WiX Installer - Children of LocalAppDataFolder installed to wrong location after UAC prompt - wix

Brand new to WiX and I'm trying to fix a bug in some software I took over recently. As part of the product definition we have certain files being installed to the user's "AppData\Local" directory. The current project setup works fine when the user has install privileges, with the files being placed in the expected users "AppData\Local" directory.
However, if the UAC prompt pops up requiring admin credentials, the files end up being install in the admin account's "AppData\Local" directory instead.
In the product file we have something like:
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="LocalAppDataFolder">
<Directory Id="MyData" Name="My Data">
And then in a heat.exe generated file I have
<DirectoryRef Id="MyData">
<Directory Id="UserMaps" Name="User Maps" />
<ComponentGroup Id="User_Maps_Components">
<Component Id="Map1.png" Directory="UserMaps" Guid="{C27...autogenerated}">
<File Id="Map1.png" Source="$(var.MapPath)\Map1.png" KeyPath="no" />
<RegistryValue KeyPath="yes" Root="HKCU" Key="Software\MyApp\Usermaps" Type="integer" Value="1" Name="Map1.png" />
Is there a way to ensure that the files will be installed to the initiating user's directories, rather than the admin's account?
We have files installing to "Program Files" as well, so I could always install the files there and copy them over as part of my applications initialization logic if they aren't found in the active user's folders, but was interested in seeing if there was a WiX specific way of doing things.

I assume you are actually entering an admin password and specifying an admin account to run the setup with? That is as opposed to elevating the admin account you are logged in with. The latter should make the file install in the expected folder. The former would install like you describe.
I would roll with the approach you describe yourself: copy the file in place to each user profile from a copy installed per machine. I wrote up some suggestions for user profile and HKCU deployment a while back. Just some thoughts on the subject - a subject which seems to have few good answers. The Active Setup approach is apparently no longer supported in Windows 10.
Throwing in Some Links:
Why is it a good idea to limit deployment of files to the user-profile or HKCU when using MSI?
Create a .config folder in the user folder
C++ MSI Package Administative Privileges
System.UnauthorizedAccessException while running .exe under program files


Why are logs left after removal of an application has occurred?

I am struggling against the issue with wix toolset: why after I uninstall an application some folders including the "logs" are not deleted? is it a bug or not?
<Directory Id="logs" Name="logs">
<Component Id="logs" Guid="0A4D0A3F-2E0D-1B1A-1C6D-1A0F8FAAABC6" Win64="$(var.is64)">
<CreateFolder Directory="logs">
<Permission GenericAll="yes" User="Everyone" />
<RemoveFolder Id="logs" On="uninstall"></RemoveFolder>
Sometimes if the application you install generates files or folders after the installation, that can prevent WiX from removing the parent folder during uninstall.
If there are log files created after install, you can purge them by adding this to your existing component:
<RemoveFile Id="RemoveLogFiles" Name="*.*" On="uninstall" />
If your application also creates subdirectories and RemoveFile doesn't get rid of them, I would look into using RemoveFolderEx(http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/xsd/util/removefolderex.html). This would require you to to create a Property and write the directory path to a place in the registry so you can set the Property before RemoveFolderEx runs. You can't just use the Directory Id because RemoveFileEx runs before the MSI creates the Directory properties. Read the link I provided if my explanation didn't make sense to you.
Hope this helps!

How to create msi installer which can install file located near by it?

