Set timeout for HTTPClient get() request - api

This method submits a simple HTTP request and calls a success or error callback just fine:
void _getSimpleReply( String command, callback, errorCallback ) async {
try {
HttpClientRequest request = await _myClient.get( _serverIPAddress, _serverPort, '/' );
HttpClientResponse response = await request.close();
response.transform( utf8.decoder ).listen( (onData) { callback( onData ); } );
} on SocketException catch( e ) {
errorCallback( e.toString() );
If the server isn't running, the Android-app more or less instantly calls the errorCallback.
On iOS, the errorCallback takes a very long period of time - more than 20 seconds - until any callback gets called.
May I set for HttpClient() a maximum number of seconds to wait for the server side to return a reply - if any?

There are two different ways to configure this behavior in Dart
Set a per request timeout
You can set a timeout on any Future using the Future.timeout method. This will short-circuit after the given duration has elapsed by throwing a TimeoutException.
try {
final request = await client.get(...);
final response = await request.close()
.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 2));
// rest of the code
} on TimeoutException catch (_) {
// A timeout occurred.
} on SocketException catch (_) {
// Other exception
Set a timeout on HttpClient
You can also set a timeout on the HttpClient itself using HttpClient.connectionTimeout. This will apply to all requests made by the same client, after the timeout was set. When a request exceeds this timeout, a SocketException is thrown.
final client = new HttpClient();
client.connectionTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 5);

You can use timeout
const Duration(seconds: 1),
onTimeout: () {
// Time has run out, do what you wanted to do.
return http.Response('Error', 408); // Request Timeout response status code

The HttpClient.connectionTimeout didn't work for me. However, I knew that the Dio packet allows request cancellation. Then, I dig into the packet to find out how they achieve it and I adapted it to me. What I did was to create two futures:
A Future.delayed where I set the duration of the timeout.
The HTTP request.
Then, I passed the two futures to a Future.any which returns the result of the first future to complete and the results of all the other futures are discarded. Therefore, if the timeout future completes first, your connection times out and no response will arrive. You can check it out in the following code:
Future<Response> get(
String url, {
Duration timeout = Duration(seconds: 30),
}) async {
final request = Request('GET', Uri.parse(url))..followRedirects = false;
headers.forEach((key, value) {
request.headers[key] = value;
final Completer _completer = Completer();
/// Fake timeout by forcing the request future to complete if the duration
/// ends before the response arrives.
Future.delayed(timeout, () => _completer.complete());
final response = await Response.fromStream(await listenCancelForAsyncTask(
Future(() {
return _getClient().send(request);
Future<T> listenCancelForAsyncTask<T>(
Completer completer,
Future<T> future,
) {
/// Returns the first future of the futures list to complete. Therefore,
/// if the first future is the timeout, the http response will not arrive
/// and it is possible to handle the timeout.
return Future.any([
if (completer != null) completeFuture(completer),
Future<T> completeFuture<T>(Completer completer) async {
await completer.future;
throw TimeoutException('TimeoutError');

This is an example of how to extend the http.BaseClient class to support timeout and ignore the exception of the S.O. if the client's timeout is reached first.
you just need to override the "send" method...
the timeout should be passed as a parameter to the class constructor.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
// as dart does not support tuples i create an Either class
class _Either<L, R> {
final L? left;
final R? right;
_Either(this.left, this.right);
_Either.Left(L this.left) : right = null;
_Either.Right(R this.right) : left = null;
class TimeoutClient extends http.BaseClient {
final http.Client _httpClient;
final Duration timeout;
{http.Client? httpClient, this.timeout = const Duration(seconds: 30)})
: _httpClient = httpClient ?? http.Client();
Future<http.StreamedResponse> send(http.BaseRequest request) async {
// wait for result between two Futures (the one that is reached first) in silent mode (no throw exception)
_Either<http.StreamedResponse, Exception> result = await Future.any([
() => _Either.Right(
'Client connection timeout after ${timeout.inMilliseconds} ms.'),
Future(() async {
try {
return _Either.Left(await _httpClient.send(request));
} on Exception catch (e) {
return _Either.Right(e);
// this code is reached only for first Future response,
// the second Future is ignorated and does not reach this point
if (result.right != null) {
throw result.right!;
return result.left!;

Their is onError option which works fine if their is any exception like no internet.It has to return response(my case in below code) or null.
In response their are 2 options Body and Status code.
var response = await, body: body, headers: _headers).onError(
(error, stackTrace) => http.Response(
'message':no internet please connect to internet first

You can also choose to override the settings for a HttpClient:
class DevHttpOverrides extends HttpOverrides {
HttpClient createHttpClient(SecurityContext? context) {
return super.createHttpClient(context)
..connectionTimeout = Duration(seconds: 2);


How do I close a resource after responding using JAX-RS's CompletionStage async processing?

