n)
return list.optimizeReadOnlyList()
That can be fixed with a little tweak:
public fun <T> Iterable<T>.take2(n: Int): List<T> {
require(n >= 0) { "Requested element count $n is less than zero." }
if (n == 0) return emptyList()
if (this is Collection<T>) {
if (n >= size) return toList()
if (n == 1) return listOf(first())
var count = 0
val list = ArrayList<T>(n)
for (item in this) {
if (++count == n)
return list
Now both of you tests pass:
#Test fun `take does not remember position`() {
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1), items.take2(2).toList())
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1, 2), items.take2(3).toList())
#Test fun `another does remember position`() {
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1), iter.take2(2).toList())
assertEquals(listOf(2, 3, 4), iter.take2(3).toList())
You could create a function generateStatefulSequence which creates a sequence which keeps its state by using a second sequence's iterator to provide the values.
The iterator is captured in the closure of that function.
On each iteration the seed lambda ({ i.nextOrNull() }) of the returned sequence starts off with the next value provided by the iterator.
// helper
fun <T> Iterator<T>.nextOrNull() = if(hasNext()) { next() } else null
fun <T : Any> generateStatefulSequence(seed: T?, nextFunction: (T) -> T?): Sequence<T> {
val i = generateSequence(seed) {
return generateSequence(
seedFunction = { i.nextOrNull() },
nextFunction = { i.nextOrNull() }
val s = generateStatefulSequence(0) { if (it > 9) null else it + 1 }
println(s.take(2).toList()) // [0, 1]
println(s.take(3).toList()) // [2, 3, 4]
println(s.take(10).toList()) // [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Try it out
Here is a nice definition of fun Iterator<T>.another(count: Int): List<T> as requested:
fun <T> Iterator<T>.another(count: Int): List<T> =
if (count > 0 && hasNext()) listOf(next()) + this.another(count - 1)
else emptyList()
As another workaround (similar to the suggestion by Willi Mentzel above) would be to create a asStateful() extension method that converts any sequence into a one that will remember the position, by wrapping it into an Iterable that always yields the same iterator.
class StatefulIterable<out T>(wrapped: Sequence<T>): Iterable<T> {
private val iterator = wrapped.iterator()
override fun iterator() = iterator
fun <T> Sequence<T>.asStateful(): Sequence<T> = StatefulIterable(this).asSequence()
Then you can do:
val items = generateSequence(0) {
if (it > 9) null else it + 1
#Test fun `stateful sequence does remember position`() {
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1), items.take(2).toList())
assertEquals(listOf(2, 3, 4), items.take(3).toList())
Try it here:

Is there any replicate function in Kotlin?

replicate(n:Int,x:T):List<T> is a list of length n with x the value of every element.
I wrote a mutable version replicate as below:
fun <T> mutableReplicate(n:Int, x:T) : MutableList<T>{
val xs = mutableListOf<T>()
for (i in 1..n){
return xs
Is there any bulid-in immutable replicate function in Kotlin?
How to write ourselves an immutable replicate function in Kotlin?
You can use List instantiation functions. They accept a function from the Index to the desired element, but you can also use them to create a List of constant values.
fun <T> replicate(n:Int,x:T):List<T> {
return List(n) { x }
If you need a read-only list, you can implement replicate the following way:
fun <T> replicate(n: Int, x: T): List<T> = object : AbstractList<T>() {
override val size: Int = n
override fun get(index: Int): T =
if (index in 0..lastIndex) x else throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("$n")
It has an advantage that it requires a constant amount of memory no matter how large n is.