Get specific fields from Rally API for Feature - rally

I am fetching the data using below API :,FormattedID,Name,Parent&pagesize=2000
I don't want to fetch all fields in Parent. All I need Name,FormattedID,ObjectID,Parent.ObjectID,Parent.Name of Feature. A
"_rallyAPIMajor": "2",
"_rallyAPIMinor": "0",
"ObjectID": blabla,
"FormattedID": "F3792",
"DirectChildrenCount": 23,
"Name": "Phase 2: Fork Messages (New flow of messages that will feed data to 8 reports for D&P)",
"Parent": {
"_rallyAPIMajor": "2",
"_rallyAPIMinor": "0",
"_ref": "",
"_refObjectUUID": "8fae",
"_objectVersion": "67",
"_refObjectName": "blabla",
"ObjectID": blabla,
"FormattedID": "P1ABC",
"DirectChildrenCount": 13,
"Name": "blabla",
"_type": "PortfolioItem/Portfolio"
"_type": "PortfolioItem/Feature"

This is just the way the Web Services API works. Any fields included in the fetch will be returned on any object that has them. This is very useful for being able to hydrate fields on associated objects- Parent, Iteration, etc.


[Xero][Quote] Can not store tracking category option for quote line item

I have the issue when creating or updating the Quote. I can not set TrackingCategory options for line items. I request api like document but it not success.
The Tracking Category I have
tracking category
Here is my expected:
my expected
Please help me
Thanks you
Here is format payload for lineItems
"LineItems": [
"AccountCode": "200",
"Description": "Development work - developer onsite per day",
"UnitAmount": 650.0000,
"DiscountRate": 10.00,
"LineAmount": 585.00,
"ItemCode": "DevD",
"Quantity": 1.0000,
"TaxAmount": 58.50,
"TaxType": "OUTPUT",
"Tracking": [
"Name": "Location",
"Option": "Foo Bar"

