Code slow down as report grows - vba

I have been running this code in my day to day work to keep on top of my orders and shipping, the code opens a spreadsheet in a specified location and returns the following, invoice number, company name, shipping date and total order value and puts them into one main spreadsheet.
I started using it last year and it used to take just under 3 minutes to run through about 400-500 spread sheets to collect the data. now I have a similar amount of data to run through this year but the report takes hours!!
I haven't changed my report and the data is the same data from the same template just in a different folder but in the same location on the same drive under the same parent folder.
I don't think it s the change of location that has slowed it down.
I have included a copy of my code below with notes under most of the code to explain the function of each line, can anyone see any problems with the code or recommend any improvements?
Sub Invoice_Records()
Dim objFSO As Object
Dim objFolder As Object
Dim objFile As Object
Dim FileExt As String
Dim CellValue As Range
Dim Text As String
Dim Text2 As String
Dim Text3 As String
Dim Total As Range
Dim filecountB As String
Dim i As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Invoice_Count As Integer
Set ws = Worksheets("Admin2")
'This part clears all columns, otherwise if you were on line 10 last time you ran the code,
'and then you deleted a commercial invoice it would only update up to line 9 but the legacy values of line 10 would still show
'Create an instance of the FileSystemObject
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Get the folder object
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("C:\Users\king_matthew\Documents\ELINV 2018")
filecountB = objFolder.Files.Count
i = 1
'loops through each file in the directory and prints their names and path
For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
'print file name
ws.Cells(i + 1, 2) = objFile.Name
'print file path
ws.Cells(i + 1, 3).Select
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:=objFile.Path, TextToDisplay:=objFile.Path
'Get the file extension
FileExt = Right(objFile.Name, Len(objFile.Name) - InStrRev(objFile.Name, "."))
'Paste file extension in column D
ws.Cells(i + 1, 4) = FileExt
If FileExt = "xlsm" Then
'This line stops the excel documents opening on your screen they just open in the background meaning your screen does not flicker
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.StatusBar = True
Application.StatusBar = "Currently processing item " + i + " out of " + filecountB
'This opens the documents
Workbooks.Open Filename:=objFile.Path
'Tells VBA what you are looking for
Text = "Total Invoice Value"
'Find text, defined in line above
Set Match = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find(Text)
'Get the value of the cell next to cell found above
findoffset = Match.Offset(, 1).Value
'Paste this value in to column F
ws.Cells(i + 1, 6) = findoffset
'Tells VBA what else to look for
Text2 = "Order No:"
'Find Text2, defined in line above
Set Index = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find(Text2)
'If "Order No:" cant be found then do below if it is found skip to ELSE
If Index Is Nothing Then
'Tells VBA what else to look for
Text3 = "Date:"
'Find text, defined in line above
Set Match2 = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find(Text3)
'Get the value of the cell next to cell found above
findoffset = Match2.Offset(, 1).Value
'Close the workbook
'Turn screen updating on so that you can see the values being updated
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Paste this value in to column F
ws.Cells(i + 1, 5) = findoffset
'Go onto the next file
i = i + 1
'Paste the "Order No:" in column G
ws.Cells(i + 1, 7) = Index
'Tells VBA what else to look for
Text3 = "Date:"
'Find text, defined in line above
Set Match2 = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find(Text3)
'Get the value of the cell next to cell found above
findoffset = Match2.Offset(, 1).Value
'Close the workbook
'Paste this value in to column F
ws.Cells(i + 1, 5) = findoffset
'Go onto the next file
i = i + 1
End If
'If file extension is anything other than XLSM then leave the date blank
ws.Cells(i + 1, 5) = ""
'Go onto the next file
i = i + 1
End If
Next objFile
'Turn screen updating on so that you can see the values being updated
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.StatusBar = False
Call FindingLastRow
End Sub
Sub FindingLastRow()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
Dim lastRow As Long
Set ws = Worksheets("Admin2")
'Rows.count returns the last row of the worksheet (which in Excel 2007 is 1,048,576); Cells(Rows.count, "A")
'returns the cell A1048576, ie. last cell in column A, and the code starts from this cell moving upwards;
'the code is bascially executing Range("A1048576").End(xlUp), and Range("A1048576").End(xlUp).Row finally returns the last row number.
lastRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
ws.Range("Row_Number").Value = lastRow
End Sub

Alright, so I changed a few things and removed some unnecessary code. Here is my "changelog":
Commented out call to FindingLastRow as it currently does nothing
Moved the 'Dims' around so that they are easier to read
Removed unused variables
Added variables for the temporary workbooks
I did this to avoid using ActiveSheet which will slow code down
NOTE: The line that sets wsTemp might not work correctly, let me know if it fails
Grouped the columns.clear calls you made
Changed starting value of i to 2 for simplicity
Added range variables to catch the Range.Find("..") results
Moved Application.ScreenUpdating call outside of loop
No reason to have it toggle so frequently inside of the loop itself
Added toggle to .Calculation and .EnableEvents to potentially speed program up further
They act similarly to .ScreenUpdating by suppressing excel and speed up by focusing on only certain operations
Removed the .select for the hyperlinks
Like calling Activesheet, calling .select will also slow code down
String concatenation for StatusBar uses & instead of +
Changed around how the if statements were used to clear out duplicate code
A couple times you were repeating code in the ifs when you can just do it right after them
Re-ordered the value pasting to match the columns theyre pasted in (ie C,D,E,F,G )
When calling cells using .cells(r,c) you can actually just use the column string, so I did that for simplicity
NOTE: your comments said that 'Date' would go in column F but your actual code put it in column E, so I chose to use E
Started using .value2 and .value when accessing/pasting text into cells
NOTE: added offset to the "order no" to match your other searches (it looked like an oversight)
I think that's it???
With all that in mind, here is the result. Hopefully it scales properly with your folder now :)
Sub Invoice_Records()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Admin2")
Dim wbTemp As Workbook
Dim wsTemp As Worksheet
'Create an instance of the FileSystemObject
Dim objFSO As Object
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Get the folder object
Dim objFolder As Object
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("C:\Users\king_matthew\Documents\ELINV 2018")
Dim objFile As Object
Dim i As Long
i = 2
Dim FileExtension As String
Dim filecountB As String
filecountB = objFolder.Files.count
Dim searchInvValue As Range
Dim searchOrderNum As Range
Dim searchDate As Range
'Toggling screen updating prevents screen flicker and speeds up operations
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.EnableEvents = False
.StatusBar = True
End With
'This part clears all columns, otherwise if you were on line 10 last time you ran the code,
'and then you deleted a commercial invoice it would only update up to line 9 but the legacy values of line 10 would still show
'Loops through each file in the directory
For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
'Update status bar to show progress
Application.StatusBar = "Currently processing item " & (i - 1) & " out of " & filecountB
'Paste file name
ws.Cells(i, "B").Value2 = objFile.Name
'Paste file path and add a hyperlink to it
ws.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=ws.Cells(i, "C"), Address:=objFile.path, TextToDisplay:=objFile.path
'Get the file extension
FileExtension = UCase$(Right(objFile.Name, Len(objFile.Name) - InStrRev(objFile.Name, ".")))
'Paste file extension
ws.Cells(i, "D").Value2 = FileExtension
'Only do operations on files with the extension "xlsm", otherwise skip
If FileExtension = "xlsm" Then
'This opens the current "objFile" document
Set wbTemp = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=objFile.path)
Set wsTemp = wbTemp.Sheets(1)
'Find and paste "Date:"
Set searchDate = wsTemp.Cells.Find("Date:")
ws.Cells(i, "E").value = searchDate.Offset(, 1).value
'Find and paste "Total Invoice Value"
Set searchInvValue = wsTemp.Cells.Find("Total Invoice Value")
ws.Cells(i, "F").Value2 = searchInvValue.Offset(, 1).Value2
'Find "Order No:" and paste if not blank
Set searchOrderNum = wsTemp.Cells.Find("Order No:")
If Not searchOrderNum Is Nothing Then ws.Cells(i, "G").Value2 = searchOrderNum.Offset(, 1).Value2
'Close the current "objFile" workbook
End If
'Go onto the next file
i = i + 1
Next objFile
'Turn screen updating back on so that you can see the values being updated
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
.EnableEvents = True
.StatusBar = False
End With
'Call FindingLastRow 'this does not currently seem necessary
End Sub


Range.Value not working

I'm trying to paste the rows 8-18 on sheet2 and have this looping for multiple workbooks and I want the next selection to paste on the last row. For example if the lastrow is 2 to start, it should paste between 2-12 and the following workbook should paste on 13-23 and so on. The last line that refers to ("B4") I need this to on all ten lines repeating. My code doesn't seem to be working.
