Scrolling with scroll wheel doesn't render, scrolling by clicking-dragging scrollbar works fine - xaml

Sometimes in my UWP app I experience a problem while scrolling with my scrollwheel. Basically the scrollbar moves when I use my scrollwheel, but the content isn't rendered properly; resulting in an empty block which gets scrolled up and down.
Yet everything works fine when I click and hold the scrollbar instead of using the scrollwheel on my mouse.
I have to restart my UWP app in order to get things back to normal.
The issue appears while scrolling a default XAML ListView, but also in a RadDataGrid (Telerik).
I have made a screen recordingo of this issue, which hopefully will illustrate what's happening more clearly.
Click to see video
I haven't found exact steps to reproduce this issue, it just seems to be there at random from time to time.
Does anybody have an idea what might be going on here and how this could be fixed?


react-native FlatList is stuck when scrolling to the very bottom

In one the FlatList's that I have in a project, when I scroll to the very bottom, and try to scroll back up, scrolling is stuck.
If I keep trying to scroll, after a while (less than a minute), scrolling resumes.
I am testing on Android.
I read about many issues related to scrolling, but haven't seen this one.
Any clue? (I am not attaching any code, since the code is quite complex and is not different than other FlatList's that I have in this project)

Automatically scroll the view up when keyboard is shown in react-native

How can I automatically scroll the view up when I focus in a TextInput box and a keyboard is shown such that the TextInput box is not hidden behind the keyboard?
This question has been asked on StackOverflow a few times and I implemented the solution here which is the general solution advised in most of the answers. This solution works fine in the iPhone simulator but doesn't work on the actual phone. Has anyone else experienced this problem that the solution doesn't work on the actual phone?
Second thing that I noticed after adding this solution is that now if I am focussing in a TextInput box and keyboard is shown, if I press a button or try to focus into a different TextInput box, the first touch is always consumed to hide the keyboard and the button is not pressed or the other TextInput box is not focussed. It is a little annoying for the user to have to do the operation twice. Has anyone else observed this problem?
Please let me know if you have any inputs on how to solve these problems?
I assume you are using this solution. I ran into the same problem and made some adjustments (see gist). I addressed both problems you describe. keyboardShouldPersistTaps solves your second problem.
I have not found the exact reason why the spacing works in Simulator but not on a real device. It has something to do with the timing. The original code sets a timeout on input focus and tries to scroll down after 50ms. Increasing this to for example 500ms makes it work on devices too, but I don't really like adding magic timeouts that I don't understand. I changed it, so onFocus I look up the element to scroll to and store a reference. When onKeyboardDidShow fires I use the reference. browser scroll emulation does not feel natural

I am creating a site in pure, I wanted to have 1 page with sections where the user has possibility either click on links and scroll to anchors or scroll sequentially to get to sections. I used initially scrollview, but its behavior was not was not similar to browser scroll - I tried many options. I implemented my own scroll with Scrollsync, modifier and transition but it still does not feel similar to browser scroll. But the main problem that on Laptop and Desktop PC - I need to set different scrollscale to function normally. Here is the app:
Can anybody give a direction to solve the problem with syncscale and maybe how to make scroll similar to browser native scroll.
P.S. I keep mobile view separately from desktop, so window.width should be more than 500 to see the desktop view where I have this problem. Thank you in advance!

CSS transition and fixed positioning in Safari

I'm having some issues with a website that only occur in Safari. I'm running version 5.1.7 (7534.57.2) on a Mac.
You can view the site here:
The website is parallax scrolling, with a relative positioned content div that holds everything, including the 3 parallax scrolling backgrounds which are all fixed, top and left set to 0.
Within the fixed parallax background containers, colorized images fade into full color images when a user mouses over them. For each "image", there are two divs stacked, each with background images that are positioned by background-position. The div on the bottom has the colorized image. The div on top has the full color image as a background and has its opacity set to 0 until mouseover. The fade is achieved using a CSS transition on the opacity property so that the top div becomes visible.
So, in Safari only, when I mouse over any of these divs, the transition occurs smoothly but all of the content in the same parallax scrolling background div shifts/jumps in the process. If I remove the CSS transition, this does not occur.
I think that it might have something to do with the transition/webkit-transition property not playing nicely with a fixed position container in Safari. However, all of the issues I've found that relate to that are from 2010 and mention a Safari bug that I assume has been fixed…two years later. But maybe not.
There's also another issue with the Catalyst section (3rd dot down on the right navigation). These animated images work as links in Chrome, Firefox and Opera, but not Safari. Any ideas?
I have a similar issue with a fixed position and transition-duration for a header menu I've created. When a visitor scrolls down, the menu has a box shadow that fades into place. Well when this is viewed on safari in a MacOS, I get a weird sliding in issue. To easily fix this, after spending way to much time searching for answers, I'm removing the transition effect for macs. This fixes the slide in issue but gets rid of the transition effect sadly.
So as you were speculating, it probably is the transition duration on your project as well. The best thing for this would probably be to make a Mac-Safari CSS file, get rid of the transition-duration for that particular area and move on with your project.
Best I can suggest for now. Hope it helps.

Weird behavior of webView

I've got an app with a webview. It was working great, and then I moved the webView into an NSSplitView. Now it seems for some reason that whenever I press any key to enter text into the webview, it scrolls down. I haven't a clue as to what could cause this. Please help!
Figured it out... the webview was a pixel or so outside the bounds of the view it was inside of. I haven't any idea why that caused what it did, but when I put it back within the view's bounds, the problem went away. Weird.