.net core 2.0 & Identityserver4 : Cookie Not getting expired after logout - authentication

I am using identityserver4 for all configured clients with "AccesssTokenType=1" i.e. reference type.
I have one web app hosted for server, and other one for clients.
I used default identityserver settings, which generated two cookie, one for session Id "idsrv.session", and other one for authentication "idsrv".
In logout I do signout
await HttpContext.SignOutAsync(IdentityServerConstants.ExternalCookieAuthenticationScheme);
await HttpContext.SignOutAsync(IdentityServerConstants.DefaultCookieAuthenticationScheme);
however it gives error when I call with "idsrv.session"
await HttpContext.SignOutAsync(IdentityServerConstants.DefaultCheckSessionCookieName);
Issue / Steps to reproduce the problem
1st Iteration : Login on my client website which redirects to my identityserver application. I now interceprt the request and response using "Burp Suite". I copy the complete response which has redirect URL's and cookie details.
I signout/logout from client website.
2nd Iteration : I tried login again, and intercepted the request and response using Burp Suite, by passing wrong credential. While Intercepting the response I just copied the cookies from previous request (which was successful in my first iteration), and observe that identityserver has successfully validated the user using the cookie value, ignoring the wrong credentials in this iteration.
Even I tried invalidating and deleting cookies in my signout/logout method, but looks like identityserver still recognises it as the valid ones.

Brock Allen directed me to the corrrect solution. According to him :
This is the real issue you're asking about -- when you signout, you want the cookie to no longer be valid, even in the scenario when it's stolen and replayed. This is not something IdentityServer can address, because we use Microsoft's cookie authentication to achieve signin. You would have to fix this by changing the default usage of their component. You can do it by implementing "server-side cookie" (a term that I dislike) by implementing an ITicketStore: https://github.com/aspnet/Security/blob/master/src/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies/CookieAuthenticationOptions.cs#L136
Details Here


How to use two factor authorization cookie along with single factor authorization cookie

I have a web application with singe factor authorization and now have implemented two-factor authorization. I am using the Microsoft Identity for the log-in. The problem is - so far we have used a cookie to remember the user while providing the username and password. Say that as 'signglefactorcookie'. Now on the authenticator application authorization page(TFA), I have added another cookie for the remember me option. Say that as 'twofactorcookie'. Now how can I make my client request for both cookies when I use the below code?
// Check whether there is a valid session or persistent cookie
// Move to a landing page
Problem scenario
Now the problem is, if I log in to the single-factor authentication page with the correct user name and password and land at the two-factor authentication page.
Open a new tab and try to access the home page getting success since there is a single factor cookie that is recognized which makes the user authorized.
How can I make it in a standard way?

Why do we need to use the front-channel for an OAuth authorization request?

I've been struggling with this and would love to see if any OAuth experts here have an answer.
For context, I'm trying to integrate OAuth into an existing first-party (internal) front-end client that lives on a subdomain. It's a single-page application. I have an authorization server that has an /oauth2/authorize and oauth2/token endpoint and I'm working with the OAuth 2 with PKCE authorization flow.
In all the examples I've seen externally, it seems like the recommendation is to make a top-level redirect to the authorization URL initial login . And for silently re-authenticating a user (if they were already logged in), using an invisible iFrame set to the authorization URL (and postMessaging the code back to the parent window).
I'm trying to understand what prevents me from making a front-channel request to my /authorize endpoint via Javascript. Something simple like...
const { state, code } = await fetch(authorizationUrl)
For the login case, I can handle a 403 error back from the AS and then redirect them to login from the client-side. For the re-authenticating case (i.e. client has an expired refresh token but is still logged in), this is great because I just get a 200 response and the code back directly in the JSON body and I can use it immediately. There is no top-level redirect, no hassle of saving app state, etc.
It seems like as long as the AS is willing to return the { state, code } via JSON, this should work. This means that
The AS authorize endpoint must be configured to allow CORS on select origins. This seems okay in a first-party context since I know which origins I should allow.
The AS must be sent client credentials (session cookies) with the request (otherwise the AS would have no idea how to determine if the user is logged in). In JS, this would be as simple as adding credentials: true. As long as the cookie credentials have Same-Site: None and the cookie is part of the same domain (cross-domain would not work since some browsers disable cross-site cookie sharing nowadays!)
I feel like I'm missing something crucial here. But at the same time, my prototype is working, so I'd love to get some input from experienced folks here.

Authentication using Azure AD, failing at last step accessing Skype for Business

I am following this guide (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/skype-sdk/ucwa/authenticationusingazuread) in order to access Skype for Business. Everything goes fine till the last part but let's do step by step. I am building my .net console application to do this but in order to explain you properly the problem I am having I will show you directly the http calls through Insomnia (software used to make http calls).
Step 1:
GET request towards https://webdir.online.lync.com/autodiscover/autodiscoverservice.svc/root
I hit 200 and as answer I receive this:
Step 2:
I use the user link.
So I send an http request to https://webdir1e.online.lync.com/Autodiscover/AutodiscoverService.svc/root/oauth/user and I get a 401 Unauthorized (everything still correct).
In the header of the answer it points me to the Identity Provider to ask for authorization (authorization_uri)
Step 3: I use that link to authorize my app, which has its own client_Id (that I hide in the following screenshot).
This is how I compose the call:
If I send this http request I get redirected to the page where it asks my personal login and by inserting my credentials I succesfully login and hit 404, where in the answer I receive back my access token.
Step 5: I use the access token towards the same AutodiscoverService link of step 1. This is to register my application. I hit 200 and I receive back the link to access Skype for Business.
Finally (and this is where things go wrong) I send a POST request towards the applications link with the Bearer token, and I receive a 403 Forbidden. I think I am following correctly the guide but I can't figure out why I can access the resource at the last step.
The permissions are granted. I hide the name since it contains the name of my company. But it is the same of the domain of my login.
So the token you generated authorizes you to access resources at https://webdir1e.online.lync.com which you've done to fetch a new set of resources including the "application" resouce which is on a DIFFERENT host: https://webpooldb41e14.infra.lync.com.
You actually have to get another OAuth token now which authorizes you for the application resource and then you can POST to that to generate your session in UCWA.
As a side note... If you've defined your own single-tenant application in Azure that has been granted rights to SkypeForBusinessOnline then I think you should be targeting authorization and authentication endpoints of the form:
Also I should add, if you're trying to write a trusted secure client that users in your company will use I would suggest looking up the Resource Owner Password Credentials auth flow. It allows you to directly hit the token endpoint I mentioned above and exchange username/password credentials for an access token. Then you can manage auto-discovery and application creation easily under the hood without getting re-directed back and forth to Azure.

