I want to add two matrices, after I recieved one of the two by a matrix multiplication. The Formular I want to calculate is: ((TS x TI) + TI) x PK = TK
Dim TS_Matrix As Variant, TI_Matrix As Variant, Dummy_Matrix As Variant, PK_Matrix As Variant, TK_Matrix As Variant
'Read matrices
TS_Matrix = Worksheets(1).Range("B2:E5")
TI_Matrix = Worksheets(2).Range("B2:E5")
PK_Matrix = Worksheets(3).Range("B2:B5")
Dummy_Matrix = Application.MMult(TS_Matrix, TI_Matrix)
Dummy_Matrix = Dummy_Matrix + TI_Matrix
TK_Matrix = Application.MMult(Dummy_Matrix, PK_Matrix)
Worksheets(4).Range("B2:B5") = TK_Matrix
Without the addition it works perfectly. How do I fix it? The following line gives me a
run-time error ‘13’: Type mismatch.
Dummy_Matrix = Dummy_Matrix + TI_Matrix
Thank you in advance!
You cannot add 2 matrices like this Dummy_Matrix = Dummy_Matrix + TI_Matrix because VBA doesn't support to add 2 arrays out of the box. Instead you would need to loop through all elements of the array to add each by each.
Here is an example:
Option Explicit
Public Sub TestMatrixAdd()
Dim MatrixA As Variant
Dim MatrixB As Variant
Dim MatrixOut As Range 'note output must be a range
With Worksheets("Sheet1") 'adjust to your sheet
MatrixA = .Range("A1:B5")
MatrixB = .Range("D1:E5")
Set MatrixOut = .Range("G1:H5")
End With
MatrixOut = AddMatrices(MatrixA, MatrixB)
End Sub
Public Function AddMatrices(MatrixA As Variant, MatrixB As Variant) As Variant
'matrices must be of the same size
If LBound(MatrixA, 1) <> LBound(MatrixB, 1) Or _
LBound(MatrixA, 2) <> LBound(MatrixB, 2) Or _
UBound(MatrixA, 1) <> UBound(MatrixB, 1) Or _
UBound(MatrixA, 2) <> UBound(MatrixB, 2) Then
End If
Dim MatrixOut As Variant
ReDim MatrixOut(LBound(MatrixA, 1) To UBound(MatrixA, 1), LBound(MatrixA, 2) To UBound(MatrixA, 2))
'matrix addition
Dim i As Long, j As Long
For i = LBound(MatrixA, 1) To UBound(MatrixA, 1)
For j = LBound(MatrixA, 2) To UBound(MatrixA, 2)
MatrixOut(i, j) = MatrixA(i, j) + MatrixB(i, j)
Next j
Next i
AddMatrices = MatrixOut
Exit Function
AddMatrices = "Matrices must be of the same size"
End Function
I was wondering if someone can help me with the following,
In VBA in Excel, I have the following table :
Column 1|Column2|Column3|Column4|Column5|Column6
And I would like to convert this in Excel using VBA into the following table :
Column 1|Column 2|Column 3|Column 4|Column 5|Column 6
Does anyone have an idea how to do this ?
Thank you !
To get my brain going I bit. This does more or less what you want (However there is room for improvement as it currently can produce duplicate rows which it then removes at the end. I've missed something but as you haven't tried anything I haven't put any more effort in figuring out where this is happening exactly).
