How to Create login and logout using Vapor (Basic Authentication) - authentication

I want to create login and logout methods and routes. I've done already basic authentication but now I'm stuck how to continue. How should I do that, should I use sessions?
I'm using Vapor 3, Swift 4 and PostgreSQL and followed this tutorial I'm total newbie so I appreciate a lot if you can help me!
my User model
struct User : Content, PostgreSQLModel, Parameters {
var id : Int?
private(set) var email: String
private(set) var password: String
extension User: BasicAuthenticatable {
static let usernameKey: WritableKeyPath<User, String> = \.email
static let passwordKey: WritableKeyPath<User, String> = \.password
UserController.swift, registering user.
private extension UserController {
func registerUser(_ request: Request, newUser: User) throws -> Future<HTTPResponseStatus> {
return try User.query(on: request).filter(\.email == { existingUser in
guard existingUser == nil else {
throw Abort(.badRequest, reason: "a user with this email already exists" , identifier: nil)
let digest = try request.make(BCryptDigest.self)
let hashedPassword = try digest.hash(newUser.password)
let persistedUser = User(id: nil, email:, password: hashedPassword)
return request).transform(to: .created)

So in Basic authentication there is no 'logout' per se as there's no login. With HTTP Basic Auth you transmit the user's credentials with each request and validate those credentials with each request.
You mention sessions, but first it's important to know what type of service you are providing? Are you providing an API or a website? They are different use cases and have different (usually) methods for authentication and login.
For an API you can use Basic Authentication and generally in your login function you exchange the credentials for some sort of token. Clients then provide that token with future requests to authenticate the user. To log out you simply destroy the token in the backend so it is no longer valid.
For a website, things are a little different since you can't manipulate the requests like you can with a normal client (such as setting the Authorization header in the request). HTTP Basic authentication is possible in a website, though rarely used these days. What traditionally happens is you submit the user's credentials through a web form, authenticate them and then save the authenticated user in a session and provide a session cookie back to the browser. This authenticates the user in future requests. To log a user out you just remove the user from the session.
Vapor's Auth package provides everything you need to do both of these scenarios. See for examples of both


Store password in Keycloak

I have created a custom user storage provider which will migrate users from legacy system to keycloak's local storage on demand basis.
All the details of the migrated user is being stored in Keycloak except password.
I am using the above code to store all the information of the user, but I didn't find any method/class in which stores the password.
Can anyone please help me with it?
P.S. I am using Keycloak-3.3.0-Final version.
You can use
session.userCredentialManager().updateCredential(realm, user, UserCredentialModel.password(passwordNew, false));
where session is the current KeycloakSession which you have access to in your custom user storage provider.
Thanks to Boomer's answer I managed to make it work in my implementation where the isValid function - which sends the POST request to validate the password - needed to trigger the update of password in Keycloak database.
public boolean isValid(RealmModel realm, UserModel user, CredentialInput input) {
if (!supportsCredentialType(input.getType()) || !(input instanceof UserCredentialModel)) return false;
UserCredentialModel cred = (UserCredentialModel)input;
// sending a POST request
Response response = userService.validateLogin(user.getUsername(), new EventivalUserCredentialsDto(cred.getValue()));
boolean isValid = HttpStatus.SC_OK == response.getStatus();
if (isValid) {
// save the password to local (keycloak's native) database
session.userCredentialManager().updateCredential(realm, user, cred);
// unset the federation link to never ask again - Import Implementation Strategy
return isValid;

How to pass Firebase Auth Token from client to server?