X-CSRF-Token issue in ionic. Every time a different token is received

I have a backend with Drupal.
Using Drupal Services to interact with. Which provides a rest server.
Created endpoint named 'api'.
Following sequence works in normal browser or any http client like postman :-
example.com/api/login (works).
api sends back user data (token,session id, session name etc).
Further any request I make, I send token as X-CSRF-Token (all requests work).
I can even logout the same session with the token received before.
I can login and I also store user data (token, session data etc.) in local storage after login.
Here's the difference in app :-
When I send the same token back to server while making a request (say logout).
Server's response is "User is not Logged In."
Why does this happen?
Update :-
After logging in I tried getting the current token from the server, and it was different from the one I saved after successfully logging in.
Every time a different token is received.
I faced the same issue. Problem was i never set the cookie and chrome did this for me automatically.
Luckily i found this great site:
There are links to a view demos as well as good descriptions and code.
So what you have to do is:
- log in
- retrieve session data and set cookie
- perform subsequent requests with the cookie data and X-CSRF-Token in your header
Here is a flowchart:
Was this helpful for you?

ASP.NET MVC DotNetOpenAuth authorization server how-to

I have this scenario: a corporate site (MVC 4) and a web shop; add OAuth 2 SSO functionality. Both sites have their own members, but the corp site (for which I'm responsible) must also work as an OAuth 2 authorization server and will store a web shop user id for each member. The shop requested the following endpoints:
Auth endpoint
• authorization:
• token
API endpoint
• getid (will return JSON with the shop id of the member):
I don't have experience with OAuth, so I was looking at the DotNetOpenAuth samples and have concluded that I need to implement an OAuthAuthorizationServer, but modifying the sample to fit my requirements is difficult as it seems to do more and is complex.
As researching DotNetOpenAuth seems to be so time consuming, I'd like to ask: is modifying the OAuthAuthorizationServer sample the right approach? Or should I try to make a native implementation or try a different OAuth library that may be easier to use in my situation?
Please comment on my overall plan:
-keep the corp site member login flow standard forms auth, straightforward LogOn controller
-add an OAuth controller that will implement the three required endpoints as actions
-when the authorization action is reached, I validate the client and redirect to LogOn passing on the redirect_uri; I think the Authorize ActionResult from OAuthController.cs from the sample is where I should start investigating this, and return an AccountAuthorizeModel. Is this correct?
-after the user logs in, and if the login page was reached from the authorization endpoint, I redirect to redirect_uri with the code attached; I don't know where to start with this one. PrepareApproveAuthorizationRequest then PrepareResponse? Where does the code come from? Where in the flow should I add a new ClientAuthorization in the database?
-the shop will then use the code to get or refresh the token, from the /token endpoint; simply return HandleTokenRequest?
-with the token the shop site will be able to get the member data JSON; have to find out how to validate the token
Now, besides adding a Clients table to store the client ids and secrets, and ClientAuthorization to keep track of who's authorized, I don't know if the other tables from the DotNetOpenAuth sample are used and when: Nonce, SymmetricCryptoKey, User.
Modifying OAuth2AuthorizationServer.cs seems straightforward, I only have to add real certificates and make sure the clients are pulled from my data context.
I think you are right in most of the points. Let's comment them:
OAuth server should have 2 endpoints (not 3), as requesting token and refreshing token goes to the same endpoint (TokenEndpoint).
It depends if your are going to implement a different authentication server (or controller), or you are going to implement the authentication responsibility inside the authorization server. In case they are separated, the authentication server should be the one responsible of displaying the logon, authenticate and communicate with authorization server using OpenID protocol (Also supported by DotNetOpenAuth).
Once the user is authenticated, the authorization server should store the data of the user identity somehow, and return the authorization code (if using this Oauth flow) using DotNetOpenAuth functions:
var response =
return this.AuthServer.Channel.PrepareResponse(response);
I don't think you need to save nothing about the authorization process in the database, and the code is generated by DotNetOpenAuth and sent to the client into the query string of the redirection.
Then, the client should get the code (ProcessUserAuthorization) and call the TokenEndpoint. This endpoint is just returning HandleTokenRequest, that internally is calling to some OAuthAuthorizationServer functions, such as CreateAccessToken.
Once the client has the access token, it should call the resources, sending the token into the HTTP Header 'Authorization'. The resource server is the responsible to validate the token.
var resourceServer = new ResourceServer(new
StandardAccessTokenAnalyzer(signing, encrypting));
AccessToken token = resourceServer.GetAccessToken(request, scopes);
A store provider for nonce and crytoKeys is needed using this flow. Have a look to class InMemoryCryptoKeyStore in:
Hope this helps!