React Native with Redux: mapStateToProps()-function is not updating - react-native

I am working at a React Native and Redux project with several reducers, that are combined through combineReducers().
I have one component, that doesn't dispatches any actions but only shows information from the redux state. It is connected to this state with the connect function:
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
componentWillMount() {
// some code
render() {
{ this.props.value }
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
value: state.updaterReducer.value,
export default connect(
) (MyComponent);
There's another part/component in the project, that changes the redux state and value:
import { makeUpdate } from './updater.actions.js';
import configureStore from '#redux/configureStore.js';
const store = configureStore();
// This function is can be called by some buttons in the app:
export default function update() {
console.log('Update function called');
And here's my problem: when update is called, the updater-action and the updater-reducer are both called, so that the redux state changes, but 'MyComponent' never updates.

I could solve the problem on my own: The solution was very easy in the end, but couldn't be found on the basis of the code in the original question: Every time I needed the redux-store, I used a configureStore-function from a web-tutorial to create it on basis of the reducers. So I created multiple times the 'same' store. Unfortunately these stores were not connected to each other...
Sometimes that worked in the project, because a mapStateToProps-function and a mapDispatchToProps-function both were in the the same component and used one store, but sometimes (like in the example in the question) those functions used different stores and couldn't influence each other.


How to refresh a screen when returning from another screen of a different navigator (React Native)?

I have been implementing most of my application with a StackNavigator. Now, I added a DrawerNavigator, from which one of its screens calls another screen of the original StackNavigator. For example, consider the following navigation sequence that a user could make:
ScreenA -> ScreenB -> ScreenC
where ScreenA belongs to the StackNavigator, ScreenB belongs to the DrawerNavigator, and ScreenC belongs to the StackNavigator again. To achieve that, actually ScreenA does not call ScreenB directly, but another screen whose sole purpose is to serve as a root of all the screens that belong to the DrawerNavigator. Also, that root receives the StackNavigator in the ScreenProps in order that its screens can later use the Stack again.
Now, if I am in ScreenC and I go back using "this.props.navigation.goBack()", I return to the DrawerNavigator in the ScreenB, because that is which called ScreenC. The ScreenB should refresh its state, that is, it should reload information from the database, because that information could have changed in ScreenC, so the previous state is no longer valid.
When only using StackNavigator, I always managed to do it using "NavigationEvents". For example:
import {Component} from 'react'
import { NavigationEvents } from 'react-navigation'
class ScreenB extends Component{
// This is the function that loads information from the database (PouchDB)
loadInformation = async() =>{
<NavigationEvents onWillFocus = {payload => this.loadInformation()}/>
<NavigationEvents onDidFocus = {payload => this.loadInformation()}/>
With this implementation, the function "loadInformation" activated both when I entered the screen for first time, and also when I returned to it from a child screen. But this time that I am mixing both navigators, neither "onWillFocus" nor "onDidFocus" are activating when returning from ScreenC to ScreenB, so I cannot enter to the "loadInformation" function again. How could I do it?
I also tried keeping a boolean variable in Redux store that determines if the function "loadInformation" of ScreenB must be activated. That variable starts with the true value. Then, once I enter to Screen B and I execute the function, it is changed to false. When I navigate to ScreenC, in that screen the variable is changed to true again, so when I go back to ScreenB it indicates again that the function must be executed.
That required to use in ScreenB the "componentDidUpdate" function, that constantly checks if that variable is true or false in order to call "loadInformation". That solved the problem, but brought a new one. When I try to navigate from ScreenB to another screen of the DrawerNavigator, it takes too much time, because in the transition "componentDidUpdate" is called repeatedly. So this solution does not seem viable.
Unfortunately the approach you used <NavigationEvents> has been updated. so, what should you do is:
class screenA/ screenB/ screenC extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
this._unsubscribe = navigation.addListener('focus', () => {
// do something
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
// Content of the component
Use these updated navigation events in all of your screens. Hope it will solve your issue. For more information See This
I am answering my own question.
The solution was to use a boolean variable from Redux's store that indicates if the function "loadInformation" must be activated or not. Let's say the variable is named "loadView", which has the value "false" by default, but the ScreenC sets it in "true" when it is going to be closed and therefore we are going to return to ScreenB.
In other words, the file of ScreenC includes this code:
import {Component} from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
// Here we import the action that allows to change the value of "loadView"
import { changeLoadView } from '../../redux/actions/popUpActions'
class ScreenC extends Component{
// Function that is activated automatically when we leave the screen
// This is the function that assigns the value "true" to "loadView"
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
dispatchChangeLoadView: (bool) => dispatch(changeLoadView(bool)),
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(ScreenC);
In the file of ScreenB I use a "fake view", which is a React View that is not placed directly in the "render" function but it is called by another function (named "activateLoadInformation" in this case). That function returns an empty view, but the reason to use it is because before its "return" we can activate any other function of ScreenB that we want, that in this case is "loadInformation". I don't know another way to activate functions that don't render anything arbitrarily when we want to.
import {Component} from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
class ScreenB extends Component{
// This is the function that loads information from the database (PouchDB)
loadInformation = async() =>{
// Fake view that calls the function "loadInformation"
{!this.props.loadView &&
<NavigationEvents onWillFocus = {payload => this.loadInformation()}/>
{this.props.loadView &&
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
loadView: state.popUpReducer.loadView,
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
dispatchChangeLoadView: (bool) => dispatch(changeLoadView(bool)),
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(ScreenB);