You'll also have to change the Ranges for where your inputs and outputs come from in the ConvertToTable sub. This uses a recursive function (i.e. one that calls itself) to populate your output
Option Explicit
Public Sub ConvertToTable()
Dim data As Variant, tmp() As Variant
Dim arr() As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim c As Range
With Sheet2
data = Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(2, 6)).Value2
End With
For i = LBound(data, 1) To UBound(data, 1)
tmp = Application.Index(data, i, 0)
arr = PopulateResults(tmp, "%", arr)
Next i
With Sheet4
With .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(UBound(arr, 2), UBound(arr, 1)))
.Value2 = Application.Transpose(arr)
.RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Header:=xlNo
End With
End With
End Sub
Public Function PopulateResults(tmp As Variant, delimiter As String, Results() As Variant) As Variant()
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim DelCount As Long, MaxDel As Long
Dim tmp2 As Variant
On Error Resume Next
i = UBound(Results, 2) + 1
If i = 0 Then i = 1
On Error GoTo 0
ReDim Preserve Results(1 To UBound(tmp), 1 To i)
For j = 1 To UBound(tmp)
Results(j, i) = tmp(j)
If InStr(1, tmp(j), delimiter, vbTextCompare) Then
DelCount = 0
Results(j, i) = Split(tmp(j), delimiter)(DelCount)
DelCount = DelCount + 1
tmp2 = tmp
tmp2(j) = Split(tmp(j), delimiter)(DelCount)
Results = PopulateResults(tmp2, delimiter, Results)
Loop Until DelCount = Len(tmp(j)) - Len(Replace(tmp(j), delimiter, vbNullString))
End If
Next j
PopulateResults = Results
End Function
Thank you very much, It is much appreciated. Sorry for the delay, I didn't get any e-mail notification for the response.
I played with the source code and I have the following, it works for all the column that contain short value.. :
'Transform the data
Dim data As Variant, tmp() As Variant
Dim arr() As String
Dim i As Long
Dim c As Range
With Aggregation_Source
data = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(2, 8)).Value2
End With
For i = LBound(data, 1) To UBound(data, 1)
tmp = Application.Index(data, i, 0)
arr = PopulateResults(tmp, "%", arr)
Next i
With Aggregation_Source
With Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(UBound(arr, 2), UBound(arr, 1)))
.Value2 = Application.Transpose(arr)
.RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), Header:=xlNo
End With
End With
End Sub
Public Function PopulateResults(tmp As Variant, delimiter As String, Results() As String) As String()
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim DelCount As Long, MaxDel As Long
Dim tmp2 As Variant
On Error Resume Next
i = UBound(Results, 2) + 1
If i = 0 Then i = 1
On Error GoTo 0
ReDim Preserve Results(1 To UBound(tmp), 1 To i)
For j = 1 To UBound(tmp)
Results(j, i) = tmp(j)
If InStr(1, tmp(j), delimiter, vbTextCompare) Then
DelCount = 0
Results(j, i) = Split(tmp(j), delimiter)(DelCount)
DelCount = DelCount + 1
tmp2 = tmp
tmp2(j) = Split(tmp(j), delimiter)(DelCount)
Results = PopulateResults(tmp2, delimiter, Results)
Loop Until DelCount = Len(tmp(j)) - Len(Replace(tmp(j), delimiter, vbNullString))
End If
Next j
PopulateResults = Results
End Function
Now, I think that the code crash because I have one column that contains two long text separated by % more than a 1000 characters, I will try to change the type for arr() to see if it works but I think I am missing something in the code .
I have a requirement where in, I need to use the auto filter to filter the data first and then am using the advanced filter to get the Unique values alone. But the advanced filter doesn't take the auto filtered value alone. How do I use them together?
