Sequelize nested include with required: true generates invalid join - sql

I apologise for the lengthy post in advance!
I am trying to use sequelize in nodeJs to query a Wordpress mysql database with a required: true in a nested include.
However, the generated query includes a bad join (I'd expect the join to be nested like the nested where clause). I don't seem to be able to figure out if I've configured my schema incorrectly or whether I am just doing something else silly.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
In essence, my schema is:
const Post = sequelize.define('wp_posts', {
ID: {
type: DataType.BIGINT,
primaryKey: true
const TermRelationship = sequelize.define('wp_term_relationships', {
object_id: {
type: DataType.BIGINT,
primaryKey: true,
allowNull: false
term_taxonomy_id: {
type: DataType.BIGINT,
primaryKey: true,
allowNull: false
const TermTaxonomy = sequelize.define('wp_term_taxonomy', {
term_taxonomy_id: {
type: DataType.BIGINT,
primaryKey: true
const Term = sequelize.define('wp_terms', {
term_id: {
type: DataType.BIGINT,
primaryKey: true
The relationships I have defined are:
Post.belongsToMany(TermTaxonomy, {
through: TermRelationship,
otherKey: 'term_taxonomy_id',
foreignKey: 'object_id',
as: 'termTaxonomies'
TermTaxonomy.belongsTo(Term, {
foreignKey: 'term_id',
as: 'term'
The query I am executing is
const query = {
limit: 1,
include: [
model: TermTaxonomy,
required: true,
as: 'termTaxonomies',
include: [
model: Term,
as: 'term',
required: true,
However, the generated query includes a bad join. Here is the generated query. I have included comments where I see the errors:
`termTaxonomies`.`term_taxonomy_id` AS `termTaxonomies.term_taxonomy_id`,
`termTaxonomies`.`term_id` AS `termTaxonomies.term_id`,
`termTaxonomies`.`taxonomy` AS `termTaxonomies.taxonomy`,
`termTaxonomies`.`description` AS `termTaxonomies.description`,
`termTaxonomies`.`parent` AS `termTaxonomies.parent`,
`termTaxonomies`.`count` AS `termTaxonomies.count`,
`termTaxonomies->wp_term_relationships`.`object_id` AS `termTaxonomies.wp_term_relationships.object_id`,
`termTaxonomies->wp_term_relationships`.`term_taxonomy_id` AS `termTaxonomies.wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id`,
`termTaxonomies->wp_term_relationships`.`term_order` AS `termTaxonomies.wp_term_relationships.term_order`
-- wp_terms cannot be joined to wp_posts
`termTaxonomies->term`.`term_id` AS `termTaxonomies.term.term_id`,
`termTaxonomies->term`.`name` AS ``,
`termTaxonomies->term`.`slug` AS `termTaxonomies.term.slug`,
`termTaxonomies->term`.`term_group` AS `termTaxonomies.term.term_group`
`wp_posts` AS `wp_posts`
-- ERROR: bad join!
-- wp_terms cannot be joined to wp_posts
INNER JOIN `wp_terms` AS `termTaxonomies->term` ON `termTaxonomies`.`term_id` = `termTaxonomies->term`.`term_id`
`wp_term_relationships` AS `wp_term_relationships`
INNER JOIN `wp_term_taxonomy` AS `wp_term_taxonomy` ON `wp_term_relationships`.`term_taxonomy_id` = `wp_term_taxonomy`.`term_taxonomy_id`
INNER JOIN `wp_terms` AS `wp_term_taxonomy->term` ON `wp_term_taxonomy`.`term_id` = `wp_term_taxonomy->term`.`term_id`
`wp_posts`.`ID` = `wp_term_relationships`.`object_id`
) AS `wp_posts`
`wp_term_relationships` AS `termTaxonomies->wp_term_relationships`
INNER JOIN `wp_term_taxonomy` AS `termTaxonomies` ON `termTaxonomies`.`term_taxonomy_id` = `termTaxonomies->wp_term_relationships`.`term_taxonomy_id`
) ON `wp_posts`.`ID` = `termTaxonomies->wp_term_relationships`.`object_id`;
The error I get is 'Unknown column 'termTaxonomies.term_id' in 'on clause' due to the incorrect join.
The generated query is valid if I either remove required: true or the limit option since it no longer does the strange inner join. However, I just can't seem to get this to work with a required nested include.
FYI: I am using sequelize 4.37.10 with 1.5.3 mysql2 1.5.3.
Thank you very much!