Sub PullAP()
Dim Source As Workbook
Dim MyDate, MyMonth
MyDate = Date
MyMonth = Month(MyDate) + 1
Dim myPath As String
Dim myFile As String
Dim myExtension As String
Dim FldrPicker As FileDialog
Dim lastRow As Long
'Speed up macro
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'Retrieve Target Folder Path From User
Set FldrPicker = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
With FldrPicker
.Title = "Select A Target Folder"
.AllowMultiSelect = False
If .Show <> -1 Then GoTo NextCode
myPath = .SelectedItems(1) & "\"
End With
'In Case of Cancel
myPath = myPath
If myPath = "" Then GoTo ResetSettings
'Target File Extension
myExtension = "*.xls*"
'Target Path with Ending Extension
myFile = Dir(myPath & myExtension)
'Loop through each excel file in folder
Do While myFile <> ""
'Set varibale equal to open workbook
Set Source = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=myPath & myFile)
'Ensure Workbook has opened before moving on to the next line of code
lastRow = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row + 1
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & lastRow).Formula = Source.Worksheets("SUMMARY DATA SHEET").Range("A8:A18").Value
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("D" & lastRow).Formula = Source.Worksheets("SUMMARY DATA SHEET").Range("D8:D18").Value
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("E" & lastRow).Formula = Source.Worksheets("SUMMARY DATA SHEET").Range("E8:E18").Value
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("F" & lastRow).Formula = Source.Worksheets("SUMMARY DATA SHEET").Range("F8:F18").Value
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("B" & lastRow).Formula = Source.Worksheets("SUMMARY DATA SHEET").Range("B4").Value
'Close without saving
Source.Close SaveChanges:=False
'Ensure Workbook has closed before next line of code
'Get next file name
myFile = Dir
MsgBox "Task Complete!"
'Resets optimization settings
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I believe you are trying to do this:
dim lrs as long, lrd as long, i as long
for i = 1 to workbooks(1).sheets.count
with workbooks(1).sheets(i)
lrs = .cells(.rows.count,1).end(xlup).row
end with
with workbooks("dest").sheets("name")
lrd = .cells(.rows.count,1).end(xlup).row
.range(.cells(lrd+1,1),.cells(lrd+1+lrs,1)).PasteSpecial xlValues
end with
next i
Untested, but should give the right idea. You will need to find and provide an entire range to paste into (last row destination + last row source + 1).
You could also value = value, like you have, but in my opinion it is harder to read/debug; using With statements makes it easier.
I had the code above looping through sheets in a workbook, but you can iterate through workbooks in a directory similarly.
In reading the comments and the updated post, I believe you're still working towards the use of lrd (last row on destination) +1, in the above code.
dim lrd as long, i as long, j as long
for i = 1 to workbooks(1).sheets.count
with ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
lrd = .cells(.rows.count,1).end(xlup).row
.range(.cells(lrd+1,1),.cells(lrd+1+10,1)).Values = Source.Sheets("SUMMARY DATA SHEET").Range(Source.Sheets("SUMMARY DATA SHEET").Cells(8,"A"),Source.Sheets("SUMMARY DATA SHEET").Cells(18,"A")).Value
do until j = (lrd+10+1)
if .Cells(lrd+1+j,1).Value = "" then .Cells(lrd+1+j,1).Value = "N/A"
j = 0
end with
next i
The big addition here is to put arbitrary text into the unused cells so the last row definition will be easier. You could also eliminate the lrd by using a variable to count files, also elimnating the need to use the nested loop which fills in blank cells:
dim k as long
Do While myFile <> ""
'rest of your code using destination .range(.cells(1+k*10,1),.cells(1+10+k*10,1))
'directly before loop ends add
k = k + 1
Last note: I only showed for column 1 ("A") in my answer to demonstrate intent.
Declare up top:
dim k as long
Then using your existing loop, put inside like this (will need to add for the additional columns), which should only replace the section labeled 'Code:
with ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
.range(.cells(1+k+k*10,1),.cells(1+k+k*10+10,1)).Values = Source.Sheets("SUMMARY DATA SHEET").Range(Source.Sheets("SUMMARY DATA SHEET").Cells(8,"A"),Source.Sheets("SUMMARY DATA SHEET").Cells(18,"A")).Value
end with
Add these when closing your loop:
k = k + 1
k = 0
That should allow the k to iterate with the loop; k = 0 to start inherently, so your ranges are:
.range(.cells(1+0+0*10,1),.cells(1+0+0*10+10,1)).Values = A1 to A11 'first loop
.range(.cells(1+1+1*10,1),.cells(1+1+1*10+10,1)).Values = A12 to A22 'second loop
.range(.cells(1+2+2*10,1),.cells(1+2+2*10+10,1)).Values = A23 to A33 'third loop

How to remove extra empty text file created using vba excel macro wherein its filename is the cell in a sheet?

I'm just new in using excel vba macro. I am trying to create text file and use the cell values as name of individual text file. At the first place the value contains character and those character will be replaced. the only value will remain are all numbers. That function is working well. My problem is once I execute the create button, the program will create an extra text file which name is base on empty cell and no any input "D" as input in the text file. What I want is to create a text file without that extra text file created. below is my excel format and the code.