How to create msi installer which can install file located near by it or fetch this file over http?
We want to create an msi installer with wix toolkit 3.9 that should distribute our virtual machine (size is bigger than allowed in cab files), hypervisor, register(unregister) powershell scripts and something else.
We cannot create MSI with big file.
I see two approaches:
We can put virtual machine image located near by msi installed and programming this installer to install image if it exists near by it.
d:> dir
We can agree with client that he must put vm image located near the msi installer manually, before run it.
Download this vm image with http. What are the options for this?
How I can do this ?
I do this like this:
<!-- This is a list of directories that are used by this product as installation locations or custom -->
<!-- action file search locations. -->
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="LocalAppDataFolder" Name="AppData">
<Directory Id="AppRootDirectory" Name="Lookd"/>
<DirectoryRef Id="AppRootDirectory">
<Component Id="SupplementalScripts" Guid="31693357-578d-4dde-aefc-92f413942810" KeyPath="yes" DiskId="1">
<RemoveFolder Id="RemoveAppRootDirectory" On="uninstall" />
<File Id="SupplementalScripts_Register" DiskId="1" Vital="yes" Source="dst\Scripts\Register.ps1" Checksum="no"/>
<File Id="SupplementalScripts_UnRegister" DiskId="1" Vital="yes" Source="dst\Scripts\UnRegister.ps1" Checksum="no"/>
<File Id="SupplementalScripts_Throw" DiskId="1" Vital="yes" Source="dst\Scripts\Throw.ps1" Checksum="no"/>
<RegistryKey Root="HKCU" Key="Software\CVisionLab\Lookd" ForceCreateOnInstall="yes" ForceDeleteOnUninstall="yes">
<RegistryValue Name="Version" Value="[ProductVersion]" Type="string"/>
<Component Id="VirtualMachineDiskImage" Guid="daa7375f-7bd8-4e97-846a-db5f6e6b025a">
<CopyFile Id="VDIFile" SourceName="lookd.vdi" SourceDirectory="SOURCEDIR" DestinationDirectory="TARGETDIR" />
But I recive and error when build:
error LGHT0094 : Unresolved reference to symbol 'Directory:SOURCEDIR' in section 'Product:{7BBA165B-9A8A-40D1-97FA-233F93426F83}'.
If 1 will work for you, then a WiX CopyFile should work. The source location of the copy would be the [SourceDir] property, and the destination some directory defined in your WiX.
If it's really that big, download may be tedious, but if you use it then do it from an app you install rather than run it from the MSI install.
Clarifying in response to comment: there are just two recommendations here that are separate and not related:
Use WiX CopyFile if you choose to copy the file from next to the MSI file to the client system.
If you choose the download option, doing that from the MSI will be tedious and very error prone. It may not even work given that VS custom actions have very limited (or no) access to the network. So do a download from the app you're installing and not the MSI, if you do in fact decide to download.

LGHT1076 / LGHT1076: Install a data file to localappdata

Using WiX, a file can be installed to ProgramFiles using the following:
<DirectoryRef Id="ApplicationBinDirectory">
<Component ...>
<File Id="..." KeyPath="yes" Source="..." />
Now I want to do the same, but the target is a folder in local application data. The file really belongs there according to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh464917.aspx
<!-- this is the folder in %LOCALAPPDATA% -->
<Directory Id="LocalAppDataFolder">
<Directory Id="ApplicationLocalAppDataDirectory" Name="my folder name"/>
<DirectoryRef Id="ApplicationLocalAppDataDirectory">
<File Id="fil" KeyPath="yes" Source="..." />
But I get the following error and warning now:
installer.wxs(63) : error LGHT0204 : ICE38: Component ApplicationConfiguration installs to user profile. It must use a registry key under HKCU as its KeyPath, not a file.
installer.wxs(64) : warning LGHT1076 : ICE91: The file 'fil' will be installed to the per user directory 'ApplicationLocalAppDataDirectory' that doesn't vary based on ALLUSERS value. This file won't be copied to each user's profile even if a per
machine installation is desired.
Adding RegistryValue and RemoveFolder as I have to do it for start menu shortcuts doesn't change the message.
I'm kind of lost here. How do I install a file to local appdata? Please note that I want to install only 1 file there, in addition to the usual setup in program files.
This should help. It shows adding a registry key item to be the keypath:

How do I install to LocalAppData folder?