Here goes my code,
Colmz = WorksheetFunction.Match("RSDate", Sheets("RS_Report").Rows(1), 0)
ActiveSheet.ListObjects("RS").Range.AutoFilter Field:=Colmz, Criteria1:="YES"
ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B65536").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Sheets("CSRS").Range("B14"), Unique:=True
Kindly correct me and share your suggestions. Thanks
I would stick the unique values in an array - it's faster and less likely to break -
sub uniquearray()
Colmz = WorksheetFunction.Match("RSDate", Sheets("RS_Report").Rows(1), 0)
ActiveSheet.ListObjects("RS").Range.AutoFilter Field:=Colmz, Criteria1:="YES"
Call creatary(curary, Sheets("RS_Report"), Letter(Sheets("RS_Report"), "RSDate")): Call eliminateDuplicate(curary): Call BuildArrayWithoutBlankstwo(curary): Call Alphabetically_SortArray(curary)
For Each cell In curary
'do what you need to do with the unique array list
Next cell
end sub
Function creatary(ary As Variant, sh As Worksheet, ltr As String)
Dim x, y, rng As Range
ReDim ary(0)
Set rng = sh.Range(ltr & "2:" & ltr & sh.Range("A1000000").End(xlUp).Row).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
x = 0
For Each y In rng
If Not Application.IsError(y) Then
If Not IsNumeric(y) Then
ary(x) = y
End If
x = x + 1
ReDim Preserve ary(x)
End If
Next y
End Function
Function BuildArrayWithoutBlankstwo(ary As Variant)
Dim AryFromRange() As Variant, AryNoBlanks() As Variant
Dim Counter As Long, NoBlankSize As Long
'set references and initialize up-front
ReDim AryNoBlanks(0 To 0)
NoBlankSize = 0
'load the range into array
AryFromRange = ary
'loop through the array from the range, adding
'to the no-blank array as we go
For Counter = LBound(AryFromRange) To UBound(AryFromRange)
If ary(Counter) <> 0 Then
NoBlankSize = NoBlankSize + 1
AryNoBlanks(UBound(AryNoBlanks)) = ary(Counter)
ReDim Preserve AryNoBlanks(0 To UBound(AryNoBlanks) + 1)
End If
Next Counter
'remove that pesky empty array field at the end
If UBound(AryNoBlanks) > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve AryNoBlanks(0 To UBound(AryNoBlanks) - 1)
End If
'debug for reference
ary = AryNoBlanks
End Function
Function eliminateDuplicate(ary As Variant) As Variant
Dim aryNoDup(), dupArrIndex, i, dupBool, j
dupArrIndex = -1
For i = LBound(ary) To UBound(ary)
dupBool = False
For j = LBound(ary) To i
If ary(i) = ary(j) And Not i = j Then
dupBool = True
End If
Next j
If dupBool = False Then
dupArrIndex = dupArrIndex + 1
ReDim Preserve aryNoDup(dupArrIndex)
aryNoDup(dupArrIndex) = ary(i)
End If
Next i
ary = aryNoDup
End Function
Function Alphabetically_SortArray(ary)
Dim myArray As Variant
Dim x As Long, y As Long
Dim TempTxt1 As String
Dim TempTxt2 As String
myArray = ary
'Alphabetize Sheet Names in Array List
For x = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)
For y = x To UBound(myArray)
If UCase(myArray(y)) < UCase(myArray(x)) Then
TempTxt1 = myArray(x)
TempTxt2 = myArray(y)
myArray(x) = TempTxt2
myArray(y) = TempTxt1
End If
Next y
Next x
ary = myArray
End Function
Function Letter(oSheet As Worksheet, name As String, Optional num As Integer)
If num = 0 Then num = 1
Letter = Application.Match(name, oSheet.Rows(num), 0)
Letter = Split(Cells(, Letter).Address, "$")(1)
End Function
Question is about sorting data in VBA. Suppose I have a Range("A1:A10") which I want to sort in ascending order. However, I do not want any changes in my spreadsheet (so all the calculations are made within a VBA code). The output of the operation should be a NewRange where all the numbers are sorted.
Has someone ideas about this problem?
Here is a very simple little routine to sort a two-dimensional array such as a range:
Option Base 1
Option Explicit
Function SortThisArray(aryToSort)
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim strTemp As String
For i = LBound(aryToSort) To UBound(aryToSort) - 1
For j = i + 1 To UBound(aryToSort)
If aryToSort(i, 1) > aryToSort(j, 1) Then
strTemp = aryToSort(i, 1)
aryToSort(i, 1) = aryToSort(j, 1)
aryToSort(j, 1) = strTemp
End If
Next j
Next i
SortThisArray = aryToSort
End Function
How to use this sort function:
Sub tmpSO()
Dim aryToSort As Variant
aryToSort = Worksheets(1).Range("C3:D9").Value2 ' Input
aryToSort = SortThisArray(aryToSort) ' sort it
Worksheets(1).Range("G3:H9").Value2 = aryToSort ' Output
End Sub
The range sorted here is on Worksheet(1) in the Range("C3:D9") and the output is going on the same sheet into Range("G3:H9")
The range will be sorted in ascending order.
