Adding many actors to the stage - optimization

I crating project to play with some sort of simulation. So i create map, this map is actually grid with cells, each cell is 2 actors - 1 background and 1 icon that show cell type - forest, mountain, person and etc.
Here how it looks:
All works just fine, but when i try to increase cells from 20x20 to 100x100 it takes about 20-30 seconds to load. It doesn't seems lags after it loads, so it works just fine, but now question - is there a way to optimize loading time, or it impossible?

Todays systems should be able to handle as little as 100x100 cells. I guess your problem is somewhere in your code.
Some common mistakes are:
Creating new objects in your render method (with the "new" keyword) instead of reusing your objects
Loading your images everytime you render them
Maybe you can add some code of your render method to the question. Without any code it's hard to see the problem.


Changing game size in Phaser dynamically

I'm building a game in which I can enter a building, which I'm handling via states. In other words, when my character overlaps with the door, the program starts a new state in which the interior of the building is built. Now, I want the interior to have smaller dimensions than the world, so I want to change the game size when I start this new state.
I tried this:
create: function()
//game size was 1000x700, I want to scale it to 700x450
game.width = 700;
game.height = 450;
//rest of creation code...
I also tried things like changing camera bounds, world bounds, world size, but method above shows the most promise.
The problem, however, is that the resize for some reason does not show until I click away from my browser tab and back. Calling game.width in the console yields 700 at all times, but it doesn't show it as such until tabbing out and back.
On top of that, the contents of the game (floor, furniture) are scaled down when the game resizes, defeating the purpose. I don't understand why it would, since there's no scaling anywhere in my code.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I just saw that you were the one asking the question I linked to, so I guess the question is solved :D
I had a similar problem some time ago. As you described yourself: what you are doing is a resize! So the game resizes itself which means the same as re-scaling everything in the game.
if you want to cut the game smaller you can simply use
game.scale.setGameSize(700, 450);.
(see this post if you need more information)
As additional information: I later had problems with cutting the game size equally on all sides, so if you should come to face the same problem, have a look at this post

Kivy: Depth Oder not so in Depth

Now I could be wrong about this but after testing it all day, I have discovered...
When adding a widget and setting the z-index, the value "0" seems to be the magic depth.
If a widget's Z is at 0, it will be drawn on top of everything that's not at 0, Z wise.
It doesn't matter if a widget has a z-index of 99, -999, 10, -2 or what ever... It will not appear on top of a widget who's z-index is set to 0.
It gets more strange though...
Any index less than -2 or greater than 2 seems to create an "index out of range" error. Funny thing is...when I was working with a background and sprite widget, the background's Z was set to 999 and no errors. When I added another sprite widget, that's when the -2 to 2 z-index limitation appeared.
Yeah I know...sounds whacked!
My question is, am I right about "0" being the magic Z value?
If so, creating a simple 23D effect like making a sprite move being a big rock will take some unwanted code.
Since you can only set Z when adding,a widget, one must remove and immediately add back, with the new Z value...a widget.
You'll have to do this with the moving sprite and the overlapping object in question. Hell, I already have that code practically written but I want to find out from Kivy pros, is there a way to set z-index without removing and adding a widget.
If not, I'll have to settle for the painful way.
My version of Kivy is 1.9.0
What do you mean by z-order? Drawing order is determined entirely by order of widgets being added to the parent, and the index argument to add_widget is just a list index at which the widget will be inserted. The correct way to change drawing order amongs widgets is to remove and add them (actually you can mess with the canvases manually but this is the same thing just lower level, and not a better idea).
I found a working solution using basic logic based on the fact widgets have to be removed and added again in order to control depth/draw order.
I knew the Main Character widget had to be removed along with the object in I created a Main Character Parent widget, which defines and control the Main Character, apart from its Graphic widget.
My test involves the Main Character walking in front of a large rock, then behind it...creating a 23D effect.
I simply used the "y-" theory along with widget attach and detach code to create the desired effect.
The only thing that caught me off guard was the fact my Graphic widget for my Actor was loading textures. That was a big no no because the fps died.
Simple fix, moved the texture loading to the Main Character Parent widget and the loading is done once for all-time.
PS, if anyone knows how to hide the scrollbars and wish to share that knowledge, it'll be much appreciated. I haven't looked for an API solution for it yet but I will soon.
Right now I'm just trying to make sure I can do the basic operations necessary for creating a commercial 23D game (handhelds).
I'm a graphic artist and web developer so coming up with lovely visuals won't be an issue. I'm more concerned with what'll be "under the hood" so to say. Hopefully enough, lol.

Wrong images loading using AFNetworking

I have tiny issue in my app. I load data from JSON and then take image links and load images on cells. Im not sure i really should paste all of my code, since it may not concern the issue. Just want to point i use
[imageView setImageWithURL:url];
and in myCell custom class i use:
- (void)prepareForReuse {
[self.myCellImageView cancelImageRequestOperation];
self.myCellImageView.image = nil;
Second code snipper fix the issue when u smoothly scroll table, tableView load correct images. But there is the trick - if u press on status bar on an iPhone (place where your clock, battery charge and carrier name appears) you may get from bottom of your table to top in fraction of second.
During that, application proceed to load wrong images (apparently, recently loaded in bottom cells), and after switching images it set correct one.
I want to admit, that problem almost didn't noticeable if u scrolling with low or medium speed, it only appears when you make enormous move from one side of tableView to another. But still, its nasty bug. How could i fix it?

UIPageViewController: show specific pages on specific dates

From the UIPageViewController template provided by Apple I'm working on creating a digital block calendar, meaning that the app will consist of 365 pages of content, and when it opens I want it to show the page according to today's date. Now I'm quite familiar with NSDates and such, but much less with the UIPageViewController. Before getting myself into unnecessary trouble, what would seem the most straightforward way of accomplishing this?
I would recommend using this gitHub project called RTSPagedView. First, it will dequeue and reuse views, so you only have a few views in memory (not 365). As a view appears, it dequeues like a UITableView, and fills the next offscreen view with the next index of data in your array.
Second, use the setContentOffset method to scroll to a particular date (pageWidth * index). However, you might want to play with that 365 threshold. My guess is you could get away with something like 30 in cache, and load a new data source as the user gets close to an edge of your dates.

Why does Adding Core Animation slow down drawing of my NSTableView?

I have a simple App that displays a list of items using NSTableView. There are usually about 15-25 items in the list, and the table has 10 columns, all but one of which are text (the other's an icon.) There are simple data transformers on a couple of the columns. So nothing taxing; you'd expect it to run just fine.
And as it stands, it is; the app is responsive and everything draws pretty much instantly. Scrolling, changing column sizes, resizing the window; whatever you do the redraws keep up with the mouse-pointer.
Tonight, I thought I'd try adding a little visual flair to the app with Core Animation (which I've never used before,) but I've found that if anything above the NSTableView in the hierarchy is set 'Wants Core Animation Layer,' then the NSTableView redraws go to hell. Scrolling is usually fine, but resizing columns or the window causes it to pick up an effect like texture tearing, where some of the rows have the new size, and some have the old one, and everything flickers horribly. It looks terrible. Basically it looks like what you'd expect if rendering the individual rows or columns was taking a long time.
I've put it through Shark and, sure enough, it looks like it's spending most of its time drawing the text in the cells; what I don't understand is why that should take longer when there's a Core Animation layer involved than when there isn't - and quite noticeably longer at that.
Has anyone got any ideas? Is there any Core Animation initialisation or config I've missed or something (I've literally just ticked the "Wants Core Animation Layer" box in IB)?