What is the best way to handle multiple AWS accounts as environments in Terraform? - amazon-s3

We want to have each of our terraform environments in a separate AWS account in a way that will make it hard for accidental deployments to production to occur. How is this best accomplished?

We are assuming that an account is dedicated to Production, another to PreProduction and potentially other sandbox environments also have unique accounts, perhaps on a per-admin basis. One other assumption is that you have an S3 bucket in each AWS account that is specific to your environment. Also, we expect your AWS account credentials to be managed in ~/.aws/credentials (or with an IAM role perhaps).
Terraform Backend Configuration
There are two states. For the primary state we’re using the concept of Partial Configuration. We can’t pass variables into the backend config through modules or other means because it is read before those are determined.
Terraform Config Setup
This means that we declare the backend with some details missing and then provide them as arguments to terraform init. Once initialized, it is setup until the .terraform directory is removed.
terraform {
backend "s3" {
encrypt = true
key = "name/function/terraform.tfstate"
Workflow Considerations
We only need to make a change to how we initialize. We use the -backend-config arguments on terraform init. This provides the missing parts of the configuration. I’m providing all of the missing parts through bash aliases in my ~/.bash_profile like this.
alias terrainit='terraform init \
-backend-config "bucket=s3-state-bucket-name" \
-backend-config "dynamodb_table=table-name" \
-backend-config "region=region-name"'
Accidental Misconfiguration Results
If the appropriate required -backend-config arguments are left off, initialization will prompt you for them. If one is provided incorrectly, it will likely cause failure for permissions reasons. Also, the remote state must be configured to match or it will also fail. Multiple mistakes in identifying the appropriate account environment must occur in order to deploy to Production.
Terraform Remote State
The next problem is that the remote states also need to change and can’t be configured through pulling configuration from the backend config; however, the remote states can be set through variables.
Module Setup
To ease switching accounts, we’ve setup a really simple module which takes in a single variable aws-account and returns a bunch of outputs that the remote state can use with appropriate values. We also can include other things that are environment/account specific. The module is a simple main.tf with map variables that have a key of aws-account and a value that is specific to that account. Then we have a bunch of outputs that do a simple lookup of the map variable like this.
variable "aws-region" {
description = "aws region for the environment"
type = "map"
default = {
Production = "us-west-2"
PP = "us-east-2"
output "aws-region" {
description = “The aws region for the account
value = "${lookup(var.aws-region, var.aws-account, "invalid AWS account specified")}"
Terraform Config Setup
First, we must pass the aws-account to the module. This will probably be near the top of main.tf.
module "environment" {
source = "./aws-account"
aws-account = "${var.aws-account}"
Then add a variable declaration to your variables.tf.
variable "aws-account" {
description = "The environment name used to identify appropriate AWS account resources used to configure remote states. Pre-Production should be identified by the string PP. Production should be identified by the string Production. Other values may be added for other accounts later."
Now that we have account specific variables output from the module, they can be used in the remote state declarations like this.
data "terraform_remote_state" "vpc" {
backend = "s3"
config {
key = "name/vpc/terraform.tfstate"
region = "${module.environment.aws-region}"
bucket = "${module.environment.s3-state-bucket-name}"
Workflow Consideration
If the workflow changes in no way after setting up like this, the user will be prompted to provide the value for aws-account variable through a prompt like this whenever a plan/apply or the like is performed. The contents of the prompt are the description of the variable in variables.tf.
$ terraform plan
The environment name used to identify appropriate AWS account
resources used to configure remote states. Pre-Production should be
identified by the string PP. Production should be identified by the
string Production. Other values may be added for other accounts later.
Enter a value:
You can skip the prompt by providing the variable on the command line like this
terraform plan -var="aws-account=PP"
Accidental Misconfiguration Results
If the aws-account variable isn’t specified, it will be requested. If an invalid value is provided that the aws-account module isn’t aware of, it will return errors including the string “invalid AWS account specified” several times because that is the default values of the lookup. If the aws-account is passed correctly, but it doesn’t match up with the values identified in terraform init, it will fail because the aws credentials being used won’t have access to the S3 bucket being identified.

