How do dynamic links work? - firebase-dynamic-links

I am currently using a dynamic link in my app. I was trying to understand how does a dynamic link understand whether the app is installed or not when its opened from ios or Android platform?


react native firebase dynamic links package error

I am using #react-native-firebase/dynamic-links package
When clicking on the link which i created, it works fine for android but for ios it doesn't Redirect to my app and it gives me this screen in the browser
This is an intermediate page and can be eliminated by configuring your dynamic links apple behavior like this.

React Native CLI Setup for both IOS and android

I am trying to start a react native project using the React Native CLI method ( My first question is, if I have a mac and my friend has a windows computer can we both work on the same app? Also, how do I configure one single code base for both ios and android? Do I just follow the installation instructions for both in a single project? Thanks!
Yes, you can work separately on windows and mac for the same app and you don't have to configure any kind of codebase as react native is hybrid app development technology, you just have to write a single code for both the android and ios platforms.
To install react native CLI just follow the official document on your specific platforms because both of them have a slight difference in the installation process, after successful installation, I would suggest you to use some kind of VCS(Version controlling system) like git or svn.
I am also working in the same process as you have described I am developing in windows and my friend is working on the mac.
feel free to contact me I will help you if you have any kind of queries

Can we use a signle ionic-4 app for mobile and desktops

I am developing an ionic-4 app, Ionic provides cross platform apps but I am a bit confused and my confusion is can I use a single ionic-4 application for mobiles(e.g. Android and IOS) and desktops browsers(Chrome, firefox etc.) as website. Is it possible by using ionic version 4.
Yes, Ionic 4 provides a single code for the execution of multiple platforms.
Ionic Doc
here is help for you. You can check everything.
Yes, you can use Ionic for Android, IOS and Browser. Once the coding is done, you can add any platform to make its build. For example, if you add Android platform then you can take an Android build(APK).Before that you need to setup an environment for that . For example, you need Android studio for taking Android build and Xcode for taking IOS build. It's all depends on the platform that you use.
Please go through Ionic documentation and Youtube tutorials to get a correct picture.
Thank you

How to view realm db created by react-native in ios stimulator

I want to access realm database created by my ios app that I created using react-native. Its easier to use adb pull for android but for ios I am not getting much idea. There are some links like -
realm-file in ios app
to find app uuid for above link
So any help, how to view realm db for developing and debugging purpose for react-native developed ios app.
Thanks for the answer but additional (out of curiosity) Question - but how to find app uid which are installed by react native on ios simulator ??
While searching through the web, got the answer in docs:
console.log('realm db file path:', realm.path);
With the iOS emulator you can just find the path and open the Realm directly (which allows you to see the changes as they happen, great for debugging), on Android you will have to copy the file out to the regular file system.
It is all described in the docs for Realm Studio:

How to create webview in apache cordova for all platforms

I want to create an mobile webview application in Apache Cordova using Visual Studio 2013; also, I want to handle features of mobile like camera,back button.
I have gone through the following Apache Cordova documentation:
According to this link ,3 different webviews need to be created but I want to know whether it is possible to create just one webview which will support Windows phone, Android and iPhone?
The embedded webview you're referring to is really a special case where you want to have a Cordova-based webview inside of a native app. Is that what you really want to do? If you just want to build a normal Cordova app that will run on your three platforms it's easily doable, just follow the instructions here: