Launch a Vue modal component outside of a SPA context - vue.js

We're in the process of retrofitting a mature website with some updated forms. We're replacing some systems entirely with SPAs and some just don't warrant it.
However, we have some system-global modal screens that we need to be available. Some of these have been ported to Vue and work well enough inside SPAs and we'd like to reap the benefits of heightened interactivity in our non-SPA pages.
So whereas before we would have had our event bound like so:
$('a.newBooking').on('click', function(ev){
// code to open bootstrap modal screen, download HTML, etc.
How do we spin up a component?
I know I haven't included any serious code here but our modals are basically just embellished versions of the documented example modal component. The difference is we don't have the button. We'll want to be able to launch these modals from all around the page.

My opinion:
For your Modal components:
use singleton pattern for your modal (because basically we only allow one modal popup at the same time), it will make the logic more simple.
customize one install function to add the Vue instances of your Modals to Vue.prototype, like _Vue.prototype.$my = yourModals
then register your plugins in demand like Vue.use(installFunc, {plugins: [SModal, AModal, BModal]})
At your JQuery (or other non-Vue) Apps:
Register Modals to Vue, then create Vue instance
show or hide your modals like vueInstance.$
Below is one simple demo:
Vue.config.productionTip = false
/*---Modal Plugin---*/
let vm = null // the instance for your Vue modal
let timeout = null //async/delay popup
const SModal = {
isActive: false,
show ({
delay = 500,
message = '',
customClass = 'my-modal-class'
} = {}) {
if (this.isActive) {
vm && vm.$forceUpdate()
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
timeout = null
const node = document.createElement('div')
let staticClass = ''
vm = new this.__Vue({
name: 's-modal',
el: node,
render (h) { // uses render() which is a closer-to-the-compiler alternative to templates
return h('div', {
'class': customClass,
domProps: {
innerHTML: message
}, delay)
this.isActive = true
hide () {
if (!this.isActive) {
if (timeout) {
timeout = null
} else {
vm = null
this.isActive = false
__Vue: null,
__installed: false,
install ({ $my, Vue }) {
if (this.__installed) { return }
this.__installed = true
$my.SModal = SModal // added your SModal object to $my
this.__Vue = Vue //get the Vue constructor
/*---Modal Plugin End---*/
/*---Custom Install Function in order to manage all modals---*/
let installFunc = function (_Vue, opts = {}) {
if (this.__installed) {
this.__installed = true
const $my = {
'memo': 'I am a plugin management.'
if (opts.plugins) {
Object.keys(opts.plugins).forEach(key => {
const p = opts.plugins[key]
if (typeof p.install === 'function') {
p.install({ $my, Vue: _Vue })
_Vue.prototype.$my = $my
/*---Install Plugins---*/
Vue.use(installFunc, {
plugins: [SModal]
let globalVue = new Vue({
el: '#vue-app'
$('#test').on('click', 'span', function () {
globalVue.$my.SModal.isActive ? globalVue.$my.SModal.hide() : globalVue.${'message':'test', 'delay':100})
span {
.my-modal-class {
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="vue-app">
<div id="test">
<h3>One Example</h3>
<p><span>Hello</span>, how are you?</p>
<p>Me? I'm <span>good</span>.</p>


