Apache Flink error checkpointing to S3 - amazon-s3

We have Apache Flink (1.4.2) running on an EMR cluster. We are checkpointing to an S3 bucket, and are pushing about 5,000 records per second through the flows. We recently saw the following error in our logs:
java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException: Ask timed out on [Actor[akka.tcp://flink#ip-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX:XXXXXX/user/taskmanager#-XXXXXXX]] after [10000 ms]. Sender[null] sent message of type "org.apache.flink.runtime.messages.TaskManagerMessages$RequestTaskManagerLog".
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.encodeRelay(CompletableFuture.java:326)
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completeRelay(CompletableFuture.java:338)
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.uniRelay(CompletableFuture.java:911)
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniRelay.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:899)
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postComplete(CompletableFuture.java:474)
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completeExceptionally(CompletableFuture.java:1977)
at org.apache.flink.runtime.concurrent.FutureUtils$1.onComplete(FutureUtils.java:442)
at akka.dispatch.OnComplete.internal(Future.scala:258)
at akka.dispatch.OnComplete.internal(Future.scala:256)
at akka.dispatch.japi$CallbackBridge.apply(Future.scala:186)
at akka.dispatch.japi$CallbackBridge.apply(Future.scala:183)
at scala.concurrent.impl.CallbackRunnable.run(Promise.scala:36)
at org.apache.flink.runtime.concurrent.Executors$DirectExecutionContext.execute(Executors.java:83)
Immediately after this we got the following in our logs:
2018-07-30 15:08:32,177 INFO org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CheckpointCoordinator - Triggering checkpoint 831 # 1532963312177
2018-07-30 15:09:46,750 ERROR org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.BlobServerConnection - PUT operation failed
java.io.EOFException: Read an incomplete length
at org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.BlobUtils.readLength(BlobUtils.java:366)
at org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.BlobServerConnection.readFileFully(BlobServerConnection.java:403)
at org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.BlobServerConnection.put(BlobServerConnection.java:349)
at org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.BlobServerConnection.run(BlobServerConnection.java:114)
At this point, the flow crashed and was not able to automatically recover, however we were able to restart the flow manually, without needing to change the location of the s3 bucket. The fact that the crash occurred while pushing to S3, makes me think that is the crux of the problem.
Any ideas?

FYI, this was caused by too much cross-talk between nodes flooding the NICs on each server. The solution was more intelligent partitioning.


Kafka Connect S3 source throws java.io.IOException

Kafka Connect S3 source connector throws the following exception around 20 seconds into reading an S3 bucket:
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Attempted read on closed stream.
at org.apache.http.conn.EofSensorInputStream.isReadAllowed(EofSensorInputStream.java:107)
at org.apache.http.conn.EofSensorInputStream.read(EofSensorInputStream.java:133)
at com.amazonaws.internal.SdkFilterInputStream.read(SdkFilterInputStream.java:90)
at com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream.read(ProgressInputStream.java:180)
The error is preceded by the following warnning:
WARN Not all bytes were read from the S3ObjectInputStream, aborting HTTP connection. This is likely an error and may result in sub-optimal behavior. Request only the bytes you need via a ranged GET or drain the input stream after use. (com.amazonaws.services.s3.internal.S3AbortableInputStream:178)
I am running Kafka connect out of this image: confluentinc/cp-kafka-connect-base:6.2.0. Using the confluentinc-kafka-connect-s3-source-2.1.1 jar.
My source connector configuration looks like so:
"format.class": "io.confluent.connect.s3.format.json.JsonFormat",
"confluent.topic.bootstrap.servers": "blockchain-kafka-kafka-0.blockchain-kafka-kafka-headless.default.svc.cluster.local:9092",
Any ideas on what might be the issue? Also I was unable to find the repository of Kafka connect S3 source connector, is it opensource?
Edit: I don't see the problem if gzip compression on the kafka-connect sink is disabled.
The warning means that close()was called before the file was read. S3 was not done with sending the data but the connection was left hanging.
2 options:
Validate that the input stream contains no more data. That way the connection can be reused
Call s3ObjectInputStream.abort() (NOTE: this connection could not be reused if you abort the input stream and a new one will need to created which will have performance impact.) In some cases this might make sense e.g. when the read is getting too slow etc.

AWS DMS FATAL_ERROR Error with replicate-ongoing-changes only

I'm trying to migrate data from Aurora MySQL to S3. Since Aurora MySQL does not support replicating ongoing changes from cluster reader endpoint, my source endpoint is attached to cluster writer endpoint.
When I choose full-load migration only, DMS works. However, i get error Last Error Task 'courral-membership-s3-writer' was suspended after 9 successive recovery failures Stop Reason FATAL_ERROR Error Level FATAL when i choose full-load + ongoing replication or ongoing replication.
Thanks in advance.
This could be an error caused by - Replication instance class, you may need to upgrade it.

BigQuery "Max retries exceeded" when running dbt

When running dbt we randomly have some models failing with the following error:
HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘bigquery.googleapis.com’, port=443):
Max retries exceeded with url: /bigquery/v2/projects/xxxx/jobs
(Caused by NewConnectionError(‘<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f7fdce6dbb0>:
Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution’))
I tried to search online but I could not find anything related to this error and dbt.
Can this be some issue internal of dbt, or the cause is related to something external? Is there a way to prevent this?
We are running dbt targeting BigQuery using a workflow scheduler (Argo) in a GKE cluster.
Thank you! :)
In the end, the problem was the usage of preemptible nodes in GKE. We had those errors when the dbt run was executing during a restart of the kube-dns/kube-proxy service.
We "solved" the problem by applying a retry logic in Argo in case of failures.

