Modem escape sequence (+++) passed as data - modem

one question regarding modem, Hayes escape sequence.
First to explain what is happening:
==> ATD 123\r\n
<== +CR: REL ASYNC\r\n
<== CONNECT 9600\r\n
After this moment I have online session. When I want to hangup, I am doing next.
< no data 1.5 seconds >
==> +++ (no \r\n)
**+++ is received on destination side (why?)**
<== OK
< no data 1.5 seconds >
==> ATH\r\n
<== OK
Destination side gets NO CARRIER.
The problem for me is that escape sequence is received as regular data on destination side.
Does anyone have an idea what should I do? Some modem configuration tweak?

I will answer my question.
I did not find the way to do that.
Instead, in order to hangup I use DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal. After switching from active to inactive, the other side determines that as hangup (if modem is configured with AT&D2).


KIBANA - WAZUH pattern index

I have a project to install wazuh as FIM on linux, AIX and windows.
I managed to install Manager and all agents on all systems and I can see all three connected on the Kibana web as agents.
I created test file on the linux agent and I can find it also on web interface, so servers are connected.
Here is test file found in wazuh inventory tab
But, I am not recieving any logs if I modify this test file.
This is my settings in ossec.conf under syscheck on agent server>
<directories report_changes="yes" check_all="yes" realtime="yes">/var/ossec/etc/test</directories>
And now I ma also strugling to understand meanings of index patterns, index templates and fields.
I dont understand what they are and why we need to set it.
My settings on manager server - /usr/share/kibana/data/wazuh/config/wazuh.yml
alerts.sample.prefix: 'wazuh-alerts-*'
pattern: 'wazuh-alerts-*'
On the kibana web I also have this error when I am trying to check ,,events,, -the are no logs in the events.
Error: The field "timestamp" associated with this object no longer exists in the index pattern. Please use another field.
at FieldParamType.config.write.write (http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:627309)
at http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:455052
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at writeParams (http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:455018)
at AggConfig.write (http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:355081)
at AggConfig.toDsl (http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:355960)
at http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:190748
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at agg_configs_AggConfigs.toDsl (http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:189329)
at http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/wazuh/4.2.5-4206-1/wazuh.chunk.6.js:55:1397640
Thank you.
About FIM:
here you can find the FIM documentation in case you don't have it:
The first requirement for this to work would be to ensure a FIM alert is triggered, could you check the alerts.json file on your manager? It is usually located under /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json In order to test this fully I would run "tail -f /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json" and make a change in yout directory , if no alerts is generated, then we will need to check the agent configuration.
About indexing:
Here you can find some documentation:
Regarding your error, The best way to solve this is to delete the index. To do this:
got to Kibana -> Stack management -> index patterns and there delete wazuh-alerts-*.