JAX-RS AsyncResponse's CompletionCallback and ConnectionCallback allow for the cleanup of resources after a response is completed or dropped.
public void get(#Suspend AsyncResponse response) {
executor.submit(() -> {
CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse = getHttpResponse();
// We couldn't close the httpResponse now because the entity content hasn't been read.
// it can't be closed till the message body writer finishes streaming the response.
// hence the closeOnCompleteOrDisconnect callback.
I'd like to convert this code to CompletableFuture, but don't know how to close the httpResponse after the message body has been written.
public CompletableFuture<Response> getAsync() {
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse = getHttpResponse();
// still can't close the httpResponse, and now we've no AsyncResponse to register a callback on.
}, executor);

How to detect when client has closed stream when writing to Response.Body in core

I'm trying to write an infinite length response body and detect when a client disconnects so I can stop writing. I'm used to getting socket exceptions or similar when a client closes the connection but that doesn't seem to be happening when writing directly to Response.Body. I can close the client applications and the server side just keeps on writing. I've included the relevant code below. It's entirely possible there is a better way to do it but this came to mind. Basically I have a live video feed which should go on forever. I'm writing to ResponseBody as chunked content (No content length, flushing after each video frame). The video frames are received via an event callback from elsewhere in the program so I'm subscribing to the events in the controller method and then forcing it to stay open with the await Task.Delay loop so the Response stream isn't closed. The callback for H264PacketReceived is formatting the data as a streaming mp4 file and writing it to the Response Stream. This all seems to work fine, I can play the live stream with ffmpeg or chrome, but when I close the client application I don't get an exception or anything. It just keeps writing to the stream without any errors.
public class LiveController : ControllerBase
public async Task GetLiveMP4(Guid cameraId, int stream)
Response.StatusCode = 200;
Response.ContentType = "video/mp4";
Response.Headers.Add("Cache-Control", "no-store");
Response.Headers.Add("Connection", "close");
ms = Response.Body;
lock (TCPVideoReceiver.CameraStreams)
TCPVideoReceiver.CameraStreams.TryGetValue(cameraId, out cameraStream);
if (this.PacketStream == null)
throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Stream {cameraId}_{stream} not found");
connected = true;
this.PacketStream.H264PacketReceived += DefaultStream_H264PacketReceived;
this.PacketStream.StreamClosed += PacketStream_StreamClosed;
await Task.Delay(1000);
catch (Exception e)
connected = false;
this.PacketStream.H264PacketReceived -= DefaultStream_H264PacketReceived;
this.PacketStream.StreamClosed -= PacketStream_StreamClosed;
private bool connected = false;
private PacketStream PacketStream;
private Mp4File mp4File;
private Stream ms;
private async void PacketStream_StreamClosed(PacketStream source)
await Task.Run(() =>
Console.WriteLine($"Closing live stream");
connected = false;
catch (Exception e)
private async void DefaultStream_H264PacketReceived(PacketStream source, H264Packet packet)
if (mp4File == null && packet.IsIFrame)
mp4File = new Mp4File(null, packet.sps, packet.pps);
var _p = mp4File.WriteHeader(0);
await ms.WriteAsync(mp4File.buffer, 0, _p);
if (mp4File != null)
var _p = mp4File.WriteFrame(packet, 0);
var start = mp4File._moofScratchIndex - _p;
if (_p > 0)
await ms.WriteAsync(mp4File._moofScratch, start, _p);
await ms.FlushAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
connected = false;
Answering my own question.
When the client disconnects mvc core sets the cancellation token HttpContext.RequestAborted
By monitoring and/or using that cancellation token you can detect a disconnect and clean everything up.
That said, the entire design can be improved by creating a custom stream which encapsulates the event handling (producer/consumer). Then the controller action can be reduced to.
return File(new MyCustomStream(cameraId, stream), "video/mp4");
The File Method already monitors the cancellation token and everything works as you'd expect.