Is Tensorflow continuously polling a S3 filesystem during training or using Tensorboard?

I'm trying to use tensorboard on my local machine to read tensorflow logs on S3. Everything works but tensorboard continuously throws the following errors to the console. According to this the reason is that when Tensorflow s3 client checks if directory exists it firstly run Stat on it since s3 have no possibility to check whether directory exists. Then it checks if key with such name exists and fails with such error messages.
While this could be a wanted behavior for model serving to look for updated models and can be stopped using file_system_poll_wait_second, I don't know how to stop it for training. In fact the same happens during training if you save checkpoints and logs in S3.
Suppressing these errors increasing the log level is not an option because Tensorflow still continuously polls S3 and you pay for these useless requests.
I tensorflow/core/platform/s3/aws_logging.cc:54] Connection has been released. Continuing.
2020-11-23 11:41:02.502274: E tensorflow/core/platform/s3/aws_logging.cc:60] HTTP response code: 404
Exception name:
Error message: No response body.
6 response headers:
connection : close
content-type : application/xml
date : Mon, 23 Nov 2020 10:41:01 GMT
server : AmazonS3
x-amz-id-2 : ...
x-amz-request-id : ...
2020-11-23 11:41:02.502364: W tensorflow/core/platform/s3/aws_logging.cc:57] If the signature check failed. This could be because of a time skew. Attempting to adjust the signer.
2020-11-23 11:41:02.502699: I tensorflow/core/platform/s3/aws_logging.cc:54] Connection has been released. Continuing.
2020-11-23 11:41:03.327409: I tensorflow/core/platform/s3/aws_logging.cc:54] Connection has been released. Continuing.
2020-11-23 11:41:03.491773: E tensorflow/core/platform/s3/aws_logging.cc:60] HTTP response code: 404
Any idea?
I was wrong. TF just write logs to S3 and while the errors are related to the linked issue, this is the normal behavior. Extra costs are minimal because AWS doesn't charge you for data transfer between services in the same region, but only for the operations. The same apply using tensorboard with S3. For anyone interested in these topics, I made a repository here

Unable to execute HTTP request: Timeout waiting for connection from pool in Flink

I'm working on an app which uploads some files to an s3 bucket and at a later point, it reads files from s3 bucket and pushes it to my database.
I'm using Flink 1.4.2 and fs.s3a API for reading and write files from the s3 bucket.
Uploading files to s3 bucket works fine without any problem but when the second phase of my app that is reading those uploaded files from s3 starts, my app is throwing following error:
Caused by: java.io.InterruptedIOException: Reopen at position 0 on s3a://myfilepath/a/b/d/4: org.apache.flink.fs.s3hadoop.shaded.com.amazonaws.SdkClientException: Unable to execute HTTP request: Timeout waiting for connection from pool
at org.apache.flink.fs.s3hadoop.shaded.org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AUtils.translateException(S3AUtils.java:125)
at org.apache.flink.fs.s3hadoop.shaded.org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AInputStream.reopen(S3AInputStream.java:155)
at org.apache.flink.fs.s3hadoop.shaded.org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AInputStream.lazySeek(S3AInputStream.java:281)
at org.apache.flink.fs.s3hadoop.shaded.org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AInputStream.read(S3AInputStream.java:364)
at java.io.DataInputStream.read(DataInputStream.java:149)
at org.apache.flink.fs.s3hadoop.shaded.org.apache.flink.runtime.fs.hdfs.HadoopDataInputStream.read(HadoopDataInputStream.java:94)
at org.apache.flink.api.common.io.DelimitedInputFormat.fillBuffer(DelimitedInputFormat.java:702)
at org.apache.flink.api.common.io.DelimitedInputFormat.open(DelimitedInputFormat.java:490)
at org.apache.flink.api.common.io.GenericCsvInputFormat.open(GenericCsvInputFormat.java:301)
at org.apache.flink.api.java.io.CsvInputFormat.open(CsvInputFormat.java:53)
at org.apache.flink.api.java.io.PojoCsvInputFormat.open(PojoCsvInputFormat.java:160)
at org.apache.flink.api.java.io.PojoCsvInputFormat.open(PojoCsvInputFormat.java:37)
at org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.DataSourceTask.invoke(DataSourceTask.java:145)
at org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.Task.run(Task.java:718)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
I was able to control this error by increasing the max connection parameter for s3a API.
As of now, I have around 1000 files in the s3 bucket which is pushed and pulled by my app in the s3 bucket and my max connection is 3000. I'm using Flink's parallelism to upload/download these files from s3 bucket. My task manager count is 14.
This is an intermittent failure, I'm having success cases also for this scenario.
My query is,
Why I'm getting an intermittent failure? If the max connection I set was low, then my app should be throwing this error every time I run.
Is there any way to calculate the optimal number of max connection required for my app to work without facing the connection pool timeout error? Or Is this error related to something else that I'm not aware of?
In Advance
Some comments, based on my experience with processing lots of files from S3 via Flink (batch) workflows:
When you are reading the files, Flink will calculate "splits" based on the number of files, and each file's size. Each split is read separately, so the theoretical max # of simultaneous connections isn't based on the # of files, but a combination of files and file sizes.
The connection pool used by the HTTP client releases connections after some amount of time, as being able to reuse an existing connection is a win (server/client handshake doesn't have to happen). So that introduces a degree of randomness into how many available connections are in the pool.
The size of the connection pool doesn't impact memory much, so I typically set it pretty high (e.g. 4096 for a recent workflow).
When using AWS connection code, the setting to bump is fs.s3.maxConnections, which isn't the same as a pure Hadoop configuration.