I have 3 column use as below:
5687 D ASD
5689 D
5690 D
5692 D
5691 D
5688 D
4635 D
Correct result will create four text file:
Result with extra text file consider as wrong see below:
abc-.req <-- extra text file created
my code:
Private Sub CREATE_REQ_Click()
Dim myDataSheet As Worksheet
Dim myReplaceSheet As Worksheet
Dim myLastRow As Long
Dim myRow As Long
Dim myFind As String
Dim myReplace1 As String
Dim myReplace2 As String
Dim sExportFolder, sFN
Dim rArticleName As Range
Dim rDisclaimer As Range
Dim oSh As Worksheet
Dim oFS As Object
Dim oTxt As Object
' Specify name of Data sheet
Set myDataSheet = Sheets("Sheet1")
' Specify name of Sheet with list of replacements
Set myReplaceSheet = Sheets("Sheet2")
' Assuming list of replacement start in column A on row 2, find last entry in list
myLastRow = myReplaceSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Loop through all list of replacments
For myRow = 2 To myLastRow
' Get find and replace values (from columns A and B)
myFind = myReplaceSheet.Cells(myRow, "A")
myReplace1 = myReplaceSheet.Cells(myRow, "B")
' Start at top of data sheet and do replacements
' Ignore errors that result from finding no matches
On Error Resume Next
' Do all replacements on column A of data sheet
Columns("A:A").Replace What:=myFind, Replacement:=myReplace1, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
Next myRow
Set oSh = Sheet1
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")
For Each rArticleName In oSh.UsedRange.Columns("A").Cells
Set rDisclaimer = rArticleName.Offset(, 1)
If rArticleName = "" & "LOG DATA" Then
oTxt = False
'Add .txt to the article name as a file name
sFN = "-" & rArticleName.Value & ".req"
Set oTxt = oFS.OpenTextFile(sExportFolder & "\" & ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 3) & sFN, 2, True)
oTxt.Write rDisclaimer.Value
End If
'Reset error checking
On Error GoTo 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "Replacements complete! "
End Sub
For Each rArticleName In oSh.UsedRange.Columns("A").Cells
Set rDisclaimer = rArticleName.Offset(, 1)
If Not(rArticleName = "" Or rArticleName = "LOG DATA") Then
'Add .txt to the article name as a file name
sFN = "-" & rArticleName.Value & ".req"
Set oTxt = oFS.OpenTextFile(sExportFolder & "\" & ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 3) & sFN, 2, True)
oTxt.Write rDisclaimer.Value
End If
Pretty close to a one line fix. You just need to fix the If. Once that's right you don't need the Else.

Importing data from multiple text files into Excel VBA [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 6 years ago.
Improve this question
I might have a question about VBA and Excel Macros. The thing that I need to do is to import data (actually integer values) from multiple text files that have random generated names (for example 12345678.txt, 8654321.txt, etc.) but which are stored in the same folder (let's call it Data folder) to excel into a column.
The problem that I face is that I have the same name for the measured values (called MVA) that are repeating over and over in the text files. I don't need all the data from the text files, only some specific rows of these MVA (for the example below let's say that I need only the MVA number for the "LED 01 Intensity" which is 6250 to be stored in a new cell in Excel. And I need to get that value that comes after "LED 01 Intensity" in the MVA row from 10 multiple text files (with random names that I don't know) to be stored each one in separate cells in Excel (from A1 to A10).
Name: 153588.txt
Date: 14.05.2016
Name of product: Electronic Device 01
Resistance 101
MVA: 2 Ohm
MAX: 5 Ohm
MIN: 0 Ohm
LED 01 Intensity
MVA: 6250
MAX: 10000
MIN: 5000
I need a lot of these MVA values to be stored in Excel for analysis and I need to get an idea if this problem can be solved with VBA. If you can offer me some help to create a macro for this I would be thankful (I have basic knowledge of programming but I'm a beginner in VBA).
Here is the code I promised for. It is actually not only sample but actual code that you need according the descriptions you provided.
Please note I wrote it according to the sample file you provided - means that it might fail with different text file structures.
You will notice there is a settings section at the beginning. That's where you setup what needs to be given to the code.
It won't be a big impact for only hundreds of text files for your system considering the sample file - perhaps will work and finish in seconds. However screen updating might be disabled in the code during the code execution. See ScreenUpdating property of Excel Application object if you notice a real big system slowness.
I am hoping to give you some good start for the VBA, so I tried to use many methods and commented a lot to explain what we are doing in each step. For example, using the first worksheet as results worksheet in the newly created workbook but creating a new worksheet for the temporary worksheet. There is a reason for this: every new workbook is created with at least one worksheet but it might be also the only one worksheet according to the Excel settings in that computer. However, even those part could be designed different by getting the number of the worksheets first and delete the unnecessary ones and keep only 2 then use those instead creating a new one.
Shortly - there are many different ways to accomplish the same task - like in many other programming languages. For example, I used QueryTable to import data into the worksheet then used Find method to find out if it has the values I needed. I didn't have to do this, I could have instead put the all information in a string variable and make the search in the string! Or by using another method, or another.