When eager loading, we can force the query to return only those records which have an associated model, effectively converting the query from the default OUTER JOIN to an INNER JOIN. Just remove required:true it will work fine generally this happens when we eager load, probably in your case we are eagerloading.
I hope you find this explanation beneficial.


Sequelize - Subselect association to filter parent model

I've recently started to use Sequelize 6. Currently trying to express the following query unsuccessfully.
FROM users u
JOIN requests r
ON = r.user_id
WHERE (r.status = true AND r.created_at IN (SELECT
FROM users u
INNER JOIN requests r ON r.user_id =
What I have tried so far:
const result = await User.findAll({
offset: page,
subQuery: false,
limit: rowsPerPage,
where: {
'$requests.status$': true,
include: [{
as: 'requests',
model: Request,
separate: true,
required: true,
order: [['createdAt', 'desc']],
limit: 1, // problem is here -> error: missing FROM-clause entry for table "requests"
In other words, I'm trying to load the parent model only when the association's status value is true on the last record, and return each individual user row alongside with its latest association.
Regarding the limit problem on my comment, this thread might be useful
I had to change original SQL a little bit to work with Sequelize because a certain combination of required, where didn't work well.
So, I went off from your description.
I'm trying to load the parent model only when the association's status
value is true on the last record
If I understand this correctly, I think you can use having query to achieve this.
const result = await User.findAll({
offset: page,
subQuery: false,
limit: rowsPerPage,
include: [{
as: 'requests',
model: Request,
required: true
having: {
'$requests.createdAt$': [sequelize.fn('MAX', sequelize.col('`requests`.`createdAt`'))],
'$requests.status$': true
group: [''],
This will produce a following SQL. Please try this SQL and let me know if this is what you are looking for or not.
SELECT ... FROM `users` AS `users`
INNER JOIN `requests` AS `requests`
ON `users`.`id` = `requests`.`userId`
GROUP BY `users`.`id`
HAVING `requests`.`createdAt` IN (MAX(`requests`.`createdAt`)) AND `requests`.`status` = 1
LIMIT 0, 5;

How do I convert a SQL query for Sequelize?

I have a SQL query (using mysql as DB) that I now need to rewrite as a sequelize.js query in node.js.
SQL Query
SELECT p.UserID, SUM(p.score), u.username
FROM Picks p
ON p.UserId =
GROUP BY p.UserId;
not quite sure how this query needs to be structured to get the same results with sequelize.
This should do what you're needing:
attributes: [
[db.sequelize.fn('SUM', db.sequelize.col('score')), 'score']
include: [{
model: db.User,
required: true,
attributes: ['username']
group: ['UserID']
}).then((results) => {
Maybe try this (I assume you already associate Picks and Users), and you can access by pick.user.username:
attributes: ['UserID', [sequelize.fn('SUM', 'score'), 'sumScore']]
groupBy: ['UserID']
include: [
model: Users
The website at this domain no longer provides this tool. It's now filled with ads and likely malware.
I know this question is old but this answer may help others.
I have found an online converter that can convert raw SQL to Sequelize.
The link is
When converted from this site I got the following reponse.
Picks.hasMany(Users,{foreignKey: '', as: 'u'});
var _q = Picks;
include: [{model: Users, as: 'u', required: false,}, ],
attributes: [[sequelize.fn('SUM', sequelize.col('p.score')), 'p.score'],['p.UserID', 'p.UserID'],['u.username', 'u.username']],
group: [''],
Writing a sql query may not always be very simple with sequelize functions. Sometimes I recommend to run your plain sql query by combining it with this function.
const { QueryTypes } = require('sequelize');
async message_page (req,res) {
const messagePage = await db.query("SELECT * FROM ..", { type: QueryTypes.SELECT });
return messagePage;},