The range will be sorted based on the first column (here column C). If you wish to sort for another column then you just have to change all the aryToSort(i, 1) and aryToSort(j, 1) to which ever column you wish to sort. For example by column 2: aryToSort(i, 2) and aryToSort(j, 2).
If you prefer to use the above as a function then this is also possible like this:
Option Base 1
Option Explicit
Function SortThisArray(rngToSort As range)
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim strTemp As String
Dim aryToSort As Variant
aryToSort = rngToSort.Value2
For i = LBound(aryToSort) To UBound(aryToSort) - 1
For j = i + 1 To UBound(aryToSort)
If aryToSort(i, 1) > aryToSort(j, 1) Then
strTemp = aryToSort(i, 1)
aryToSort(i, 1) = aryToSort(j, 1)
aryToSort(j, 1) = strTemp
End If
Next j
Next i
SortThisArray = aryToSort
End Function
And this is how you would use the function:
This is just a sample that you may adapt to your needs, it uses B11:B20 as NewRange:
Sub SortElseWhere()
Dim A As Range, NewRange As Range
Set A = Range("A1:A10")
Set NewRange = Range("B11:B20")
A.Copy NewRange
NewRange.Sort Key1:=NewRange(1, 1), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub
The original cells are not sorted, they are merely copied to another location which is sorted.
In this version, NewRange is not a range of cells, but an internal array:
Sub SortElseWhere2()
Dim A As Range, NewRange(1 To 10) As Variant
Dim i As Long, strng As String
i = 1
Set A = Range("A1:A10")
For Each aa In A
NewRange(i) = aa
i = i + 1
Next aa
Call aSort(NewRange)
strng = Join(NewRange, " ")
MsgBox strng
End Sub
Public Sub aSort(ByRef InOut)
Dim i As Long, J As Long, Low As Long
Dim Hi As Long, Temp As Variant
Low = LBound(InOut)
Hi = UBound(InOut)
J = (Hi - Low + 1) \ 2
Do While J > 0
For i = Low To Hi - J
If InOut(i) > InOut(i + J) Then
Temp = InOut(i)
InOut(i) = InOut(i + J)
InOut(i + J) = Temp
End If
Next i
For i = Hi - J To Low Step -1
If InOut(i) > InOut(i + J) Then
Temp = InOut(i)
InOut(i) = InOut(i + J)
InOut(i + J) = Temp
End If
Next i
J = J \ 2
End Sub
Here I am submitting slightly different sort routine.It sorts the 2nd column first then 1st column.
Function BubbleSort(TempArray() As Variant, SortIndex As Long)
Dim blnNoSwaps As Boolean
Dim lngItem As Long
Dim vntTemp(1 To 2) As Variant
Dim lngCol As Long
blnNoSwaps = True
For lngItem = LBound(TempArray) To UBound(TempArray) - 1
If TempArray(lngItem, SortIndex) > TempArray(lngItem + 1, SortIndex) Then
blnNoSwaps = False
For lngCol = 1 To 2
vntTemp(lngCol) = TempArray(lngItem, lngCol)
TempArray(lngItem, lngCol) = TempArray(lngItem + 1, lngCol)
TempArray(lngItem + 1, lngCol) = vntTemp(lngCol)
End If
Loop While Not blnNoSwaps
End Function
Sub Test()
Dim vntData() As Variant
vntData = range("C3:D9")
BubbleSort vntData, 2
BubbleSort vntData, 1
range("G3:H9") = vntData
End Sub
Results obtained from this routine are shown below.