It is possible force screen update after navigation.goBack() in React Native?

Exists some way to do this?
When I use { navigation.goBack() } my changes wasn't does updated in the before screen, but using navigate('MyObject', params ) the changes will be made without additional code to receive the changes.
There are 2 ways I can think of for you to do this. The first is to use Redux and the second is to pass a function to the next screen that will update the previous screen. Example (for the second method) are below:
export default class screenA extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {value: 0};
this.setState({value: val});
this.props.navigation.navigate('screenB', {
updateValue: this.updateValue,
export default class screenB extends Component {
updateClassAValue() {
const {params} = this.props.navigation.state;
For Redux, I can't really say much about it since I haven't used it that much. However, it's made for this kind of purpose of sharing values between screen and easily updating the values.

default values from initial state are loaded before store rehydrates with redux-persist

I'm having trouble accessing saved data after app starts with redux-persist.
The reducer initializes with data defined in my initial state. By the time the previous session's state loads with AsyncStorage, the component is already displayed with the default data.
I know that the data is saved and fetched successfully. If I leave the screen to a different one and come back to it, I can see that the data is displayed correctly. Debugging the state and props also shows that this is a async timing issue.
How can I delay the loading of the redux containers to after the store rehydrates. Alternatively, can I force update the conatainer (and its children) to update when the store finishes loading?
Here is what I've tried.
to configure my store:
export default function configureStore(initialState) {
const middlewares = [thunk];
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === `development`) {
const createLogger = require(`redux-logger`);
const logger = createLogger();
let store = compose(
autoRehydrate() )(createStore)(reducers);
persistStore(store, {blacklist: ['routing'], storage: AsyncStorage}, () => {
return store
Hoping that this will update all other components (since all reducers in redux are called in an action), I've tried creating an action that triggers when the store finishes loading:
import { REHYDRATE_STORE } from './types'
export function storeRehydrateComplete(){
return {
And it's reducer:
import { REHYDRATE_STORE } from '../actions/types'
const initialState = {
storeIsReady: false
export default function reducer(state = initialState, action){
switch (action.type) {
return {...state, storeIsReady:true}
return state
But although the storeIsReady state changes to true when rehydration is complete, I'm still couldn't figure out how to force update the container component.
I solved it by following this recipe:
Basically the solution is as follows:
In the component that wraps <Provider>, create a local state flag that tracks whether the store has rehydrated yet or not. Using the callback of persistStore() to update this flag.
In the render function of this wrapper, if the flag is true, render <Provider>, otherwise, render some temporary view.
You can wrap your store with PeristGate as such:
import { PersistGate } from 'redux-persist/integration/react'
<Provider store={store}>
<PersistGate loading={null} persistor={persistor}>
<RootComponent />
This will show a custom loading screen (or no loading screen) until your store rehydrates with the persist data.

