dll grpc_csharp_ext.x64.dll in use when deploying with msdeploy - gitlab-ci

I'm using msdeploy on gitlab with this args:
[string[]]$msdeployArgs = #(
"-setParam:name=""IIS Web Application Name"",value=""$iisApplicationName"""
and I have always an error:
Info: Using ID '41f89bfc-34bd-41c2-a820-ad75f7966651' for connections to the remote server.
Info: Adding ACLs for path (test)
Info: Adding ACLs for path (test)
Info: Adding ACLs for path (test/App_Data)
Info: Using ID '33b1c88c-c667-44b0-9b2e-ffeedf0a3e0f' for connections to the remote server.
Info: Updating file (tes\App_Data\Anonymous.xml).
Info: Updating file (test\Areas\Web.config).
Info: Updating file (test\bin\grpc_csharp_ext.x64.dll).
More Information: Web Deploy cannot modify the file 'grpc_csharp_ext.x64.dll' on the destination because it is locked by an external process. In order to allow the publish operation to succeed, you may need to either restart your application to release the lock, or use the AppOffline rule handler for .Net applications on your next publish attempt. Learn more at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=221672#ERROR_FILE_IN_USE.
Error count: 1.
msdeploy errorCode: -1
how can i please ignore this error or force to deploy ??

grpc_csharp_ext.x64.dll is locked by IIS, so here are your options:
Restart IIS on the remote server before deploying (you can create a script to automate this process, Jenkins can also come to aid here)
If you have this issue locally, when building your project in Visual Studio - the easiest option would be to add iisreset /stop at pre-build
event, and iisreset /start at the post-build event, see here: Visual Studio 2013.2 can't build because IIS is locking an assembly)
Downgrade grpc to version 2.25.0 (or below), as this issue related to version 2.26.0 and up
Upgrade grpc to version 2.30.0, as this version implemented SkipGrpcNativeLibsCopying in Grpc.Core.targets file to resolve this issue. see more detail here: https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/21867 and here https://github.com/grpc/grpc/pull/22894, but be aware of the warning mentioned here: https://github.com/grpc/grpc/pull/22894/commits/c6723399b8d7ed580e72220b7d880f57d1d5eae9


TFS Build error - Cannot listen on pipe name 'xxx' because another pipe endpoint is already listening on that name

In TFS, i'm doing build for my .Net project. I've got agent configured locally and build is carried using that. Error says as follows
Cannot listen on pipe name 'net.pipe://localhost/taskagent/6/xxxxxx' because another pipe endpoint is already listening on that name.
Not sure, what this exactly is....Please help. Attached the error screenshot for reference.
Note: I'm not using any TDD/test process in code
According to the error info not sure if it's related to TFS side. Suggest you also manually run the build directly on the build agent.
Since the agent is newly configured, to narrow down if the error is related to your environment on the build server machine. You could also create a new build definition with a simple project such as hello world and check if got the same error. If so, suggest you delete the agent, reconfigure it follow this tutorial: Deploy an agent on Windows
Besides, you could also set system.debug=true to enable verbose debug for build to get more detail error info, please refer: Enable Verbose Debug Mode for TFS Build vNext