We faced a similar problema and we solved (partially) creating pipelines in Jenkins or any other CI tool.
We had 3 different envs (dev, staging and prod).Same code, different tfvars, different aws accounts.
When terraform code is merged to master can be applied to staging and only when staging is Green, production can be executed.
Nobody runs terraform manually in prod, aws credentials are stored in the CI tool.
This setup can solve an accident like you decribed but also prevents different users applying different local code.


Kubernetes Cross secrets variables

I have a weird issue with envFrom:
 - name: template-api
   - secretRef:
name: common-secrets
   - secretRef:
name: template-api
in common-secrets I have variables like this:
And template-api is like:
This is like that, because pods have different variables names for same info.
But when the container is running the variables are replaced with literal $VAR instead of var value.
Maybe Im using the wrong solution for this. Did somebody face the same issue?
Kubernetes won't update it that way, if you are running that approach with any code or script it will work inside the code. like process.env($MAILHOST)
Whatever you have mentioned in secret it will get injected into the OS environment now if the same values are there it will get overwritten.
Kubernetes inject the secret based on the YAML configuration either to the file system or either inside the OS.
Kubernetes simply inject the values into the POD as set in secret. it won't check whether anything is already set in the environment and replaces it with values.

Passing AWS role to the application that uses default boto3 configs

I have an aws setup that requires me to assume role and get corresponding credentials in order to write to s3. For example, to write with aws cli, I need to use --profile readwrite flag. If I write code myself with boot, I'd assume role via sts, get credentials, and create new session.
However, there is a bunch of applications and packages relying on boto3's configuration, e.g. internal code runs like this:
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
result_s3 = s3.Object(bucket, s3_object_key)
From documentation, boto3 can be set to use default profile using (among others) AWS_PROFILE env variable, and it clearly "works" in terms that boto3.Session().profile_name does match the variable - but the applications still won't write to s3.
What would be the cleanest/correct way to set them properly? I tried to pull credentials from sts, and write them as AWS_SECRET_TOKEN etc, but that didn't work for me...
Have a look at the answer here:
How to choose an AWS profile when using boto3 to connect to CloudFront
You can get boto3 to use the other profile like so:
rw = boto3.session.Session(profile_name='readwrite')
s3 = rw.resource('s3')
I think the correct answer to my question is one shared by Nathan Williams in the comment.
In my specific case, given that I had to initiate code from python, and was a bit worried about setting AWS settings that might spill into other operations, I used
the fact that boto3 has DEFAULT_SESSION singleton, used each time, and just overwrote this with a session that assumed the proper role:
hook = S3Hook(aws_conn_id=aws_conn_id)
boto3.DEFAULT_SESSION = hook.get_session()
(here, S3Hook is airflow's s3 handling object). After that (in the same runtime) everything worked perfectly

PostgREST error on connecting in AWS using secrets

Currently deploying PostgREST in AWS. When I use Fargate and just hardcoded type in the environment variables for the connection string, the machine works like a charm.
However I recently replaced these values with secrets. In the secret I copy-pasted the entire string in the value and in the environment variable I set the source from "Value" to "ValueFrom".
So the value now is:
When I use this connectionstring directly in the environment variable I can easily connect, so I know the information is correct.
The logs come back with the following error:
{"details":"missing \"=\" after \"{\"postgrest_db_connection\":\"postgres://myuser:mypass#amazon-rds-instance:5432/db\"}\" in connection info string\n","code":"","message":"Database connection error"}
I also checked I have no characters in the string that need to be escaped. What can I be missing here?
So I figured it out. Unfortunately this line was it:
It is only supported to inject the full contents of a secret as an environment variable. Specifying a specific JSON key or version is not supported at this time.
This means that whenever you use the secrets as ValueFrom setting in the environment variables (when working with Fargate), the entire secret's value gets copy-pasted.
I tested this using a secret for the PostgREST schema variable. I got back the value:
{'PGRST_SCHEMA_URL': 'public'}
Whilst I was expecting it to be just:
This is why the configuration went bad as well. Thanks everyone for searching.