Vue3 custom element into Vue2 app using external framework

I have an application written in Vue2 which is not really ready to be upgraded to Vue3. But, I would like to start writing a component library in Vue3 and import the components back in Vue2 to eventually make the upgrade once it's ready.
Vue 3.2+ introduced defineCustomElement which works nicely but once I use a framework in the Vue3 environment (for example Quasar) that attaches to the Vue instance, it starts throwing errors in the Vue2 app, possibly because the result of defineCustomElement(SomeComponent) tries to use something from the framework that should be attached to the app.
I've thought about extending the HTMLElement and mounting the app on connectedCallback but then I lose the reactivity and have to manually handle all props/emits/.. like so:
class TestQuasarComponentCE extends HTMLElement {
// get init props
const prop1 = this.getAttribute('prop1')
// handle changes
// Mutation observer here probably...
const app = createApp(TestQuasarComponent, { prop1 }).use(Quasar)
customElements.define('test-quasar-component-ce', TestQuasarComponentCE);
So finally the question is - is it possible to somehow combine the defineCustomElement with a framework that attaches to the app?
So, after a bit of digging, I came up with the following.
First, let's create a component that uses our external library (Quasar in my case)
// SomeComponent.vue (Vue3 project)
<div class="container">
// This is the quasar component, it should get included in the build automatically if you use Vite/Vue-cli
#update:model-value="$emit('update:message', $event)"
<script setup lang="ts>
message: { type: String }
(e: 'update:message', payload: string | number | null): void
Then we prepare the component to be built (this is where the magic happens)
// build.ts
import SomeComponent from 'path/to/SomeComponent.vue'
import { reactive } from 'vue'
import { Quasar } from 'quasar' // or any other external lib
const createCustomEvent = (name: string, args: any = []) => {
return new CustomEvent(name, {
bubbles: false,
composed: true,
cancelable: false,
detail: !args.length
? self
: args.length === 1
? args[0]
: args
class VueCustomComponent extends HTMLElement {
private _def: any;
private _props = reactive<Record<string, any>>({});
private _numberProps: string[];
constructor() {
this._numberProps = [];
this._def = SomeComponent;
// Helper function to set the props based on the element's attributes (for primitive values) or properties (for arrays & objects)
private setAttr(attrName: string) {
// #ts-ignore
let val: string | number | null = this[attrName] || this.getAttribute(attrName);
if (val !== undefined && this._numberProps.includes(attrName)) {
val = Number(val);
this._props[attrName] = val;
// Mutation observer to handle attribute changes, basically two-way binding
private connectObserver() {
return new MutationObserver(mutations => {
mutations.forEach(mutation => {
if (mutation.type === "attributes") {
const attrName = mutation.attributeName as string;
// Make emits available at the parent element
private createEventProxies() {
const eventNames = this._def.emits as string[];
if (eventNames) {
eventNames.forEach(evName => {
const handlerName = `on${evName[0].toUpperCase()}${evName.substring(1)}`;
this._props[handlerName] = (...args: any[]) => {
this.dispatchEvent(createCustomEvent(evName, args));
// Create the application instance and render the component
private createApp() {
const self = this;
const app = createApp({
render() {
return h(self._def, self._props);
// Handle element being inserted into DOM
connectedCallback() {
const componentProps = Object.entries(SomeComponent.props);
componentProps.forEach(([propName, propDetail]) => {
// #ts-ignore
if (propDetail.type === Number) {
this.connectObserver().observe(this, { attributes: true });
// Register as custom element
customElements.define('some-component-ce', VueCustomElement);
Now, we need to build it as library (I use Vite, but should work for vue-cli as well)
// vite.config.ts
export default defineConfig({
...your config here...,
build: {
lib: {
entry: 'path/to/build.ts',
name: 'ComponentsLib',
fileName: format => `components-lib.${format}.js`
Now we need to import the built library in a context that has Vue3, in my case index.html works fine.
// index.html (Vue2 project)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="">
// Vue3
<script src=""></script>
// Quasar styles
<link href=",300,400,500,700,900|Material+Icons" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
// Our built component
<script src="path/to/components-lib.umd.js"></script>
</head> of your html...
Now we are ready to use our component within our Vue2 (or any other) codebase same way we are used to with some minor changes, check comments below.
// App.vue (Vue2 project)
:message="message" // For primitive values
:obj.prop="obj" // Notice the .prop there -> for arrays & objects
#update:message="message = $event.detail" // Notice the .detail here
export default {
data() {
return {
message: 'Some message here',
obj: { x: 1, y: 2 },
Now, you can use Vue3 components in Vue2 :)