Finally this is supposed to be what you need. And I hope it gives you a good start. To make this code work: Create a new workbook -> goto VBA -> Use menu and Insert->Module -> Copy and paste the following code into the right pane opened in the editor. Change the necessary variables in the settings area at the beginning in the sub procedure (likely only the path variable) and hit F5 to run the code.
Sub ImportData()
Dim wrk As Workbook
Dim shtSource As Worksheet
Dim shtResult As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim fndSection As Range
Dim fndValue As Range
Dim data As QueryTable
Dim strFile
Dim strPath As String
Dim strExt As String
Dim strSection As String
Dim strValue As String
' ======== BEGIN SETTINGS ========
' Define the files path - note there is a last backslash
strPath = "C:\Users\smozgur\Desktop\files\"
' Define file extension
strExt = "*.txt"
' Section to be find
strSection = "Led 01 Intensity"
' Cell value to be find after section
strValue = "MVA:"
' ======== END SETTINGS ========
' Create a new workbook to not mess with existing
Set wrk = Application.Workbooks.Add
With wrk
' Use first (or only) worksheet to store results
Set shtResult = .Worksheets(1)
' Create temp worksheet for reading text files
Set shtSource = .Worksheets.Add
End With
' Name the Results worksheet
' and put search value to indicate it in results
With shtResult
.Cells(1, 1).Value = strValue
.name = "Results"
End With
' Make file search with the given path & extension information
strFile = Dir(strPath & strExt, vbNormal)
' Dir function returns the first file name
' with the given extension in the given path
' if it is empty string then it means "no more file returned"
Do Until strFile = ""
' Create a query table buffer by using the file reference
' in the temp worksheet starting from cell A1
Set data = shtSource.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & strPath & strFile, Destination:=shtSource.Cells(1, 1))
' Set up query table import properties
With data
.TextFileStartRow = 1
.TextFileParseType = xlDelimited
.TextFileTextQualifier = xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote
.TextFileConsecutiveDelimiter = False
.TextFileTabDelimiter = False
.TextFileSemicolonDelimiter = False
.TextFileCommaDelimiter = False
.TextFileSpaceDelimiter = False
.TextFileColumnDataTypes = Array(1)
.TextFileTrailingMinusNumbers = True
' Finally retrieve data from the file
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
End With
' Now the file content is in the temp worksheet as rows
' Find the section string in the data as Cell
Set fndSection = data.ResultRange.Find(strSection)
If Not fndSection Is Nothing Then
' If section is found then search for the Value Name AFTER found section
Set fndValue = data.ResultRange.Find(strValue, fndSection)
If Not fndValue Is Nothing Then
' If Value Name is found then put it into the next available cell in Results worksheet
' by removing the Value Name, so it will be the value itself
shtResult.Cells(shtResult.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = Replace(fndValue, strValue, "")
End If
End If
With data
' Clear the query table range
' Delete the query table so we can recreate it for the next file
End With
' Search for the next file meets the given path and extension criteria
strFile = Dir
' Delete the temporary worksheet
' Make it silent disabling Application Alerts about deleting the worksheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
' Enable Application Alerts back
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Enjoy VBA programming!
Following code handles multiple sections in the source files.
Sub ImportData()
Dim wrk As Workbook
Dim shtSource As Worksheet
Dim shtResult As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim fndSection As Range
Dim fndNextSection As Range
Dim fndValue As Range
Dim data As QueryTable
Dim strFile
Dim strPath As String
Dim strExt As String
Dim strSection As String
Dim strSections
Dim strValue As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim indFileNames As Boolean
' ======== BEGIN SETTINGS ========
' Define the files path - note there is a last backslash
strPath = "C:\Users\smozgur\Desktop\files\"
' Define file extension
strExt = "*.txt"
' Sections to be find
strSections = Array("Led 01 Intensity", _
"Led 02 Intensity", _
"Led 03 Intensity", _
"Led 04 Intensity", _
"Led 05 Intensity")
' Cell value to be find after section
strValue = "MVA:"
' Indicate file names in the output?