Is it possible to set the environment variable "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS" to an uploaded JWT File in Flowground?

I try to use the "google-api-nodejs-client" (https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-nodejs-client) with a JSON Web Token in a flowground connector implementation. Is there a possibility to get the environment variable "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS" point to a configurable JWT file that the user can upload into a flow?
Example of client usage from the library page:
// environment variables.
const auth = new google.auth.GoogleAuth({
scopes: ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform']
Lets see if I understand correctly what you want to do:
create a flow that can be triggered from outside and accesses any Google API via google-api-nodejs-client module.
every time you trigger the flow you will post a valid JWT for accessing any Google API
you want to store the JWT in the local file-system; the mentioned environment variables contains the path to the persisted JWT.
Generally spoken this is a valid approach for the moment.
You can create a file in the local file-system:
fs.writeFile(process.env.HOME + '/jwt.token', ...)
Sebastian already explained how to define the needed environment variables.
Please keep in mind that writing and reading the JWT file must take place in the same step of flow execution. There is no persistence of this file after finishing execution of this step.
Why is this a valid approach for the moment only?
I assume that we will prevent writing in the local file-system in the near future. This will prevent the described solution as well.
From my point of view the better solution would be using the OAuth2 mechanism build in flowground.
For more information regarding this approach
You can set environment variables in flowground following on the "ENV vars" page for your connector:

Access control of objects in Julia Web Platform

We are creating a online platform and exposing an Julia API via a embedded code-editor. The user can access the API and run some analysis on our web-app. I have a question related to controlling access to the API and objects.
The API right now contains a database handle and other objects that are exposed to the user and can be used to hack the internal system.
Below is the current architecture:
function doanalysis()
data = getdata()
# some analysis on data
const client = MongoClient()
const collection = MongoCollection(client,"dbname","collectionName")
function getdata()
data = #some function to get data from collection
return data
#after parsing the user program
To run the user analysis, we pass user program as a command-line argument (using ArgParse module) and run the internal program as follows
$ julia InternalProgram.jl --file Userprogram.jl
With this architecture, user potentially gets access to "client" and "collection" and can modify internal databases.
Is there a better way to solve this problem without exposing the objects?
I hope someone has an answer to this.
You will be exposing yourself to multiple types of vulnerabilities - as the general rule, executing user inputed code is a VERY BAD IDEA.
1/ like you said, you'll potentially allow users to execute random code against your database.
2/ your users will have access to all the power of Julia to do things on your server (download files they can later execute for example, access other servers and services on the server [MySQL, email, etc]). Depending on the level of access of the Julia process, think unauthorized access to your file system, installing key loggers, running spam servers, etc.
3/ will be able to use Julia packages and get you into a lot of trouble - like for example add/use the Requests.jl package and execute DoS attacks on other servers.
If you really want to go this way, I recommend that:
A/ set proper (minimal) permissions for the MongoDB user configured to be used in the app (ex: http://blog.mlab.com/2016/07/mongodb-tips-tricks-collection-level-access-control/)
B/ execute each user's code into a separate sandbox / container that only exposes the minimum necessary software
C/ have your containers running on a managed platform where tooling exists (firewalls) to monitor incoming and outgoing traffic (for example to block spam or DoS attacks)
In order to achieve B/ and C/ my recommendation is to use JuliaBox. I haven't used it myself, but seems to be exactly what you need: https://github.com/JuliaCloud/JuliaBox
Once you get that running, you can also use https://github.com/JuliaWeb/JuliaWebAPI.jl