V-model does not get updated after checkbox clicked - vue.js

Any idea how to resolve this problem:
in this example, the author uses vue 2.3.2 which works perfect,
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
users: [{
"id": "Shad",
"name": "Shad"
"id": "Duane",
"name": "Duane"
"id": "Myah",
"name": "Myah"
"id": "Kamron",
"name": "Kamron"
"id": "Brendon",
"name": "Brendon"
selected: [],
allSelected: false,
userIds: []
methods: {
selectAll: function() {
this.userIds = [];
if (this.allSelected) {
for (user in this.users) {
select: function() {
this.allSelected = false;
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/vue/latest/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<th>Select All<input type="checkbox" #click="selectAll" v-model="allSelected"></th>
<tr v-for="user in users">
<td>{{ user.name }}</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" v-model="userIds" #click="select" :value="user.id"></td>
<span>Selected Ids: {{ userIds }}</span>
when I switch it to 2.5.16 ( <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue#2.5.16/dist/vue.js"></script> ) , the behavior is wierd:
When click the selectAll checkbox, only that checkbox checked, but when I toggle it to uncheck, all the checkboses below get checked

For consistent browser functionality, I can recommended to not use click/change on checkboxes. Instead, bind the checkbox to a value (which you've already done), and then use a watcher on the value. This way, the real value of the checkbox will always accurately represent it's state. So you'd have something like this:
<input type="checkbox" v-model="allSelected">
Vue.component({..., {
data: function() {
return {
allSelected: false,
watch: {
allSelected: function(val){
//Use your source of truth to trigger events!
You're already using your component data value of allSelected as the source of truth, so you should use this source of truth as the real triggering element value, not a click. Whenever the value of allSelected changes, your code will get ran. This solves the problem without the rendering order weirdness.

As pointed out by rob in the comments and in his answer you cannot rely on #click / #input / #change to have the same behaviour in all browsers in regards to their execution order relative to the actual model change.
There is an issue at the VueJS repository with a bit more context: https://github.com/vuejs/vue/issues/6709
The better solution is to watch the model for changes and then react accordingly.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
users: [{
"id": "Shad",
"name": "Shad"
"id": "Duane",
"name": "Duane"
"id": "Myah",
"name": "Myah"
"id": "Kamron",
"name": "Kamron"
"id": "Brendon",
"name": "Brendon"
selected: [],
allSelected: false,
userIds: []
methods: {
selectAll: function() {
this.userIds = [];
if (this.allSelected) {
for (user in this.users) {
select: function() {
this.allSelected = false;
watch: {
allSelected: function () {
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue#2.5.16/dist/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<th>Select All<input type="checkbox" v-model="allSelected"></th>
<tr v-for="user in users">
<td>{{ user.name }}</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" v-model="userIds" #click="select" :value="user.id"></td>
<span>Selected Ids: {{ userIds }}</span>


How do I disable a button before any fields have been checked?

Not sure what I am doing wrong here, I am calling the function incorrectly or do the html tag have to specific for the disable to work? I am trying to disable the next button before any fields have been checked, I also only want one checkbox to be selected at a time. I can get the only one checkbox to be selected a time but this stop me from disabling the button cause I can't have the field be inputs.
<button #click="handleCompanySize(100)">
<CheckIcon v-show="companySize === 100"/>
<button #click="handleCompanySize(101)">
<CheckIcon v-show="companySize === 101"/>
<button :disabled="handleCompanySize" #click="next">
This is a simple requirement and looks like you overthinked about it. You can use a computed property in the :disabled attribute which returns true/false based on the checkbox selection.
Live Demo :
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
employees: [
{ "id": 1, "text": "0 - 1" },
{ "id": 2, "text": "2 - 10" },
{ "id": 3, "text": "11 - 50" },
{ "id": 4, "text": "50 - 100" },
{ "id": 5, "text": "> 100" }
selected: []
computed: {
disableBtn() {
return !this.selected.length ? true : false
methods: {
uniqueCheck(e) {
this.selected = [];
if (e.target.checked) {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<h4>Employee Selection</h4>
<tr v-for="employee in employees">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="selected" :value="employee.id" #change="uniqueCheck">
<td>{{ employee.text }}</td>
<button :disabled="disableBtn">

How Can I get a specific array id from a v-for loop input and pass it into a data store?