trouble publishing website TFS 2013

I have a TFS 2013 build that I'm trying to get to publish to a folder on the build server. I've installed WebDeploy, but I always get the error:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets (4274): Web deployment task failed. (Could not connect to the remote computer ("localhost"). On the remote computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("Web Management Service") is started. Learn more at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=221672#ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_REACHABLE.)
I've set up a website on the build server and that's where I'm trying to publish the website. Actually I don't even care about publishing it per se - I just need my build output to go to a folder locally automatically. Right now we have to manually open the solution and choose Publish... to get the output that subsequent InstallShield builds need for input. Here are my MSBuild arguments. Does anyone have any idea what could be missing?
/p:Authtype=NTLM /p:username=""
I've checked both net start wmsvc and net start msdepsvc and both are running. Any ideas?
I've tried everything that Andy suggested and now when I run this from the command line I get this bizarre error message:
"C:\Workspace\VS2013\WebApps\Main\Src\webapps.sln" (default target) (1) ->
target) (7) ->
(AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStringsCore target) ->
C:\Program Files
.Publishing.targets(2295,5): error : Could not open Source file: Could not
a part of the path
Any idea why it's looking for Web.config;Areas\Admin\Views\Web.config'.? That makes no sense.
Please try below items to narrow down the issue:
Try to use IP or Machine Name instead of "localhost"
Logon your build agent machine, then manually execute the same
MSBuild command within the same arguments(which you provided in build
definition) to build and deploy your solution, then check result. You
need to ensure you can manually run the same MSBuild command within
deploy argument to build and deploy your solution successfully from
build agent machine. Then use the same deploy arguments in TFS Build
Double check Web Deploy settings to make sure that the name of the
website is exactly that of what's in IIS.
Install Web Management Tools before Web
Deploy : Install the Web Management Services (Roles -> Web Server >
Management Tools > Management Services). Then uninstall Web Deploy, and then install Web Deploy again.
You can also reference this thread for your troubleshooting.
For the issue "Could not open Source file: Could not find a part of the path" you can reference below similar articles for the troubleshooting.
https://our.umbraco.org/forum/getting-started/installing-umbraco/60222-Umbraco-721-Build-fails-after-deploy-to-Azure-WebSite (See the last two answers)

Can't get nservicebus performance counters to work in development/self host on windows server 2008 R2

Get this exception when running nservicebus.host.exe self-hosting either through Visual Studio or from command prompt. (Have tried both running from command prompt as administrator and my regular user):
2013-09-12 11:16:33,978 [1] FATAL NServiceBus.Hosting.GenericHost [(null)] <(nul
l)> - System.InvalidOperationException: NServiceBus performance counter for Crit
ical Time not set up correctly. Please run the NServiceBus infrastructure instal
lers to rectify this problem. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Could not R
ead Category Index: 9340.
I've tried running the "RunMeFirst.bat" which seems to run fine:
C:\Program Files (x86)\NServiceBus\v3.3.4>runmefirst
C:\Program Files (x86)\NServiceBus\v3.3.4>echo off
1 file(s) copied.
1 file(s) copied.
1 file(s) copied.
1 file(s) copied.
Running infrastructure installers and exiting (ignoring other command line parameters if exist).
There is already a RavenDB service installed on this computer, current status:Running
Starting installation of PerformanceCounters
Installation of PerformanceCounters successful.
Checking if MSMQ is installed.
MSMQ is installed.
Checking that only needed components are active.
Installation is good.
Checking if DTC is configured correctly.
The machine is a windows server 2008 R2 with terminal services which is a shared development server for multiple devs. I suspect the stricter security on win server is to blame here since it works on my win 7 machine.
Tried running "Install-PerformanceCounters" in Package Manager Console, but same problem. FYI, the output of Package Manager Console was (my command at the bottom):
Package Manager Console Host Version 2.2.40116.9051
Type 'get-help NuGet' to see all available NuGet commands.
Type 'get-help about_NServiceBus' to see all available NServiceBus commands.
What if: Performing operation "Install-PerformanceCounters" on Target "DEV01".
Performance Counters is setup and ready for use with NServiceBus
What if: Performing operation "Install-Msmq" on Target "DEV01".
Msmq is installed and setup for use with NServiceBus What if:
Performing operation "Install-Dtc" on Target "DEV01".
DTC is not properly configured
What if: Performing operation "Install-RavenDB" on Target "DEV01".
PM> Install-PerformanceCounters
Try using the powershell cmdlets, see http://docs.particular.net/nservicebus/operations/management-using-powershell
Thanks to the comment by John Simons I found the answer in this SO question: corrupted performance counters
In my particular case, running
lodctr /R
in admin command prompt was sufficient.

Unable to build Worklight project for "test" server (JDBC error)