HERE Places API: not all items have PVID

I'm using HERE Places API.
Firstly I'm doing a search.
For Example this query :,-97.5467&r=500&size=1&app_id=DemoAppId01082013GAL&app_code=AJKnXv84fjrb0KIHawS0Tg&show_refs=pvid&pretty
According to this documentation (Link) If I add show_refs=pvid to query string, in result I will get external id which I can use to query lookup endpoint.
But in result I get next response :
"results": {
"next": ";context=Zmxvdy1pZD1hY2ExNzk3NC0zYzg3LTU5NzQtYmZkMC04YjAzMDZlYWIzMWJfMTUwNjA3NjMzMTYyMl83NDY3XzM4NTAmb2Zmc2V0PTEmc2l6ZT0x?at=35.6111%2C-97.5467&q=Test&app_id=DemoAppId01082013GAL&app_code=AJKnXv84fjrb0KIHawS0Tg",
"items": [
"position": [
"distance": 2756,
"title": "Southwest Test & Balance",
"averageRating": 0,
"category": {
"id": "business-services",
"title": "Business & Services",
"href": "",
"type": "urn:nlp-types:category",
"system": "places"
"icon": "",
"vicinity": "200 NW 132nd St<br/>Oklahoma City, OK 73114",
"having": [],
"type": "urn:nlp-types:place",
"href": ";context=Zmxvdy1pZD1hY2ExNzk3NC0zYzg3LTU5NzQtYmZkMC04YjAzMDZlYWIzMWJfMTUwNjA3NjMzMTYyMl83NDY3XzM4NTAmcmFuaz0w?app_id=DemoAppId01082013GAL&app_code=AJKnXv84fjrb0KIHawS0Tg",
"id": "8403fv6k-d1b2fde0616e0326e321a54b88cd9f53",
"authoritative": true
"search": {
"context": {
"location": {
"position": [
"address": {
"text": "Oklahoma City, OK 73134<br/>USA",
"postalCode": "73134",
"city": "Oklahoma City",
"county": "Oklahoma",
"stateCode": "OK",
"country": "United States",
"countryCode": "USA"
"type": "urn:nlp-types:place",
"href": ";context=c2VhcmNoQ29udGV4dD0x?app_id=DemoAppId01082013GAL&app_code=AJKnXv84fjrb0KIHawS0Tg"
In response no object references
Is it a bug or not every place has this external id?
I am responding as member of the team around HERE Places API.
Yes, not every place has a pvid. That is why I would suggest using the Sharing Id instead. I realize that the documentation should be improved to clarify that.
The Sharing Ids can be obtained by adding show_refs=sharing to either your search query or a place details request. It can be found in the field references. Once you have the sharing id you can you the lookup endpoint as you intended.
Take a look at:;context=Zmxvdy1pZD00YWU2ZWZjNi01ZjgzLTUwYTQtOTI4OS0xZjliMGMwNWY3NjBfMTUwNzA0NDE0OTc3NV84MTI5XzU1NDcmcmFuaz0w?app_id=DemoAppId01082013GAL&app_code=AJKnXv84fjrb0KIHawS0Tg&show_refs=pvid
On those two examples, the only difference is the placeId.
In the docs, there's not a single reference saying that the external identifier is required or existant for every place.
Since it represents an external identifier, I believe we could assume that it's not required.
And it's what we just saw with your place (8403fv6k-d1b2fde0616e0326e321a54b88cd9f53): this one don't have any external identifier.
Based on your comments, what you need is the information about a place.
So, after you run your first query, you should get something like:
title: "Southwest Test & Balance",
position: [],
id: "8403fv6k-d1b2fde0616e0326e321a54b88cd9f53",
href: "https://[...]"
With this ID, you could access it:;context=Zmxvdy1pZD0zYTFlZjg5ZS02ZTY5LTUxYmEtYWFkYS1kY2UwZWMyNDdkMDBfMTUwNzEzNjUxNjI5N182NjExXzc2OTgmcmFuaz0w?app_id=DemoAppId01082013GAL&app_code=AJKnXv84fjrb0KIHawS0Tg
Or directly using the href information.
This response already is giving you the ID and URL to access all the info of a single place.
You don't need any other external ID or reference.

Yodlee getSiteLoginForm API response changes between attempts

There seems to be an inconsistency with the responses for Yodlee's getSiteLoginForm REST API function.
For a site that has a login field with radio buttons, sometimes the data coming back from Yodlee for that particular field will look like this:
"fieldInfoList": [
"validValues": [
"displayValidValues": [
"valueIdentifier": "OPTIONS",
"valueMask": "LOGIN_FIELD",
"fieldType": {
"typeName": "OPTIONS"
"size": 20,
"maxlength": 40,
"name": "OPTIONS",
"displayName": "Issue Number",
"isEditable": true,
"isOptional": false,
"isEscaped": false,
"helpText": "76367",
"isOptionalMFA": false,
"isMFA": false
and other times it looks like this:
"validValues": [
"displayValidValues": [
"valueIdentifier": "OPTION",
"valueMask": "LOGIN_FIELD",
"fieldType": {
"typeName": "OPTIONS"
"size": 20,
"maxlength": 40,
"name": "OPTION",
"displayName": "Issue Number",
"isEditable": true,
"isOptional": false,
"isEscaped": false,
"helpText": "76367",
"isOptionalMFA": false,
"isMFA": false
It's the same field but the valueIdentifier value has changed and the data isn't being enclosed in a fieldInfoList variable.
What would be the reason for this response data-set changing between two attempts if there's no difference in the code?
In addition to that, could a similar response inconsistency be affecting other API functions from Yodlee, and if so how does one deal with this uncertain variance?
We did analysis and Yodlee provides every time same response, no matter how many attempts you'll do. While I am assuming that you might be confused between getSiteLoginForm and getLoginFomForContentService, as both are two different APIs and belongs to approach i.e., Site Based and Container Based respectively. And the response you have mentioned first comes when you use getSiteLoginForm while the later one comes with getLoginFormForContentService.
Hope this helps as there is no issue with the API, these are two different response from 2 different APIs.