I've got the following Macro and Function working, but the pasted result has a layer of zeroes in the left side and top of the result. hope you guys can figure out the error in my code. I am to believe the error is in the function:
Sub AutoCovariance()
Dim DataRange As Range
Dim VarCovarOutPutRange As Range
Dim NumberOfReturns As Long
Dim NumberOfStocks As Long
Dim ArrayColumnsCounter As Double
Dim ArrayRowsCounter As Double
Dim ReturnsArray() As Double
Dim DataReturns() As Variant
Dim DataRowCounter As Long
Dim DataColumnCounter As Long
Dim Stock As Long
Dim dAutoCoVar() As Double
Set DataRange = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Sheet1.Name).ListObjects("DataTable").DataBodyRange
NumberOfReturns = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Sheet1.Name).ListObjects("DataTable").DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
NumberOfStocks = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Sheet1.Name).ListObjects("DataTable").Range.Columns.Count
ArrayColumnsCounter = 0
ArrayRowsCounter = 0
ReDim Preserve ReturnsArray(10, 1)
' Creating returns array
For DataColumnCounter = 1 To NumberOfStocks
ArrayRowsCounter = ArrayRowsCounter + 1
For DataRowCounter = 1 To NumberOfReturns
ArrayColumnsCounter = ArrayColumnsCounter + 1
ReDim Preserve ReturnsArray(NumberOfStocks, ArrayColumnsCounter)
For Stock = 1 To NumberOfStocks
ReturnsArray(Stock, ArrayColumnsCounter) = DataRange(DataRowCounter, Stock).Value
Next Stock
Next DataRowCounter
ArrayColumnsCounter = ArrayColumnsCounter - 100
Next DataColumnCounter
' Transfer ReturnsArray Data to DataReturns
ReDim DataReturns(NumberOfReturns, NumberOfStocks)
DataReturns = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(ReturnsArray)
' calculate the autocovariance matrix
dAutoCoVar = Autocovar(DataReturns)
' write to the worksheet, for debug
Set VarCovarOutPutRange = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Sheet1.Name).Range(Cells(1, NumberOfStocks + 2), Cells(NumberOfStocks, NumberOfStocks * 2 + 2))
VarCovarOutPutRange.Value = dAutoCoVar
End Sub
And the Function
Function Autocovar(DataReturns() As Variant) As Double()
Dim dArrResult() As Double
Dim j As Long, k As Long
' redim the result array as a square array.
ReDim dArrResult(1 To UBound(DataReturns, 2), 1 To UBound(DataReturns, 2))
' calculate the autocovariance matrix
For j = 1 To UBound(DataReturns, 2)
For k = 1 To UBound(DataReturns, 2)
With Application.WorksheetFunction
dArrResult(j, k) = .Covariance_S(.Index(DataReturns, 0, j), .Index(DataReturns, 0, k))
End With
Next k
Next j
Autocovar = dArrResult
End Function
The problem sounds typical for wrong array indices.
Your array operations all assume that the first index is 1. But by default, if you ReDim an array like this:
ReDim DataReturns(NumberOfReturns, NumberOfStocks)
the indices will start at 0.
Try adding this line at the beginning of your module:
Option Base 1
This sets the first index of all arrays not explicitely declared as Dim ar(x to y) to a base index of 1.
I've written a macro that takes a 2 dimensional array, and "prints" it to equivalent cells in an excel workbook.
Is there a more elegant way to do this?