indFileNames = True
' ======== END SETTINGS ========
' Create a new workbook to not mess with existing
Set wrk = Application.Workbooks.Add
With wrk
' Use first (or only) worksheet to store results
Set shtResult = .Worksheets(1)
' Create temp worksheet for reading text files
Set shtSource = .Worksheets.Add
End With
' Name the Results worksheet
' and put section headers to indicate their columns
With shtResult
With .Cells(1).Resize(, UBound(strSections) + 1)
.Value = strSections
.Resize(, UBound(strSections) + 1).Font.Bold = True
End With
If indFileNames = True Then
With .Cells(1, UBound(strSections) + 3)
.Value = "NOTES"
.Font.Bold = True
End With
End If
.name = "Results"
End With
' Make file search with given information
strFile = Dir(strPath & strExt, vbNormal)
' Dir function returns the first file name
' with the given extension in the given path
' if it is empty string then it means "no more file returned"
Do Until strFile = ""
' Create a query table buffer by using the file reference
' in the temp worksheet starting from cell A1
Set data = shtSource.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & strPath & strFile, Destination:=shtSource.Cells(1, 1))
' Set up query table import properties
With data
.TextFileStartRow = 1
.TextFileParseType = xlDelimited
.TextFileTextQualifier = xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote
.TextFileConsecutiveDelimiter = False
.TextFileTabDelimiter = False
.TextFileSemicolonDelimiter = False
.TextFileCommaDelimiter = False
.TextFileSpaceDelimiter = False
.TextFileColumnDataTypes = Array(1)
.TextFileTrailingMinusNumbers = True
' Finally retrieve data from the file
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
End With
' Now the file content is in the temp worksheet as rows
' Loop through requested sections
For i = 0 To UBound(strSections)
' Find the section string in the data as Cell
Set fndSection = data.ResultRange.Find(strSections(i))
If Not fndSection Is Nothing Then
' If section is found then search for the Value Name AFTER found section
Set fndValue = data.ResultRange.Find(strValue, fndSection)
If Not fndValue Is Nothing Then
' What if value doesn't exist in this section but it finds the next value in the next section
' We have to avoid that unless we are certainly sure each section MUST have the value
If i < UBound(strSections) Then
Set fndNextSection = data.ResultRange.Find(strSections(i + 1), fndSection)
Set fndNextSection = shtSource.Cells(shtSource.Rows.Count)
End If
' Next available cell in the Results worksheet
Set rng = shtResult.Cells(shtResult.Rows.Count, i + 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
' Only use the value if found value belongs to the section
If fndValue.Row < fndNextSection.Row Then
' If Value Name is found then put it into the next available cell in Results worksheet
' by removing the Value Name, so it will be the value itself
rng.Value = Replace(fndValue, strValue, "")
rng.Value = "N/A"
End If
End If
End If
Next i
If indFileNames = True Then
' Let's indicate which file we got this values
Set rng = shtResult.Cells(shtResult.Rows.Count, UBound(strSections) + 3).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
rng.Value = strFile
End If
With data
' Clear the query table range
' Delete the query table so we can recreate it for the next file
End With
' Search for the next file meets the given path and extension criteria
strFile = Dir
' Autofit columns in the Results worksheet
' Delete the temporary worksheet
' Make it silent disabling Application Alerts about deleting the worksheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
' Enable Application Alerts back
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

Merge multiple excel files, while keeping the Header Row from first File only

I tried searching for this a lot, but could not find a satisfactory answer. Sorry if it's a repost.
What I basically want is to merge multiple excel files into one workbook. I only want to keep the header row from the first excel file and ignore header row of the remaining excel files (as they are all the same). So the end result should be the Header + data from the first excel file and from the remaining excel file I only need the data rows, not the first row which has column heading similar to the first file.
The below copy paste all the rows and columns from all the excel files. Thank you for helping me.
For wbCounter = 1 To UBound(books)
Set wbSource = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(books(wbCounter))
For wsCounter = 1 To wbSource.Sheets.Count
Set wsSource = wbSource.Sheets(wsCounter)
If wsSource.Name Like selectSheetStr Then
emptySheet = True
If cbOptionIgnoreEmpty.Value = True And wsSource.UsedRange.Address = "$A$1" Then
emptySheet = True
emptySheet = False
End If
If emptySheet = False Then
mergedWorksheetName = wsSource.Name
sheetExist = SheetExists(mergedWorksheetName, wbResult)
If (cbOptionAppendData.Value = True And sheetExist = True) Then
Set wsMergeResult = wbResult.Sheets(mergedWorksheetName)
wsMergeResult.Cells(wsMergeResult.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1, 1).Resize(wsSource.UsedRange.Rows.Count, wsSource.UsedRange.Columns.Count).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone
mergedWorksheetCount = mergedWorksheetCount + 1
'Name of Worksheet
wsResult.Cells(mergedWorksheetCount + 1, 1) = wsMergeResult.Name
'Fullpath of Workbook
wsResult.Cells(mergedWorksheetCount + 1, 2) = wbSource.FullName
wsSource.Copy After:=wbResult.Sheets(wbResult.Sheets.Count)
mergedWorksheetCount = mergedWorksheetCount + 1
wsResult.Cells(mergedWorksheetCount + 1, 1) = .ActiveSheet.Name
wsResult.Cells(mergedWorksheetCount + 1, 2) = wbSource.FullName
End If
End If
End If
Next wsCounter
wbSource.Close SaveChanges:=False
Next wbCounter
Try replacing the line...
wsSource.UsedRange.Resize(wsSource.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1, wsSource.UsedRange.Columns.Count).Offset(1, 0).Copy
This should copy the used range minus the frist row.
