Support of trigonometric functions ( e.g.: cos, tan) in Z3 - optimization

I would like to use Z3 to optimize a set of equations. The problem hereby is my equations are non-linear but most importantly they do have trigonometric functions. Is there a way to deal with that in z3?
I am using the z3py API.

Transcendental numbers and trigonometric functions are usually not supported by SMT solvers.
As Christopher pointed out (thanks!), Z3 does have support for trigonometric functions and transcendentals; but the support is rather quite limited. (In practice, this means you shouldn't expect Z3 to decide every single formula you throw at it; in complicated cases, it's most likely to simply return unknown.)
See for the related publication. There are some examples in the following discussion thread that can get you started:
Also, note that the optimizing solver of Z3 doesn't handle nonlinear equations; so you wouldn't be able to optimize them. For this sort of optimization problems, traditional SMT solvers are just not the right choice.
However, if you're happy with δ-satisfiability (allowing a certain error factor), then check out dReal, which can deal with trigonometric functions: So far as I can tell, however, it doesn't perform optimization.


With numpy, what is the fastest way to compute one solution to an underdetermined linear system?

With numpy, what is the fastest way to compute one solution to an underdetermined linear system? I don't care which solution the method would return, I'd be happy with any solution.
In particular, I'm dealing with a 7x7 rank-6 matrix which describes the dynamics of a physical system. I'm noticing numpy.linalg.lstsq, numpy.linalg.qr, scipy.linalg.null_space, and run on the full matrix are all slower on my machine than numpy.linalg.solve run on a correctly-trimmed 6x6 full-rank matrix; solve is twice as fast as lstsq (14.8 µs vs 29.1 µs).
Is there any way to speed up the computation without some horrible C LAPACK-level hacking?
Numpy is not designed to be efficient on very small matrices. Its overheads (due to type checks, value checks, iterators, allocations, etc.) can be quite big on such matrices. In fact, dozens of microseconds is reasonable for such Numpy function call. Numba can reduce the overheads thanks to a fully compiled native code. That being said, Numba can still have a small overhead (due to the call from CPython, few type checks and allocations), but there are generally reasonable unless you work on extremely small inputs. In that case, it is better to use Numba in the caller function since the problem is actually the slow CPython interpreter. The lazy compilation of the Numba function make the first execution significantly slower. You can provide the signature to Numba to make it faster (eager compilation).
import numba as nb
#nb.njit('(float64[:,::1], float64[::1])')
def solve_nb(a, b):
return np.linalg.solve(a, b)
On my machine. It is about 16% faster on a 7x7 matrix. It requires the matrices to be contiguous (working on non-contiguous is fundamentally inefficient, especially here). If this is not fast enough, then you can call dgesv directly for double-precision matrices (or sgesv for simple-precision).
Actually, solve does use dgesv internally. lstsq appears to use a singular value decomposition (SVD). SVD are significantly slower than a QR decomposition which is generally a bit slower than a LU decomposition.
I am not an expert of the numerical/mathematical part, but AFAIK, solving this with a LU decomposition is less numerically stable than using a QR which is also less numerically stable than a SVD. Also, I think a SVD/QR method should be used instead of a simple LU decomposition for matrices that are not full-rank one.
The implementation of dgesv of the standard Netlib LAPACK uses a LU factorization followed by a call to dgetrs (see here). This later call should be fast compared to the LU factorization. The code of LAPACK implementations are generally pretty generic so they may have significant overhead on 7x7 matrices (AFAIK, the Intel implementation is one of the fastest for that).
An alternative solution is to write your own specialized LU decomposition and your own system solving using Numba or Cython. This solution is tedious, but it should be significantly faster since the compiler can unroll the loop if it know the bounds reducing the overheads. You can also perform 1 allocation instead of multiple ones.

Why do numerical optimizers minimize rather than maximize?

I'm thinking about optim() in R or optimize() in Python's scipy. Both can minimize a function, and both can maximize a function by minimizing the inverted function. My question is: why are both coded to minimize rather than maximize? Is it just down to the numerical techniques they use (e.g., Nelder-Mead)?
most (all?) solvers have minimization as the default behavior. Not sure what the historical reasons are for that... perhaps some of the early applications were all minimizing penalties instead of maximizing "goodness", but the standardization is sure nice.
Some frameworks have option to change the "sense" from min to max, but it is just syntactic sugar and as easy as negating the objective function. (Not sure what "inverted" function implies.)

