How to access previous app state/config on app relaunch (TornadoFx) - config

After looking at state/settings, configuration, I have tried config and app.config for app state/setting management. When I use app.config, I am able to access the state in other views.
I wish to implement state such that when the app is launched a second time, the first view or behavior should be different based on the state config/settings of the previous session.
I realized that each time I relaunch the app all states default to null.
I even came across the notion of configBasedPath and configPath but what I am not sure about is,
if my app is to create them automatically or I need to do it manually
If my app will automatically resolve the config path to or I will need to do it manually.
This is because after running my app, I do not see the default conf base directory and the file.
I am currently developing on windows 10 and use FXLauncher for packaging.
How can I persist state in my app such that I can always access the previous states/settings I run the app?

To persist configuration changes, simply call save() on the config object. To save the global app config settings, call Changes are automatically loaded when the app starts.
You can read more about the config object in the guide:


Kotlin Console application - store credentials on and define the path to it with env variables

I'm building a Kotlin console app that's going to be installed in one of my customer servers. The app downloads some data from a REST API. Before pulling the data the app needs to obtain a token by issuing a login request using a username and password.
I'm gonna be packaging the app using The Badass Runtime Plugin with the runtime parameter, which basically creates a folder including my jar, dependencies and a bunch of scripts.
To avoid hard coding the password in the application code I came with the following approach:
I'm going to store the password in an file and pass the file path to it using an environment variable.
val props = Properties()
When installing the app on the client's computer I'm going to create an file and the required env variable.
Is it a good approach or is it preferable to pass the file path to the using a -D parameter? In that case, how do you access its value in the application code?
Are there better approaches rather than the app properties?

Nuxt JS - reading conf/env file in static site generation

My project with Nuxt JS is set with target:static and ssr: false.
This app need to connect to a local endpoint to retrieve some informations.
I have multiple endpoints and I need multiple instances of the app, every app must read only his endpoint.
The question is: how change the endpoint address for every app without rebuild everyone?
I tried with env file or a json file in the static folder (in order to have access to this file in the dist folder after the build process).
But if I modify the content of the env/json file in the dist folder and then reload the webpage (or also restart the web server that serve the dist folder), the app continue to use the original endpoint provided at the build time.
There is a way or I have to switch to server side rendering mode (which I would rather not use)?
Thank you!
When you use SSG, it will bundle your app at build time. Last time I checked, there was no hack regarding that. (I don't have the Github issue under my hand but it's a popular one)
And at the same time, I don't really see how it would be done since you want to mix something static and dynamic at the same time.
SSR is the only way here.
Otherwise, you may have some other logic to generate dynamic markup when updating your endpoints (not related to Nuxt) by fetching a remote endpoint I guess.
With the module nuxt content it's possible to create a folder "/content" in project directory and read json files from that directory.
After, when creating the dist with nuxt generate command, the "content" folder it's included in "_nuxt" folder of the dist and if you modify the content of the json file and refresh the webpage that read it, will take the new values.

Dynamic Routing witihin vue.js application

in a current project I have a problem understanding (and configuring) routing within my vue.js app.
Our Setup
We have a setup, where for each Pull Request in our repos a new Snapshot Environment is created. This environment is one namespace within a kubernetes Cluster. All services in a current develop state are deployed with the new "snapshot" version of the service that triggered the CICD pipeline. To have a clear route for each snapshot environment, we use the namespace as part of the URL (https://HOST/NAMESPACE/APP/paths)
Our Problem
As you can see, the URL is highly dynamic, but currently, we could just build the container with the path and be happy. Thats our current setup. Unfortunately, we want the possibility, to deploy each and every container image on every HOST as well as every NAMESPACE, those parts are only known at runtime, not in the CICD Pipeline.
Is there any way to handle such a scenario with vue.js. I have basically every freedom to edit the app as well as the container, but can't change the way we want to host our app. Currently we build the App on the cluster and inject the NAMESPACE, which was the "easiest" way to do this. But if there is any other way, I would love to not have the build and run step together.
Thanks in advance.

Multiple Authorization In Cocoa App

I'm writing a cocoa app which needs to modify system proxy settings ( I'm using networksetup to do that ).The problem is that it needs system administrator level access to change proxy settings. I tried running both running an NSTask as administrator using Apple's default API ( I used STPrivilagedTask wrapper for it ) and running a shell script with administrator privileges. It works perfect either way, but the problem is that my app needs to change settings so many times, and user has to type his password every single time.
Is there anyway that I can get the privilege one time, and use it again and again ?
What you're looking to do is write a "privileged helper tool" which gets included (or delivered, or embedded) in your application bundle and you can then call using SMJobBless().
Creating a helper tool is not for the faint of heart, but here is a related question with answers that may set you off down the right path.

myeclipse deployment issue cant see changes

Im trying to work in my project, when I change files it changes the file inside the directory that I imported the projects into my workspace. But the changes aren't showing up on the server because the server is using the folder inside .metadata/webapps/myapp etc
what have I done wrong here?
Sounds like you're deploying to the integrated Tomcat server. The deployment is normally to the .metadata/.me_tcat/webapps/myapp folder. Is this what you meant? If not then I suggest you remove the deployment and then deploy again and let the deployment location default. The folder .metadata/.me_tcap is simply where the integrated Tomcat installation looks for applications when it starts up.
You can check the deployment location by looking in the servers view. Expand the integrated Tomcat server. The deployment location for your project is shown there.
The deployed location should be kept in synch with your code. If that's not happening, it may be that the changes you're making are the kind that require a redeployment. I'm not sure what the conditions are for propagating changes but I guess there might be some situations where changes can't be picked up automatically in this way. The changes should be picked up on a redeploy.
To check, create a new web project, which will create some default configuration and a default index.jsp file. Deploy this to the integrated Tomcat server. Now make a change in the index.jsp file and save it. Check if the change is made in the deployment location, or simply run the server and check that your new index.jsp gets displayed.
For more help, I suggest you post to the forums at