Call method when modal closes in Vue

I have a Vue app (and I'm relatively new to Vue), anyway I have a generic error modal which is displayed when any of my axios calls fail.
On the modal, I want to be able to retry the failed process when the 'Retry' button is clicked but I'm struggling a bit on how to achieve this. I don't think props will help me as the modal is triggered by
I have managed in my catch to pass the function which has failed by using
VueEvent.$emit('show-error-modal', (this.test));
Then in my modal, I have access to it using
created() {
VueEvent.$on('show-error-modal', (processFailed) => {
console.log('processFailed', processFailed)
this.processFailed = processFailed;
$('#errorModal').modal('show').on('', this.focus);
Using 'F12' it gives
test: function test() {
var _this2 = this;
var page = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null;
this.loading = true;
var order_by = {
'': 4,
'services.servicename': 4
};'/test/url', {
id: this.selectedManufacturers,
page: page,
order_by: order_by
}).then(function (response) {
var paginator =;
_this2.$store.dispatch('paginateProducts', paginator);
_this2.$store.dispatch('setProductPaginator', paginator);
_this2.loading = false;
})["catch"](function (error) {
var processFailed = 'fetchProducts';
_this2.loading = false;
VueEvent.$emit('show-error-modal', _this2.test);
I don't think this is the right way of doing it though as all this. are replaced with _this2 as shown above. I need the modal to be generic so I can reuse it but I can't figure it out how to retry the process when clicking the button.
The modals are registered in my app.vue file as
<!-- Other code here -->
<app-error-modal />
// Other code here
import ErrorModal from './components/ErrorModal';
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
// Other code here
appErrorModal: ErrorModal
// Other code here
Modal button HTML
<button ref="retryButton" class="btn btn-success col-lg-2" type="submit" data-dismiss="modal" #click="retryProcess">Retry</button>
Modal script code
export default {
name: "ErrorModal",
created() {
VueEvent.$on('show-error-modal', (processFailed) => {
console.log('processFailed', processFailed)
this.processFailed = processFailed;
$('#errorModal').modal('show').on('', this.focus);
methods: {
focus() {
retryProcess() {
//this.$parent.test(); TRIED THIS BUT DIDN'T WORK
I'd rather not have to the store.
Use custom event on your component
<div id="app">
<error-modal v-if="isError" v-on:retry-clicked="retry"></error-modal>
<button #click="isError = true">Make Error</button>
const errorModal = {
template : "<button #click=\"$emit('retry-clicked')\">Retry</button>"
new Vue({
el : "#app",
data : {
isError : false
components : {
methods : {
retry : function(){
this.isError = false;
console.log("child component has called parent when retry clicked")
Custom event on component - VUEJS DOC
Everything you have there looks correct. You are passing the function to retry ("test") as "processFailed" - I would call that something different such as retryFn.
Then in your error modal component you just need:
<button #click="processFailed">Retry</button>
Don't worry about what the browser shows you in F12, that is the transpiled Javascript, it will work fine.

axios interceptors integration with vuejs custom components for displaying error messages in a generic way

Let's suppose we have the following piece of code
axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {
return response;
}, function (error) {
if (error.response.status === 400) {
if ( === "fieldsValidationErrors") {
} else {
} else if(error.response.status === 403) {
} else {
return Promise.reject(error);
This code is included before
const app1 = new Vue({...});
I also have another UI app:
const app2 = new Vue({...});
The axios interceptors are declared before declaring the vue instances.
Inside each vue app I have a <notifications type="danger" :messages="errors.items"></notifications> component that receives the errors from the app.
Inside the notifications component I have
Vue.component('notifications', {
template: '<section v-if="messages.length > 0" id="notifications" class="notifications-outer-wrapper">\n' +
' <div class="user-notification-content well form-group" :class="{ \'notify-danger\': type === \'danger\', \'notify-success\': type === \'success\' }">\n' +
' <span class="fa fa-info-circle notificationIcon" aria-hidden="true"></span>\n' +
' \n' +
' <span v-if="type === \'danger\'">{{message}}</span>\n' +
' </div>\n' +
' </section>'
Currently I am using modals to display that something went wrong. What I need is to display an error messages inside the <notifications> component, each Vue instance having one notification component.
Any ideas on how to obtain this behavior?
You can use global event bus to communicate between separate instances.
// create a new Event Bus Instance
$eventBus = new Vue();
// set $eventBus as global Vue variable
// has to be done before new Vue({el: ...})
// after this, $eventBus instance can be acessed using this.$eventBus in all Vue components
Vue.prototype.$eventBus = $eventBus;
axios.interceptors.response.use(function(response) {
return response;
}, function(error) {
// ...
// on error, emit an open modal event, add pass message as payload
$eventBus.emit('open-modal', {
type: 'error',
message: '...'
Vue.component('notifications', {
created() {
// listen to open-modal event
this.$eventHub.$on('open-modal', ({
}) => {
// logic for opening modal, etc...
beforeDestroy() {
const app1 = new Vue({ /* ... */ });
const app2 = new Vue({ /* ... */ });