Then if you enter to Wazuh App the health check will create it again or you can follow this to create your index:
Go to kibana -> stack management -> index pattern and select Create index pattern.
Hope this information helps you.
thank you for your answer.
I managed to step over this issue, but I hit another error.
When I check tail -f /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json I got never ending updating, thousands lines with errors like.
{"timestamp":"2022-01-31T12:40:08.458+0100","rule":{"level":5,"description":"Systemd: Service has entered a failed state, and likely has not started.","id":"40703","firedtimes":7420,"mail":false,"groups":["local","systemd"],"gpg13":["4.3"],"gdpr":["IV_35.7.d"]},"agent":{"id":"003","name":"MYAGENTSERVERNAME","ip":"X.X.X.X"},"manager":{"name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME"},"id":"1643629208.66501653","full_log":"Jan 31 12:40:07 MYAGENTSERVERNAME systemd: Unit rbro-cbs-adapter-int.service entered failed state.","predecoder":{"program_name":"systemd","timestamp":"Jan 31 12:40:07","hostname":"MYAGENTSERVERNAME"},"decoder":{"name":"systemd"},"location":"/var/log/messages"}
But, I can also find alert if I change monitored file. (file> wazuhtest)
{"timestamp":"2022-01-31T12:45:59.874+0100","rule":{"level":7,"description":"Integrity checksum changed.","id":"550","mitre":{"id":["T1492"],"tactic":["Impact"],"technique":["Stored Data Manipulation"]},"firedtimes":1,"mail":false,"groups":["ossec","syscheck","syscheck_entry_modified","syscheck_file"],"pci_dss":["11.5"],"gpg13":["4.11"],"gdpr":["II_5.1.f"],"hipaa":["164.312.c.1","164.312.c.2"],"nist_800_53":["SI.7"],"tsc":["PI1.4","PI1.5","CC6.1","CC6.8","CC7.2","CC7.3"]},"agent":{"id":"003","name":"MYAGENTSERVERNAME","ip":"x.x.xx.x"},"manager":{"name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME"},"id":"1643629559.67086751","full_log":"File '/var/ossec/etc/wazuhtest' modified\nMode: realtime\nChanged attributes: size,mtime,inode,md5,sha1,sha256\nSize changed from '61' to '66'\nOld modification time was: '1643618571', now it is '1643629559'\nOld inode was: '786558', now it is '786559'\nOld md5sum was: '2dd5fe4d08e7c58dfdba76e55430ba57'\nNew md5sum is : 'd8b218e9ea8e2da8e8ade8498d06cba8'\nOld sha1sum was: 'ca9bac5a2d8e6df4aa9772b8485945a9f004a2e3'\nNew sha1sum is : 'bd8b8b5c20abfe08841aa4f5aaa1e72f54a46d31'\nOld sha256sum was: '589e6f3d691a563e5111e0362de0ae454aea52b7f63014cafbe07825a1681320'\nNew sha256sum is : '7f26a582157830b1a725a059743e6d4d9253e5f98c52d33863bc7c00cca827c7'\n","syscheck":{"path":"/var/ossec/etc/wazuhtest","mode":"realtime","size_before":"61","size_after":"66","perm_after":"rw-r-----","uid_after":"0","gid_after":"0","md5_before":"2dd5fe4d08e7c58dfdba76e55430ba57","md5_after":"d8b218e9ea8e2da8e8ade8498d06cba8","sha1_before":"ca9bac5a2d8e6df4aa9772b8485945a9f004a2e3","sha1_after":"bd8b8b5c20abfe08841aa4f5aaa1e72f54a46d31","sha256_before":"589e6f3d691a563e5111e0362de0ae454aea52b7f63014cafbe07825a1681320","sha256_after":"7f26a582157830b1a725a059743e6d4d9253e5f98c52d33863bc7c00cca827c7","uname_after":"root","gname_after":"root","mtime_before":"2022-01-31T09:42:51","mtime_after":"2022-01-31T12:45:59","inode_before":786558,"inode_after":786559,"diff":"1c1\n< dadadadadad\n---\n> dfsdfdadadadadad\n","changed_attributes":["size","mtime","inode","md5","sha1","sha256"],"event":"modified"},"decoder":{"name":"syscheck_integrity_changed"},"location":"syscheck"}