REDUX: understanding a bit the concept + react native

So, I am working on a pretty straight forward mobile app that has these scenes:
a list of people
person profile
add form
now, what I do, when I first load the LIST scene, I make an API call (I have a list component that I populate once I get results from the API... state.people).
All good here... when I tap on a person he's profile opens, no extra API calls, just passing the person object from state.people array.
All good here as well.
When I open ADD NEW person and send the form I make another API call (I post the information and get the new Object back)...
now the bit that is confusing to me.
What I would like is to update the LIST scene state.people by making another API call (get all again) after I get the OK confirmation from the POST.
and then navigate to Person's profile.
but, I am outside the scope of the LIST scene (I am in ADD NEW form). So, what would be the correct redux logic for this one?
The LIST component is already mounted... how do I communicate to LIST if I am on different scene
all these binding actions to components properties is confusing too... why can't redux act like a global hub that would always be accessible and would always retain it's state (at least on mobile app)
There is really a lack of real app examples... so far I see only very simplified examples that are not very useful on the grand scale to understand the whole flow
the store I have
'use strict';
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import reducer from './_reducer';
import promiseMiddleware from 'redux-promise-middleware';
import thunkMiddleware from 'redux-thunk';
const store = createStore(reducer, {}, applyMiddleware(
export default store;
and the actions I have:
import * as constants from '../../constants/constants';
import request from '../../utils/request';
export const getAll = () => ({
type: constants.PEOPLE_FETCH,
payload: request(constants.API_PATH + 'person', {method: 'GET'})
export const search = (data, searchTerm) => ({
type: constants.PEOPLE_SEARCH,
payload: _filter(data, searchTerm)
export const save = (data) => ({
type: constants.PERSON_SAVE,
payload: request(constants.API_PATH + 'person', {method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(data)})
This can be an example architecture for your app:
Make a Redux store with list of people.
On initial API call, update the store to contain the list fetched by API call.
Wrap your app inside Provider and pass the store to the Provider.
Use connect and mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps to connect the Redux store to React state.
Whenever you update or insert new person, and get the new object, you need to dispatch an action which then goes to the reducer function which finally returns the updated Redux store, and dont worry with the re-rendering as React does the re-rendering itself whenever there is a change in a state.
I'll give a small example of store/actions/reducer, with a react + redux app.
import { applyMiddleware, compose, createStore } from 'redux'
import reducer from './reducer'
import logger from 'redux-logger'
// TOOD: add middleware
let finalCreateStore = compose(
export default function configureStore (initialState = { todos: [] }) {
return finalCreateStore(reducer, initialState)
let actions = {
helloWorld: function(data){
return {
type: 'HELLO_WORLD',
data: data
export default actions
reducer.js // Please read from Redux docs that reducers need to be pure functions
export default function myReducer(state = [], action) {
switch (action.type) {
return 'welcome' + data;
return state;
Component.js (the React App) //In component whenever you receive new object, dispatch an action which will modify the store.
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'
import actions from '../redux/actions'
class App extends Component {
handleClick() {
store.dispath(action.helloWorld("jimmy")); //this dispatches an action, which goes to the reducer to change the state and adds 'welcome' before 'jimmy'
render() {
return (
<div onClick={this.handleClick.bind(this)}>
{store.getState()} //getState function to access store values
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return state
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
actions: bindActionCreators(actions, dispatch) //binds all the actions with dispatcher and returns them
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App)
This works like whenever you click the 'div' in the React Component, it calls the function, handleClick(), in which there is an action dispatch. This action then calls the reducer itself to update the store. I know you might get confused that how is store getting updated. Its a bit confusing but for that you need to follow a basic tutorial to explain React+Redux.
Please note this is not a runnable example, just a pseudocode. I recommend you to watch this youtube series to completely understand the redux stores+ react+webpack

Realm & React Native - Best practice to implement auto-updates?

