How to create a dynamic submenu in contextmenu for outlook (VSTO) - vsto

I have a ribbon xml where I want to add something similar as in the picture. I tried create a button and connect the menu to the button but I never got the arrow indication there is a underlying menu. I have no faith at all in that button is the correct element to use. Been googling for hours now and would be happy if anyone can send me in some kind of direction. There is no problem for me to add the element in the context menu, the problem is the dynamic menu linked to the first element.

The control type you're looking for is dynamicMenu
Here is the ribbon XML:
<dynamicMenu id="mycustomid" label="My custom label" getContent="GetMyCustomContent" />
And the code:
public string GetMyCustomContent(IRibbonControl control)
return "<menu xmlns=\"\">"
+ "<button id=\"anotherid\" label=\"another label\" onAction=\"DoWhatever\"/>"
+ "</menu>";
public string DoWhatever(IRibbonControl control)


Cannot get the selected item in a ListViewer in a JFace Dialog

I created a dialog class that inherited from JFace Dialog using Windows Builder. In that, I added some controls included a button and a JFace ListViewer. In widgetSelected() function of the button, I can get out the selected item in the ListViewer. But in `okPressed(), I cannot get this. I don't know why. Can you help me?
If you want to access UI elements in okPressed you must do so before calling super.okPressed() because that will close the dialog and dispose of the controls. So something like:
protected void okPressed()
IStructuredSelection sel = viewer.getStructuredSelection();
// TODO deal with selection
// Call super.okPressed() last
Alternatively save the selection when your widgetSelected is called.

XPages: how to create a dialog box with callback to the caller

I have an XPage with 2 custom controls. The 1st custom control has a repeat control and the second is used just as a dialog box.
The user can delete a row from the repeat control by clicking on a delete link. then i use rowVar.getDocument.getNoteID and i delete the document.
What i want is to ask the user first: "are you sure you want to delete it?"
I used "window.confirm()" in CSJS but i dont like the default prompt box. So then i used dojo dialog box but i cant use rowVar of repeat control in it to get the documentId.
Currently i have code in the OK button of the dialog but i want to use OK/Cancel buttons only as a true/false and execute the code in the main custom control. Is there a way of passing the value of the button back to the caller?
I have done this in many ways. Basically, write the information you need to find the document to delete to a viewScope variable. Then create a stand alone event handler that is called from the OK or Cancel buttons of the dialog.
So the eventHandler looks like this post by Jeremey Hodge:
// write the ssjs to save the doc base on viewScope parameters
Then the dialog buttons look something like this (based on the Mastering XPages book and many other sources):
XSP.partialRefreshGet("#{id:eventHandler1}", {
params : {action :"OK" },
onComplete : function () {
// do something else if needed
onError : function() {
alert("no soup for you!");

Dynamic popup menu for all views

I need to provide a dynamic popup menu for all views. I can create a dynamic popup menu contributibution, but I must set the URI and register it for certain view. Now I'm trying to register the menu dynamically, when the user selects another view:
public class GlobalSelectionListener implements ISelectionListener {
HashSet<IWorkbenchPart> extended = new HashSet<IWorkbenchPart>();
public void selectionChanged(IWorkbenchPart part, ISelection selection) {
if (!extended.contains(part)) {
IWorkbenchPartSite wps = part.getSite();
if (wps == null)
//creates popup menu for this part
MenuManager mgr = new MenuManager();
mgr.add(new DynamicMenu()); //DynamicMenu extends ContributionItem
wps.registerContextMenu("identifier." + mgr.hashCode(), mgr, wps.getSelectionProvider());
System.out.println(part + " menu extended");
But this does not work. No one menu item appears in popup menu. I don't know, whether is it ever possible to do it this way. Is there any method to add popup menu for arbitrary view dynamically? It seems, that the registerContextMenu() method does something else.
The problem was not solved, nevertheless there is a workaround. It is possible to register the pop-up menu in plugin.xml file for all views and editors needed. Usualy the number of plugin usecases is limited. If you're writting a plugin, you know what you need the plugin for. Use the Spy plug-in (ALT+SHIFT+F1) to see the active menu contribution identifiers and register your contribution to the pop-up menu of all views and editors you need.

