Update a field in a JSON column in PostgreSQL - sql

I have a work_item table that has the following schema
| id | data | data_type |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
and a document_type table with the following schema:
| id | name |
| | |
| | |
| | |
The data column is a json column that has a Type field. This is a sample column data:
{"Id":"5d35a41f-3e91-4eda-819d-0f2d7c2ba55e","WorkItem":"24efa9ea-4291-4b0a-9623-e6122201fe4a","Type":"Tax Document","Date":"4/16/2009"}
I need to update data columns whose data_type column value is DocumentModel and Type field values matches a value in the name column of the document_type table to a json object containing the document_type id and the document_type name. Something like this {"id": "<doc_type_id>", name: "<doc_type_name>"}.
I tried to do this by executing this query:
UPDATE wf.work_item wi
SET data = jsonb_set(data::jsonb, '{Type}', (
SELECT jsonb_build_object('id', dt.id, 'name', dt.name)
FROM wf.document_type AS dt
WHERE wi.data ->> 'Type'::text = dt.name::text
), false)
WHERE wi.data_type = 'DocumentModel';
The above script runs without an error. However, what it does is something unwanted, it changes the data and data_type columns to null instead of updating the data column.
What is the issue with my script? Or can you suggest a better alternative to do a the desired update?

The problem arises when the document type is missing from the document_type table. Then jsonb_set() returns null (as the subquery does not give any results). A safer solution is to use the from clause in update:
update wf.work_item wi
set data = jsonb_set(
jsonb_build_object('id', dt.id, 'name', dt.name),
from wf.document_type as dt
where wi.data_type = 'DocumentModel'
and wi.data ->> 'Type'::text = dt.name::text;


how to loop an array in string in a where clause

I have an information table with a column of an array in string format. The length is unknown starting from 0. How can I put it in a where clause of PostgreSQL?
* hospital_information_table
| ID | main_name | alternative_name |
| --- | ---------- | ----------------- |
| 111 | 'abc' | 'abe, abx' |
| 222 | 'bbc' | '' |
| 333 | 'cbc' | 'cbe,cbd,cbf,cbg' |
* record
| ID | name | hospital_id |
| --- | ------- | ------------ |
| 1 | 'abc-1' | |
| 2 | 'bbe+2' | |
| 3 | 'cbf*3' | |
e.g. this column is for alternative names of hospitals. let's say e.g. 'abc,abd,abe,abf' as column Name and '111' as ID. And I have a record with a hospital name 'cbf*3' ('3' is the department name) and I would like to check its ID. How can I check all names one by one in 'cbe,cbd,cbf,cbg' and get its ID '333'?
In the example, in the record table, I used '-', '*', '+', meaning that I couldn't split the name in the record table under a certain pattern. But I can make sure that some of the alternative names may appear in the record name (as a substring). something similar to e.g. 'cbf' in 'cbf*3'. I would like to check all names, if 'abe' in 'cbf*3'? no, if 'abx' in 'cbf*3'? no, then the next row etc.
Thanks for the answers! They are great!
For more details, the original dataset is not in alphabetic languages. The text in the record name is not separable. it is really hard to find a separator or many separators. Therefore, for the solutions with regrex like '[-*+]' could not work here.
Thanks in advance!
You could use regexp_split_to_array to convert the coma-delimited string to a proper array, and then use the any operator to search inside it:
SELECT r.*, h.id
FROM record r
JOIN hospital_information h ON
SPLIT_PART(r.name, '-', 1) = ANY(REGEXP_SPLIT_TO_ARRAY(h.name, ','))
SQLFiddle demo
Substring can be used with a regular expression to get the hospital name from the record's name.
And String_to_array can transform a CSV string to an array.
r.id as record_id
, r.name as record_name
, h.id as hospital_id
FROM record r
LEFT JOIN hospital_information h
ON SUBSTRING(r.name from '^(.*)[+*\-]\w+$') = ANY(STRING_TO_ARRAY(h.alternative_name,',')||h.main_name)
WHERE r.hospital_id IS NULL;
Demo on db<>fiddle here
Btw, text [] can be used as a datatype in a table.

How to get a value inside of a JSON that is inside a column in a table in Oracle sql?

