Rails - how can I view my SQLite tables? - sql

I would think that there would be more information on this particular topic, but here goes -- I need to be able to see what my SQLite tables in my Rails app look like. I've tried a lot of the suggestions I've seen online, but they all give me errors, or I'm not using the right commands.
Here's what I've been trying
rails db
(goes into sqlite db)
(shows relevant table)
sqlite>select * from table1;
Receive error:
Error: unknown command or invalid arguments: "select". Enter ".help" for help
I've been trying to figure out why this won't work, but I'm a bit stumped.

You can use DB browser for SQLite https://sqlitebrowser.org/ to view and manage SQLite database tables.


Hive "Show Tables" Fails with MetaException

Using Hive 2.3.7 on AWS EMR (5.33.1) I have created a database which shows correctly when calling show databases;. I then create a table which seems to work correctly (no exceptions). When I call describe <table>; It correctly returns the name and schema of the table. However when I run show tables; the following error is returned:
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask.MetaException(message:Got exception: org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.MetaException
Exception thrown when executing query :
If anyone can shed any light on this issue it would be really appreciated.
I have googled around and found nothing of any use.
EDIT: show tables in <schema>; returned the same result
EDIT 2: This issue was solved by updating the EMR to emr-6.4.0. I have no great insight into the issue beyond what is mentioned here.
I think your metadata database has been corrupted/has bad data. I would take a backup. And then see if you can restore some previous backups. I would connect to the database directly and look at the those tables and see if anything looks out of the ordinary. If you find a bad table entry don't delete it. I'd try using "Delete table" commands (via hive) to remove it to keep integrity. If you have to you can delete entries in your database, you have a backup and could restore back the tables.
Hive meta store is using datanucleus, https://www.datanucleus.org/, for all CRUD of metastore database. It's generating \\ to escape backslash itself, but Mariadb interprete \\ as string literal. So it needs to use \\ as escape character.
You can see sql_mode setting here, https://mariadb.com/kb/en/sql-mode/#sql_mode-values.
Get rid of NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPE from the mode and it should be all right.
Try providing the schema which you want to see the tables:
show tables in schema_name;

SQL select by field acting weird

I am writing this post because I have encountered something truly weird with an SQL statement I am trying to make.
I am developing an app which uses JPA in the backend to persist / retrieve objects to/from a postgres database.
During some tests I have noticed that when a particular user adds entries in the database and later I try to fetch them by his facebook id, the result is an empty list, even though the entries are there in the database. Doing a select statement on the database returns no rows. This does not happen with other users.
I have noticed that the mentioned user's facebook id is slightly longer then others. I do not know if and how this affects this situation.
Interesting part:
When during debugging I created an entry not programmatically, but manually with a SQL INSERT statement directly on the database (marked red on the 1st screenshot), I could fetch the data by facebook id both in my app and with a select statement.
Do you have any ideas what is going on here?
Please check the screenshots:
result of select * from table:
result of select * from table where user_facebook_id = 10215905779020408 :
Please help,

Deleting rows in BigQuery fails with "Invalid schema update"

I'm trying to delete some rows from a BigQuery table (using standard SQL dialect):
DELETE FROM ocds.releases
ocid LIKE 'ocds-b5fd17-%'
However, I get the following error:
Query Failed
Error: Invalid schema update. Field packageInfo has changed mode from REQUIRED to NULLABLE
Job ID: ocds-172716:bquijob_2f60927_15d13c97149
It seems as though BigQuery doesn't like deleting rows with a REQUIRED column. Is there any way around this?
It has been a known limitation that BigQuery DML doesn't work with tables with required fields (see https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/data-manipulation-language#known_issues).
We are in the process of removing this limitation. We whitelisted your project today. Please try running your query again in the same project. Let us know if the problem is still there, or if you want to have more projects whitelisted.

How can I programmatically run arbitrary SQL statements against my Hibernate/HSQL database?

I'm looking for a way to programmatically execute arbitrary SQL commands against my DB.
(Hibernate, JPA, HSQL)
Query.createNativeQuery() doesn't work for things like CREATE TABLE.
Doing LOTS of searching, I thought I could use the Hibernate Session.doWork().
By using the deprecated Configuration.buildSesionFactory() seems to show that doWork won't work.
I get "use lacks privilege or object not found" for all the CREATE TABLE statements.
So, what other technique is there for executing arbitratry SQL statements?
There were some notes on using the underlying JDBC Statement, but I haven't figure out how to get a JDBC Connection object from Hibernate to try that.
Note that the hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto=create setting will NOT work for me, as I have ARRAY[] columns which it chokes on.
I don't think there is any problem executing a create table statement with a Hibernate native query. Just make sure to use Query.executeUpdate(), and not Query.list() or Query.uniqueResult().
If it doesn't work, please tell us what happens when you execute it, and join the full stack trace of the exception and the SQL query you're executing.
"use lacks privilege or object not found" in HSQL may mean anything, for example existence of a table with the same name. Error messages in HSQL are completely misleading. Try listing your tables using DatabaseMetadata - you have probably already created the table.

SQL error:8152, but not over max?

I'm part of a team writing an ERP using , Seam, and Jboss, and on one of my pages, I keep getting an SQL error: 8152 whenever I try to input something. SQL error:8152, for those of you who don't know, is when you try to input a value over the maximum limit of the column.
I've double checked my entity and the database, and their maximum value limits are the same (50 nvarchars). In addition, I'm pretty sure that we're not using audit tables. I then put System.out.println(""); all over the place, and found that the error was happening in between these two println(s):
System.out.println("Flushing complete");
Which is part of a method that process all changes to the table. But I'm pretty new to programming and not sure what's going on.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance, Jeff.
P.s. Code on request, but I didn't post it because there is a lot of it all over the place.
I would verify the SQL that is being executed when the flush() is performed. That way you can see the length of your data and verify that it is too big as shown by the DB error.
If you are using Hibernate, you can output SQL to the console. You don't say what your DB is, but if it's SQL Server you can use the profiler to see what SQL is being executed.