BigCommerce API - What is correct resource for updating an option value

I'm trying to update an option value using the BigCommerce api.
The documentation says PUT /options/values/id.json
The console says PUT options/id/values.json
I think it should be PUT options/id/values/id.json, which returns a 200 response code, but does not execute the update.
Any information on what the right endpoint is for this and if it works?
Basically, if you do a GET request on options
"id": 3,
"name": "Colors",
"display_name": "Color",
"type": "CS",
"values": {
"url": "",
"resource": "/options/3/values"
The resource endpoint shows that the URL is options/id/values.json. But, this gives you all the values associated with the option. If you want to retrieve a specific option the endpoint is something similar to /api/v2/options/3/values/7.json
"id": 7,
"option_id": 3,
"label": "Silver",
"sort_order": 1,
"value": "#cccccc"
Doing a PUT request on this - (On REST console, setting the header content-type to application/json and sending raw JSON data) updates the label - Changed Silver to silver)
"id": 7,
"option_id": 3,
"label": "silver",
"sort_order": 1,
"value": "#cccccc"

How can I get a list of all the projects in our Rally instance via the REST API?

How can I query our Rally instance for all of our available projects?
Output from REST call,Name,Projects&pretty=true
"Workspaces": [
"_rallyAPIMajor": "1",
"_rallyAPIMinor": "29",
"_ref": "",
"_objectVersion": "10",
"_refObjectName": "Workspace 1",
"Name": "Workspace 1",
"Projects": [ {
"_rallyAPIMajor": "1",
"_rallyAPIMinor": "29",
"_ref": "",
"_objectVersion": "3",
"_refObjectName": "Layout",
"Name": "Layout",
"_type": "Project"
"_type": "Workspace"
"_rallyAPIMajor": "1",
"_rallyAPIMinor": "29",
"_ref": "",
"_objectVersion": "8",
"_refObjectName": "Bugzilla Workspace",
"Name": "Bugzilla Workspace",
"Projects": [ {
"_rallyAPIMajor": "1",
"_rallyAPIMinor": "29",
"_ref": "",
"_objectVersion": "3",
"_refObjectName": "Layout",
"Name": "Layout",
"_type": "Project"
"_type": "Workspace"
Update #2
The user account being used for the API calls is indeed a subscription admin. I tried a few things with our admin to try and narrow down the problem as to what is occurring and noted a few things:
The projects that are getting returned in the call, are not projects that the api user is a team member of
When we assigned a story to the api user and refreshed the result of the REST call, the projects that were returned in every workspace were identical and seemed to be all of the projects from the given workspace of the project that we assigned the story from. For example, I've pasted the top part of a return:
It appears this particular REST call has a bug in it.
This should be possible by querying on type 'Subscription'. Make sure you include Workspaces and Projects (and any other data you might want like Name) in your Fetch.,Projects,Name&pretty=true
The results should look something like this:
_ref: "/subscription/1.js",
_refObjectName: "My Subscription",
Workspaces: [
_ref: "/workspace/2.js"
_refObjectName: "My Workspace",
Projects: [
_ref: "/project/3.js"
_refObjectName: "Project 1"
The REST URL would look like this,Name,Projects
I tried in postman with basic authentication: username and password of rally:
All APIs are inter related : let us see step by step and always notice the _ref in your response.
Step 1: First you want the subscription.,Name,Projects
It will return subscription ID suppose it is X.
Step 2: Find the workspaces in that subscription. Put X value as subscription shown below.
It will return the workspace id. Let us say it Y.
Step 3: Find the projects in the workspace.
There will be URLs in the response which refers to your projects associated to your workspace.
if you know your workspace ID then use below api: your_WS_id= your workspace ID in below request. just replace this.
I hope it helps.