Here is my code
<div class="w-full bg-white mt-13">
<div class="flex flex-col mx-12 mt-8">
<table class="w-full h-auto my-12 border border-collapse table-auto">
<tr class="border">
<th v-for="i in columns" :key="i.name" class="border">
{{ i.title }}
<tr v-for="p in getParticipants" :key="p.id">
<td class="border"></td>
<td class="border">{{ p.fullName }}</td>
<td class="border">{{ p.phone }}</td>
<td class="border">{{ p.participantId }}</td>
v-for="(btn, index) in buttonCheckAtt"
class="border select-attendance"
class="w-full h-16 text-transparent"
{ selected: selectedIndex === index },
#click="selectedIndex = index"
{{ btn.btnText }}
<td class="w-16 border">
import Button from "#/components/form/Button.vue";
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
const columns = [
title: "#",
title: "Name",
title: "Phone Number",
title: "ID",
title: "P",
title: "A",
title: "AP",
title: "L",
title: "Remarks",
const data = [];
export default {
components: { Button },
data() {
return {
note: null,
participantId: "abc-1",
methods: {
updateRemarks() {
let data = {
participants: [
participantId: this.participantId,
attendance: {
status: this.status,
note: this.note,
markBy: "organizer-id",
markMethod: "manual",
{ participantData: data },
{ root: true }
computed: {
getParticipants: "$_studyGroup/getParticipants",
mounted() {
this.$store.dispatch("$_studyGroup/getParticipants", {}, { root: true });
I want to use this input to this input to make patch request into my getParticipants api however it requires me to pass the participantId into the participants data in order to make patch request and I have no idea how to retrieve that participantId from the v-for loop
and down below is what my getParticipants api looks like I want to pass the abc-1 and abc-2 id into the attendance in order to make patch request
getParticipants = [
"status": "join",
"createdAt": "2022-09-20T07:30:06.753Z",
"calendarId": "6553c8ea-0139-4802-b5d6-127e44b95412",
"email": "john#gmail.com",
"fullName": "John",
"participantId": "abc-1",
"attendance": {
"participantId" : {{participantId}},
"markBy": "organizer-id",
"markMethod": "manual",
"note": "Because of traffic jam",
"status": "Present"
"status": "join",
"createdAt": "2022-09-20T07:30:06.753Z",
"calendarId": "6553c8ea-0139-4802-b5d6-127e44b95412",
"email": "chris#gmail.com",
"fullName": "Chris",
"participantId": "abc-2",
"attendance": {
"participantId" : {{participantId}},
"markBy": "organizer-id",
"markMethod": "manual",
"note": "Because of traffic jam",
"status": "Late"

Standard "check-all" functionality in table

Here's a part of my grid (CRUD) component:
<table class="MyComponent table">
<th width="30px">
<b-form-checkbox v-model="allChecked" />
<tr v-for="(record, index) in records" :key="index">
<td width="30px">
<b-form-checkbox :value="record['id']" v-model="checkedRows" />
export default {
name: "MyComponent",
components: {
props: ['config'],
data() {
return {
records: [{
id: 1
}, {
id: 2
}, {
id: 3
}, {
id: 4
}, {
id: 5
}, {
id: 6
checkedRows: []
computed: {
allChecked: {
get() {
return this.records.length == this.checkedRows.length
set(v) {
if(v) {
this.checkedRows = [];
for(var i in this.records) {
else {
this.checkedRows = [];
As you can see, I would like to achive a standard, widely used functionality: The user can check multiple rows and do some operation with the selected rows. The problem is with the "check all" checkbox on the top of the table. When I check all, then I remove the tick from only one checkbox below, it unchecks all the checkboxes on page.
I understand why its happening: When I remove a tick from on of the checkboxes below, the "this.records.length == this.checkedRows.length" condition will no longer be true, so the "allChecked" computed variable will be set to false, therefore the top checkbox will set to unchecked. The problem is: when the top checkbox will be unchecked, then all of the checkboxes will be unchecked as well, because of the "set" part of the computed variable.
Is there a clean way to solve this problem in Vue?
I'm not sure what you want to do with the checked rows, but maybe this will be better:
<b-form-checkbox :value="record['id']" v-model="record.checked" />
Then add to your objects in records a checked property.
records: [
id: 1,
checked: false
and if you need a list of checked records you might do a computed property:
computed: {
checkedRecords() {
return this.records.filter(record => record.checked);
and for checking-unchecking all you just iterate over all records:
<b-form-checkbox #change="clickedAll" />
methods: {
clickedAll(value) {
this.records = this.records.map(record => {
record.checked = value
return record
OK, meanwhile I solved the problem. Here's my solution. Thanks #Eggon for your help, you gave the idea to use the #change method.
<table class="MyComponent table">
<th width="30px">
<b-form-checkbox v-model="allChecked" #change="checkAll" />
<tr v-for="(record, index) in records" :key="index">
<td width="30px">
<b-form-checkbox :value="record['id']" v-model="checkedRows" />
export default {
name: "MyComponent",
components: {
props: ['config'],
data() {
return {
records: [{
id: 1
}, {
id: 2
}, {
id: 3
}, {
id: 4
}, {
id: 5
}, {
id: 6
checkedRows: []
methods: {
checkAll(value) {
if(!value) {
this.checkedRows = [];
return ;
var newCheckedRows = [];
for(var i in this.records) {
this.checkedRows = newCheckedRows;
computed: {
allChecked: {
get() {
return this.records.length == this.checkedRows.length
set() {

