Deleting Records from Documentum - documentum

I need to delete a number of records from a Documentum database. As these are Documentum objects I can't just go into the backend SQL and remove them so trying DQL.
Delete from cbs_speciality where speciality_id = 'zzz'
and I get the error
Error occured during query execution :[DM_QUERY_E_TABLE_NO_ACCESS]error: "The table, xxx.cbs_speciality, is not registered or you do not have access to it."
If I use
Delete from cbs_speciality where speciality_id = 'zzz' ENABLE (ROWBASE)
I get a syntax error
Since XXX is the account we use around the installation I am pretty sure it has access, but how can I delete these items.

The syntax for Documentum objects deletion is little bit different (without FROM and with OBJECT keywork):
DELETE cbs_speciality OBJECT WHERE speciality_id = 'zzz'


Microsoft Access database engine could not find the object " error while running update query

I am very new to access and Microsoft technologies. So this might be a very silly question but I have already spent a couple of days on this issue.
I have linked a share point list with an access database and try to run an update query like below to update two date fields.
UPDATE [Table_Name]
SET [Table_Name].Start = [Table_Name].[Start]+168,
[Table_Name].[End] = [END]+168;
Every time this is giving below error,
The Microsoft Access database engine could not find the object ''. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly. If '' is not a local object, check your network connection or contact the server administrator.
I have full access on this list and able to run select queries but update queries are giving this error, I have tried to run a basic update query and that also gives the same error.
I have also tried to delete the link and create again but no luck.
Please help me to resolve this issue...any pointer is highly appreciated.

Deleting rows in BigQuery fails with "Invalid schema update"

I'm trying to delete some rows from a BigQuery table (using standard SQL dialect):
DELETE FROM ocds.releases
ocid LIKE 'ocds-b5fd17-%'
However, I get the following error:
Query Failed
Error: Invalid schema update. Field packageInfo has changed mode from REQUIRED to NULLABLE
Job ID: ocds-172716:bquijob_2f60927_15d13c97149
It seems as though BigQuery doesn't like deleting rows with a REQUIRED column. Is there any way around this?
It has been a known limitation that BigQuery DML doesn't work with tables with required fields (see
We are in the process of removing this limitation. We whitelisted your project today. Please try running your query again in the same project. Let us know if the problem is still there, or if you want to have more projects whitelisted.

How to Join two MongoDB Collections with the Unity JDBC driver?

From the Unity JDBC download page:
If the SQL query requires joins or functions not supported by MongoDB, then the query is promoted to UnityJDBC (trial version). The UnityJDBC trial version has no expiration date and is fully functioning except that it is limited to returning up to 100 results.
However, when I try to join two tables using any syntax like
SELECT * from a, b WHERE =
Results in the following:
Exception: java.sql.SQLException: ERROR: No schema defined. The default schema location is _schema in the current database. You need write permission to create this collection. Otherwise, use the schema parameter to set a file location (e.g. schema=mongo.xml) to store the schema. See connection parameters at for more details.
java.sql.SQLException: ERROR: No schema defined. The default schema location is _schema in the current database. You need write permission to create this collection. Otherwise, use the schema parameter to set a file location (e.g. schema=mongo.xml) to store the schema. See connection parameters at for more details.
at mongodb.conn.ServerConnection.processMongoWithUnity(Unknown Source)
at mongodb.conn.ServerConnection.executeQuery(Unknown Source)
at mongodb.jdbc.MongoStatement.executeQuery(Unknown Source)
at mongodb.ExampleMongoJDBC.doQuery(
at mongodb.ExampleMongoJDBC.main(
Ok, so I took a look in the readme and found it mentioning the code/test/dspec/ folder with some files related to schemas. I opened a few up, they are highly detailed xml files of all the collections mapping them to relational data types.
Do I have to write one of these out, or is there a way to auto generate it?
I received a (fast) response from the Unity team.
The MongoDB JDBC driver has two modes. For single collection queries, it does not build a schema. For queries involving joins or expressions it builds a schema and by default stores it in the _schema collection in the current Mongo database. If you do not have permission to write to the database, an error is thrown.
As mentioned in the error, you can set the schema parameter to be a local file name (such as mongo.xml) and it will store it on your computer rather than in the Mongo database. You could also use an account that has write permissions.
To make this work, add schema=mongo.xml to your connection URL like this:
After this is done the first time, you can remove the rebuildschema=true or it will rebuild it every time.
The only thing I'm confused about is that I'm using a database which doesn't require authentication. I even made a user with write permissions, connected to him, and still received the above error.
I realized that you could also just do jdbc:mongo://localhost/dbname?rebuildschema=true. If the schema hasn't been created, then the previous error will be thrown.