Strength reduction techniques with Bison

I have a Bison parser generator and I'm looking for ways to optimize it. Would techniques such as bit shifting for multiplication and division, or creating checks for x*2 and changing it to x+x make it faster? Or is bison already optimized for this sort of thing.
You should do it yourself. You are the one declaring what is the semantic of the operators, bison had no idea what it could be. What if you choose to implement + as printf("error") and * as exp1.erase(exp2)? Is x+x equals 2*x in your language? Probably not.
Will optimization make it faster? It depends on your target language. You can measure, estimate and compare the cost of the two methods, and decide if that optimization is needed.

Best multi-objective 3D path optimization algorithm?

I would like to calculate 3D balanced paths to building exits at once, for huge amount of people (2000). Since the problem is related to evacuation and solutions for 3D paths (the fastest and others) can be precalcualted and I am going to store 3D paths in database to accelerate the process. As I see it, there are two solutions so far:
Calculation of a number of passing through nodes, in graph environment representation, but probably the time calculation will be intolerable.
Using GA. However, I cannot find a good described optimization example, where is used genetic algorithm.
Can you tell me a way of using GA for multiobjective optimization, because I found only implementation of GA for finding shortest path? and Which algorithm is the best for multi-object optimization?
Genetic Algorithm as it is cannot be easily used for multi-objective optimisation directly. If you want to use the purest GA you have to combine the objectives into a single objective, e.g. by summing weighted values of each objective. But this often does not work very well, especially when there is a strong tradeoff between the objectives.
However, there are genetic (evolutionary) algorithms designed specifically for multi-objective optimisation. Probably the most famous one and one of the best is the NSGA-II which stands for Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II. It's also relatively easy to implement (I did once). But there other MOEAs (Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm) too, just google it. Some of them also use the nondomination idea, others not.

SMT solvers for bit vector arithmetic

I'm planning some experiments in symbolic execution of C code, using an off-the-shelf SMT solver, and wondering which solver to use; looking at e.g. the SMT contest entrants, and taking only the open-source systems, narrows it down to Beaver, Boolector, CVC3, OpenSMT, Sateen, Sonolar, STP, Verit; which is still a long list.
Trying to narrow it down a little further, I notice that some of the systems advertise the ability to handle bit vector arithmetic, whereas others only advertise the ability to handle general integer arithmetic. In principle, the former is correct for C, where variables are machine words, not unbounded integers. How much difference does it make in practice? What happens if you try to use a general integer system for this kind of job? Does one of the following scenarios apply?
A bit vector system is slightly more efficient, but you can use either, no problem.
You can use a general integer system with a bit of tweaking.
A general integer system is fine for signed int (because the result of overflow is undefined) but will give the wrong answer for unsigned.
A general integer system just isn't correct for machine word arithmetic, and I can reduce my short list to only those systems that provide bit vector arithmetic.
Something else...?
I've tried to ask as specific a question as possible, but if anyone can suggest any other criteria for narrowing down the list, that would be great!
I've had good experience using STP for symbolic execution. STP was designed precisely for this task. Also, there have been a number of symbolic execution tools that have successfully used STP for this purpose, so there is reason to believe that STP doesn't suck. I would definitely recommend STP to others as a default choice for this sort of experimentation.
However, I haven't tried the other systems, so I don't know how STP compares to them.
Personally, I see STP as the baseline and the default choice for this kind of application. So, if you only have time to try one solver, trying STP seems like a pretty reasonable choice.
If I had to guess, my guess would be that bit-vector arithmetic is important to support, because any large systems code is going to have a non-trivial amount of code that performs bitwise operations. Also, I'd suspect/worry some systems code may rely upon the behavior of unsigned arithmetic to wrap modulo 2n, and if you try to model it with integers, you will not get the semantics of C right (because, as you say, integers just aren't correct for machine-word arithmetic) and consequently, if you try to use an integer-only solver, you may experience some difficulties. However, I have no hard evidence for either of these suspicions.
P.S. Z3 might also be a contender to add to your list to consider. (Do you really need your solver to be open-source, as long as it is free? I'd expect that a symbolic execution tool would use it only as a blackbox, without modification.)
According to SMT-Wikipedia at 2011-08, we have:
Based on these measures, it appears that the most vibrant, well-organized projects are OpenSMT, STP and CVC4.
I'm just checking this stuff - so far, all three seems reasonable, plus older CVC -> CVC3.