{"timestamp":"2022-01-31T12:46:08.452+0100","rule":{"level":3,"description":"Log file rotated.","id":"591","firedtimes":5,"mail":false,"groups":["ossec"],"pci_dss":["10.5.2","10.5.5"],"gpg13":["10.1"],"gdpr":["II_5.1.f","IV_35.7.d"],"hipaa":["164.312.b"],"nist_800_53":["AU.9"],"tsc":["CC6.1","CC7.2","CC7.3","PI1.4","PI1.5","CC7.1","CC8.1"]},"agent":{"id":"003","name":"MYAGENTSERVERNAME","ip":"x.x.xx.x"},"manager":{"name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME"},"id":"1643629568.67099280","full_log":"ossec: File rotated (inode changed): '/var/ossec/etc/wazuhtest'.","decoder":{"name":"ossec"},"location":"wazuh-logcollector"}
Also I can see this alert in messages logs on the manager server>
Jan 31 12:46:10 MYMANAGERSERVERNAME filebeat[186670]: 2022-01-31T12:46:10.379+0100#011WARN#011[elasticsearch]#011elasticsearch/client.go:405#011Cannot index event publisher.Event{Content:beat.Event{Timestamp:time.Time{wall:0xc07610e0563729bf, ext:10888984451164, loc:(*time.Location)(0x55958e3622a0)}, Meta:{"pipeline":"filebeat-7.14.0-wazuh-alerts-pipeline"}, Fields:{"agent":{"ephemeral_id":"dd9ff0c5-d5a9-4a0e-b1b3-0e9d7e8997ad","hostname":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME","id":"03fb57ca-9940-4886-9e6e-a3b3e635cd35","name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME","type":"filebeat","version":"7.14.0"},"ecs":{"version":"1.10.0"},"event":{"dataset":"wazuh.alerts","module":"wazuh"},"fields":{"index_prefix":"wazuh-alerts-4.x-"},"fileset":{"name":"alerts"},"host":{"name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME"},"input":{"type":"log"},"log":{"file":{"path":"/var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json"},"offset":127261462},"message":"{"timestamp":"2022-01-31T12:46:08.452+0100","rule":{"level":3,"description":"Log file rotated.","id":"591","firedtimes":5,"mail":false,"groups":["ossec"],"pci_dss":["10.5.2","10.5.5"],"gpg13":["10.1"],"gdpr":["II_5.1.f","IV_35.7.d"],"hipaa":["164.312.b"],"nist_800_53":["AU.9"],"tsc":["CC6.1","CC7.2","CC7.3","PI1.4","PI1.5","CC7.1","CC8.1"]},"agent":{"id":"003","name":"xlcppt36","ip":""},"manager":{"name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME"},"id":"1643629568.67099280","full_log":"ossec: File rotated (inode changed): '/var/ossec/etc/wazuhtest'.","decoder":{"name":"ossec"},"location":"wazuh-logcollector"}","service":{"type":"wazuh"}}, Private:file.State{Id:"native::706-64776", PrevId:"", Finished:false, Fileinfo:(*os.fileStat)(0xc00095ea90), Source:"/var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json", Offset:127262058, Timestamp:time.Time{wall:0xc076063e1f1b1286, ext:133605185, loc:(*time.Location)(0x55958e3622a0)}, TTL:-1, Type:"log", Meta:map[string]string(nil), FileStateOS:file.StateOS{Inode:0x2c2, Device:0xfd08}, IdentifierName:"native"}, TimeSeries:false}, Flags:0x1, Cache:publisher.EventCache{m:common.MapStr(nil)}} (status=400): {"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"data_stream [<wazuh-alerts-4.x-{2022.01.31||/d{yyyy.MM.dd|UTC}}>] must not contain the following characters [ , ", *, \, <, |, ,, >, /, ?]"}
Here is output form apps check.
curl "http://localhost:9200"
"version" : {
"number" : "7.14.2",
"build_flavor" : "default",
"build_type" : "rpm",
"build_hash" : "6bc13727ce758c0e943c3c21653b3da82f627f75",
"build_date" : "2021-09-15T10:18:09.722761972Z",
"build_snapshot" : false,
"lucene_version" : "8.9.0",
"minimum_wire_compatibility_version" : "6.8.0",
"minimum_index_compatibility_version" : "6.0.0-beta1"
"tagline" : "You Know, for Search"
filebeat test output
parse url... OK
parse host... OK
dns lookup... OK
dial up... OK
TLS... WARN secure connection disabled
talk to server... OK
version: 7.14.2
So .. I can see alerts coming from Agent, but Its not reaching Kibana yet. On the kibana web I can see agent active and connected.