Suppose that I have a table named agents_timesheet that having a structure like this:
ID | name | health_check_record | date | clock_in | clock_out
1 | AAA | {"mental":{"stress":"no", "depression":"no"}, | 6-Dec-2021 | 08:25:07 |
| | "physical":{"other_symptoms":"headache", "flu":"no"}} | | |
2 | BBB | {"mental":{"stress":"no", "depression":"no"}, | 6-Dec-2021 | 08:26:12 |
| | "physical":{"other_symptoms":"no", "flu":"yes"}} | | |
3 | CCC | {"mental":{"stress":"no", "depression":"severe"}, | 6-Dec-2021 | 08:27:12 |
| | "physical":{"other_symptoms":"cancer", "flu":"yes"}} | | |
Now I need to get all agents having flu at the day. As for getting the flu from a single JSON in Oracle SQL, I can already get it by this SQL statement:
'{"mental":{"stress":"no", "depression":"no"}, "physical":{"fever":"no", "flu":"yes"}}', '$'
COLUMNS (fever VARCHAR(2) PATH '$.physical.flu')
As for getting the values from the column health_check_record, I can get it by utilizing the SELECT statement.
But How to get the values of flu in the JSON in the health_check_record of that table?
Additional question
Based on the table, how can I retrieve full list of other_symptoms, then it will get me this kind of output:
ID | name | other_symptoms
1 | AAA | headache
2 | BBB | no
3 | CCC | cancer
You can use JSON_EXISTS() function.
FROM agents_timesheet
WHERE JSON_EXISTS(health_check_record, '$.physical.flu == "yes"');
There is also "plain old way" without JSON parsing only treting column like a standard VARCHAR one. This way will not work in 100% of cases, but if you have the data in the same way like you described it might be sufficient.
FROM agents_timesheet
WHERE health_check_record LIKE '%"flu":"yes"%';
How to get the values of flu in the JSON in the health_check_record of that table?
From Oracle 12, to get the values you can use JSON_TABLE with a correlated CROSS JOIN to the table:
SELECT a.id,
FROM agents_timesheet a
mental_stress VARCHAR2(3) PATH '$.mental.stress',
mental_depression VARCHAR2(3) PATH '$.mental.depression',
physical_fever VARCHAR2(3) PATH '$.physical.fever',
physical_flu VARCHAR2(3) PATH '$.physical.flu'
) j
WHERE physical_flu = 'yes';
db<>fiddle here
You can use "dot notation" to access data from a JSON column. Like this:
select "DATE", id, name
from agents_timesheet t
where t.health_check_record.physical.flu = 'yes'
----------- --- ----
06-DEC-2021 2 BBB
Note that this approach requires that you use an alias for the table name (so you can use it in accessing the JSON data).
For testing I used the data posted by MT0 on dbfiddle. I am not a big fan of double-quoted column names; use something else for "DATE", such as dt or date_.

Do UPSERT based on specific value of JSON in Postgres 10

I have a Postgres table messages as follows:
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable |
id | integer | | not null |
message | jsonb | | |
date | timestamp with time zone | | not null |
id | message | date
1 | {"name":"alpha", "pos":"x"} | 2020-02-11 12:31:44.658667+00
2 | {"name":"bravo", "pos":"y"} | 2020-02-11 12:32:43.123678+00
3 | {"name":"charlie", "pos":"z"}| 2020-02-11 12:38:37.623535+00
What I would like to do is do an UPSERT based on the value of the name key i.e., if there is an insert with same name value, then the other value pos is updated, otherwise a new entry is created.
I did CREATE UNIQUE INDEX message_name ON messages((message->>'name'));
I found the INSERT ON CONFLICT in Postgres 9.5+ but I can't understand how to use the unique index with this.
I don't know if this is the correct approach to do it in the first place so if there is a better way to do this, I would appreciate the input.
You need to repeat the expression from the index:
insert into messages (message)
values ('{"name":"alpha", "pos":"new pos"}')
on conflict ((message->>'name'))
do update
set message = jsonb_set(messages.message, '{pos}'::text[], excluded.message -> 'pos', true)
If you have more keys in the JSON and want to replace (or add) all of them, you can use this:
insert into messages (message)
values ('{"name":"alpha", "pos":"new pos", "some key": 42}')
on conflict ((message->>'name'))
do update
set message = messages.message || (excluded.message - 'name')