How to map specializations array with JSON Vue/vuex

Hello guys,
// I have one problem with map in Vue.js, how can i map array specializations ? How to display a whole array in 1 div. I would like to make a filter later.
Below it's my JSON file
My JSON file
"workers": [
"name":"Karolina Water",
"specializations": [
"code": "net",
"name": ".NET"
"code": "react",
"name": "React JS"
}, {
"name":"Marcelina Wart",
"specializations": [
"code": "net",
"name": ".NET"
Below it's my component,
<tr v-for="worker in workers" :key="worker.id">
<th scope="row">{{ worker.id }}</th> //
<td>{{ worker.name }}</td> //
<td>{{worker.specializations[0].name}} </td> //- but i have only 1 value from the array.
<td>go to projects ➡</td>
many thanks for your help !
Make a nested v-for.
See it here in action: Vue SFC Playground
<table border>
<tr v-for="worker in workers" :key="worker.id">
<th scope="row">{{ worker.id }}</th>
<td>{{ worker.name }}</td>
<div v-for="spec in worker.specializations">
{{spec.code}} - {{spec.name}}
import { defineComponent } from "vue";
export default defineComponent({
data() {
return {
workers: [
id: 1,
name: "Karolina Water",
email: "Karolina.water#gmail.com",
specializations: [
code: "net",
name: ".NET",
code: "react",
name: "React JS",
id: 2,
name: "Marcelina Wart",
email: "Marcelina.wart#gmail.com",
specializations: [
code: "net",
name: ".NET",

Creating a button dynamically in vuejs table

I am trying to create a table in vuejs for a personal project (I dont want to use a existing table) and I am facing probably a newbie problem.
I am trying to insert on my last column some buttons, but I dont know why, the grid is rendering my element tag instead of the element himself.
May someone explain to me why this does not work ? And, how can I create this feature ?
Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/y7830cvd/1/
<div id="app">
<vue-grid :rows="gridData" :title="nTitle"></vue-grid>
Vue.component('vue-grid', {
props: ['rows', 'title'],
template: `<div>
<div class="table-wrapper">
<table class="fl-table">
<th v-for="col in columns" :key="col.id" v-on:click="sortTable(col)">{{col}}</th>
<tbody v-if="rows.length > 0">
<tr v-for="row in rows" :key="row.id">
<td v-for="col in columns" :key="col.id">{{row[col]}}</td>
computed: {
columns: function columns() {
if (this.rows.length == 0) {
return []
return Object.keys(this.rows[0])
sortTable(col) {
this.rows.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a[col] > b[col]) {
return 1
} else if (a[col] < b[col]) {
return -1
return 0
methods: {
formatter(row, column) {
return row.address
filterTag(value, row) {
return row.tag === value
filterHandler(value, row, column) {
const property = column['property']
return row[property] === value
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
return {
gridData: [
{"id" : 1, "name": "firstValue", "something": "wha the fox say?","options" : "<button>Add</button>" },
{"id" : 1, "name": "firstValue", "something": "uauu uauu uauu?"},
{"id" : 1, "name": "firstValue", "something": "The cow goes mu?"}
nTitle: "Hello There!"
Try v-html:
<td v-for="col in columns" :key="col.id">
<span v-if="col == 'options'" v-html="row[col]"></span>
<span v-else>{{row[col]}}</span>
Something you should consider (source documentation - link above):
Updates the element’s innerHTML. Note that the contents are inserted
as plain HTML - they will not be compiled as Vue templates. If you
find yourself trying to compose templates using v-html, try to rethink
the solution by using components instead.