The first query should count records - the second query needs to average the counted records. I can't figure out how to use subqueries correctly. This is what I have; obviously the "birds" column doesn't exist since it's created in the subquery, thus my outer query doesn't work:
FROM [FocalAreas].[dbo].[Observation] as o, FocalAreas.dbo.Count as c, FocalAreas.dbo.MonitoringPoint as mp
Count(o.ObservationID) as birds
FROM [FocalAreas].[dbo].[Observation] as o, FocalAreas.dbo.Count as c, FocalAreas.dbo.MonitoringPoint as mp
where o.CountID = c.CountID
and c.MonitoringPointID = mp.MonitoringPointID
and StateID = 'NE'
and AOUSpeciesID = 1
and Route = 'Focal'
and datepart(year, CountDate) = 2014
group by o.CountID, mp.MonitoringPointID)
I can only guess, because your question could do with some closer description, but maybe you want to do the following:
FROM (Select
Count(o.ObservationID) as birds
FROM [FocalAreas].[dbo].[Observation] as o, FocalAreas.dbo.Count as c, FocalAreas.dbo.MonitoringPoint as mp
where o.CountID = c.CountID
and c.MonitoringPointID = mp.MonitoringPointID
and StateID = 'NE'
and AOUSpeciesID = 1
and Route = 'Focal'
and datepart(year, CountDate) = 2014
group by o.CountID, mp.MonitoringPointID) as subq
I've been trying hopelessly to get the following SQL statement to return the query results and default to 0 if there are no rows matching the query.
This is the intended result:
vol | year
0 | 2018
Instead I get:
vol | year
(0 rows)
Here is the sql statement:
select coalesce(vol,0) as vol, year
from (select sum(vol) as vol, year
from schema.fact_data
join schema.period_data
on schema.fact_data.period_tag = schema.period_data.tag
join schema.product_data
on schema.fact_data.product_tag =
join schema.market_data
on schema.fact_data.market_tag = schema.market_data.tag
where "retailer"='MadeUpRetailer'
and "product_tag"='FakeProductTag'
and "year"='2018' group by year
) as DerivedTable;
I know the query works because it returns data when there is data. Just doesn't default to 0 as intended...
Any help in finding why this is the case would be much appreciated!
Using your subquery DerivedTable, you could write:
SELECT coalesce(DerivedTable.vol, 0) AS vol,
FROM (VALUES ('2018'::text)) AS y(year)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT ...) AS DerivedTable
ON DerivedTable.year = y.year;
Remove the GROUP BY (and the outer query):
select 2018 as year, coalesce(sum(vol), 0) as vol
from schema.fact_data f join
schema.period_data p
on f.period_tag = p.tag join
schema.product_data pr
on f.product_tag = pr.tag join
schema.market_data m
on fd.market_tag = m.tag
where "retailer" = 'MadeUpRetailer' and
"product_tag" = 'FakeProductTag' and
"year" = '2018';
An aggregation query with no GROUP BY always returns exactly one row, so this should do what you want.
The query would look something like this:
select v.yyyy as year, coalesce(sum(vol), 0) as vol
from (values (2018), (2019)) v(yyyy) left join
schema.fact_data f
on f.year = v.yyyy left join -- this is just an example. I have no idea where year is coming from
schema.period_data p
on f.period_tag = p.tag left join
schema.product_data pr
on f.product_tag = pr.tag left join
schema.market_data m
on fd.market_tag = m.tag
group by v.yyyy
However, you have to move the where conditions to the appropriate on clauses. I have no idea where the columns are coming from.
From the code you posted it is not clear in which table you have the year column.
You can use UNION to fetch just 1 row in case there are no rows in that table for the year 2018 like this:
select sum(vol) as vol, year
from schema.fact_data innrt join schema.period_data
on schema.fact_data.period_tag = schema.period_data.tag
inner join schema.product_data
on schema.fact_data.product_tag = schema.product_data.tag
inner join schema.market_data
on schema.fact_data.market_tag = schema.market_data.tag
"retailer"='MadeUpRetailer' and
"product_tag"='FakeProductTag' and
group by "year"
select 0 as vol, '2018' as year
where not exists (
select 1 from tablename where "year" = '2018'
In case there are rows for the year 2018, then nothing will be fetched by the 2nd query,
I'm getting an aggregated count of records for orders and I'm getting the expected count on this basic query:
count(*) as sales_180,
180/count(*) as velocity
FROM custgroup g
WHERE g.cstnoc = 10617
AND g.framec = 4847
AND g.covr1c = 1763
AND g.colr1c = 29
AND date(substr(g.extd1d,1,4)||'-'||substr(g.EXTD1d,5,2)||'-'||substr(g.EXTD1d,7,2) ) between current_Date - 180 DAY AND current_Date
But as soon as I add back in my joins and joined values then my count goes from 1 (which it should be) to over 200. All I need from these joins is the customer ID and the manager number. so even if my count is high, I'm basically just trying to say "for this cstnoc, give me the slsupr and xlsno"
How can I perform this below query without affecting the count? I only want my count (sales_180 and velocity) coming from the custgroup table based on my where clause, but I then just want one value of the xcstno and xslsno based on the cstnoc.
