XWIKI velocity script not working - xwiki

Working on xwiki 9.8 and copy the same code which is written below for velocity macro but its not working .showing some error.
Is there ant per-requisit to run the velocity script.if so let me know.
Welcome $xcontext.user !
you will see the following picture because you are an administrator:
In the output it shows the picture which have added.
But it is not showing giving errors.

It is not clear what you want to achieve and what is the problem. The code looks fine and it works fine.
If you want to add some error to non-admin users, you should include an #else block. Example (including check for guest users on the #elseif branch):
Welcome $xcontext.user !
You will see the following picture because you are an administrator:
#elseif ("$!xcontext.userReference" == '')
{{error}}You need to [[login>>path:$xwiki.getURL('XWiki.XWikiLogin', 'login', "xredirect=$doc.getURL()")]] to access this section.{{/error}}
{{error}}You need admin rights to access this section.{{/error}}


Domino Mailbox tool hung with NAMELookup2

We have developed the tools to read the emails from the Domino mailboxes and write those into the separate file in local disk(Its look like a backup). Recently we have created a new domino 9 test environment with our lab. But, our tools not working properly with our new domino work environment. To identify the problem about this issue, I have added some debug logs and it seems to look like the control hanged with the function "NAMELookup2". Here, I have added the code snippet,
DHANDLE hLookup;
char *pLookup;
if (NAMELookup2("Local", 0, 1, "$users", 1, dominoUser, 2, "FullName", &hLookup) == NOERROR) // hunged with this line
pLookup = (char *) OSLockObject(hLookup);
The same tool working fine with our other test environment. So, I think there is no problem with the code. I suspect that maybe the problem with our new work environment setup creation, or maybe missed to provide some kind permission to the users, or maybe I missed to add the mailboxes somewhere, etc.
I have run the tool with admin privilege user.
It would be great if anyone gives some direction on this.
See this NAMELookup2 page for reference. The function is declared as:
STATUS LNPUBLIC NAMELookup2(const char far *ServerName, DWORD Flags,
WORD NumNameSpaces, const char far *NameSpaces,
WORD NumNames, const char far *Names,
WORD NumItems, const char far *Items,
DHANDLE far *rethBuffer);
where NumItems is the number of null-terminated item names starting at the Items address. The code snippet in your question is passing a single item name ("FullName"), but is setting NumItems to 2. That is clearly wrong and could explain the hang. NumItems should be 1.
I am also suspicious of the ServerName argument. The documentation recommends passing NULL when you want to do a local lookup. Passing "Local" may be another way to accomplish the same, but you need to change your code in any case. I recommend changing the first argument to NULL.

ZeroBrane : Register APIs on a per file basis

I'm writing a ZeroBrane Studio plugin for our Solarus Game Engine and It works like a charm. Autocompletion included.
I'm wondering now if it's do-able to register lua APIs for one file only.
I need this to offer autocompletion/documentation on global symbols that may vary per-script but are deducible from annex files from the engine.
To summary : Is it possible to register an api for a single file? For example in the onEditorLoad() event.
I tried the following without sucess:
local function switch_editor(editor)
if current_editor == editor then
ide:Print("same editor")
current_editor = editor
if not editor then
ide:Print("null ed")
lua_file_path = ide:GetDocument(editor).filePath
if lua_file_path:match('/data/maps/') then
ide:Print("map file!",type(editor))
local map_api = make_map_api(lua_file_path)
current_api = map_api
ide:Print('other file')
if current_api then
current_api = nil
api = {"baselib", "solarus", "solarus_map"}, --in interpreter table
... -- in the plugin table :
onEditorFocusSet = function(self,editor)
Completion with the solarus api works fine but the on-fly registration of the solarus_map api seem not to be taken in account.
Silly my, I must have done a typo, because after checking and rewriting some things pretty much as in the code pasted above... it works! Awesome!
The only small gotcha is that when switching to a file where I don't want the solarus_map API... ide:RemoveAPI isn't sufficient. Instead I must do ide:AddAPI('lua','solarus_map',{}) to replace the API with an empty one. Which I can live with.
To summary, to achieve a custom api which change from file to file:
Add the api name to the interpreter
In the onEditorFocusSet event, update the API with ide:AddAPI(...), eventually setting it to {} if it needs to be empty/disabled.
Code sample in the editions of my Question.

Visual Studio Code change my html code by itself and break all

Someone know the solution for this:
I have a simple Angular code inside Visual Studio Code and every time i save a file a fragment is changed by itself.
It: <app-mytag [myVarHere]="myVarHere"></app-mytag>
becomes it: <app-mytag></app-mytag>
by the simple act of save the file.
Im using nano editor outside to solve it.
Its my plugin list:
I think the culprit is anweber.vscode-tidyhtml plugin you are using. The reason why you lose the angular annotations is that, you have enabled tidyHtml.formatOnSave to true
You can disable the plugin or try removing tidyHtml.formatOnSave from your user settings by going in to:
Ctrl + F1 and type user settings
PS - I tried to recreate your problem and here's what happens:

Prestashop admin panel is lost after trying to export language packet

There were some language problems in my site which uses a specific theme so I thought,I should pick out the language pack edit and reload it. Because I couldn't find a way to edit it using browser on admin panel.
I just pressed a button named export language packet. I don't know if something happened that time. But it didn't give me a file (an exported file I mean) . So I didn't do anything else. But since that time I can't reach my admin panel. While I write the URL it shows me a big white screen.
On the other side the site itself (not admin panel) is reachable. What can I do to fix my problem?
This is the error
( ! ) SCREAM: Error suppression ignored for
( ! ) Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting ']' in C:\wamp\www\httpdocs\translations\tr\admin.php on line 586
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0009 690552 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0
2 1.7995 9942280 DispatcherCore->dispatch( ) ..\index.php:50
3 2.0567 10375504 ControllerCore::getController( ) ..\Dispatcher.php:342
4 2.0686 12512728 AdminControllerCore->__construct( ) ..\Controller.php:128
5 2.0689 12514200 AdminControllerCore->l( ) ..\AdminController.php:304
6 2.0711 12612344 TranslateCore::getAdminTranslation( ) ..\AdminController.php:1737
The error you got is in your translation file in file translations\tr\admin.php on line number 586.
To fix that error, take a backup of that file, i.e. keep a copy of that file in some other place, then try to find out the syntax error you got there. It is some kind of PHP syntax error there in that translation file. As the translation file is only for the admin section, therefore your site front end may be fine and your site admin section is not working.
If you are not able to find that error and fix it, then delete all contents from that file, and then try to load the admin section.
You should use a translation pack which is provided by prestashop, ie download it from the prestashop http://www.prestashop.com/en/translations .
Also if you want to edit translations, use admin. In your question you mentioned, that you were not able to edit translations, please do provide details for that problem, and also try to edit translations while keeping error reporting on, so if there is any problem, you will get the errors printed. If you got errors printed, then update your question with that error message.
Let me know if you still got any questions.


I am trying to automate a web app which involves selecting an existing file using a fileuploaddialoghandler() method and entering the full path in the file name dropdown then Open click.
However, when I attempt this using this code
FileUploadDialogHandler fileupload = new FileUploadDialogHandler(#"C:\TIFFiles\Testtif.TIF");
using (new UseDialogOnce(browser.DialogWatcher, fileupload))
It does not work.
What else should I be doing?
Thanks much!
I just have one question about your code... What is newIee? I can't tell by looking at the code if newIee is attached to browser. Other than that, your FileUpdateDialogHandler should be fine.
If you can provide the code where you declare newIee, it might add me in determining if it's a factor causing your code not to work properly.