find using model association

Dialect: postgres
Database version: #latest
Sequelize version: #latest
I'm trying to find out how to use an associate model. I've got 3 models: post, postCity and region. They have the following relation:
postCity (post_id, region_id) associate to post (post_id) and region (region_id). I am using a search function like this:
include: [
model: models.postCity,
attributes: [[models.sequelize.fn('count', 'post_id'), 'count']],
where: {
$or: [
"create_by" : {$not: 67}
// "postCities.region_name":{$iLike: "%Guangazhou2%"}
"description":{$iLike: "%India%"}
which leads to:
SELECT "post"."post_id", "post"."description", "post"."create_by",
"post"."create_time", "post"."update_time", "post"."country_id",
"postCities"."post_id" AS "postCities.post_id",
"postCities"."region_id" AS "postCities.region_id",
"postCities"."order_no" AS "postCities.order_no",
"postCities.region"."region_id" AS "postCities.region.region_id",
"postCities.region"."region_name" AS "postCities.region.region_name",
"postCities.region"."country_id" AS "postCities.region.country_id",
"postCities.region"."province_id" AS "postCities.region.province_id"
FROM "t_post" AS "post"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "t_post_city" AS "postCities"
ON "post"."post_id" = "postCities"."post_id"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "t_region" AS "postCities.region"
ON "postCities"."region_id" = "postCities.region"."region_id"
WHERE ("post"."create_by" != 67 OR "post"."description" ILIKE '%India%');
When I uncomment "postCities.region_name":{$iLike: "%Guangazhou2%"} then I get this error
column post.postCities.region_name does not exist
I simply like to my query to be like this
... WHERE ("post"."create_by" != 67
OR "post"."description" ILIKE '%India%'
OR "postCities.region_name" ILIKE: "%Guangazhou2%")
I also tried to include [{model:models.region, where:{"region_name":{$iLike: "%Guangazhou2%"}}}] but this doesn't give me the appropriate result.
In order to add condition to included tables, you should wrap condition with $ symbol, like it:
include: [{
model: models.postCity,
attributes: [[models.sequelize.fn('count', 'post_id'), 'count']],
where: {
$or: [{
"create_by" : {$not: 67}
}, {
"$postCities.region.region_name$":{$iLike: "%Guangazhou2%"}
}, {
"description":{$iLike: "%India%"}

Missing left join when using bookshelf/knex

for some reason, in some cases knex doesn't add left join to the query. I tried to reproduce the bug with minimal code, So I tried to use knex with in-memory sqlite3.
var knex = require('knex')({
connection: {
filename: ":memory:"
debug: true
var bookshelf = require('bookshelf')(knex);
var Conversation = bookshelf.Model.extend({
tableName: 'conversations',
.where(qb => {
.leftJoin('conversations_recipients', function () {
this.on('conversations_recipients.conversationId', '');
When I check the debug messages on the console, I get:
{ method: 'select',
options: {},
bindings: [ 1 ],
sql: 'select "conversations".* from "conversations" limit ?' }
And there's the left join is missing. Someone knows what's wrong with this code, and how can I include the desired join?
Thanks in advance.
You're calling where instead of query. Also you don't need to use the join callback unless you're doing complex join logic. Refer to knex documentation for where and join. And Bookshelf documentation for query
Conversation.query(qb =>
).fetch().then(conversations => { // ...

Sequelize js get count of associated model

Say for example I have a discussions table and replies table.
How do I get the count of replies for each discussion record ?
where: { 'course_id': 105 },
include: [
{model: Models.course_discussions_replies, as: 'replies'}
.then(function (discussions) {
if (!discussions) {
} else {
console.log("91283901230912830812 " , discussions);
The above code is converted into the following query -
SELECT COUNT(`course_discussions`.`id`) as `count` FROM `course_discussions` LEFT OUTER JOIN `course_discussions_replies` AS `replies` ON `course_discussions`.`id` = `replies`.`discussion_id` WHERE `course_discussions`.`course_id`=105;
The above code gets me count of discussions. But how do I get the count of the replies for each discussion ?
The following sql query works, but how do I write it in the sequelize way ?
SELECT COUNT( `replies`.`discussion_id` ) AS `count`
FROM `course_discussions`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `course_discussions_replies` AS `replies` ON `course_discussions`.`id` = `replies`.`discussion_id`
WHERE `course_discussions`.`course_id` =105
If you need the discussions and the replies count maybe .replies.length should work for you.
where: { 'course_id': 105 },
include: [
{model: Models.course_discussions_replies, as: 'replies'}
.then(function (discussions) {
// each discussion in discussions will have a
// replies array
discussions[0].repies.length // replies for current discussion