What are the best practices/patterns make realm a reactive datasource in a react native app? Especially for presentational and container components pattern?
Here is an example which I'd like to make reactive: Realm with React Native
The docs on auto-updates/change-events are a bit thin and the official example does not make use of this feature (to my knowledge).
You can make your example reactive by subscribing to events and updating the ui when you receive a change event. Right now events are only sent when write transactions are committed, but finer grained change events will be added in the future. For now you could add the following constructor to update the ui on changes:
constructor(props) {
this.realm = new Realm({schema:[dogSchema]})
this.realm.addListener('change', () => {
You need to hold onto a Realm instance to keep the notifications alive, and you can use this Realm instance throughout the rest of the component.
Instead of calling forceUpdate, you could instead set the component's state or props within the event listener to trigger the refresh, like so:
constructor(props) {
this.realm = new Realm({schema:[dogSchema]})
this.state = {...}; // Initial state of component.
this.realm.addListener('change', () => {
this.setState({...}); // Update state instead of using this.forceUpdate()
I think #Ari gave me a good answer for redux folks as i was also struggling. I'm not sure if it's immutable enough but it works!
I'm simpliy dispatching getVehicles action inside addListener and it just works!
Below is UI component whose constructor function makes the magic!
//- importing my realm schema
import realm from '../../db/models';
//- Importing my action
import { getVehicles } from './../../actions/vehicle';
#connect((store) => {
return {
vehicle: store.vehicle.vehicles
export default class Devices extends Component {
constructor(props) {
realm.addListener('change', () => {
Below is db/models file used up there in the constructor.
import Realm from 'realm';
class VehicleSchema {};
VehicleSchema = {
name: 'vehicleInfo',
properties: {
vehicleName: 'string',
vehicleNumber: 'string',
vehiclePassword: 'string',
vehiclePasswordTrigger: 'bool',
vehicleType: 'string',
vehiclePicture: { type: 'data', optional: true }
export default new Realm({schema: [VehicleSchema]});
Below is the actions/vehicle file, which gets dispatched in the constructor above.
import { queryVehicle } from './../db/queryVehicle';
export function getVehicles() {
const vehicles = queryVehicle();
return function(dispatch) {
dispatch({type: "GOT_VEHICLES", payload: vehicles});
Below is my queryVehicle function that does the querying called in action file above.
import vehicleModel from './models';
const queryVehicle = (queryInfo="vehicleInfo", filter='') => {
const objects = vehicleModel.objects(queryInfo);
if(filter.length === 0) return objects;
let results = objects.filtered(filter);
return results;
export { queryVehicle };
disclaimer I don't know if this code looks immutable enough, or following good redux practice cause i'm just starting out with redux so give me some comments advising if i'm doing something wrong.
I'll also guess reducer implementation wouldn't matter much in this here.
Recently ran into an issue with Realm ListView auto-updating. When the ListView rows have varied heights, you can get overlaps on rows in the UI. The below was the only way I could get the ListView to re-render without causing UI overlaps. It seems a bit "dirty" to me, so if there is a better way, I welcome the input. But this is working perfectly so far; incase anyone else runs into this issue.
Basically it just wipes the dataSource, then inserts it again using the setState callback when there are insertions or deletions, but modifications simply roll through and auto-update.
let feed =;
feed.addListener((name, changes) => {
if (changes.insertions.length || changes.deletions.length) {
this.setState({dataSource: this.ds.cloneWithRows([])},
() => this.setState({dataSource: this.ds.cloneWithRows(feed)})
} else {
this.setState({dataSource: this.ds.cloneWithRows(feed)});