How can I use Google Custom Search ad free? [closed] - google-custom-search

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Having the custom search engine code installed in my site but I'm seeing ads in the search result.
this is the link
Is it possible to hide ads?
Do I have to pay if I want an ad free version?

I know this is old, but this info is oddly difficult to find.
To sum up:
Google discontinued their paid option of ad-free custom search engine about in April of 2018. That was their quick and easy version, what is now referred to as the "Standard Search Element" version of the Custom Search Engine - free and full of ads.
So the only way to use custom search on your site now is by using their JSON API:

Check out this page for info on the different Custom Search offerings:


How can I translate my website with Translate? [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I developed a project with Nuxt JS. There are texts from the service that are static inside. I want to automatically translate all of these texts like Google Translate. How can I do this for free?
For free, you will probably have only one solution: do it by hand thanks to i18n.
Otherwise, you could probably programmatically generate your pages with a paid API like Deepl or alike. A google search may help you here.
PS: SO is not a how-to website, but rather a "here is how to solve your issue given the code details you provided to us".

How to post images to Instagram? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm working on a webshop. And would like to add the feature to be able to post product images to the shops Instagram account when a new product is added.
The thing is that the Instagram API does not seems to allow to post images. Either does the official Instagram Website. And a Google Search gives me multiple SO QA which says the same.
But at the same time, there seems to be a ton of websites, applications, and services and other non-emulators who let you post to Instagram (to mention a few: and is another one, there also seems to be some WordPress plugins who does it ex. but I'm not too good with eirhet PHP or WordPress to be able to tell how they have done it.).
And before anyone reports it as a duplicate. I do not consider this a duplicate since all other QA simply states that it is not possible via the API, but obviously, it is possible somehow, and I'm wondering how.
So I simply wondering how people are successfully implementing this feature when either the API or the official website allows it?
No official way to post media to Instagram doesn't mean that there is no way to do this.
If you are a developer you could simply reverse engineering the Instagram API and build some software to use that, otherwise you could just use some tools already developed.
And if this don't fit your needs you can go to github and search some other softwares already developed.

How to start into Thunderbird Addon Development [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to implement a Thunderbird-Addon and already found information on the mozilla web pages regarding Addon Development. However, some of the information is rather confusing, and thus I have some more specific questions:
1) Are Firefox Addon development and Thunderbird Addon development related? Some links may suggest so, others are indicated as "outdated"...
2) On the Mozilla web pages there are infos related to addons for Thunderbird 2,3, or 5. Isn't Thunderbird at version 31 currently? Probably I missed something here.
3) I want to extend the tagging mechanics in thunderbird, e.g. allowing relationships between tags, tag hierarchies etc. For that I would have to extend the existing data model. Can I do so?
4) Is there a good overview of the actual data model? Before I start programming something, I'd like to see which parts I have to touch and which I can leave alone.

Dynamic Text replacement for PPC Campaigns [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Stumbled across this:
Seems to be a wysiwg landing page creator. So I was just wondering if it's possible to do Dynamic Text replacement normally? Pretty much just need 1 Landing page that will have text (keywords) change depending on what the user searched from search engine. An dif possible also have images change out depending on what the user searched.
How can this be accomplished?
AdWords lets you use what is called "ValueTrack" in the click-through URLs for your ads. So you could have your clickthrough URL in AdWords as "{keyword}" then when someone clicks on your ad, AdWords will replace {keyword} with the actual keyword from the search, or for display ads the best-match keyword.
You could then have some code on your site (could be client or server side - you could do it with Javascript) to look for the keyword query string parameter from the URL, extract the value of that parameter, then place it into a onto your site.
Hope that helps

Google SEO: Preview not available [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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The pagerank of My website is 3. But when I search sgyuan in Google, I didn't any summary of my website, and the Preview is not avaible also.
And google translate is not working also.
Anyone can help me ?
Make sure you are not using the meta nosnippet tag that prevents Google from displaying snippets and previews in search results.
Make you do not have this in your Html
<meta name="googlebot" content="nosnippet">
More info here.
Anyway, for some site could take some days for Google to create your preview, consider wait and use Google Web Master Tools.
Please also read this article in case you use AJAX for your site