--spinnaker-registry flag override not effective - spinnaker

we are using spinnaker version 1.6.1.. when we try to override the dockerRegistry using the --spinnaker-registry flag in the InstallHalyard.sh script, the registry is still not overridden.. its still referring to the public registry..

Just found the solution at the Spinnaker Slack Channel "halyard"
Link to the slack message: https://spinnakerteam.slack.com/archives/C3YBRLG8H/p1540378395000100
Service setting link, referenced in the screenshot: https://www.spinnaker.io/reference/halyard/custom/#custom-service-settings


Bigquery to Redshift data transfer using AWS SCT failing?

I am trying to migrate data from Bigquery to Redshift using this article. I followed through and successfully got till "Start the Local Data Migration Task".I had to setup AWS profile to access "Data Migration View(Other)". AWS profile was setup using access key and access secret of an admin user account in AWS.
What am I missing ?However, upon starting the task I keep getting following error:
class com.amazon.dmt.model.FileCredentials cannot be cast to class com.amazon.dmt.model.UserCredentials (com.amazon.dmt.model.FileCredentials and com.amazon.dmt.model.UserCredentials are in unnamed module of loader 'app')
I tried to check AWS documentation and looked around but this error is not listed anywhere. I cannot seem to understand that, why is type casting from FileCredentials to UserCredentials is being done ?
Anyone faced a similar issue or can point me in right direction please ?
Based on my testing, I have determined that this is an issue in the 1.0.670 version of SCT. A request has been submitted to correct the issue. In the meantime, to allow you to continue with your project, please revert to AWS-SCT version 1.0.666 using this link. https://d211wdu1froga6.cloudfront.net/builds/1.0/666/Windows/aws-schema-conversion-tool-1.0.zip
You will have to uninstall SCT and the extractor agent then reinstall and configure the previous version(s) as you did before.

ERROR: git repository not found at `https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git`

question: I have copied one of my julia project from local pc to a cluster using Linux. When I was trying to run instantiate in Pkg-REPL, ERROR: git repository not found at `https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git occurred. And I have no idea.
enter image description here
what I have checked: I have entered status in Pkg-REPL and it seems everything is well; and there is only one direction logs under ~/.julia
enter image description here
so what caused the problem and how should I fix it? Thank you in advance!
I finally solve this problem by cloning from https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git manually.
cd ~/.julila
mkdir registries and cd registries
git clone https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git and get a new direction General
now I can instantiate without any error occurred!
I am not still clear why the error occurred when I clone this site automatically using instantiate, so this is still a question to be answered.
I'm not sure if these could be the causes, but:
Can the server connect to GitHub? i.e., can you ping www.github.com? It is possible that a work-based server is hidden behind some firewall. Of course, quite odd to not allow outbound traffic.
Also, on your server account, have you had your public key registered with GitHub? It's been a while since I've had to do this, but you may need to also set your username and e-mail address. An easy test would be to just try doing a git clone https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git on the server and see if that is successful. If not, perhaps the error message that it gives will be helpful.

Connecting IntelliJ Idea Servers to GitLab.com: what info is actually needed?

I'm trying to configure IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1.2 in order to get the tasks from a private repository on GitLab.com.
To do that I have to create the corresponding entry in the Servers window.
Now, I don't have the faintest idea about how I should fill the Servers form in IDEA.
What URL I have to use for Server URL ?
What token ?
Any advice? Thx in advance.
UPDATE: Based on the information mentioned in the issue IDEA-193736, the connectivity problem with the new GitLab Issues API (V4) should be fixed when the update 2018.2 is released.
The https://gitlab.com URL didn't work for me as the API URL was updated to V4 on GitLab. So, after some trial and error I was able to make it work by completing the following steps:
Create a Personal Access Token on GitLab (https://gitlab.com/profile/personal_access_tokens) with API and read_user access permissions
In IntelliJ (or Pycharm in my case), the Server URL should be https://gitlab.com/api/v4/issues? (with the question mark at the end)
The token is the Personal Access Token that was generated previously
Also, don't forget to increase the connection timeout to 15000 milliseconds under the Tasks section in the Settings (Settings => Tools => Tasks).
Task Server Screenshot
Hope it helps someone else.
[EDIT] This answer was valid in '17, when it was created. For an up to date anwer, pls see other answers in the thread.
So, here's how to do it.
First of all, go to gitlab.
Access with your data and get a personal access token.
Then, you can configure IntelliJ Idea with the following values:
You can now check all your GitLab's issues directly in Idea, as shown here below.

Spring Config Client - ConfigClientWatch

I am looking at the class ConfigClientWatch in the package package org.springframework.cloud.config.client;
I was expecting that I could use this to poll the server periodically to see if the config had changed and then execute an refresh.
I am not able to get this to work? How does the value
String newState = this.environment.getProperty("config.client.state");
Get updated.
I have not been able to find any documentation on this.
Thanks in Advance
Unfortunately, this property is only used by Vault backend. Anyway, there is a thread in the Spring Config's GitHub proposing changes to support other backends such as Git.
If you are using Git-backed configurations, this solution may work for you:
Please, upvote the GitHub thread so this feature gets accepted.

Unable to add connector update from Mulesoft exchange

I am using AnypointStudio 3.7 and trying to install object-store plugin from exchange. but when I click on install button I got an error displaying the message
"There was a problem loading the update site located at
The same error also occurs in order to install other plugins/connector like box from same repository.
I have tried to add the plugin from Help->Install New software window but there also getting the same error.
error getting here is :
"Unable to read repository at http://repository.mulesoft.org/connectors/releases/3.5.0/content.xml."
However I am able to install the updates from other sites like Anypoint update, DevKit etc but not able to install updates from connector update site.
Please anyone help me to find the reason why Anypoint is behaving like this:
FYI , I am using proxy setting in my machine. Could it be the cause of failure?
Thanks in advance !!
Instead of adding from exchange, you can also try an option to add new software from Help -> Install New Software -> work with "Anypoint connector update site" -> specify "objectstore" in search. Select the appropriate ve
#Md. Sadique Ansari ... Please check http://repository.mulesoft.org/connectors/releases/3.5.0/content.xml this url from your browser first because this error mostly due to network firewall setting.
Are you assessing this in your organization network ??
I spotted the message about this in the error logs...googling lead me here...
I noticed, in my attempts to manually test the urtl in a browser that some paths got flipped to HTTPS...so I changed the url in preferences to use HTTPS...and now no errors in the log!
(No updates either but...)