How can I test a custom input Vue component

In the Vue.js documentation, there is an example of a custom input component. I'm trying to figure out how I can write a unit test for a component like that. Usage of the component would look like this
<currency-input v-model="price"></currency-input>
The full implementation can be found at
The documentation says
So for a component to work with v-model, it should (these can be configured in 2.2.0+):
accept a value prop
emit an input event with the new value
How do I write a unit test that ensures that I've written this component such that it will work with v-model? Ideally, I don't want to specifically test for those two conditions, I want to test the behavior that when the value changes within the component, it also changes in the model.
You can do it:
Using Vue Test Utils, and
Mounting a parent element that uses <currency-input>
Fake an input event to the inner text field of <currency-input> with a value that it transforms (13.467 is transformed by <currency-input> to 13.46)
Verify if, in the parent, the price property (bound to v-model) has changed.
Example code (using Mocha):
import { mount } from '#vue/test-utils'
import CurrencyInput from '#/components/CurrencyInput.vue'
describe('CurrencyInput.vue', () => {
it("changing the element's value, updates the v-model", () => {
var parent = mount({
data: { price: null },
template: '<div> <currency-input v-model="price"></currency-input> </div>',
components: { 'currency-input': CurrencyInput }
var currencyInputInnerTextField = parent.find('input');
currencyInputInnerTextField.element.value = 13.467;
In-browser runnable demo using Jasmine:
var CurrencyInput = Vue.component('currency-input', {
template: '\
props: ['value'],
methods: {
// Instead of updating the value directly, this
// method is used to format and place constraints
// on the input's value
updateValue: function(value) {
var formattedValue = value
// Remove whitespace on either side
// Shorten to 2 decimal places
.slice(0, value.indexOf('.') === -1 ? value.length : value.indexOf('.') + 3)
// If the value was not already normalized,
// manually override it to conform
if (formattedValue !== value) {
this.$refs.input.value = formattedValue
// Emit the number value through the input event
this.$emit('input', Number(formattedValue))
// specs code ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var mount = vueTestUtils.mount;
describe('CurrencyInput', () => {
it("changing the element's value, updates the v-model", () => {
var parent = mount({
data() { return { price: null } },
template: '<div> <currency-input v-model="price"></currency-input> </div>',
components: { 'currency-input': CurrencyInput }
var currencyInputInnerTextField = parent.find('input');
currencyInputInnerTextField.element.value = 13.467;
// load jasmine htmlReporter
(function() {
var env = jasmine.getEnv()
env.addReporter(new jasmine.HtmlReporter())
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Note: The code above works fine (as you can see), but there can be improvements to tests involving v-model soon. Follow this issue for up-to-date info.
I would also mount a parent element that uses the component. Below a newer example with Jest and Vue Test Utils. Check the Vue documentation for more information.
import { mount } from "#vue/test-utils";
import Input from "Input.vue";
describe('Input.vue', () => {
test('changing the input element value updates the v-model', async () => {
const wrapper = mount({
data() {
return { name: '' };
template: '<Input v-model="name" />',
components: { Input },
const name = 'Brendan Eich';
await wrapper.find('input').setValue(name);
test('changing the v-model updates the input element value', async () => {
const wrapper = mount({
data() {
return { name: '' };
template: '<Input v-model="name" />',
components: { Input },
const name = 'Bjarne Stroustrup';
await wrapper.setData({ name });
const inputElement = wrapper.find('input').element;
Input.vue component:
<input :value="$attrs.value" #input="$emit('input', $" />

