Why my if condition is not working in python unnesting function? - dataframe

I have written an unnest function in Python3.6 as below-
full_df = unnest(full_df,'Options','product code')
def unnest(df, col, col2,reset_index=False):
for item in df[col]:
if len(item)==0:
col_flat = pd.DataFrame([[i, x]
for i, y in df[col].apply(list).iteritems()
for x in y ], columns=['I', col]
col_flat = col_flat.set_index('I')
df = df.drop(col, 1)
df = df.merge(col_flat, left_index=True, right_index=True)
if reset_index:
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
if df[col] is None:
merchant_product_code = df['Product code']
merchant_product_code = df['Product code'] + '-' + df[col]
df['item_group_id'] = df['Product code']
df['Product code'] = merchant_product_code
return df
Problem I am facing here is, in case of Options value as []; it is removing the [] with empty and in Product Code column it is adding a hyphen(-) after product code.
I have converted my dataframe full_df as dictionary here so that you can test it.
{'Product code': {0: 'BBMTG', 1: 'BBDBPSD', 2: 'BBDBPEL', 3: 'BBDBPDR', 4: 'BBFTDR', 5: 'BBFTPBG', 6: 'BBFTPBS', 7: 'BBFTEY'}, 'Category': {0: 'Essentials', 1: 'Bedding /Bamboo Blanket', 2: 'Bedding /Bamboo Blanket', 3: 'Bedding /Bamboo Blanket', 4: 'Apparel', 5: 'Apparel', 6: 'Apparel', 7: 'Apparel'}, 'List price': {0: 8.9, 1: 45.0, 2: 45.0, 3: 45.0, 4: 28.0, 5: 28.0, 6: 28.0, 7: 28.0}, 'Price': {0: 8.9, 1: 45.0, 2: 45.0, 3: 45.0, 4: 28.0, 5: 28.0, 6: 28.0, 7: 28.0}, 'Options': {0: '[]', 1: '[]', 2: '[]', 3: '[]', 4: "['0-3m', '3-6m', '6-12m']", 5: "['0-3m', '3-6m', '6-12m']", 6: "['0-3m', '3-6m', '6-12m']", 7: "['0-3m', '3-6m', '6-12m']"}}
Can anyone look into this and help to make it work.

Finally I am able to solve my issue by changing below line-
df['Product code'] += df[col].apply(lambda val: '' if val == "[]" else '-' + val)


How to keep the number and names of columns in training and test dataset equal after one hot encoding?