Sub PrintArray(Data, SheetName, StartRow, StartCol)
Dim Row As Integer
Dim Col As Integer
Row = StartRow
For i = LBound(Data, 1) To UBound(Data, 1)
Col = StartCol
For j = LBound(Data, 2) To UBound(Data, 2)
Sheets(SheetName).Cells(Row, Col).Value = Data(i, j)
Col = Col + 1
Next j
Row = Row + 1
Next i
End Sub
Sub Test()
Dim MyArray(1 To 3, 1 To 3)
MyArray(1, 1) = 24
MyArray(1, 2) = 21
MyArray(1, 3) = 253674
MyArray(2, 1) = "3/11/1999"
MyArray(2, 2) = 6.777777777
MyArray(2, 3) = "Test"
MyArray(3, 1) = 1345
MyArray(3, 2) = 42456
MyArray(3, 3) = 60
PrintArray MyArray, "Sheet1", 1, 1
End Sub
On the same theme as other answers, keeping it simple
Sub PrintArray(Data As Variant, Cl As Range)
Cl.Resize(UBound(Data, 1), UBound(Data, 2)) = Data
End Sub
Sub Test()
Dim MyArray() As Variant
ReDim MyArray(1 To 3, 1 To 3) ' make it flexible
' Fill array
' ...
PrintArray MyArray, ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").[A1]
End Sub
Create a variant array (easiest by reading equivalent range in to a variant variable).
Then fill the array, and assign the array directly to the range.
Dim myArray As Variant
myArray = Range("blahblah")
Range("bingbing") = myArray
The variant array will end up as a 2-D matrix.
A more elegant way is to assign the whole array at once:
Sub PrintArray(Data, SheetName, StartRow, StartCol)
Dim Rng As Range
With Sheets(SheetName)
Set Rng = .Range(.Cells(StartRow, StartCol), _
.Cells(UBound(Data, 1) - LBound(Data, 1) + StartRow, _
UBound(Data, 2) - LBound(Data, 2) + StartCol))
End With
Rng.Value2 = Data
End Sub
But watch out: it only works up to a size of about 8,000 cells. Then Excel throws a strange error. The maximum size isn't fixed and differs very much from Excel installation to Excel installation.
As others have suggested, you can directly write a 2-dimensional array into a Range on sheet, however if your array is single-dimensional then you have two options:
Convert your 1D array into a 2D array first, then print it on sheet (as a Range).
Convert your 1D array into a string and print it in a single cell (as a String).
Here is an example depicting both options:
Sub PrintArrayIn1Cell(myArr As Variant, cell As Range)
cell = Join(myArr, ",")
End Sub
Sub PrintArrayAsRange(myArr As Variant, cell As Range)
cell.Resize(UBound(myArr, 1), UBound(myArr, 2)) = myArr
End Sub
Sub TestPrintArrayIntoSheet() '2dArrayToSheet
Dim arr As Variant
arr = Split("a b c", " ")
'Printing in ONE-CELL: To print all array-elements as a single string separated by comma (a,b,c):
PrintArrayIn1Cell arr, [A1]
'Printing in SEPARATE-CELLS: To print array-elements in separate cells:
Dim arr2D As Variant
arr2D = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(arr) 'convert a 1D array into 2D array
PrintArrayAsRange arr2D, Range("B1:B3")
End Sub
Note: Transpose will render column-by-column output, to get row-by-row output transpose it again - hope that makes sense.
My tested version
Sub PrintArray(RowPrint, ColPrint, ArrayName, WorkSheetName)
Sheets(WorkSheetName).Range(Cells(RowPrint, ColPrint), _
Cells(RowPrint + UBound(ArrayName, 2) - 1, _
ColPrint + UBound(ArrayName, 1) - 1)) = _
End Sub
You can define a Range, the size of your array and use it's value property:
Sub PrintArray(Data, SheetName As String, intStartRow As Integer, intStartCol As Integer)
Dim oWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim rngCopyTo As Range
Set oWorksheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(SheetName)
' size of array
Dim intEndRow As Integer
Dim intEndCol As Integer
intEndRow = UBound(Data, 1)
intEndCol = UBound(Data, 2)
Set rngCopyTo = oWorksheet.Range(oWorksheet.Cells(intStartRow, intStartCol), oWorksheet.Cells(intEndRow, intEndCol))
rngCopyTo.Value = Data
End Sub