User-switchable custom themes with Vue.js

I have a VueJS app that will come with many different themes (at least 20 or so). Each theme stylesheet not only changes things like color and font size, but also the position and layout of some elements as well.
I want the user to be able to switch between these themes dynamically. So, at runtime, the user will be able to open an Options menu and select from a dropdown.
What is the cleanest way to have many dynamic user-selectable themes in VueJS?
I've thought of a couple of ways, such as:
Dynamically inserting a <link> or <style> tag. While this might work, I don't really see it as particularly "clean", and if I'm loading from AJAX, then oftentimes I'll see a FOUC.
Simply changing the Vue class bindings through a computed property. Something like having a if-else chain for every supported theme in every component. I don't particularly like this solution, as then every component I make will need to be updated every time I add a new theme later on.
In React, I think there's a plugin or something that has a <ThemeProvider> component, where adding a theme is as simple as wrapping it, i.e. <ThemeProvider theme={themeProp}><MyComponent></ThemeProvider>, and all styles in that theme will apply to that component and all child components.
Does VueJS have something similar, or is there a way to implement it?
I will admit I had some fun with this one. This solution does not depend on Vue, but it can easily by used by Vue. Here we go!
My goal is to create a "particularly clean" dynamic insertion of <link> stylesheets which should not result in a FOUC.
I created a class (technically, it's a constructor function, but you know what I mean) called ThemeHelper, which works like this:
myThemeHelper.add(themeName, href) will preload a stylesheet from href (a URL) with stylesheet.disabled = true, and give it a name (just for keeping track of it). This returns a Promise that resolves to a CSSStyleSheet when the stylesheet's onload is called.
myThemeHelper.theme = "<theme name>"(setter) select a theme to apply. The previous theme is disabled, and the given theme is enabled. The switch happens quickly because the stylesheet has already been pre-loaded by .add.
myThemeHelper.theme (getter) returns the current theme name.
The class itself is 33 lines. I made a snippet that switches between some Bootswatch themes, since those CSS files are pretty large (100Kb+).
const ThemeHelper = function() {
const preloadTheme = (href) => {
let link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = "stylesheet";
link.href = href;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
link.onload = e => {
const sheet =;
sheet.disabled = true;
link.onerror = reject;
const selectTheme = (themes, name) => {
if (name && !themes[name]) {
throw new Error(`"${name}" has not been defined as a theme.`);
Object.keys(themes).forEach(n => themes[n].disabled = (n !== name));
let themes = {};
return {
add(name, href) { return preloadTheme(href).then(s => themes[name] = s) },
set theme(name) { selectTheme(themes, name) },
get theme() { return Object.keys(themes).find(n => !themes[n].disabled) }
const themes = {
flatly: "",
materia: "",
solar: ""
const themeHelper = new ThemeHelper();
let added = Object.keys(themes).map(n => themeHelper.add(n, themes[n]));
Promise.all(added).then(sheets => {
console.log(`${sheets.length} themes loaded`);
themeHelper.theme = "materia";
<h3>Click a button to select a theme</h3>
class="btn btn-primary"
onclick="themeHelper.theme='materia'">Paper theme
class="btn btn-primary"
onclick="themeHelper.theme='flatly'">Flatly theme
class="btn btn-primary"
onclick="themeHelper.theme='solar'">Solar theme
It is not hard to tell that I'm all about ES6 (and maybe I overused const just a bit :)
As far as Vue goes, you could make a component that wraps a <select>:
const ThemeHelper = function() {
const preloadTheme = (href) => {
let link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = "stylesheet";
link.href = href;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
link.onload = e => {
const sheet =;
sheet.disabled = true;
link.onerror = reject;
const selectTheme = (themes, name) => {
if (name && !themes[name]) {
throw new Error(`"${name}" has not been defined as a theme.`);
Object.keys(themes).forEach(n => themes[n].disabled = (n !== name));