Shape of the original dataset is 82580×30 with multiple string columns. Example dataset:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.compose import make_column_transformer
df = pd.DataFrame({'Nationality': {0: 'DEU', 1: 'PRT', 2: 'PRT', 3: 'PRT', 4: 'FRA', 5: 'DEU', 6: 'CHE', 7: 'DEU', 8: 'GBR', 9: 'AUT', 10: 'PRT', 11: 'FRA', 12: 'OTR', 13: 'GBR', 14: 'ESP', 15: 'PRT', 16: 'OTR', 17: 'PRT', 18: 'ESP', 19: 'AUT'},
'Age': {0: 27.0, 1: 45.46, 2: 45.46, 3: 58.0, 4: 57.0, 5: 27.0, 6: 49.0, 7: 62.0, 8: 44.0, 9: 61.0, 10: 54.0, 11: 53.0, 12: 50.0, 13: 30.0, 14: 51.0, 15: 45.46, 16: 40.0, 17: 49.0, 18: 49.0, 19: 14.0},
'DaysSinceCreation': {0: 370, 1: 213, 2: 206, 3: 1018, 4: 835, 5: 52, 6: 597, 7: 217, 8: 999, 9: 1004, 10: 402, 11: 879, 12: 393, 13: 923, 14: 249, 15: 52, 16: 159, 17: 929, 18: 49, 19: 131},
'BookingsCheckedIn': {0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 1, 4: 1, 5: 1, 6: 1, 7: 2, 8: 1, 9: 1, 10: 1, 11: 1, 12: 1, 13: 1, 14: 1, 15: 0, 16: 0, 17: 1, 18: 1, 19: 0}})
# Encoding Variables
transformer = make_column_transformer((OneHotEncoder(sparse=False), ['Nationality']), remainder='passthrough')
transformed = transformer.fit_transform(df)
transformed_df = pd.DataFrame(transformed, columns=transformer.get_feature_names_out())
# Concat the two tables
transformed_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
df = pd.concat([transformed_df, df], axis=1)
# Remove old columns
df.drop(['Nationality'], axis = 1, inplace = True)
print('The shape after encoding: {}'.format(df.shape))
The shape after encoding: (20, 14)
Index(['onehotencoder__Nationality_AUT', 'onehotencoder__Nationality_CHE',
'onehotencoder__Nationality_DEU', 'onehotencoder__Nationality_ESP',
'onehotencoder__Nationality_FRA', 'onehotencoder__Nationality_GBR',
'onehotencoder__Nationality_OTR', 'onehotencoder__Nationality_PRT',
'remainder__Age', 'remainder__DaysSinceCreation',
'remainder__BookingsCheckedIn', 'Age', 'DaysSinceCreation',
After modeling, trying to test on a completely different test set:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Nationality': {0: 'CAN', 1: 'DEU', 2: 'PRT', 3: 'PRT', 4: 'FRA'},
'Age': {0: 27.0, 1: 29.0, 2: 24.0, 3: 24.0, 4: 46.0},
'DaysSinceCreation': {0: 222, 1: 988, 2: 212, 3: 685, 4: 1052},
'BookingsCheckedIn': {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 0}})
# Encoding Variables
transformer = make_column_transformer(
(OneHotEncoder(sparse=False), ['Nationality']),
transformed = transformer.fit_transform(df)
transformed_df = pd.DataFrame(transformed, columns=transformer.get_feature_names_out())
# Concat the two tables
transformed_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
df = pd.concat([transformed_df, df], axis=1)
# Remove old columns
df.drop(['Nationality'], axis = 1, inplace = True)
print('The shape after encoding: {}'.format(df.shape))
The shape after encoding: (5, 10)
Index(['onehotencoder__Nationality_CAN', 'onehotencoder__Nationality_DEU',
'onehotencoder__Nationality_FRA', 'onehotencoder__Nationality_PRT',
'remainder__Age', 'remainder__DaysSinceCreation',
'remainder__BookingsCheckedIn', 'Age', 'DaysSinceCreation',
As can be seen, testing dataset has some features that were not present in the original training set and many features of training set are not present in test set. If I only use .values of X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, I can run from logistic regression to Neural Net with >99% accuracy, but that feels like cheating and is not working out with Decision Trees. How do we deal with this?
I would like to contribute 2 inputs:
(1) the test set should be a subset of the training set, so the unknown Nationality 'CAN' is not allowed. Either: try to include the new 'CAN' in the training data, or try to replace it with 'GBR' instead in the test data.
(2) you should not do fit_transform() separately on training and test set. The right way is to fit on training set, then... transform on training set and transform on test set. To illustrate:
# Encoding Variables
transformer = make_column_transformer((OneHotEncoder(sparse=False), ['Nationality']), remainder='passthrough')
####transformed = transformer.fit_transform(df) #delete this
transformer.fit(df) #use this instead
transformed = transformer.transform(df) #use this instead
transformed_df = pd.DataFrame(transformed, columns=transformer.get_feature_names_out())
# Concat the two tables
print('The shape after encoding: {}'.format(df.shape))
The shape after encoding: (20, 14)
Second part, note that I have replaced 'CAN' with 'GBR'. And only use the previously fitted transformer to transform the test set:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Nationality': {0: 'GBR', 1: 'DEU', 2: 'PRT', 3: 'PRT', 4: 'FRA'},
'Age': {0: 27.0, 1: 29.0, 2: 24.0, 3: 24.0, 4: 46.0},
'DaysSinceCreation': {0: 222, 1: 988, 2: 212, 3: 685, 4: 1052},
'BookingsCheckedIn': {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 0}})
# Encoding Variables
####transformer = make_column_transformer((OneHotEncoder(sparse=False), ['Nationality']), remainder='passthrough') #do not repeat, use the previous fitted model
####transformed = transformer.fit_transform(df) #delete this, NO fitting on test set
transformed = transformer.transform(df) #only do transform on test set
transformed_df = pd.DataFrame(transformed, columns=transformer.get_feature_names_out())
# Concat the two tables
print('The shape after encoding: {}'.format(df.shape))
The shape after encoding: (5, 14)
So the number of columns (14) are the same for both training set and test set

