Odoo 11 user cannot create new contact despite extra permissions set - permissions

I'm running Odoo 11.0 CE 20180126.
Normal users get an error when trying to create a new partner under contacts, telling them that they need to be admin.
The extra permissions to create contacts are set, the buttons appears and the form can be called. But the below error message immediately pops up.
Weirdly enough users can edit existing contacts but not create new ones.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

The issue was an interaction with another module which restricted the access. Solution was to remove the unused module.


Can not create records in a custom module for normal users (can only created by admin access rights)

I installed odoo 12 and create a custom module
I got this message while creating a record by the normal user
Sorry, you are not allowed to access this document. Only users with the following access level are currently allowed to do that:
- Administration/Access Rights
(Document model: ir.rule) - (Operation: read, User: 6)
Please help me, to fix this
Please go through the below link.
If you are aware of the Odoo 10 and below versions, you will understand this.
Apart from all of this add access rights for newly creating classes in Odoo on file ir.model.access.csv.
For example:

Hyperwallet API, remove a user / a transfer method

My problem is that on my development system, I flushed all my users, and now I don't have the hyperwallet user's id. I could retrieve it from hyperwallet API and put in back in place. But what if I want to recreate the user's hyperwallet account?
The error is "DUPLICATE_EMAIL_REGISTRATION" and I couldn't find a single way of removing the user from hyperwallet.
This is the same for the transfer method which state "DUPLICATE_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_CREATION" but I do not have, nor in the API, nor in the sandbox interface, the possibility to remove transfer method.
How do you achieve this ? I'd like to not create a new sandbox account just to start from scratch because once in production, I won't be able to resolve this problem.
The whole documentation doesn't contain a single mention of the possibility to delete an account nor to create a new account with the same email.
Also users contains an attribute "Status" but the "Update user" section doesn't mention possibility to update the said status, and the "status transition" chapter only allow to change the "status" for bank accounts/prepaid card account/paypal account etc. But it doesn't seem possible to change de status of the user itself.
Sorry for the issue, we're actually in the process of rolling out this documentation.
There are 2 ways of solving this:
1) we can close existing accounts for you, so you are able to recreate them
2) we can provide you with a report of existing accounts, so you can backfill your system. Accounts in our system have your reference id (clientUserId) as well as ours (token).
Please contact our Developer Support (devsupport#hyperwallet.com) and please reference to me and add a reference to your question here. We'll be happy to assist you.
Thank you,

Unable to create new user in Splunk UI

I'm getting the below error when trying to create a new user in Splunk:
Encountered the following error while trying to save: In handler 'users': Could not get info for role that does not exist: alert_manager
Do I need to disable any apps or delete the files related to any apps from the Splunk directory? Kindly suggest.
Without knowing any further information about your problem or environment, it sounds like the issue is with your alert_manager role, rather than a global issue. Try to create a user with the user role (or another role) and see if that works; if it does, there is a problem with how your alert_manager role is configured (or that role doesn't exist).
To see how to modify or add roles, check out Add and edit roles with Splunk Web in the Splunk docs.

More AtTask API POST Issues

I'm working on a project to pull information from a SharePoint calendar and and post it into the atTask Time Off calendar. This should be pretty simple, but nothing in the AtTask API works the way I would expect. I've already asked about the "POST" action deleting existing records. Now I'm running into some strange rights issues.
I have administrator rights in our AtTask sandbox. I am able to access the Time Off records (RESVY) for all users on the system. I am able to delete them without issue. However, I am only able to create new records (POST) for myself. When attempting to create a new record for another user, I'm plugging in the sessionID from my login as the administrator and the other users userID.
The result is an error message: "You do not have sufficient access to edit this User".
It seems odd that the API would allow me to delete the RESVT records for another user, but no create new records.
We are using Active Directory for authentication into AtTask, so I don't have access to the passwords of the other users. This is really getting to be a headache.
Thanks in advance,
To update another users Time-Off the following 3 scenarios will allow you to mark time-off for another user. This is using the new access module.
You are a system admin
You have User Admin setting enabled in your access level settings (Located under the Fine Tuning option through the Edit Rights at the user level)
You have users who report to you (you are a manager) you will be able to edit users Time-off for users who report to you.

Cannot install module on openERP

I have a problem in using openERP.
I uninstalled the base kanban module by accident, but I've succeeded to install it back:
But then my installed project management got uninstalled automatically, and now I can't install it back. It says:
"Constraint Error
You can not have two users with the same login !"
I've been looking for solutions through Google but I haven't found any.
"You can not have two users with the same login !" error raise in two condition, either in demo data you have define two or more users with same login or the user with this login already exits in db and it again going to crate user with same login,
please check it
Hope this help
"You can not have two users with the same login !" is an sql_constraint defined in res_users model. There must be a record in res_users in your database which has the login value as of the one you are creating. Also check that the one in the database may be active=False, so it will not appear in the normal tree view, but you can check it by adding an advanced filter in the view.