WebApi 2: Custom HttpResponseMessage after handling OperationCanceledException in Message Handler is not returned to client

I am currently investigating in WebApi 2 Message Handler and how to implement a server side timeout using cancellation tokens. If a cancellation occurs a OperationCanceledException is thrown and handled in my Message Handler. In this case I return a HttpResponseMessage with a adequate HttpStatusCode (HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout).
I expected that my consuming client (using postman) retrieves this HttpStatusCode, but instead "Could not get any response" is displayed, thus my client aborts without any additional information. Could someone explain to me whats the deal with this behavior? What am I missing?
See following example code:
public class RequestTimeoutHandler : DelegatingHandler
protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.0);
using (CancellationTokenSource timeoutCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(timeout))
using (CancellationTokenSource linkedCancellationTokenSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken, timeoutCancellationTokenSource.Token))
return await base.SendAsync(request, linkedCancellationTokenSource.Token);
catch (OperationCanceledException e)
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout);
return null;
My Test Controller Method looks as follows:
[Route("testTimeoutAsyncHandleException"), HttpPost]
public IHttpActionResult TestTimeoutAsynchandle(string hugo, CancellationToken ct)
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
Thread.Sleep(1000); //sleep 1 sec until exception is thown
if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)
return Ok("yes");
turns out, using postman was not my best idea. I created a console application using a httpclient and requested my test method. the httpstatus 408 is returned as expected.

How to avoid refreshing token multiple times?

In one of my apps, I've integration with Infusionsoft and access token expires after certain time.
Now the front-end makes multiple requests to get different data. When the token expires, it refreshes the token and gets new access and refresh token. But before I get new access and refresh token, subsequent requests from UI try to refresh the token with old refresh token and they all result in error.
What is the best way to overcome this issue?
(My answer is not specific to Infusionsoft).
Here's an approach I use to prevent duplicate concurrent requests to renew/refresh a bearer-token when a web-service client may make concurrent requests that use the same bearer-token (to prevent each request thread or async-context from making its own separate refresh-request).
The trick is to use a cached Task<AuthResponseDto> (where AuthResponseDto is the DTO type containing the latest successfully obtained access_token) that's swapped inside a lock (you can't await inside a lock, but you can copy Task references inside a lock and then await outside of the lock).
// NOTE: `ConfigureAwait(false)` calls omitted for brevity. You should re-add them back.
class MyHttpClientWrapper
private readonly String refreshTokenOrClientCredentialsOrWhatever;
private readonly IHttpClientFactory hcf;
private readonly Object lastAuthTaskLock = new Object();
private Task<AuthResponseDto> lastAuthTask;
private DateTime lastAuthTaskAt;
public MyHttpClientWrapper( IHttpClientFactory hcf )
this.hcf = hcf ?? throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof(hcf) );
this.refreshTokenOrClientCredentialsOrWhatever = LoadFromSavedConfig();
private async Task<AuthResponseDto> RefreshBearerTokenAsync()
using( HttpClient hc = this.hcf.CreateClient() )
using( HttpResponseMessage resp = await hc.PostAsync( this.refreshTokenOrClientCredentialsOrWhatever ) )
AuthResponseDto ar = await DeserializeJsonResponseAsync( resp );
this.lastAuthTaskExpiresAt = DateTime.UtcNow.Add( ar.MaxAge );
return ar;
private async Task<String> RefreshBearerTokenIfNecessaryAsync()
Task<AuthResponseDto> task;
lock( this.lastAuthTaskLock )
if( this.lastAuthTask is null )
// e.g. This is the first ever request.
task = this.lastAuthTask = this.RefreshBearerTokenAsync();
task = this.lastAuthTask;
// Is the task currently active? If it's currently busy then just await it (thus preventing duplicate requests!)
if( task.IsCompleted )
// If the current bearer-token is definitely expired, then replace it:
if( this.lastAuthTaskExpiresAt <= DateTime.UtcNow )
task = this.lastAuthTask = this.RefreshBearerTokenAsync();
// Continue below.
AuthResponseDto ar = await task;
return ar.BearerToken;
public async Task<CustomerDto> GetCustomerAsync( Int32 customerId )
// Always do this in every request to ensure you have the latest bearerToken:
String bearerToken = await this.RefreshBearerTokenIfNecessaryAsync();
using( HttpClient hc = this.hcf.Create() )
using( HttpRequestMessage req = new HttpRequestMessage() )
req.Headers.Add( "Authorization", "Bearer " + bearerToken );
using( HttpResponseMessage resp = await hc.SendAsync( req ) )
if( resp.StatusCode == 401 )
// Authentication error before the token expired - invoke and await `RefreshBearerTokenAsync` (rather than `RefreshBearerTokenIfNecessaryAsync`) and see what happens. If it succeeds then re-run `req`) otherwise throw/fail because that's an unrecoverable error.
// etc
There is a tutorial that talks about refreshing the token on a schedule.

