Timeout during allocate while making RFC call - saprfc

I am trying to create a SAP RFC connection to a new system.
AFAIK the firewall (in this case to port 3321) is open.
I get this message at the client:
LOCATION SAP-Gateway on host ax-swb-q06.prod.lokal / sapgw21
ERROR timeout during allocate
TIME Thu Jul 26 16:45:48 2018
RC 242
MODULE /bas/753_REL/src/krn/si/gw/gwr3cpic.c
LINE 2210
DETAIL no connect of TP sapdp21 from host after 20 sec
[MSG: class=, type=, number=, v1-4:=;;;]
And this message on the SAP server
Any clue what needs to be done, to get RFC working?

With this little info no one can know what the issue is here.
But it is something related to your network and SAP system configuration.
I guess your firewall does some network address translation (NAT) and the new IP behind the firewall does not match anymore with the known one. SAP is doing some own IP / host name security checks.
If not already done, check with opening the ports 3221, 3321 and 4821 in the firewall. Also check the SAP gateway configuration which IP addresses and host names are configured to be valid ones for it (look at what is traced in the beginning of the gateway trace file dev_rd at ABAP side).
Also consider if maybe the usage of a SAProuter would be the better option for your needs.

it works in my case if ashost is the host name, and not an IP address!
Do not ask me why, but this fails:
Connection(user='x', passwd='...', ashost='', sysnr='21', client='494')
But this works:
Connection(user='x', passwd='...', ashost='ax-swb-q06.prod.lokal', sysnr='21', client='494')
This is strange, since DNS resolution happens before TCP communication.
It seems that the ashost value gets used inside the connection. Strange. For most normal protocols (http, ftp, pop3, ...) this does not matter. Or you get at least a better error message.


IBM MQ expects username and password when using SSL certificates (Error 2035)

I am stuck at using SSL in IBM Websphere MQ (9.2).
I am building a client library for MQ and to get more familiar with MQ on the server side I have installed IBM MQ Developer edition and ran the supplied scripts to create a 'default' MQ server instance.
Created an client connection for the DEV.APP.SVRCONN server connection
Created a personal certificate by using the IBM Key management tool and named it ibmwebspheremq
Enabled SSL on the Queue Manager (QM1) and labelled it ibmwebspheremq
Updated the SSL configuration for the DEV.APP.SVRCONN channel and set the cipherspec property to TLS 1.2, 256-bit Secure Hash Algorithm, 128-bit AES encryption (TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256) and made SSL required.
Tested my settings with:
amqssslc -l ibmwebspheremq -k C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQ\qmgrs\QM1\ssl\key -c DEV.APP.SVRCONN -x -s TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 -m QM1
And that gave me:
Sample AMQSSSLC start
Connecting to queue manager QM1
Using the server connection channel DEV.APP.SVRCONN
on connection name
Using SSL CipherSpec TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
Using SSL key repository stem C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQ\qmgrs\QM1\ssl\key
Certificate Label: ibmwebspheremq
No OCSP configuration specified.
MQCONNX ended with reason code 2035
Error details (from log):
The active values of the channel were 'MCAUSER(app) CLNTUSER(Wilko)
MATCH(RUNCHECK) mode of the DISPLAY CHLAUTH MQSC command can be used to
identify the relevant CHLAUTH record.
Ensure that the application provides a valid user ID and password, or change
the queue manager connection authority (CONNAUTH) configuration to OPTIONAL to
allow client applications to connect which have not supplied a user ID and
----- cmqxrmsa.c : 2086 -------------------------------------------------------
22/11/2021 15:51:37 - Process(15880.45) User(MUSR_MQADMIN) Program(amqrmppa.exe)
Host(DESKTOP-ROH98N2) Installation(Installation1)
AMQ9999E: Channel 'DEV.APP.SVRCONN' to host '' ended abnormally.
The channel program running under process ID 15880(1112) for channel
'DEV.APP.SVRCONN' ended abnormally. The host name is ''; in some cases
the host name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
Look at previous error messages for the channel program in the error logs to
determine the cause of the failure. Note that this message can be excluded
completely or suppressed by tuning the "ExcludeMessage" or "SuppressMessage"
attributes under the "QMErrorLog" stanza in qm.ini. Further information can be
found in the System Administration Guide.
----- amqrmrsa.c : 630 --------------------------------------------------------
I am kind of stuck, I also saw in the log that there is PEER related info dumped, but I am not sing the SSLPEER settings (I just want to let everyone connect with the same certificate).
Output from RUNMQSC QM1 and command DISPLAY QMGR CONNAUTH:
AMQ8408I: Display Queue Manager details.
Output from RUNMQSC QM1 and command DISPLAY AUTHINFO(name-from-previous-command):
AMQ8566I: Display authentication information details.
ALTDATE(2021-11-18) ALTTIME(15.09.20)
Output from DISPLAY CHLAUTH(*):
AMQ8878I: Display channel authentication record details.
AMQ8878I: Display channel authentication record details.
AMQ8878I: Display channel authentication record details.
AMQ8878I: Display channel authentication record details.
AMQ8878I: Display channel authentication record details.
I was expecting not having to provide username and password when using certificates. What am I missing here?
Your queue manager is configured to mandate passwords for any client connections that are trying to run with a resolved MCAUSER that is privileged. That is what CHCKCLNT(REQDADM) on your AUTHINFO(DEV.AUTHINFO) does.
In addition, your CHLAUTH rule for the DEV.APP.SVRCONN channel has upgraded this further to mandate passwords for ALL connections using that channel.
If your intent is to have channels that supply a certificate not be subject to this mandate, then you should add a further, more specific, CHLAUTH rule, something along these lines:-
Bear in mind that if this connection is asserting a privileged user id, it will still be required to supply a password from the system-wide setting of CHCKCLNT(REQDADM).
Remember, if you are ever unsure which CHLAUTH rule you are matching against, all those details you saw in the error message can be used to form a DISPLAY CHLAUTH command to discover exactly which rule you have matched. Read more about that in I’m being blocked by CHLAUTH – how can I work out why?

