Vlookup vba automatisation - vba

I'm a beginner in VBA programmation, I want to create a button to help me search the price of a product from column A of sheet1 and to search for the price of that product from sheet2, column D of the same workbook.
The vlookup formula I use is:
My issue is that I have more than 100000 products and I want to use a button to simplify the process.

Change your top row formula to =VLOOKUP(A2;sheet2!$A$2:$G$712;4), select the cell you enetered the formula into, and then drag the formula down by using the little square in the bottom right hand corner of the cell you entered the formula into.

If you want to do it entirely in VBA, you can autofill using
Dim source As Range("A1")
Dim destination As Range("A1:A10")
source.AutoFill Destination:=destination
This will autofill from A1 to A10, as an example. You can also specify the autofill type with Type:
Dim source As Range("A1")
Dim destination As Range("A1:A10")
source.AutoFill Destination:=destination Type:=xlFillLinearTrend
The default type is xlFillDefault, which tries to find a pattern automatically and use the according fill type. Other types can be looked up here.


Copy from cell range on 'sheet1' to same range on 'sheetB3'

I had a hard time formulating the title, but I'll explain better here.
What I want to do is use a VBA-macro that I'm activating from a button click to copy the data found in the range B13:E52 on sheet1 to the same range on sheet"B3", where B3 is found on sheet1 containing the sheet name I want to copy to. This dynamically updates depending on what item is chosen in a list.
I know how to create my button, copy between sheet etc but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to reference the target sheet name that's contained in B3 for the target in VBA.
with sheet1
.range("b13:e52").copy sheets(.range("b3").value).range("b13")
end with
If you are looking to copy only the vlaues (without the formats or formulas), then you can use :
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
Worksheets(.Range("B3").Value).Range("B13:E52").Value = .Range("B13:E52").Value
End With

Macro to find and delete column based on cell value

I have two sheets in an Excel workbook. I would like a VBA code to search for the content of cell J19 in Sheet2 and delete the column with the matching cell in Sheet1. I have been searching all around Google to look for some VBA codes, but I haven't found anything yet that works.
Does anybody here know how to do this? I have zero experience in VBA.
You could try this code to perform such a task.
Sub FindMatchAndThenDeleteColumn()
FindContent = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("J19")
For Each Cell In Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Cells
If Cell.Value = FindContent Then Columns(Cell.Column).Delete
End Sub
Put the code above in your workbook's module. Note that FindContent and Cell are randomly chosen here, you can use any names. I use
For Each Cell In Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Cells
to loop through every cell that is in use in Sheet1. It will check everything in the range from cell A1 to the last cell with data (the bottom right-most cell). If the content of cell J19 is a text, you can declare the variable FindContent as a String type, i.e. Dim FindContent As String. If it's a number, you can declare it as a Long type or a Single type or any number type that fits the content. Here I don't declare it which means it defaulting to a Variant type. And since you're a beginner in VBA, you may learn it from Excel Easy. Hope this helps.

Using Search and Replace with VBA/Excel

Got an annoying Excel/VBA issue that I can't seem to get around - would appreciate any help.
I have a formula in a spreadsheet that says something along the lines of if the cell to its left =1, then the cell itself =on, and if not, ="off".
Is it possible to write some VBA search and replace code that turns "off" to "totally_off" when run?
At the moment it just seems to be editing the formula itself, while I really want it to delete everything in that cell and just replace it with the phrase "totally_off"
Thanks for your help.
The following code should work. Just replace the range B1:B10 with the range that the formulas you want to change are in. The procedure tests the value of the cell immediately to the left of the cells in the formula. If the value is zero, it replaces the formula with the "totally off".
Sub totally_off()
Dim rng As Range
Dim cell As Variant
Set rng = Range("B1:B10")
For Each cell In rng
If cell.Offset(0, -1).Value = 0 Then
cell.Value = "totally off"
End If
Next cell
End Sub
Here's a non-VBA, non-search and replace alternative.
Set up a filter on the formula column with Sort and Filter / Filter on the Home ribbon.
Select "off" from the drop-down menu on the column.
Type "totally off" in the first cell of the filtered column and copy it down to the bottom of the column.
Then remove the filter. The formulas evaluating to "on" will remain intact.
No need for VBA - simply use an AutoFilter:
Select the column with the on/off formula
Apply an AutoFilter (Ctrl-Shift-L
Filter for off
Again, select all values
Simply type in your replacement value totally_offinto the formula bar - but press Ctrl-Enter

I have created a macro using the if function but it doesn't seem to work. What am I misisng?