Why received ZFS dataset uses less space than original?

I have a dataset on the server1 that I want to back up to the second server2.
Server1 (original):
zfs list -o name,used,avail,refer,creation,usedds,usedsnap,origin,compression,compressratio,refcompressratio,mounted,atime,lused storage/iscsi/webhost-old produces:
storage/iscsi/webhost-old 67,8G 1,87T 67,8G Út kvě 31 6:54 2016 67,8G 16K - lz4 1.00x 1.00x - - 67,4G
Sending volume to the 2nd server:
zfs send storage/iscsi/webhost-old | pv | ssh -c arcfour, root# zfs receive -Fduv pool/bkp-storage
received 69,6GB stream in 378 seconds (189MB/sec)
Server2 zfs list produces:
pool/bkp-storage/iscsi/webhost-old 36,1G 3,01T 36,1G Pá pro 29 10:25 2017 36,1G 0 - lz4 1.15x 1.15x - - 28,4G
Why is there such a difference in sizes? Thanks.
From what you posted, I noticed 3 things that seemed odd:
the compressratio is 1.15x on system 2, but 1.00x on system 1
on system 2, used is 1.27x higher than logicalused
the logicalused and the number zfs receive report are ~2.3x higher on system 1 than system 2
These terms are all defined in the man page, but are still confusing to reverse-engineer explanations for in practice.
(1) could happen if you enabled compression on the source dataset after you wrote all the data to it, since ZFS doesn't rewrite the data to compress it when you enable that setting. The data sent by zfs send is uncompressed unless you use -c, but system 2 will try to compress it as it runs zfs receive if the setting is enabled on the destination dataset. If both system 1 and system 2 had the same compression settings before the data was written, they would have the same compressratio as well.
(2) can happen due to metadata written along with your data, but in this case it's too high for "normal" metadata, which accounts for 1-2% of most pools. It's probably caused by a pool-wide setting, like configuring RAID-Z, or a weird combination of striping and mirroring (like 4 stripes, but with one of them being a mirror).
For (3), I re-read the man page to try to figure it out:
The amount of space that is "logically" consumed by this dataset and
all its descendents. See the used property. The logical space
ignores the effect of the compression and copies properties, giving a
quantity closer to the amount of data that applications see.
If you were sending a dataset (instead of a single iSCSI volume) and the send size matched system 2's logicalused value (instead of system 1's), I would guess you forgot to send some child datasets (i.e. by using zfs send -R). However, neither of those are true in this case.
I had to do some additional digging -- this blog post from 2005 might contain the explanation. If system 1 didn't have compression enabled when the data was written (like I guessed above for (1)), the function responsible for not writing zeroed-out blocks (zio_compress_data) would not be run, so you probably have a bunch of empty blocks written to disk, and accounted for in the logicalused size. However, since lz4 is configured on system 2, it would run there, and those blocks would not be counted.

Redis mass insertion: protocol vs inline commands

For my task I need to load a bulk of data into Redis as soon as possible. It looks like this article is right about my case:
The article starts from giving an example of using multiple inline SET commands with redis-cli. Then they proceed to generating Redis protocol and again use it with redis-cli. They don't explain the reasons or benefits of using Redis protocol.
Using of Redis protocol is a bit harder and it generates a bit more traffic. I wonder, what are the reasons to use Redis protocol rather than simple one-line commands? Probably despite the fact the data is larger, it is easier (and faster) for Redis to parse it?
Good point.
Only a small percentage of clients support non-blocking I/O, and not
all the clients are able to parse the replies in an efficient way in
order to maximize throughput. For all this reasons the preferred way
to mass import data into Redis is to generate a text file containing
the Redis protocol, in raw format, in order to call the commands
needed to insert the required data.
What I understood is that you emulate a client when you use Redis protocol directly, which would benefit from the highlighted points.
Based on the docs you provided, I tried these scripts:
def gen_redis_proto(*cmd)
proto = ""
proto << "*"+cmd.length.to_s+"\r\n"
proto << "$"+arg.to_s.bytesize.to_s+"\r\n"
proto << arg.to_s+"\r\n"
STDOUT.write("SET Key#{n} Value#{n}\r\n")
ruby test.rb > 100k_prot.txt
ruby test_no_protocol.rb > 100k_no_prot.txt
time cat 100k.txt | redis-cli --pipe
time cat 100k_no_prot.txt | redis-cli --pipe
I've got these results:
teixeira: ~/stackoverflow $ time cat 100k.txt | redis-cli --pipe
All data transferred. Waiting for the last reply...
Last reply received from server.
errors: 0, replies: 100000
real 0m0.168s
user 0m0.025s
sys 0m0.015s
(5 arquivo(s), 6,6Mb)
teixeira: ~/stackoverflow $ time cat 100k_no_prot.txt | redis-cli --pipe
All data transferred. Waiting for the last reply...
Last reply received from server.
errors: 0, replies: 100000
real 0m0.433s
user 0m0.026s
sys 0m0.012s