Maximum threads issue

To begin with, I checked the discussions regarding this issue and couldn't find an answer to my problem and that's why I'm opening this question.
I've set up a web service using restlet 2.0.15.The implementation is only for the server. The connections to the server are made through a webpage, and therefore I didn't use ClientResource.
Most of the answers to the exhaustion of the thread pool problem suggested the inclusion of
#exhaust + #release
The process of web service can be described as a single function.Receive GET requests from the webpage, query the database, frame the results in XML and return the final representation. I used a Filter to override the beforeHandle and afterHandle.
The code for component creation code:
Component component = new Component();
component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 8188);
component.getContext().getParameters().add("maxThreads", "512");
component.getContext().getParameters().add("minThreads", "100");
component.getContext().getParameters().add("lowThreads", "145");
component.getContext().getParameters().add("maxQueued", "100");
component.getContext().getParameters().add("maxTotalConnections", "100");
component.getContext().getParameters().add("maxIoIdleTimeMs", "100");
component.getDefaultHost().attach("/orcamento2013", new ServerApp());
The parameters are the result of a discussion present in this forum and modification by my part in an attempt to maximize efficiency.
Coming to the Application, the code is as follows:
public synchronized Restlet createInboundRoot() {
// Create a router Restlet that routes each call to a
// new instance of HelloWorldResource.
Router router = new Router(getContext());
// Defines only one route
router.attach("/{taxes}", ServerImpl.class);
//router.attach("/acores/{taxes}", ServerImplAcores.class);
OriginFilter originFilter = new OriginFilter(getContext());
return originFilter;
I used an example Filter found in a discussion here, too. The implementation is as follows:
public OriginFilter(Context context) {
protected int beforeHandle(Request request, Response response) {
if (Method.OPTIONS.equals(request.getMethod())) {
Form requestHeaders = (Form) request.getAttributes().get("org.restlet.http.headers");
String origin = requestHeaders.getFirstValue("Origin", true);
Form responseHeaders = (Form) response.getAttributes().get("org.restlet.http.headers");
if (responseHeaders == null) {
responseHeaders = new Form();
response.getAttributes().put("org.restlet.http.headers", responseHeaders);
responseHeaders.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", origin);
responseHeaders.add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,POST,DELETE");
responseHeaders.add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type");
responseHeaders.add("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
response.setEntity(new EmptyRepresentation());
return SKIP;
return super.beforeHandle(request, response);
protected void afterHandle(Request request, Response response) {
if (!Method.OPTIONS.equals(request.getMethod())) {
Form requestHeaders = (Form) request.getAttributes().get("org.restlet.http.headers");
String origin = requestHeaders.getFirstValue("Origin", true);
Form responseHeaders = (Form) response.getAttributes().get("org.restlet.http.headers");
if (responseHeaders == null) {
responseHeaders = new Form();
response.getAttributes().put("org.restlet.http.headers", responseHeaders);
responseHeaders.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", origin);
responseHeaders.add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,POST,DELETE"); //
responseHeaders.add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type");
responseHeaders.add("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
super.afterHandle(request, response);
Representation requestRepresentation = request.getEntity();
if (requestRepresentation != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// handle exception
Representation responseRepresentation = response.getEntity();
if(responseRepresentation != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(OriginFilter.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} finally {
The responseRepresentation does not have a #release method because it crashes the processes giving the warning WARNING: A response with a 200 (Ok) status should have an entity (...)
The code of the ServerResource implementation is the following:
public class ServerImpl extends ServerResource {
String itemName;
protected void doInit() throws ResourceException {
this.itemName = (String) getRequest().getAttributes().get("taxes");
public Representation makeItWork() throws SAXException, IOException {
DomRepresentation representation = new DomRepresentation(MediaType.TEXT_XML);
DAL dal = new DAL();
String ip = getRequest().getCurrent().getClientInfo().getAddress();
double tax = Double.parseDouble(itemName);
Document myXML = Auxiliar.getMyXML(tax, dal, ip);
return representation;
protected void doRelease() throws ResourceException {
I've tried the solutions provided in other threads but none of them seem to work. Firstly, it does not seem that the thread pool is augmented with the parameters set as the warnings state that the thread pool available is 10. As mentioned before, the increase of the maxThreads value only seems to postpone the result.
Example: INFO: Worker service tasks: 0 queued, 10 active, 17 completed, 27 scheduled.
There could be some error concerning the Restlet version, but I downloaded the stable version to verify this was not the issue.The Web Service is having around 5000 requests per day, which is not much.Note: the insertion of the #release method either in the ServerResource or OriginFilter returns error and the referred warning ("WARNING: A response with a 200 (Ok) status should have an entity (...)")
Please guide.
By reading this site the problem residing in the server-side that I described was resolved by upgrading the Restlet distribution to the 2.1 version.
You will need to alter some code. You should consult the respective migration guide.