pandas groupby + multiple aggregate/apply with multiple columns

I have this minimal sample data:
import pandas as pd
from pandas import Timestamp
data = pd.DataFrame({'Client': {0: "Client_1", 1: "Client_2", 2: "Client_2", 3: "Client_3", 4: "Client_3", 5: "Client_3", 6: "Client_4", 7: "Client_4"},
'Id_Card': {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: 5, 5: 6, 6: 7, 7: 8},
'Type': {0: 'A', 1: 'B', 2: 'C', 3: np.nan, 4: 'A', 5: 'B', 6: np.nan, 7: 'B'},
'Loc': {0: 'ADW', 1: 'ZCW', 2: 'EWC', 3: "VWQ", 4: "OKS", 5: 'EQW', 6: "PKA", 7: 'CSA'},
'Amount': {0: 10.0, 1: 15.0, 2: 17.0, 3: 32.0, 4: np.nan, 5: 51.0, 6: 38.0, 7: -20.0},
'Net': {0: 30.0, 1: 42.0, 2: -10.0, 3: 15.0, 4: 98, 5: np.nan, 6: 23.0, 7: -10.0},
'Date': {0: Timestamp('2018-09-29 00:00:00'), 1: Timestamp('1996-08-02 00:00:00'), 2: np.nan, 3: Timestamp('2020-11-02 00:00:00'), 4: Timestamp('2008-12-27 00:00:00'), 5: Timestamp('2004-12-21 00:00:00'), 6: np.nan, 7: Timestamp('2010-08-25 00:00:00')}})
I'm trying to aggregate this data grouping by Client column. Counting the Id_Card per client, concatenating Type, Loc, separated by ; (e.g. A;B and ZCW;EWC values for Client_2, NOT A;ZCW B;EWC), sum the Amount, Net, per client, and getting the minimum Date per client. However, I'm facing some problems:
These functions works perfectly individually, but I can't find a way to mix the aggregate function and apply function:
Code example:
data.groupby("Client").agg({"Id_Card": "count", "Amount":"sum", "Date": "min"})
The apply function doesn't work for columns with missing values:
Code example:
TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, float found
The aggregate and apply functions don't allow me to put multiple columns for one transformation:
Code example:
cols_to_sum = ["Amount", "Net"]
data.groupby("Client").agg({"Id_Card": "count", cols_to_sum:"sum", "Date": "min"})
cols_to_join = ["Type", "Loc"]
In (3) I only put Amount and Net and I could put them separately in the aggregate function, but I'm looking to a more efficient way as I'm working with plenty of columns.
The output expected is the same dataframe, but aggregated with the conditions outlined at the beggining.
For doing a join, you would have to filter out the NaN values. As join you have to apply at two places, I have created a separate function
def join_non_nan_values(elements):
return ";".join([elem for elem in elements if elem == elem]) # elem == elem will fail for Nan values
data.groupby("Client").agg({"Id_Card": "count", "Type": join_non_nan_values,
"Loc": join_non_nan_values, "Amount":"sum", "Net": "sum", "Date": "min"})
Go step by step, and prepare three different data frames to merge them later.
First dataframe is for simple functions like count,sum,mean
df1 = data.groupby("Client").agg({"Id_Card": "count", "Amount":"sum", "Net":sum, "Date": "min"}).reset_index()
Next you deal with Type and Loc join, we use fill na to deal with nan values
df2=data[['Client', 'Type']].fillna('').groupby("Client")['Type'].apply(
df3=data[['Client', 'Loc']].fillna('').groupby("Client")['Loc'].apply(
And finally you merge the results together:
data_new = df1.merge(df2, on='Client').merge(df3, on='Client')
data_new output:

Match coloring of slices for series of pandas pie charts

I have a pandas dataframe that looks like this :
df = pd.DataFrame( {'Judge': {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 2, 5: 2, 6: 3, 7: 3, 8: 3}, 'Category': {0: 'A', 1: 'B', 2: 'C', 3: 'A', 4: 'B', 5: 'C', 6: 'A', 7: 'B', 8: 'C'}, 'Rating': {0: 'Excellent', 1: 'Very Good', 2: 'Good', 3: 'Very Good', 4: 'Very Good', 5: 'Very Good', 6: 'Excellent', 7: 'Very Good', 8: 'Excellent'}} )
I'm plotting a pie chart to show the ratings of each judge like this:
grouped = df.groupby('Judge')
for group in grouped:
group[1].Rating.value_counts().plot(kind='pie', autopct="%1.1f%%")
plt.legend(group[1].Rating.value_counts().index.values, loc="upper right")
plt.title('Judge ' + str(group[0]))
Unfortunately, the colors of the slices are different for each judge. For example, Judge 1's "Excellent" slice is blue where Judge 2's "Very Good" slice is blue.
How can enforce slice color consistency from plot to plot?
I think you can unstack and plot:
axes = (df.groupby('Judge').Rating.value_counts()
.plot.pie(subplots=True, figsize=(6,6), layout=(2,2))
# do some thing with the axes
for ax in axes.ravel():