The website that I'm working on uses Firebase authentication and different users that login have different permissions as to which pages they can visit.
The way signing in is setup is similar to this post:
User Logins in with two parameters - "id" and "email"
Server uses these to create a custom "uid", then uses the Firebase Admin SDK to create a custom token that is sent back to the client.
The client logs in with the Javascript Firebase SDK - firebase.auth().signInWithCustomToken()
Now that the user is logged in, they can click different pages - i.e. '/foo', '/bar'
The issue I'm running into is that when they visit new pages, I'm trying to pass the token from the client back to the server (almost identical to how its done in this Firebase Doc ), verify the token & check if it has permission to view the webpage.
I'm trying to figure out the best (& most secure) way to do this. I've considered the following option:
Construct a URL with the token, but I've heard this isn't good practice because the token is getting exposed and session hijacking becomes a lot easier.
I've been trying to pass the token in the request header, but from my understanding you can't add headers when the user clicks on a link to a different page (or if its redirected in javascript). The same issue applies to using POST.
What can I do to securely pass this information to the server and check permissions when a user clicks on a link to a different page?
You can get the accessToken (idToken) on client side by:
var accessToken = null;
.then(function (token) {
accessToken = token;
and pass it in your request headers:
request.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + accessToken;
and on your server side get the token with your prefered method and authenticate the request with Firebase Admin SDK, like (Node.js):
.then(decodedIdToken => {
return firebaseAdmin.auth().getUser(decodedIdToken.uid);
.then(user => {
// Do whatever you want with the user.
Nowadays, it looks like we're meant to use httpsCallable() client-side to get an object pre-authorized to talk to your endpoint.
// # ./functions/index.js
exports.yourFunc = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
// Checking that the user is authenticated.
if (!context.auth) {
// Throwing an HttpsError so that the client gets the error details.
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('failed-precondition', 'The function must be called ' +
'while authenticated.');
// ... rest of your method
// ./src/models/addMessage.js
const firebase = require("firebase");
apiKey: '### FIREBASE API KEY ###',
authDomain: '### FIREBASE AUTH DOMAIN ###',
databaseURL: 'https://### YOUR DATABASE NAME',
var functions = firebase.functions();
// This is the new code:
var yourFunc = firebase.functions().httpsCallable('yourFunc');
yourFunc({foo: bar}).then(function(result) {
// ...
From firebase documentation

Aurelia Security - Authentication & Authorization

These are a couple general questions to really see different implementations of detecting authentication and authorization using Aurelia. All of this is speaking within the context of a secured back-end service.
Say you are using cookie authentication with the server. How are you acknowledging that cookie in Aurelia to display to the user that they are logged in?
In the Aurelia documentation(seen here), we can see the following:
class AuthorizeStep {
run(navigationInstruction, next) {
if (navigationInstruction.getAllInstructions().some(i =>
i.config.settings.roles.indexOf('admin') !== -1)) {
var isAdmin = /* insert magic here */false;
if (!isAdmin) {
return next.cancel(new Redirect('welcome'));
return next();
What does /* insert magic here */ look like for you? What should it look like?
The app I am currently working on requests a token from the server at the 'login' route using XHR. If this request is successful, and a token was received from the backend, then the token is stored in a cookie and we route away from the login page to the main content of the app. We could then set a global variable 'loggedIn' to display that the user is logged in, etc. Each time we make further requests to the backend via XHR, we send the token with the request.
The 'magic' in the authorize step is just some logic that checks to see if the user is logged in, or in the example above, an admin.

Symfony: Why some user checks should be performed after authentication?

I don't get this. UserCheckerInterface has two methods: checkPreAuth and checkPostAuth. Now let's look at their implementation in the class UserChecker:
class UserChecker implements UserCheckerInterface
* {#inheritdoc}
public function checkPreAuth(UserInterface $user)
if (!$user instanceof AdvancedUserInterface) {
if (!$user->isAccountNonLocked()) {
$ex = new LockedException('User account is locked.');
throw $ex;
if (!$user->isEnabled()) {
$ex = new DisabledException('User account is disabled.');
throw $ex;
if (!$user->isAccountNonExpired()) {
$ex = new AccountExpiredException('User account has expired.');
throw $ex;
* {#inheritdoc}
public function checkPostAuth(UserInterface $user)
if (!$user instanceof AdvancedUserInterface) {
if (!$user->isCredentialsNonExpired()) {
$ex = new CredentialsExpiredException('User credentials have expired.');
throw $ex;
Why should isCredentialsNonExpired() be done AFTER authentication? Shouldn't we just not allow the user with expired credentials to authenticate? And bonus question: Where should we really do this "post authentication" check? After setting the authentication token?
I believe the reason the methods are split is because when using session based authentication there are some things you don't want to check every time.
When using sessions, Symfony will serialize the token (and related user). When the next request comes in the PreAuthenticatedToken will contain the credentials you need for authorization.
Some examples of pre-authenticated tokens are: (stolen from docs)
authentication based on a "remember me" cookie.
authentication based on your session.
authentication using a HTTP basic or HTTP digest header
To improve performance if you have a token stored in the session you can remove some checks. The only example I have of the UserCheckerInterface is the one provided by Symfony. As you've seen, validation of the user's account is done inside preAuth and postAuth only checks if the credentials have expired.
In actual case looking at services that use these methods you can see that there isn't much distinction. The GuardAuthenticationProvider calls both sequentially.
Symfony's PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider only calls postAuth so perhaps someone in Symfony decided that for session based authentication to shave a few milliseconds off the response time they could separate authentication checks that need to be done on first authentication from those that need to be done on every request.
In your case if you're creating a custom UserChecker I think you can decide from yourself if you need to use both. Find out if you have other bundles that have authentication providers calling either of these methods. Find all the places where they are called and you might find that you only need to implement one, or, if you have a lot of complex authentication logic, split it.