Hello worklight team and devs!
We are done working on our development project and everything works fine in the local dev server (Tomcat).
Now we are trying to build the project to be deployed to a testing WAS ND 8.0.3 server.
We've been following the manual in the infocenter and modified each required file as needed (worklight.properties and application-descriptor.xml)
We made this changes to the worklight.properties file:
# http or https
# For default port leave empty
We tested the jdbc source in the WAS console and it works perfectly.
We proceed to build the war, adapter and wlapp (ALL) and we get this error:
[2013-05-21 12:48:44] FWLSE4001W: Failed to resolve JNDI name: "jdbc/WorklightDS".
Application may fail to access the database in runtime. If building for remote server - ignore this warning.
[2013-05-21 12:48:44] FWLST0011E: ====== Worklight Project BPMWorklight-project-customization failed to start: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial
[2013-05-21 12:48:44] Activation failed. Bundle didn't start:C:pathto\BPMWorklight-customization.jar
This happens in the developer workstation and if we install Studio in the server, where the jdbc source is created, the same happens.
I guess that Worklight is trying to "obtain" a JDBC source in TOMCAT not WAS, but we are building for WAS, so the build fails and NO files are changed after the error. NO BUILD is executed.
We also tried to execute the build.xml with ANT in studio but we get this error:
Buildfile: C:\Users\Primary User\IBM\Worklight\LIS_SampleCollection\BPMWorklight\build.xml
C:\Pathtofile\BPMWorklight\build.xml:3: Cannot find ../../common.xml imported from
Total time: 62 milliseconds
You're help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks a lot!!
Nicolas E.
If all you require is to deploy the updated-for-WAS .war file in WebSphere, you don't need to do any build operation in Worklight. After updating any file under the server\ folder in Worklight Studio (the Eclipse plug-in), the .war file is automatically being re-created.
The build operation is mainly for creating the binaries and deploying to Worklight Server (database) (again, when using the Eclipse plug-in).
So what I suggest is to:
First update application-descriptor.xml with your context root value in worklightServerRootURL, and keep your .wlapps on the side
Update worklight.properties and save them.
Now you have your app ready to deploy and the .war file ready to deploy.
Move to WAS, deploy the .war file
Hopefully things will work now, so you can load Worklight Console and deploy the .wlapp and .adapter files.
I don't know what you've read in the IBM Information Center, but you can also try going over the following training module from IBM Worklight Getting Started.
Moving from development environment to stand-alone QA and production servers
The above is not so convenient, but it is A way to move from your
development environment to another staging environment, or
application server...
The issue might also happen even after following my steps above, and this will indicate that the real issue is in your DB2 declaration in worklight.properties.
I will update this answer tomorrow with some insight regarding the possible DB2 declaration issue.

WebDeploy runcommand issue

I'm trying to deploy a package with WebDeploy V3.
The installation process is to sync between a source folder to a destination folder on the remote computer and run a certain powershell script after the sync is done.
The command being executed is:
'"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -verb:sync -source:dirPath='C:\source' -dest:dirPath='D:\destination',computerName=XXX -postSync:runcommand='powershell -inputformat none D:\destination\Install.ps1',successReturnCodes=0'
This yields the following error:
Info: Using ID '49edd786-d8a0-4acf-be7b-95dd6e1391cc' for connections to the remote server. Performing '-postSync'... Info:
Using ID '5ef9d005-82fa-4811-9f51-1741c8d622de' for connections to the remote server.
Info: Adding MSDeploy.runCommand (MSDeploy.runCommand).
Error: (11/28/2012 4:34:24 AM) An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer. Error: The entry type 'Unknown' was not expected at this time. The serialization stream may be corrupted.
Error count: 1.
Error during '-postSync'. Total changes: 0 (0 added, 0 deleted, 0 updated, 0 parameters changed, 0 bytes copied)
Searching the net for this error, I didn't see anybody who encountered it when using runcommand provider. If anybody encountered a similar issue and has ideas or suggestions I would be most thankful..
From what I've seen, using runCommand to execute an arbitrary command line might be a bit buggy. Try moving the commandline into a bat or cmd file and providing a (full?) path to that. The file will be uploaded and executed, as long as you don't try to pass in any arguments to it.
For future viewers of this post: I encountered this same specific error (Error: The entry type 'Unknown' was not expected at this time. The serialization stream may be corrupted) after adding runCommand provider usage to my MyProject.wpp.targets file for the Web Publishing Pipeline MSBuild process. The path was direct cmd shell input used in order to clear readonly flags with attrib -R.
In my case, my build server was configured with WebDeploy 3.0, while the server targeted by the deployment package was configured with Webdeploy 2.0. After upgrading the target server to Webdeploy 3.0 this particular problem was resolved.
However due to other errors surrounding runCommand (providing the correct path to the destination executable at package runtime) my solution still doesn't work entirely so take this all with a grain of salt.