sub.unsubscribe do not delete channels, how can I delete channels alternatively?
I tried channel.close() or channel.quit() but that didn't work!
let roomChannelName = room_${roomId}_server;
let sub = redis.createClient(redisConfig);
const channel =;
You CANNOT delete a channel manually.
If there's no client subscribes to a channel, Redis will delete the channel automatically.
I'm a little unclear which library this is, but: "destroy channel" isn't a concept in redis. A channel is active as long as one or more connections exist that are listening to it (via subscribe or psubscribe). It doesn't "exist" in any other semantic sense - it doesn't need to be declared ahead of time, nor does it need to be destroyed. If you want to see whether a channel has listeners, you can use either:
pubsub numsub {channel name}
or, if you don't mind sending dummy data - just publish to it:
publish {channel name} {dummy value}
either of these will return the count of subscribers for the channel:> pubsub numsub foo
1) "foo"
2) (integer) 0> publish foo bar
(integer) 0
I don't know if your library has an API to expose this, but ultimately: you don't have to do anything here. You don't need to clean up after yourself with pub/sub.
If your sub.unsubscribe(roomChannelName); call failed to issue an unsubscribe/punsubscribe, then that is a library issue, not a redis issue.
you can try somthing like that ,
use psubscribe and handle only if the pmesseege enter data
fits your needs..
const RedisInstance = require("./redis");
const Subscriber = new RedisInstance().client;
const socketsDataList = require('./activeSocketsList');
const orderManager = require("./orderManager");
class RedisSubscriber {
subscriber = Subscriber;
constructor() {
this.subscriber.on("pmessage", (pattern , channel , order) => this.onOrder(
channel , order) );
async getSocketByDeviceId(deviceId) {
return await socketsDataList.checkIfSocketExistsForThisDevice(deviceId);
async onOrder(channel , order ) {
const deviceId = channel.split("_")[1];
try {
const socketObj = await this.getSocketByDeviceId(deviceId);
if (socketObj['error']) {
} else {
const socket = socketObj['activeSocket'].socket
await orderManager.sendOrderToClient( socket , order);
console.log({message: 'success'})
} catch (error) {
module.exports = RedisSubscriber;
I want to collect all transactions for an NFT.
For example, you can display all transactions here:
or here:
But is there any way to do this with the API?
I checked
and solscan api:
But I could not find a way to do it.
You can use the getSignaturesForAddress RPC method on the mint address and walk backward to get all the transactions.
Here is an example in JS:
import {
} from "#solana/web3.js";
const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("mainnet-beta"));
export const getTxs = async (connection: Connection, pubkey: PublicKey) => {
const txs: ConfirmedSignatureInfo[] = [];
// Walk backward
let lastTransactions = await connection.getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2(
let before = lastTransactions[lastTransactions.length - 1].signature;
while (true) {
const newTransactions = await connection.getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2(
if (newTransactions.length === 0) break;
before = newTransactions[newTransactions.length - 1].signature;
return txs;
new PublicKey("2Nzt8TYeAfgJDftKzkb7rgYShVvyXTR7cPVvpqaZ2a4V")
The equivalent method in is this one
let file = fileUpload.files[0];
let offset = 0;
let chunkSize = 1024*1024*16;
file.arrayBuffer().then((buffer) => {
const chunk = buffer.slice(0, chunkSize);
buffer = buffer.slice(chunkSize, buffer.byteLength);
it works fine for small files but stops with big size files.
A DataChannel has a bufferedAmount property which tells you how many bytes are still waiting to be sent. It also has a property called bufferedAmountLowThreshold.
The RTCDataChannel property bufferedAmountLowThreshold is used to specify the number of bytes of buffered outgoing data that is considered "low."
You could keep sending data as normal as long as bufferedAmount is below bufferedAmountLowThreshold. Once it is larger you stop queuing more data until you receive a bufferedamountlow event.
const send = () => {
while (buffer.byteLength) {
if (dataChannel.bufferedAmount > dataChannel.bufferedAmountLowThreshold) {
dataChannel.onbufferedamountlow = () => {
dataChannel.onbufferedamountlow = null;
const chunk = buffer.slice(0, chunkSize);
buffer = buffer.slice(chunkSize, buffer.byteLength);
I've searched similar topics here, but I still haven't resolved my problem. Maybe somebody can help me with this.
My goal is to display the logs from various services. To do that I am using signalR with vuejs as a client. I want to connect to the group of services on button click and fetch logs. When I click on a different button I want to leave the group and join another.
selectItem(name) {
document.getElementById('messageList').innerHTML = ''
const connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()
if (this.groups.length > 1) {
let previousGroup = this.groups[this.groups.length - 2]
connection.invoke("LeaveGroup", previousGroup)
console.log('leaving group:', previousGroup)
connection.on("PushEventLog", (message) => {
const div = document.createElement('div')
div.textContent = message
connection.start().then(() => {
connection.invoke("JoinGroup", name)
console.log('joining group: ', name)
On my first joining to group everything works fine, but when I leaving the group and want to join another I receive an error:
Any help?