Why is my implementation of SSO using Ember-Simple-Auth with Auth0 getting stuck in a redirect loop?

I have an ember application that uses the Auth0 Ember Simple Auth addon to use the Ember-Simple-Auth functionality with Auth0's Lock.js. Recently I have been trying to implement single-sign-onfunctionality, such that if a user logs into a login portal application, their session will be preserved for other applications on the same domain, and they will not need to log in repeatedly. However my implementation of SSO is resulting in an infinite redirect loop between my login logic and Auth0's endpoint.
I have enabled SSO in the Auth0 application settings. My login is implemented in a few blocks.
My route.js contains a beforeModel() method which contains:
if (!get(session, 'isAuthenticated')){
// Forward to the login action
My login action:
login() {
var session = get(this, 'session');
session.authenticate('authenticator:myauthenticator', { authParams: { scope: 'openid' } });
This grabs the session object, and calls my custom authenticator. So far, this is basically just ember-simple-auth boilerplate, and complies with the examples supplied in the Auth0 Ember-Simple-Auth documentation.
Where I run into trouble is my custom authenticator. The base authenticator is here. You can see that it handles basic login logic easily, including showing the Auth0 lock when a user isn't authenticated. However it has no logic for handling the kind of SSO-session checking that I want to implement. So I implemented a custom authenticator as below, using examples provided by Auth0 for (basically) this exact scenario (you can see their examples [here], I'm using a slightly altered version)3:
authenticate(options) {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((res) => {
// the callback that will be executed upon authentication
var authCb = (err, profile, jwt, accessToken, state, refreshToken) => {
if (err) {
} else {
var sessionData = { profile, jwt, accessToken, refreshToken };
this.afterAuth(sessionData).then(response => res(this._setupFutureEvents(response)));
var lock = this.get('lock');
// see if there's a SSO session available
lock.$auth0.getSSOData(function(err, data) {
if (!err && data.sso) {
// there is! redirect to Auth0 for SSO
options.authParams.callbackOnLocationHash = true;
lock.$auth0.signin(options.authParams, authCb);
} else {
// regular login, authCb);
This behaves mostly as I would expect it to. When I log in with an existing session from another SSO-enabled app on the same domain, if (!err && data.sso) resolves to true, and lock.$auth0.signin(options.authParams, authCb) is called. However, this signin logic is not working as intended. Auth0.signin calls the Auth0.authorize method, which generates a target URL that looks something like:
My application is then redirected to this URL for authorization. I get a 302 and am redirected back to the callback URL (my root page). Because there is a new page transition, if (!get(session, 'isAuthenticated')) is hit again. It returns false, and so the same logic repeats itself, looping indefinitely.
Does anyone have any insight on what I might be doing incorrectly here? The authorize endpoint seems to behave as if I were being authenticated, but then the authentication is never actually triggered. I've debugged through this code fairly extensively but seen no obvious red flags, and I've followed provided examples closely enough that I'm not sure what I would change. I'm not entirely sure where the failure to authenticate is happening such that get(session, 'isAuthenticated') is false.