How to fix etcd cluster "error "tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake""

I created a three node etcd cluester, config and start is already OK, but when I check the /var/log/messages, it shows
etcd: rejected connection from "" (error "tls: first
record does not look like a TLS handshake", ServerName "")
How can I fix it ?
I have checked the health of etcd :
member 48b0dff99d5c867e is healthy: got healthy result from
member 646dab89331aabab is healthy: got healthy result from
member b45603216bfac234 is healthy: got healthy result from
That shows Ok, but when I cat the /var/log/messages, it always shows this error :
Jan 12 20:08:57 master etcd: rejected connection from
"" (error "tls: first record does not look like a TLS
handshake", ServerName "")
Jan 12 20:08:57 master etcd: rejected
connection from "" (error "tls: oversized record
received with length 21536", ServerName "")
I got this message for the etcd peer communication when switching from http to https for peer communication. Apparently etcd has persistent peer information that overrides the command line options so it continued to use http for peer communication in spite of the command line options.
In the end, since this was a test cluster, I nuked /var/lib/etcd and the new cli configuration took hold
There is no solution from my side to fully help you with an issue but I've found couple of links that might help you in further investigations. Read them carefully, try solutions and I hope you will resolve the problem.
Github question #9917: check ETCDCTL_API variable, especially make sure --endpoints is configured with https.
Runtime reconfiguration: try to reconfigure you etcd by updating/removing/adding etcs members.
nginx ingress: check your nginx ingress annotations in case you are using nginx
google groups TLS handshake topic: Check this topic, especially comments related to VAULT_ADDR variable. I will copy paste last comment from thread here:
We were able to get everything to work, after understanding the
permission issues.
You asked: "Please confirm if you are seeing server error messages
before initializing Vault" Upon further examination, I did determine
that the errors were not happening before initializing the Vault.
The problem ended up not being related to VAULT_ADDR, and we used the
value: ""
I have the setup operation scripted, and it appears that not
everything was being run at the proper permissions. At first I was
running the scripts using the "sudo" command, which resulted in the
failures. I discovered that the permissions for the certificate key
were restricted and the file could not be accessed by my user. There
may have been other permission issues as well. But once I switched
user to root, and ran the script, everything behaved correctly.

resolve.conf (generated) wrong order? (2 routers)

I have 2 routers in my network.
A) The one issued by my ISP (limited settings, had even to ask to get portforwarding settings), which is alo my modem.
B) My own router (wher i set my DHCP etc)
Now the generated resolve.txt on raspberrian and archlinux list:
domain local
nameserver <IP of A>
nameserver <IP of B>
As in understand it this is the order it will try to use when resolving names, but her it schould try my internal B before trying to resolve using A.
PS: Both subnetmasks are
Router A has
Router B has
All devices are in the 192.168.1.### range.
PPS: Archlinux is setup to use networkmanager, not a manual configured dhcpcd
NetworkManager may use dnsmasq for dhcp and to handle dns lookups.
I noticed that dnsmasq reverses the order of nameservers. Look at your logs. That would show up better in log if we also set dnsmasq to call dns servers in parallel:
Mar 14 02:14:20 dnsmasq[3216]: 71700 cached firefox.settings.services.mozilla.com is <CNAME>
Mar 14 02:14:20 dnsmasq[3216]: 71700 forwarded firefox.settings.services.mozilla.com to
Mar 14 02:14:20 dnsmasq[3216]: 71700 forwarded firefox.settings.services.mozilla.com to
Mar 14 02:14:20 dnsmasq[3216]: 71700 forwarded firefox.settings.services.mozilla.com to
...order of calls is reversed in log lines!
I got rid of systemd-resolved to rely on dnsmasq.