You are creating a new connection every time selectItem runs. You should store the connection object somewhere and only use it after it has started.
Added a couple comments to your code to point out what you're doing wrong.
// new connection object
const connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()
if (this.groups.length > 1) {
let previousGroup = this.groups[this.groups.length - 2]
// using new connection that hasn't started yet
connection.invoke("LeaveGroup", previousGroup)
console.log('leaving group:', previousGroup)
I've found a solution - I have moved connection and logs to the created hook. Working code below.
methods: {
selectItem(name, i) {
document.getElementById('messageList').innerHTML = ''
if (this.groups.length > 1) {
let previousGroup = this.groups[this.groups.length - 2]
this.connection.invoke("LeaveGroup", previousGroup)
} else {
this.connection.invoke("JoinGroup", name)
created() {
this.connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()
this.connection.on("PushEventLog", (message) => {
const div = document.createElement('div')
div.textContent = message
I am not sure if the issue I am having is a limitation in redis itself or in the nodejs 'redis' module implementation.
var redis = require('redis');
var client = redis.createClient(6379,'');
client.on('error',function (error) {
console.log("** error in connection **");
client.on('connect',function () {
console.log("** connected **");
client.on('message',function (channel,message) {
if (channel == 'taskqueue') {
console.log(channel + ' --> ' + message);
var params = message.split(' ');
var inputf = params[0];
var outputf = params[1];
var dim = inputf.split('_').slice(-1)[0];
client.rpush('records',message,function (e,reply) {
From the code snippet above, I tried to do an RPUSH inside an "ON MESSAGE" subscription event. It does not work, and I get a client 'ON ERROR' event, thus, it prints error in connection. What is the correct way to do this?
After further searching, I came across this page which seems to explain the scenario.
I have been trying to establish peer connection between browsers, to use data channel, but i am unsuccessful.
Everytime I correct one statement another error appears.
First I established a socketting server using and Node.js. In the server when any client is connection I am sending 'beacon' packets. On listening 'beacon' packet 1st client requests to join a 'room'. Then I allow the second client to join the same 'room'.
As soon as the second client connects, Server sends a confirmation packet to Client 1.
Then Client 1 sends the RTC Peer Connection 'offer' to Client 2, after setting local Description.
if( isChrome ) {
localPC = new window.webkitRTCPeerConnection(server, contraints);
rslt.innerHTML = "Webkit Variables Set";
}else {
localPC = new mozRTCPeerConnection(server, contraints);
rslt.innerHTML = "Mozilla Variables Set";
localPC.onicecandidate = function(event) {
if( event.candidate )
localPC.addIceCandidate( event.candidate );
localPC.onnegotiationneeded = function() {
localPC.createOffer( setOffer, sendFail );
sendChannel = localPC.createDataChannel( "sendDataChannel", {reliable: false} );
localPC.ondatachannel = function(event) {
receiveChannel =;
receiveChannel.onmessage = function(event) {
rslt.innerHTML =;
localPC.createOffer( setOffer, sendFail );
function setOffer( offer ) {
lDescp = new RTCSessionDescription(offer);
localPC.setLocalDescription( lDescp );
socket.emit( 'offer', JSON.stringify(offer) );
rslt.innerHTML += "Offer Sent...<br/>";//+offer.sdp;
}//End Of setOffer()
Client 2 on receiving the 'offer' sets its as remote Description and creates a 'reply'. Sets the 'reply' as local Description, and sends it.
if( message.type == 'offer' ) {
rDescp = new RTCSessionDescription(message.sdp);
localPC.setRemoteDescription( rDescp );
function( answer ) {
lDescp = new RTCSessionDescription(answer);
localPC.setLocalDescription( lDescp );
socket.emit( 'reply', JSON.stringify(answer) );
}, sendFail
}else {
localPC.addIceCandidate = new RTCIceCandidate( message.candidate );
}//End Of IF ELse
Client 1 on receiving the 'reply' sets it as remote Description and the connection should get established???
localPC.setRemoteDescription( new RTCSessionDescription( message.sdp ) );
But its not working!!! Pleease Help.
Seems like you got the flow correct, although I don't see the entire code.
One thing that strikes me weird is this:
localPC.onicecandidate = function(event) {
if( event.candidate )
localPC.addIceCandidate( event.candidate );
You need to send the icecandidate recieved in the onicecandidate event to the other peer. and not add it yourself.