This code will get you the path of all the files in a specific folder
Option Explicit
Sub CountRows()
Dim MyObject As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set MyObject = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim mySource As Folder
Dim myFile As Scripting.File
Dim strPath As String
Set mySource = MyObject.GetFolder("D:\") ' or any other folder
For Each myFile In mySource.Files
strPath = myFile.Path
End Sub
this code will open those workbooks and modify their cells
dim wrkbook as workbook
set wrkbook = ' the path comes from the code above
'modify the workbook
wrkbook.worksheets.item(1).cells(1, 1) = "something"

Excel 2010 - Tabs created, now need to copy from external source

I was forced to start to learn this by my employer. Unfortunately I was not given much time to prepare and I need to give results soon :-)
Here is something I was able to put together with assist of this forum - it's creating tabs for each day and naming them properly:
Sub Testovanie()
' Testovanie Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+a
Dim pocet_tabov As Integer
Dim netusim As Integer
Dim sheet_meno As String
Dim string_pre_datum As String
Dim zadany_mesiac As Integer
Dim datum As Date
zadany_mesiac = 13
While (zadany_mesiac < 1) Or (zadany_mesiac > 12)
zadany_mesiac = Val(InputBox("Numeric month?"))
If zadany_mesiac = 0 Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
string_pre_datum = Str(zadany_mesiac) & "/1/" & Year(Now())
datum = CDate(string_pre_datum)
For pocet_tabov = 1 To 10
sheet_meno = Format((datum + pocet_tabov - 1), "dd.MMM.yyyy")
If Month(datum + pocet_tabov - 1) = zadany_mesiac Then
If pocet_tabov <= Sheets.Count Then
If Left(Sheets(pocet_tabov).Name, 5) = "Sheet" Then
Sheets(pocet_tabov).Name = sheet_meno
Sheets.Add.Move after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = sheet_meno
End If
Sheets.Add.Move after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = sheet_meno
End If
End If
Next pocet_tabov
For pocet_tabov = 1 To (Sheets.Count - 1)
For netusim = pocet_tabov + 1 To Sheets.Count
If Right(Sheets(pocet_tabov).Name, 10) > _
Right(Sheets(netusim).Name, 10) Then
Sheets(netusim).Move before:=Sheets(pocet_tabov)
End If
Next netusim
Next pocet_tabov
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Now I need to copy prepared template from for example "C:\Troll\Template.xlsx" into all of theese created sheets. Additionally, template includes this formula: ='C:\Troll[source.xls]1.febr'!$U$33
I need this one to be updated in every new sheet. So the sheet with name 01.Feb.2014 needs to have template copied from [source.xls]1.febr'!$U$33, second sheet 02.Feb.2014 needs to have [source.xls]2.febr'!$U$33 and so on.
I was trying to do the copy - that worked. However I'm not able to join it with this one to be one big script.
Public Function kopirovanie(sheet_meno As String)
Dim bWasClosed As Boolean
Dim cesta As String
Dim zdroj As Workbook
Dim ciel As Workbook
'Set ciel = Workbooks("template for copy.xlsx")
Set ciel = ActiveWorkbook ' for testing
' just in case the source wb is already open...
On Error Resume Next ' avoid the error if not open
Set zdroj = Workbooks("template for copy.xlsx")
On Error GoTo 0
If zdroj Is Nothing Then
bWasClosed = True
cesta = "C:\Project Tata\Kopirovanie\"
Set zdroj = Application.Workbooks.Open(cesta & "template for copy.xlsx")
End If
zdroj.Worksheets("Sheet1").Copy before:=ciel.Worksheets("Sheet1")
If bWasClosed Then
zdroj.Close False ' close without saving
End If
End Function
the function is supposed to be called after this
If pocet_tabov <= Sheets.Count Then
If Left(Sheets(pocet_tabov).Name, 5) = "Sheet" Then
Sheets(pocet_tabov).Name = sheet_meno
But I get error that copying is out of range. I think that I need to specify that it should copy regardless of the Tab name. Or actually I want it to copy into Active sheet...
the error is "Run-time error'9'" Subscript out of range.. and it marks me this one yellow: zdroj.Worksheets("Sheet1").Copy before:=ciel.Worksheets("Sheet1")
!! Look for the comments - part of this was already solved.
Now to continue with changing formula:
I have two docs. Lets call them Source.xls and Results.xls
Results doc has the macro you've wrote in it. That means we've copied 1 table that is exactly the same in all the newly created sheets - that's a part fo the job. However if I would do this with the table I have I would end up with Workbook created for 31 days of the month where is table with formula " ='C:\Troll[data_source.xls]1.febr'!$U$33 " .. this would end up with every day of Results showing results of the february of the data_source.
I need worksheet that was created for 1st feb, to get data from 1st feb, sheet for 2nd to get data from 2nd feb and so on.. Please be aware that source of table with formula and source of data which formula refers to are 2 different workbooks
I think this macro meets the first part of your requirement.