count(*) as sales_180,
180/count(*) as velocity,
c.xslsno as CustID,
cr.slsupr as Manager
FROM custgroup g
inner join customers c
on g.cstnoc = c.xcstno
inner join managers cr
on c.xslsno = cr.xslsno
WHERE g.cstnoc = 10617
AND g.framec = 4847
AND g.covr1c = 1763
AND g.colr1c = 29
AND date(substr(g.extd1d,1,4)||'-'||substr(g.EXTD1d,5,2)||'-'||substr(g.EXTD1d,7,2) ) between current_Date - 180 DAY AND current_Date
GROUP BY c.xslsno, cr.slsupr
You are producing multiple rows when joining, so your count is now counting all the resulting rows with all that [unintended] multiplicity.
The solution? Use a table expression to pre-compute your count, and then you can join it to the other tables, as in:
c.xslsno as CustID,
cr.slsupr as Manager
from customers c
join managers cr on c.xslsno = cr.xslsno
join ( -- here the Table Expression starts
count(*) as sales_180,
180/count(*) as velocity
FROM custgroup g
WHERE g.cstnoc = 10617
AND g.framec = 4847
AND g.covr1c = 1763
AND g.colr1c = 29
AND date(substr(g.extd1d,1,4)||'-'||substr(g.EXTD1d,5,2)
||'-'||substr(g.EXTD1d,7,2) )
between current_Date - 180 DAY AND current_Date
) g2 on g2.cstnoc = c.xcstno
You can also use a Common Table Expression (CTE) that will produce the same result:
with g2 as (
count(*) as sales_180,
180/count(*) as velocity
FROM custgroup g
WHERE g.cstnoc = 10617
AND g.framec = 4847
AND g.covr1c = 1763
AND g.colr1c = 29
AND date(substr(g.extd1d,1,4)||'-'||substr(g.EXTD1d,5,2)
||'-'||substr(g.EXTD1d,7,2) )
between current_Date - 180 DAY AND current_Date
c.xslsno as CustID,
cr.slsupr as Manager
from customers c
join managers cr on c.xslsno = cr.xslsno
join g2 on g2.cstnoc = c.xcstno
I have a query with subqueries in the where statement which works fine but I need to improve on it but I am not sure of the best way to go about this.
Basically I am getting last years results for students in this years classes. The code below works fine for classcode '10DRADRA1' but there are many more classes and I want the query to iterate through all classes for 2017 Semester 1. I need to have the classcode included as one of the output fields also. So the query will start with the first class and give all the results for that class, then do the same for the next class in the subquery. I am not sure how to include the classcode in the select statement next to all the results from the previous year.
Note that students may do a number of classes this year so there may be some repetition of the results from the previous year. Every class they do this year should include the students name and their results from the previous year. I hardcoded '10DRADRA1' in just to get things working, if I remove it it provides all students in the school only once, while I want each class they are in once and the same results for every class they are in.
Also not that vStudentReportsSemesterResults is a view that holds all results, StudentClasses is a table which holds the class codes a student is doing and SubjectClasses is a table holding the codes for all classes in the school
Is anyone able to advise on the best way of doing this? Here is my current code.
SELECT vStudentReportsSemesterResults.StudentID,
FROM vStudentReportsSemesterResults
WHERE vStudentReportsSemesterResults.StudentID in
select StudentClasses.ID from StudentClasses
where StudentClasses.filesemester = 1 and
StudentClasses.fileyear = 2017 and
StudentClasses.classcode in
select SubjectClasses.ClassCode from SubjectClasses
where SubjectClasses.FileYear = 2017 and
SubjectClasses.FileSemester = 1 and
SubjectClasses.FileType = 'A' and
SubjectClasses.ClassCampus = 'S' and
SubjectClasses.ClassCode like '10DRADRA1'
and (vStudentReportsSemesterResults.ClassLearningAreaCode = 'ENG' OR
vStudentReportsSemesterResults.ClassLearningAreaCode = 'MAT' OR
vStudentReportsSemesterResults.ClassLearningAreaCode = 'SCI') AND
(vStudentReportsSemesterResults.AssessAreaHdgAbbrev2 = 'Grade' OR
vStudentReportsSemesterResults.AssessAreaHdgAbbrev2 = 'Level') AND
(vStudentReportsSemesterResults.AssessResultsResult <> '') AND
(vStudentReportsSemesterResults.FileYear = 2016) AND
(vStudentReportsSemesterResults.FileSemester = 4)
Join StudentClasses to vStudentReportsSemesterResults:
FROM vStudentReportsSemesterResults srsr
JOIN StudentClasses sc
ON sc.ID = srsr.StudentID
AND sc.FileSemester = 1
AND sc.FileYear = srsr.FileYear + 1
select *
from SubjectClasses subc
where subc.FileYear = sc.FileYear
and subc.ClassCode = sc.ClassCode
and subc.FileSemester = sc.FileSemester
and subc.FileType = 'A'
and subc.ClassCampus = 'S'
WHERE srsr.ClassLearningAreaCode in ('ENG', 'MAT', 'SCI')
AND srsr.AssessAreaHdgAbbrev2 in ('Grade', 'Level')
AND srsr.AssessResultsResult <> ''
AND srsr.FileYear = 2016
AND srsr.FileSemester = 4;
This is more readable:
vStudentReportsSemesterResults lr
inner join (
select ID, sc.ClassCode, sc.FileYear, sc.filesemester, sbjc.FileType, sbjc.ClassCampus
from StudentClasses sc
INNER JOIN SubjectClasses sbjc ON SC.classcode = sbjc.ClassCode and sc.FileSemester=sbjc.FileSemester and sc.FileYear=sbjc.FileYear
) tr on lr.StudentID = tr.ID
and lr.FileYear = tr.FileYear - 1
ClassLearningAreaCode IN ('ENG', 'MAT', 'SCI')
AND AssessAreaHdgAbbrev2 IN ('Grade', 'Level')
AND (AssessResultsResult <> '')
AND lr.FileYear = 2016
AND lr.FileSemester = 4
and tr.FileSemester = 1
and tr.FileType = 'A'
and tr.ClassCampus = 'S'
ORDER BY 2,1,5
In SELECT section I have added some fields to better understand result.