Outlook "save as html" on a mail message toolbar

The medical company I work for has a EMR system setup to keep digital copies of patient files so they are searchable as well as quick to access. A new request has come through to be able to save e-mail to the EMR system, however it does not display .msg files very nicely. It does display files nicely as .htm, so was hoping i could figure out a way to save email messages to a specific folder in a .htm format with the user just hitting a single button.
Should i be looking at making an add-in using vs 2010 to do this simple task? Or would there be a better way to do this?
I've explored making an Add-In breifly over the past few days using command bars but have hit numerous problems with adding the menu item to mail items, as well as losing event handlers or having them fire quite a few times, so i'm wondering if i'm barking up the wrong tree.
Edit: Looking at ribbon bar customization as well, may have to upgrade some users that are still using 2003, but seems like it might be the better option than command bars going forward.
Ribbon bar was the best path i found, however i had trouble finding a great how-to for the start-to-finish project, so i'll make a small write up here.
To add a button to the ribbon for only existing mail messages including a image for the button.
Using VS 2010
New project, Office, select "Outlook 2007 add in", enter a name for your project.
To your newly created project, Add a new item "Ribbon (XML)" name it however you want, i'll call it CustomRibbon
open your newly created CustomRibbon.xml file and change the tab node to have the following
<tab idMso="TabReadMessage">
<group insertBeforeMso="GroupActions" id="CustomGroup" label="GroupNameThatShowsInOutlook">
<button id="btnCustomButton"
label = "Text For The Custom Button"
supertip="tip for the button hover"
onAction ="ButtonClicked"
getImage="GetCustomButtonImage" />
This then has 2 callback functions to the CustomRibbon.cs file, one called GetCustomButtonImage, the other ButtonClicked.
open CustomRibbon.cs to fill this in, in the Ribbon Callbacks region add the following
public void ButtonClicked(Office.IRibbonControl Control)
//Do work here
also add the following in the same section
public stdole.IPictureDisp GetCustomButtonImage(Office.IRibbonControl control)
System.Drawing.Image myImage;
myImage = OutlookAddIn.Properties.Resources.ImageName;
return AxHostConverter.ImageToPictureDisp(myImage);
this will then show there is a class missing, we'll get to that shortly, but first we are going to add in the last part we need in CustomRibbon.cs. In the IRibbonExtensibility Members region, in GetCustomUI change the existing code
public string GetCustomUI(string ribbonID)
if (ribbonID == "Microsoft.Outlook.Mail.Read")
return GetResourceText("OutlookAddIn.CustomRibbon.xml");
return "";
Add a new class to your project call it AxHostConverter, add add this to the top
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
Then change the class to have the following code
class AxHostConverter : AxHost
private AxHostConverter() : base("") { }
static public stdole.IPictureDisp ImageToPictureDisp(Image image)
return (stdole.IPictureDisp)GetIPictureDispFromPicture(image);
static public Image PictureDispToImage(stdole.IPictureDisp pictureDisp)
return GetPictureFromIPicture(pictureDisp);
Add your image for your button to the project, and change the GetCustomButtonImage function to use that resource. I used a PNG and had good luck with transparencies displaying well.
And finally, all that should be left is to add the following to ThisAddIn.cs
protected override Microsoft.Office.Core.IRibbonExtensibility CreateRibbonExtensibilityObject()
return new CustomRibbon();
Add whatever code you are wanting to ButtonClicked and you are set.
Deploy using Clickonce and installation is fairly straightforward.

SharePoint 2010: Create "Alert Me" button

Hopefully this is an easy one...
I need to create an "Alert Me" button on my custom SharePoint masterpage which when clicked, will direct the user to a pre-populated "New Alert" page for that particular site/list. The OOTB blog site template already features this exact same button at the bottom of the default.aspx page, it's markup is as follows:
Does anyone know if there is an OOTB control or web part that I can just drop into my page layout to reproduce this?
Obviously I could create the button dynamically in the codebehind of my page layout if need be, but I'd be surprised if there isn't a pre-written control already.
Thanks in advance...
For those insterested, I ended up rolling my own usercontrol for this. Code is as follows:
<asp:HyperLink ID="AlertHyperLink" runat="server"><img alt="Alert me" src="/_layouts/images/menualert.gif" title="Alert me to any changes that get made to this site." /></asp:HyperLink>
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
// If the current page is not associated with a list, then hide the list-sensitive tools.
if (SPContext.Current.List != null)
this.AlertHyperLink.NavigateUrl = string.Format(
this.AlertHyperLink.Visible = false;