I have used your variable names when I am confident that I understand then. I have used my own names for other variables. I suggest you avoid renaming them until we have met your entire requirement.
I have not explained my new code. I did not want to spent time doing so if it does not meet your requirement. I am happy to explain anything you want to understand.
I use Excel 2003 so my extensions are different to yours. Change "xls" to "xlsx" before trying the macro.
I have three workbooks:
The workbook containing the macro.
The workbook containing the template worksheet. I have used your name for this workbook (except for the extension) but have changed the path to the folder holding the macro workbook.
The workbook created by the macro. I have named this Format(datum, "yyyy mmm"). Again I have changed the path to the folder holding the macro workbook.
You can change the paths immediately or you can wait until we have finished development.
Edit The remainder of this answer has been replaced.
The revised code below now updates the formula in cell C3 of each sheet created in WbookCreate. I believe I have made the correct change so the formula references the correct worksheet in workbook Source.xlsx.
However, I have made another change. In the original code, I named the created sheets as "dd.MMM.yyyy". I believe that was incorrect and I should have named then as "d.MMM". However, in the new code I name them as "d" and have added a statement to adjust the TabRatio. This means that all the tabs are visible at the same time. This is just a demonstration of what is possible; you can easily change to any name you prefer.
Option Explicit
Sub CreateDailySheets()
Const WbookCopyName As String = "template for copy.xls"
Dim datumCrnt As Date
Dim datumStart As Date
Dim Formula As String
Dim InxWbook As Long
Dim InxWsheet As Long
Dim PathCopy As String
Dim PathCreate As String
Dim PosLastSquare As Long
Dim PosLastQuote As Long
Dim WbookCopy As Workbook
Dim WbookCopyWasClosed As Boolean
Dim WbookCreate As Workbook
Dim WbookThis As Workbook
Dim zadany_mesiac As Long
Set WbookThis = ThisWorkbook
' These set the paths for the template workbook and the workbook to be
' created to that for the workbook containing the macro. Change as
' required.
PathCopy = WbookThis.Path
PathCreate = WbookThis.Path
' Check for template workbook being open
WbookCopyWasClosed = True
For InxWbook = 1 To Workbooks.Count
If Workbooks(InxWbook).Name = WbookCopyName Then
WbookCopyWasClosed = False
Set WbookCopy = Workbooks(InxWbook)
Exit For
End If
If WbookCopyWasClosed Then
' Template workbook is not open so open it
Set WbookCopy = Workbooks.Open(PathCopy & "\" & WbookCopyName, True)
End If
' Create an empty workbook
Set WbookCreate = Workbooks.Add
' WbookCreate is now the active workbook
' Get the month of the current year for which workbook is to be created
zadany_mesiac = 13
While (zadany_mesiac < 1) Or (zadany_mesiac > 12)
zadany_mesiac = Val(InputBox("Numeric month?"))
If zadany_mesiac = 0 Then Exit Sub
'Calculate first day of target month
datumStart = DateSerial(Year(Now()), zadany_mesiac, 1)
datumCrnt = datumStart
' Loop until datumCrnt is within the next month
Do While Month(datumCrnt) = Month(datumStart)
' Copy template worksheet from template workbook and name for day
WbookCopy.Worksheets("Sheet1").Copy _
With ActiveSheet
' In original code, I had "dd.MMM.yyyy" but I believe this should have
' been "d.MMM". However, I have changed to just "d" because with the
' TabRatio set to .7 all the tab names are visible. You can change this
' easily to your preferred value.
.Name = Format((datumCrnt), "d")
Formula = .Range("C3").Formula
PosLastSquare = InStrRev(Formula, "]")
PosLastQuote = InStrRev(Formula, "'")
If PosLastSquare <> 0 And PosLastQuote <> 0 And _
PosLastQuote > PosLastSquare Then
' Sheet name is bracketed by PosLastSquare and posLastQuote
' Replace sheet name from template with one required for this sheet
Formula = Mid(Formula, 1, PosLastSquare) & Format((datumCrnt), "d.MMM") & _
Mid(Formula, PosLastQuote)
.Range("C3").Formula = Formula
End If
End With
datumCrnt = DateAdd("d", 1, datumCrnt)
' Delete default worksheet
With WbookCreate
' The default sheets are at the beginning of the list
Do While Left(.Worksheets(1).Name, 5) = "Sheet"
Application.DisplayAlerts = False ' Surpress "Are you sure" message
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End With
ActiveWindow.TabRatio = 0.7
WbookCreate.SaveAs PathCreate & "\" & Format(datumStart, "yyyy mmm")
If WbookCopyWasClosed Then
' Template workbook was not open so close
WbookCopy.Close SaveChanges:=False
End If
End Sub