I'm trying to query a set of files.
Out of the 15 I have to query 3 of them are returning the error:
Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "IBMDASQL" for linked server "Server name here" does not contain the table "system.lib.file". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.
I am using SQL and made a linked server using the IBMDASQL driver.
Like I said, 3 files out of the 15 are only giving me this problem.
When I do a wrkobj on the files I see that public has all permission, and I've added the specific user account just in case.
When I connect using a basic ODBC and microsoft query I don't even see the file on the list. When I log directly into the iSeries I can see and manipulate the files. .
Now using the alternate file name. But getting an insert error. As asked, here is the code and then below the exact error.
The error message:
OLE DB provider "IBMDASQL" for linked server "PARKWAY-TRAIN" returned message "SQL0104: Token . was not valid. Valid tokens: .
Cause . . . . . : A syntax error was detected at token .. Token . is not a valid token. A partial list of valid tokens is . This list assumes that the statement is correct up to the token. The error may be earlier in the statement, but the syntax of the statement appears to be valid up to this point. Recovery . . . : Do one or more of the following and try the request again: -- Verify the SQL statement in the area of the token .. Correct the statement. The error could be a missing comma or quotation mark, it could be a misspelled word, or it could be related to the order of clauses. -- If the error token is , correct the SQL statement because it does not end with a valid clause.".
Msg 7343, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "IBMDASQL" for linked server "PARKWAY-TRAIN" could not INSERT INTO table "[PARKWAY-TRAIN].[S60017].[ORDERF912].[NC_NURS_ORD_REF]".
If I run just the Select portion of the code, I get a return 503 lines to be exact. It only fails when I throw in the insert portion of the code.
IBM says to correct the token. I've got no clue as to which token is in error to correct though.
The 'Table not found' error is very suspicious. Using STRSQL:
select table_name, table_schema,
base_table_name, base_table_schema, base_table_member,
system_table_name, system_table_schema
from systables
where table_name = 'NC_NURS_ORD_REF'
Check to see that the table named NC_NURS_ORD_REF in library ORDERF912 is really associated with the system table name NCORDER in the library ORDERF912.
The syntax error is equally suspicious. Given that this is a cross-system query, I doubt you'll be able to run it as-is from the IBM i STRSQL command. That would mean that the proper multi-system database configuration is set up on the i side.
I found someone with a similar problem and it looks like it's on the Microsoft side: I think his workaround was to use the OPENQUERY() form.
One thing you can definitely check on the IBM i side is whether journaling is turned on for ORDERF912.NC_NURS_ORD_REF. This is important because you need to use the right commit level. Take the results of the previous query against SYSTABLES and use the SYSTEM_TABLE_NAME to do a DSPFD. Look for the text 'File is currently journaled'. If the table is not journaled, you have several choices. The best choice is to start journaling the file, but if that's not available, try INSERT... WITH NC. Or turn off commitment control at the driver.
Also, have a look at the following IBM technote to make sure the linked server is set up properly:

Microsoft Access - Operation must use an updateable query

I've looked around about this error, but everything seems to be related to permissions issues.
I have an Access 2003 database that has the following update query in it.
UPDATE dbo_vdvStockStatus
INNER JOIN [#tblReport] ON dbo_vdvStockStatus.ItemKey = [#tblReport].MatItemKey
SET [#tblReport].QtyOnHand = [#tblReport].QtyOnHand-dbo_vdvStockStatus.QtyOnHand
WHERE (((dbo_vdvStockStatus.WhseID)="Q"));
The dbo_vdvStockStatus is a view from SQLServer, and #tblReport is a local table in the Access db. Everything works for this.
So I created a copy of the query, and just changed the view to a different view.
UPDATE dbo_vdvInventoryStatus
INNER JOIN [#tblReport] ON dbo_vdvInventoryStatus.ItemKey = [#tblReport].MatItemKey
SET [#tblReport].QtyOnHand = [#tblReport].QtyOnHand-dbo_vdvInventoryStatus.QtyOnHand
WHERE (((dbo_vdvInventoryStatus.WhseBinID) like "*insp*"));
This one, however, gives me the infamous error above. I tried removing the wild card from the parameter, but it still gives me the error.
Since #tblReport is the same table (and database) I successfully update in the first query, why does it fail on the second?