I created a macro to show the following:
If (I3<>0,I3*G3,H3*G3) and this repeats itself for cell N3, R3, V3, Z3 etc.
Option Explicit
Sub Eg()
Range("J3, N3,R3, V3,Z3,AD3,AH3,AL3,AP3,AT3,Ax3,BB3,XF3,BJ3").Formula = "=IF(RC[-1]<>0,RC[-1]*RC[-3],RC[-2]*RC[-3])"
End Sub
However this doesn't seem to work.
Let me explain a bit more how this should work:
This report needs to be downloaded from an application.
The macro needs to be attached to this report so that when I download the report the macro automatically runs this formula in the appropriate columns.
Also I'll have to populate the spreadsheet for all the rows with this formula.
The columns where the formula should sit are not blank but this needs to be catered for in the report automatically once the macro is run.
What am I missing here?
When you use Range.Formula = formulaAsString, and the range refers to multiple cells, you specify the exact formula string as required by (only) the first cell in the range, while appropriately using relative vs. absolute cell references because the assignment to multiple (succeeding) cells will occur as if you were pasting the first cell in the range into the others, exactly as if you'd done a copy & paste without VBA -- you use absolute addressing A1 vs. A$1 vs. $A$1 vs. $A1 etc... as desired to achieve the right alteration of the formula for the succeeding cells.
For example,
Range ("A1, C1, E1").Formula = "=A2+$A2"
will have the same result as
Range ( "A1" ).Formula = "=A2+$A2"
Range ( "C1" ).Formula = "=C2+$A2"
Range ( "E1" ).Formula = "=E2+$A2"
You are mixing up .Formula with .FormulaR1C1! Your string is R1C1 style, but you assign it to the A1 style formula.
Therefore, simply, change it to:
Range("J3, N3,R3, V3,Z3,AD3,AH3,AL3,AP3,AT3,Ax3,BB3,XF3,BJ3").FormulaR1C1 = _
Range("J3, N3,R3, V3,Z3,AD3,AH3,AL3,AP3,AT3,Ax3,BB3,XF3,BJ3").Formula = _
As Erik points out in his answer, also the later will work and adjust the formula for each cell in the same way (which is not necessary in R1C1 as the formula stays the same anyway...)

How do I increment cell in Excel VBA script?

I have a data in excel which I want to make a VBA script to copy it into a new worksheet but in a different way.
For example, I have this in sheet1 in A1~A3 cells.
I want to use these cells and create the following in another worksheet using refedit control.
I have refedit control in place in VBA script, but I'm not sure how to increment cell numbers to make it copy and paste into a new worksheet. I would like to use refedit control so that I can assign any cells and make it copy and repeat itself. How do I do this in VBA script?
Check out the Range Rows, Cells, and Address properties. This should help. Your question is too vague for a direct answer.
(This will get you started.)
Range.Row Property
Returns the number of the first row of the first area in the range. Read-only Long.
For Each rw In Worksheets("Sheet1").Rows
If rw.Row Mod 2 = 0 Then
rw.RowHeight = 4
End If
Next rw
To increment cells in Excel VBA, you can use the Offset-property of the Range-object, e.g.
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 1).Select
will select the cell one row down and one column to the right of the active cell.
To add to Geoffrey's answer about active cell - it would also require that you activate the sheet you are looking to input your values if it is a different sheet from the one that is currently active. Additionally you would have to activate a cell to use activecell and the activecell offset property.
For example
'Activates the name of the sheet you would like to activate
'Activates cell A1
'Activates cell one row down, one column right
'if current sheet is not activate you just do Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").Activate
The offset property of ActiveCell refers to other cells based off of the current active cell.
For example-
Offset(row,column) -
First Argument -Positive values as the first argument refer you to rows below the current active cell and Negative values refer you to rows above the current active cell
Second Argument-Positive values as the second argument refer you to columns right of the current active cell and Negative values refer you to columns left the current active cell