PingAccess issues with proxying target sites with HTTP/HTTPS mix

I'm trying to get PingAccess set up as a proxy (let's call the PA host
pagateway) for a couple of applications that share a Web Session. I want all access to come via the PA pagateway and use HTTPS, but the back end systems are not HTTPS.
I have two sites defined, app1:8080 and app2:8080. Both are set to "secure" = no and "use target host header" = yes.
I have listeners defined on ports 5000 and 5001 that are both set to "secure" = yes.
The first problem I found is that when I access either app in this way (e.g. going to https://pagateway:5000), after successfully authenticating with PingFederate I end up getting redirected to the actual underlying host name (e.g. http://app1:8080), meaning any subsequent interactions with the app are not via PingAccess. For users outside the network they wouldn't even be able to do that because the app1 host wouldn't even be visible or accessible.
I thought maybe I needed to turn off "Use target host header" to false but Chrome prompts me to download a file that contains NAK, ETX, ETX, NUL, STX, STX codes, and in the PA logs I get an SSL error:
2015-11-20 11:13:33,718 DEBUG [6a5KYac2dnnY0ZpIl-3GNA] com.pingidentity.pa.core.transport.http.HttpServerHandler:180 - IOException reading sourceSocket
javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.handleUnknownRecord(InputRecord.java:710)
I'm unsure exactly which part of the process the SSL error is coming from (between browser and pagateway, or pagateway and app1). I'm guessing maybe app1 is having trouble with the unexpected host header...
In another variation I turned off SSL on the PA listener (I also had to change the PingAccess call-back URL in the PingFederate client settings to be http). But when I accessed it via http://pagateway:5000 I got a generic PingFederate error message in the browser and a different error in the PA logs:
2015-11-20 11:37:25,764 DEBUG [DBxHnFjViCgLYgYb-IrfqQ] com.pingidentity.pa.core.interceptor.flow.InterceptorFlowController:148 - Invoking request handler: Scheme Validation for Request to [pagateway:5000] [/]
2015-11-20 11:37:25,764 DEBUG [DBxHnFjViCgLYgYb-IrfqQ] com.pingidentity.pa.core.interceptor.flow.InterceptorFlowController:200 - Exception caught. Invoking abort handlers
com.pingidentity.pa.sdk.policy.AccessException: Invalid request protocol.
at com.pingidentity.pa.core.interceptor.SchemeValidationInterceptor.handleRequest(SchemeValidationInterceptor.java:61)
Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? I'm kind of surprised about the redirection to the actual server name, to be honest, but after that I'm stumped about where to go from here.
Any help would be appreciated.
Have you contacted our support on this? It's sounding like something that will need to be dug into a bit deeper - but some high level suggestions I can make:
Take a look at a browser trace to determine when the redirect is happening to the backend site. Usually this is because there's a Location header in a redirect from the backend web server that (by nature) is an absolute URL but pointing to it instead of the externally facing hostname.
A common solution to this is setting Target Host Header to False - so it will receive the request unmodified from the browser, and the backend server should know to represent itself as that (if it behaves nicely behind a proxy).
If the backend server can't do that (which it sounds like it can't) - you should look at assigning rewriting rules to that application. More details on them are available here: https://support.pingidentity.com/s/document-item?bundleId=pingaccess-52&topicId=reference%2Fui%2Fpa_c_Rewrite_Rules_Overview.html. The "Rewrite Response Header Rule" in particular will rewrite Location headers in HTTP redirects.
FYI - The "Invalid request protocol." error you're seeing at bottom of your description could be due to a "Require HTTPS" flag on your defined Application.
Do you have the same issue if you add a trailing slash at the end (https://pagateway:5000/webapp/)? Your application server will rewrite the URL based on what it thinks is the true host. This is to get around some security related issues around directory listing.
Which application server are you using? All app servers are unique, but I'll provide instructions on how to resolve this with Tomcat.
Add a global rule that forces the application server to use the external facing host name. Here is a sample Groovy script:
def header = exc?.request?.header;
In Tomcat's server.xml, add scheme="https" to the connection:
<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
redirectPort="443" scheme="https" />

Weblogic 12.1.2. "https + t3" combination on a single managed server. Is it possible?

WLS 12.1.2 is running under JDK 1.7_60 on Windows 7
To meet the requirement "Switch to HTTPS, but leave t3" the following steps are performed in admin console for managed server (where the apps reside)
Disable default listen port 7280 (http and t3)
Enable default SSL listen port 7282 (https and t3s)
In order to enable t3, create a custom Channel
Protocol: t3
Port: 7280
“HTTP Enabled for This Protocol“ flag is set to false
After that, we have https and t3s on port 7282 and t3 only on port 7280.
In this case, we have issues with deployment of applications.
The deployer fails to start/stop the apps.
The reason is the deployer still tries to send messages to managed server via http.
I turned on the deployment debugging and see the following messages in admin server log.
…<DeploymentServiceTransportHttp> …<HTTPMessageSender: IOException: java.io.EOFException: Response had end of stream after 0 bytes when making a DeploymentServiceMsg request to URL: http://localhost:7280/bea_wls_deployment_internal/DeploymentService>
… <DeploymentServiceTransportHttp> …<sending message for id '-1' to 'my_srv' using URL 'http://localhost:7280' via http>
If I disable the custom t3 Channel, everything is ok. The deployer sends messages to https://localhost:7282, as expected. But in this case, we have no t3 available.
Any help is much appreciated.