ggplot/plotnine - adding a legend from geom_text() with specific color

I have this dataframe:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Segment': {0: 'A', 1: 'B', 2: 'C', 3: 'D', 4: 'A', 5: 'B', 6: 'C', 7: 'D'},
'Average': {0: 55341, 1: 55159, 2: 55394, 3: 56960, 4: 55341, 5: 55159, 6: 55394, 7: 56960},
'Order': {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 0, 5: 1, 6: 2, 7: 3},
'Variable': {0: 'None', 1: 'None', 2: 'None', 3: 'None', 4: 'One', 5: 'One', 6: 'One', 7: 'One'},
'$': {0: 40.6, 1: 18.2, 2: 78.5, 3: 123.3, 4: 42.4, 5: 24.2, 6: 89.7, 7: 144.1},
'ypos': {0: 96.0, 1: 55.4, 2: 181.2, 3: 280.4, 4: 96.0, 5: 55.4, 6: 181.2, 7: 280.4},
'yticks': {0: 20.3,1: 9.1,2: 39.25,3: 61.65,4: 21.2,5: 12.1,6: 44.85,7: 72.05}})
With I plot this:
(ggplot(df, aes(x="Segment", y="$", ymin=0, ymax=300, fill="Variable"))
+ geom_col(position = position_stack(reverse = True), alpha=0.7)
+ geom_text(aes(x = "Segment", y = "ypos", label = "Average"), size=8, format_string="Average: \n ${:,.0f} CLP")
+ geom_text(aes(label = "$"), show_legend=True, position=position_stack(vjust = 0.5), size=8, format_string="%s"%(u"\N{dollar sign}{:,.0f} MM"))
I have been looking for a way to add the legend of Average and (then) I will delete the 'Average' words on the bars and leaving just the number. However, for this to be understandable, the additional legend should be the same color as the Average number values (could be yellow, orange, or any other, but no red or sky blue as those colors are already being used)
You can just add color as a variable to geom_text :
import plotnine
from plotnine import ggplot, geom_col, aes, position_stack, geom_text, scale_color_brewer, guides, guide_legend
(ggplot(df, aes(x="Segment", y="$", ymin=0, ymax=300, fill="Variable"))
+ geom_col(position = position_stack(reverse = True), alpha=0.7)
+ geom_text(aes(y = "ypos",color="Segment",label = "Average"), size=8,
show_legend=True,format_string="${:,.0f} CLP")
+ geom_text(aes(label = "$"), show_legend=True, position=position_stack(vjust = 0.5),
size=8, format_string="%s"%(u"\N{dollar sign}{:,.0f} MM"))
+ scale_color_brewer(type='qual', palette=2)
+ guides(color=guide_legend(title="Averages"))

Pandas: blank bar plot using logy=True

When creating a bar plot from a Pandas DataFrame, the canvas is coming out blank (i.e., no bars showing). Tried in two different computers running the same Pandas version (v0.20.3), one will work and the other won't. This code reproduces the problem:
df = pd.DataFrame( {0: {0: 15.966058232618138,
1: 2.1807683719000992,
2: 0.87035229502695233,
3: 0.34367909767875798,
4: 0.18218519090896321},
1: {0: 11.118024492865494,
1: 0.69351230042284107,
2: 0.43197780592175244,
3: 0.076875254138056778,
4: 0.090691059750999822},
2: {0: 10.59611816777141,
1: 1.0043841242178624,
2: 0.66999680161427466,
3: 0.032357377554541628,
4: 0.18821105178736078},
3: {0: 0.19480519480519479,
1: 17.036783213824904,
2: 5.2625018367047067,
3: 1.5041249436616959,
4: 0.14895013123359582},
4: {0: 0.86666666666666659,
1: 53.71924947880472,
2: 99.890829694323145,
3: 10.031712688463491,
4: 4.6052631578947372},
5: {0: 1.8914728682170541,
1: 3554.8711656441715,
2: 573.03649635036504,
3: 0.72058823529411753,
4: 0.93846153846153835},
6: {0: 3.8978637334734652,
1: 0.19517839782493598,
2: 0.14753506501156222,
3: 0.021084786319386508,
4: 0.029238890916504161},
7: {0: 4.7377049180327866,
1: 0.056476683937823832,
2: 0.034086444007858548,
3: 0.99022801302931596,
4: 0.92809364548494977},
8: {0: 0.0058997050147492625,
1: 0.0,
2: 0.0,
3: 1.2954206878683853e-05,
4: 0.025023084025854108},
9: {0: 0.041333014548300184,
1: 0.23146322426025379,
2: 0.11579453571122432,
3: 0.3291825442962299,
4: 0.022578918480011249}} )
df.plot.bar( logy=True )
Trying to replicate the issue. The plot is shown above