Multiple channels in a single SSH session

I am debugging OpenSSH code where it seems multiple channels have been allocated on single SSH session (single connected child server).
My queries could be naive here:
Under what conditions can multiple channels be opened?
What are the SSH message flows which lead to multiple channels? A message flow chart will be very helpful.
Is it correct to free channels[0] in the case below?
(gdb) p channels[0]
$1 = (Channel *) 0xb0f33e20
(gdb) p channels[0]->rfd
$2 = 0xd
(gdb) p channels[0]->efd
$3 = 0xffffffff
(gdb) p channels[0]->wfd
$4 = 0xffffffff
(gdb) p channels[1]->wfd
$5 = 0x9
(gdb) p channels[1]->efd
$6 = 0xffffffff
(gdb) p channels[1]->rfd
$7 = 0x9
Under what conditions can multiple channels be opened?
Every channel is either X11 forwarding, TCP port forwarding (there might be more types), UNIX domain socket forwarding (or ssh-agent socket) or MUX proxy. Consulting source code describing the types is a good start. They are opened, if the client requests them using command-line options (-X, -L, -R, -D, -A, ...) which are described in the manual page for ssh.
What are the SSH message flows which lead to multiple channels? A message flow chart will be very helpful.
If you will run the OpenSSH client and/or server in debug mode (LogLevel DEBUG3), you will get a lot of useful information what messages are being exchanged for various use cases.
Is it correct to free channels[0] in the case below?
Most probably not, but it is not clear what you ask here and what is the context. That is obviously valid channel with read file descriptor pointing to FD 0x0D so you might expect there will be something to read at some point.

Expect 'send' not working as expected

I am a beginner in expect...I have written a small script which has to login to a router and execute few commands..
But somehow i am finding that even though when i have used send "admin show platform" THRICE, it is only working twice for me.. I only get the output of admin show platform twice.
Can anyone check the code and point me where actually i am screwing up the code..
Gsaxena# ./testTool
spawn /usr/bin/ksh
$ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
User Access Verification
Username: lab
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Billorani#debug ospf ospf1 adj
Mon Oct 14 17:16:06.144 UTC
**RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Billorani#show platform**
Mon Oct 14 17:16:06.416 UTC
Node Type PLIM State Config State
------------- ----------------- ------------------ --------------- ---------------
**RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Billorani#show platform**
Mon Oct 14 17:16:06.416 UTC
Node Type PLIM State Config State
------------- ----------------- ------------------ --------------- ---------------
set timeout 30
set hostcut "Bil"
sleep 5
set timeout 5
spawn /usr/bin/ksh
send "telnet\r"
expect ".*\'\^\]\'\. *"
send "\r"
expect "Username\:"
send "lab\n"
expect "Password\: "
send "lab\n"
sleep 10
expect -re "RP\/.\/.*\/CPU.:$hostcut.*#"
send "debug ospf ospf1 adj\n"
expect -re "RP\/.\/.*\/CPU.:$hostcut.*#"
send "admin show platform\n"
expect -re "RP\/.\/.*\/CPU.:$hostcut.*#"
send "admin show platform\n"
expect -re "RP\/.\/.*\/CPU.:$hostcut.*#"
send "admin show platform\n"
I should really be placing this not in an actual answer but in a comment, since I do not have a final answer for you, but it seems comments can only be left by folks who have been around for some time (there's a minimum reputation before you can leave them).
Anyways, what I wanted to suggest was that you add exp_internal 1 somewhere near the start of your script. This will provide a ton of useful debugging information, and will most likely point at what is going on. Feel free to post it here if you need help with it.
I can't tell what is wrong from the information you posted... nothing seems obviously at fault. One thing I would do differently is instead of spawning a Korn shell process and then send a telnet commando to it, I would just spawn the telnet command directly (less code, less resources). But that is not what is bothering you, so never mind that.
I'm not familiar with the OS you're logging in to... is that Cisco IOS XR? I'm baffled by the fact that you issue an admin show platform command, yet only show platform shows in your stdout? Also, what's the deal with the dual asterisks (**) some prompts show, while others don't?
One last thing, which may seem dumb, but... can you manually access the device and issue those 4 exact commands, in that exact order?
In your code
send "admin show platform\n"
Use "\r" instead of "\n"