In WHERE clause you can control how to filter comparision.
Put some indexes on join and filter columns and the query will run fast
The query below returns a somatory of all groups in the year.
How can I return all groups that exists in IND_GRUPO but grouped by the month, if doesn't exist the group for the current month, the name should appear, but the somatory will be 0. All joins should be kept.
SELECT SUM(p.valor), c.nm_grupo, c.cd_grupo, YEAR(p.dt_emissao)
FROM ind_receita p
JOIN ind_equipto o ON p.cd_equipto = o.cd_equipto
JOIN ind_grupo c ON o.cd_grupo = c.cd_grupo
WHERE YEAR(p.dt_emissao) = YEAR(GETDATE())
GROUP BY YEAR(p.dt_emissao), c.nm_grupo, c.cd_grupo
Try this:
SELECT c.nm_grupo, c.cd_grupo, YEAR(GETDATE()),
(SELECT SUM(p.valor)
FROM ind_receita p
JOIN ind_equipto o ON p.cd_equipto = o.cd_equipto
JOIN ind_grupo c2 ON o.cd_grupo = c2.cd_grupo
WHERE c2.cd_grupo = c.cd_grupo
AND YEAR(p.dt_emissao) = YEAR(GETDATE())) AS valor
FROM ind_grupo c
I am finding it difficult to modify an existing SQL query to group records on two columns. Following is the query which retrieves records from multiple tables by joining:
InM.invm_No AS DocNo,
D.doctyp_Desc AS DocType,
L.loc_Desc AS Site,
InM.sup_Code AS Supplier,
[SI_InventoryMaster] InM
[SI_DocType] AS D ON InM.doctyp_Code = D.doctyp_Code
SI_Supplier S ON InM.sup_Code = S.sup_Code
[SI_InventoryDetail] AS InD ON InD.invm_No = InM.invm_No
AND InM.invm_verified = 1
AND InM.docs_DocCode = 'GRN'
AND MONTH (InM.invm_Date) = 12
AND YEAR(InM.invm_date) = 2013
SI_Location L ON InD.loc_code = L.loc_Code
Which results the following:
I need to group records "by DocNo by Site" and find total amount for each site. Total amount will be last column in this resultset and it is net of product of InD.invd_Qty and InD.invd_Rate for each site.
For DocNo: 00000030, there are 4 records of CWS Store Site, so its total amount would be calculated as: 7684.999+7684.999+3000+3000=21369.998
In this particular example, modified query should return following resultset:
Please help.
Try grouping on all the columns associated with those two columns. Something like:
SELECT InM.invm_No AS DocNo, InM.docs_DocCode, D.doctyp_Desc AS DocType,
L.loc_Desc AS Site, InM.sup_Code AS Supplier,
FROM [SI_InventoryMaster] InM INNER JOIN
[SI_DocType] AS D
ON InM.doctyp_Code = D.doctyp_Code INNER JOIN
SI_Supplier S
ON InM.sup_Code = S.sup_Code INNER JOIN
[SI_InventoryDetail] AS InD
ON InD.invm_No = InM.invm_No AND
InM.invm_verified = 1 AND
InM.docs_DocCode = 'GRN' AND
MONTH (InM.invm_Date) = 12 AND
YEAR(InM.invm_date) = 2013 INNER JOIN
SI_Location L
ON InD.loc_code = L.loc_Code
GROUP BY InM.invm_No AS DocNo, InM.docs_DocCode, D.doctyp_Desc AS DocType,
L.loc_Desc AS Site, InM.sup_Code AS Supplier;