Following directory setting works perfectly for me.
<Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
<Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
<Directory Id='INSTALLDIR' Name='MyApp'/>
However, when I tried changing "ProgramFilesFolder" to "LocalAppDataFolder", I got lots of error when using light to link and generate my msi:
D:\runGroup.wxs(53) : error LGHT0204: ICE38: Component cmpA5561BE36D80EB58252E69DDA0C2FF8C installs to user profile. It must use a registry key under HKCU as its KeyPath, not a file.
D:\main.wxs(38) : error LGHT0204 : ICE64: The directory INSTALLDIR is in the user profile but is not listed in the Remove File table.
Looks like "LocalAppDataFolder" is not acceptable for WiX, while I believe it is one of the system folder properties which defined in here.
What am I supposed to use for LocalAppData folder?
I converted an application from being a perMachine install to be a perUser install. In order to properly convert the install I had to add a registry key for each of the components I have.
Originally I had the following:
<Component Id="C.MyExe">
<File Id="Fi.MyExe" Name="$(var.MyExe.TargetFileName)" Source="$(var.MyExe.TargetPath)" DiskId="1">
<Shortcut Id="SC.StartMenu"
When I moved the exe component to the user install I had to do something like this:
<Directory Id="LocalAppDataFolder" Name="AppData">
<Directory Id="MyAppDirectory" Name="$(var.AppName)">
<Component Id="C.MyExe" Guid="{MY_GUID}">
<CreateFolder />
<RemoveFolder Id="RemoveMyAppDirectory" On="uninstall" />
<RegistryKey Root="HKCU" Key="Software\MyCompany\MyApp">
<RegistryValue Name="MainExe" Value="1" KeyPath="yes" Type="integer" />
<File Id="Fi.MyExe" Name="$(var.MyExe.TargetFileName)"
Source="$(var.MyExe.TargetPath)" DiskId="1" Checksum="yes">
The most important part is that you will have to add a registry key which points to HKEY_CURRENT_USER. I added a registry value for each component which indicates that the component is installed.
I also had to remove the following: Advertise="yes".
I had this problem recently. I wanted to convert my installer from per-machine to a per-user but was getting ICE38. I asked on wix-users and one opinion was that you can ignore ICE38 because that was meant as a check for per-machine installs.
See the discussion at wix-users.
Since that is the case, ICE38 is (in my opinion) incorrect and you will want to ignore it. ICE38 implies you are installing per-user resources in the context of a per-machine installation but never verifies that this is so.
Actually authoring a per-user install requires that you ignore ICE38
because it won't ever be accurate for that world.
Looks like you got help here.
From Peter Shirtcliffe:
This is my own, admittedly inexpert, understanding of per-user installations:
Installing to subdirectory of LocalAppDataFolder is perfectly OK in a
per-user MSI. Because of certain scenarios relating to roaming users, you
need to add components containing elements for any
directories you create under LocalAppDataFolder. That's why ICE64 is
The ICE38 error is slightly misleading: since you have a per-user
installation, it's safe to ignore as long as the user cannot pick an
alternative installation location that is common to all users. ICE38 is
checking for the situation where multiple users all install the same
component to the same path.
Just posting to help other people (like me).
Ok, just found that we can do it by overwriting "ProgramFilesFolder":
<SetProperty Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Value="[LocalAppDataFolder]" Before="CostFinalize"><![CDATA[NOT Privileged]]></SetProperty>
Another thing to do is, in <Package> we need to set InstallPrivileges to limited.
Well, I can see no reason why "ProgramFilesFolder" can be used directly while "LocalAppDataFolder" can't.
Are you installing per-user or per-machine? Also, what OS versions are you targetting? You might want to read:
Authoring a single package for Per-User or Per-Machine Installation context in Windows 7

WIX: copy file to custom dir in another partition

I need to install my app's files to usual location like C:\Program Files\MyApp
and also need to copy several of them into custom folder in another partition
(let's say D:\CustomFolder, it's allowed to hardcode it).
Install should be silent - no gui or wizard. And alose everything should be in one *.msi file.
I can do that via CustomActions, but elegant-declarative way is preferable.
Has anyone tried this before?
Forgot to mention, that it's allowed for files that should be on separate partition to be in C:\Program Files\MyApp
Solved. The approach is:
Specify custom folder where file should be put:
<Property Id="MY_CUSTOM_DESTINATION" Value="D:\MyCustomFolder" />
Put <Copy ..> directive into <File ...> which should be copied
<DirectoryRef Id="MyAppFolderThatIsInProgramFiles">
<Component Id="MyComponent" Guid="some_guid">
<File Id="MyFileXml" Source="MyFile.xml" KeyPath="yes" >
<CopyFile Id="Copy_MyFileXml" DestinationProperty="MY_CUSTOM_DESTINATION"/>
p.s. as a side-effect, file specified in <File Id="MyFileXml" ... /> will be put into both location: C:\Program Files\MyApp and D:\MyCustomFolder, but that's correct for my task.
It's against Windows Installer Best Practices to hard code directories. You can never assume there will always be a D: or even a C:. Still, customers have asked (demanded) that I install something to D:\FOO.
So, how to make the customer happy and have the install still "work" on that VM that doesn't have a D:? By redirecting the directory at install time with a custom action that only redirects it if D: is a fixed hard disk.
Also, while the CopyFile element is useful, it's not really needed because you can just author the files into components twice and smart cabing will make sure your MSI doesn't bloat up by having the File records point to the same entry in media \ cab storage.
You can simply describe your disk structure under the Directory Tag:
<Property Id="DRIVE_1" Value="c:\" />
<Property Id="DRIVE_2" Value="d:\" />
<Property Id="DRIVE_3" Value="e:\" />
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="DRIVE_1" />
<Directory Id="DRIVE_2" />
<Directory Id="DRIVE_3" />
I wouldn't advocate hardcoding, but you get the idea.