let themes = {};
return {
add(name, href) { return preloadTheme(href).then(s => themes[name] = s) },
set theme(name) { selectTheme(themes, name) },
get theme() { return Object.keys(themes).find(n => !themes[n].disabled) }
let app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
themes: {
flatly: "",
materia: "",
solar: ""
themeHelper: new ThemeHelper(),
loading: true,
created() {
// add/load themes
let added = Object.keys(this.themes).map(name => {
return this.themeHelper.add(name, this.themes[name]);
Promise.all(added).then(sheets => {
console.log(`${sheets.length} themes loaded`);
this.loading = false;
this.themeHelper.theme = "flatly";
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<p v-if="loading">loading...</p>
<select v-model="themeHelper.theme">
<option v-for="(href, name) of themes" v-bind:value="name">
{{ name }}
<span>Selected: {{ themeHelper.theme }}</span>
<h3>Select a theme above</h3>
<button class="btn btn-primary">A Button</button>
I hope this is as useful to you as it was fun for me!
Today I found possibly the simplest way to solve this and it even works with SCSS (no need to have separate CSS for each theme, which is important if your themes are based on one library and you only want to define the changes), but it needs
Make an .scss/.css file for each theme
Make these available somewhere in the src folder, src/bootstrap-themes/dark.scss for example
Import the .scss with a condition in the App.vue, in the created:, for example
if (Vue.$cookies.get('darkmode') === 'true') {
this.nightmode = true;
} else {
this.nightmode = false;
When the user lands on the page, I read the cookies and see if they left nightmode enabled when they left last time and load the correct scss
When they use the switch to change the theme, this method is called, which saves the cookie and reloads the page, which will then read the cookie and load the correct scss
setTheme(nightmode) {
this.$cookies.set("darkmode", nightmode, "7d")
One very simple and working approach: Just change the css class of your body dynamically.
how about this,
and this,
I think that will give you a basic idea for your project.
first of all I would like to thank ContinuousLoad for its inspiring code snippet.
It helped me a lot to make my own theme chooser.
I just wanted to give some feedback and share my changes to original code, specially in function preloadTheme. The biggest change was to remove the onload() event listener after initial load, because it would re-run each time you change the link.disabled value, at least under Firefox.
Hope it helps :)
const ThemeHelper = function() {
const preloadTheme = href => {
let link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.disabled = false;
link.href = href;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
link.onload = function() {
// Remove the onload() event listener after initial load, because some
// browsers (like Firefox) could call onload() later again when changing
// the link.disabled value.
link.onload = null;
link.disabled = true;
link.onerror = event => {
link.onerror = null;
const selectTheme = (themes, name) => {
if (name && !themes[name]) {
throw new Error(`"${name}" has not been defined as a theme.`);
Object.keys(themes).forEach(n => {
if (n !== name && !themes[n].disabled) themes[n].disabled = true;
if (themes[name].disabled) themes[name].disabled = false;
let themes = {};
return {
add(name, href) {
return preloadTheme(href).then(s => (themes[name] = s));
set theme(name) {
selectTheme(themes, name);
get theme() {
return Object.keys(themes).find(n => !themes[n].disabled);
let app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
themes: {
flatly: '',
materia: '',
solar: ''
themeHelper: new ThemeHelper(),
loading: true
created() {
// add/load themes
let added = Object.keys(this.themes).map(name => {
return this.themeHelper.add(name, this.themes[name]);
Promise.all(added).then(sheets => {
console.log(`${sheets.length} themes loaded`);
this.loading = false;
this.themeHelper.theme = 'flatly';
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<p v-if="loading">loading...</p>
<select v-model="themeHelper.theme">
<option v-for="(href, name) of themes" v-bind:value="name">
{{ name }}
<span>Selected: {{ themeHelper.theme }}</span>
<h3>Select a theme above</h3>
<button class="btn btn-primary">A Button</button>