How to display all columns and its data type in a table via SQL query

I am trying to print the column names from a table called 'meta' and I need also its data types.
I tried this query
but it throws an error saying no information schema available. Could you please help me, I am a beginner in SQL.
select tables.name from tables join schemas on
tables.schema_id=schemas.id where schemas.name=’sprl_db’ ;
This query gives me all the tables in database 'sprl_db'
You can use the monetdb catalog:
select c.name, c.type, c.type_digits, c.type_scale
from sys.columns c
inner join sys.tables t on t.id = c.table_id and t.name = 'meta';
as you are using monetDB you can get that by using sys.columns
it will return all information related to table columns
you can also check Schema, table and columns documentation for monetDB
in sql server we get that like this exec sp_columns TableName
If I understand correctly you need to see the columns and the types of a table you (or some other user) defined called meta?
There are at least two ways to do this:
First (as #GMB mentioned in their answer) you can query the SQL catalog: https://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/SQLcatalog/TablesColumns
SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE NAME='meta';
| id | name | schema_id | query | type | system | commit_action | access | temporary |
| 9098 | meta | 2000 | null | 0 | false | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 tuple
So this gets all the relevant information about the table meta. We are mostly interested in the value of the column id because this uniquely identifies the table.
(Please note that this id will probably be different in your system)
After we have this information we can query the columns table with this table id:
SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE table_id=9098;
| id | name | type | type_digits | type_scale | table_id | default | null | number | storage |
| 9096 | i | int | 32 | 0 | 9098 | null | true | 0 | null |
| 9097 | j | clob | 0 | 0 | 9098 | null | true | 1 | null |
2 tuples
Since you are only interested in the names and types of the columns, you can modify this query as follows:
SELECT name, type FROM sys.columns WHERE table_id=9098;
| name | type |
| i | int |
| j | clob |
2 tuples
You can combine the two queries above with a join:
SELECT col.name, col.type FROM sys.tables as tab JOIN sys.columns as col ON tab.id=col.table_id WHERE tab.name='meta';
| name | type |
| i | int |
| j | clob |
2 tuples
The second, and preferred way to get this information if you are using the mclient utility of MonetDB, is by using the describe meta-command of mclient. When used without arguments it presents a list of tables that have been defined in the current database and when it is given the name of the table it prints its SQL definition:
TABLE sys.data
TABLE sys.meta
sql>\d sys.meta
CREATE TABLE "sys"."meta" (
You can use the \? meta-command to see a list of all meta-commands in mclient:
\? - show this message
\<file - read input from file
\>file - save response in file, or stdout if no file is given
\|cmd - pipe result to process, or stop when no command is given
\history - show the readline history
\help - synopsis of the SQL syntax
\D table - dumps the table, or the complete database if none given.
\d[Stvsfn]+ [obj] - list database objects, or describe if obj given
\A - enable auto commit
\a - disable auto commit
\e - echo the query in sql formatting mode
\t - set the timer {none,clock,performance} (none is default)
\f - format using renderer {csv,tab,raw,sql,xml,trash,rowcount,expanded,sam}
\w# - set maximal page width (-1=unlimited, 0=terminal width, >0=limit to num)
\r# - set maximum rows per page (-1=raw)
\L file - save client-server interaction
\X - trace mclient code
\q - terminate session and quit mclient
For MySQL:
SELECT column_name,
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema = ’ yourdatabasename ’
AND table_name = ’ yourtablename ’;
| Id | int |
| Address | varchar |
| Money | decimal |

Return an array(Repeated Field) from a query in BigQuery

I am new to BigQuery and SQL. I have a table with following details
ID : String : Nullable
BCats : String : Repeated
ID can be repeated
ID BCats
| ABCD | BCat25 |
| | BCat24 |
| | BCat23 |
| PQRS | BCat8 |
| | BCat9 |
| ABCD | BCat23 |
| | BCat25 |
| | BCat24 |
| MNOP | BCat12 |
| | BCat13 |
| PQRS | BCat8 |
| | BCat9 |
I am trying to group the table based on ID using the following query
OUTPUT from the query in JSON Format is
Output from Query
My question is how can I output Array from the Query, like this
Expecting Output
{"BCats" : ["BCat25","BCat24","BCat23"],"ID":"ABCD"}
Currently I am getting BCats as a String.
I need to output this data into new table with BCats as Repeated.
Please Help.
Preview :
Try below. Note: in Web UI you need not only set Destination Table but also set/check-on Allow Large Results checkbox and uncheck Flatten Results checkbox
FROM my_table
You should instead use standard SQL. If you are familiar with legacy SQL, there is a migration guide that talks about the differences between the two dialects. After enabling standard SQL (uncheck "Use Legacy SQL" under "Show Options" in the UI) you can run e.g.:
WITH my_table AS (
SELECT 'ABCD' AS ID, ['BCat25', 'BCat24', 'BCat23'] AS BCats UNION ALL
SELECT 'ABCD', ['BCat23', 'BCat25', 'BCat24'] UNION ALL
SELECT 'MNOP', ['BCat12', 'BCat13'] UNION ALL
SELECT 'PQRS', ['BCat8', 'BCat9']
FROM my_table, UNNEST(BCats) AS BCat